![Transferred and Posted, Fileno. FEB](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
DISPUR. ORDERS BY THE COVERNOR NOTIFICATION I 2019 Dated Dispur th e 27th F ebt"rry ' No.FEB.5320l4/188:IntheinterestofpubticserviceShriBiswajitPaul,AFS,Treasury and posted as Treasury Officer' Officer, Cachar, Silchar Treasury, is hereby transferred oflicer, Karimganj Treasury Karimganj Treasury vice Slrri Partha Sarathi Das, Treasury transferred with immediate effect' No.FEB.53/2014/188-A:lntheinterestofpubticserviceShriParthaSarathiDas'AFS' posted as Treasury T*".rty Officer, Karimganj Treasury is hereby transferred and Paul' AFS' Treasury Officer Officer, Cachar, Silchar Treasury vice Ski Biswajit transferred, with immediate effect' No.FE8.532014/18E-B:IntheinterestofpublicserviceShriLakshmanBiswasAFS, and posted as tr"u.*y Officer. Badarpur Sub-Treasury, Karimganj is hereby transferred F&A.o.intheofficeoftheDeputyCommissioner,Cacharagainstexistingvacantpost with immediate effect' No.FEB.53/2014/IEE.C:Intheinterestofpublicservicesh.riRubulBoruah,AFS' Tr.rruryOfficer,ChapakhowaSub-TreasuryisherebytransfenedandpostedasTreasury a^s FAO at DC Oflice Goalpara' Officer, Goalpara Treasury alongwith additional charge vice Dr' Arun Ch Das' Treasury Officer SP Office, Goalpara-and Rabha Hasong Council transferred, with immediate effect' No.FEB.53/2014/188-D:lntheinterestofpublicservice'ShriHarendraNathBaishya hereby transfened and posted as Bania AFS, Treasury Oflicer' Dibrugarh Treasury' is Finance&Accountsofficer,intheofliceoftheAssamPublicserviceCommissionwith (Prison), Assam, Commissioner of additional charge as FAo in the office of the IGP and Schedule Caste vice Shri Hemanta Transport,qAssam Institute of Research for Tribal Deka, FAO transferred with immediate effect' Dr' Arun Ch Das' AFS' No.FEB.53/2014/188-E: In the interest of public service' and posted as Treasury Officer' Treasury Officer. Goalpara Treasury, is hereby transferred DibrugarhTreasuryviceShriHarendraNathBaishyaBania'TreasuryOfficertransfened with immediate effect. No;FEB.53/2014/l8E-F:IntheinterestofpublicserviceTankeswarDoley,AFS' and posted as Treasury Officer' Treasury Officer. Dhemaji Treasury, is hereby transferred Treasury Offrcer transferred with Dhakuakhana Sub-Treasury vice Shri Trilokesh Narzary, immediate effect No'FEB.53/20l4ilEE.GllntheinterestofpublicserviceshriTrilokeshNarzary,AFS. posted as Treasury i..u.u.y officer, Dhakuakhana Sub_Treasury .is hereby transferred and Offrcer,DhemajiTreasuryviceShriTankeswarDoley'TreasuryOtltcertransferred'with immediate effect. No.F.EB.53/2014/lE8.H:IntheinterestofpublicserviceSmti.ChandanaGoswami, transferred and posted as AFS, Treasury Officer. Kamrup (Metro) Treasury' is hereby TreasuryOfficer,Kamrup(R)TreasuryviceShriTabzulHussain'TreasuryOfficer' Kamrup (R) Treasury transferred with immediate effect' Contd...... N/ / -2- AFS' / No.rEB.53/zotlllBS-t, In the interest of public service Shri Abhimanya Medhi' Finance & Treasury Officer, Rangia Sub-Treasury is hereby transferred and posted as charge as Accounts offrcer, in the oflice of the Directorate of Fire service with additional Das, FAo in the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup (Metro), vice Smti. Ramani AFS, Finance & Accounts Officer transfened, with immediate effect' No,FEB. 53/2014/188-Jr In the interest of public service Smti. Ramani Das, AFS, Finance the additional & Accounts Officer in the office of the Directorate of Fire Services, holding hereby charge as FAO in the oflice of the Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup (M)' is Danang transferred and posted as F & A.o. in the office of the Deputy commissioner, against existing vacant post with immediate effect' No.FEB.53/2014/I8E-K: In the interest of public service Shri Boloram Nath Sarkar, AFS, Treasury Officer, Kokrajhar holding the additional charge as Treasury Officer, Gossaigaon Treasury and as FAo in the office ol the Deputy commissioner, Kokrajhar, is hereby transferred and posted as Treasury Officer, Kamrup (M) Treasury vice Smti' Chandana Goswami, Treasury Offtcer transferred with immediate effect' No.FEB. 53/2014/l8E-L: In the interest of public service ski Raju chetri, AFS, Treasury off,*r-K^tt"b* s"bTreasury, is hereby transfened and posted as Treasury officer, Garmur vice shri Harendra Nath chetia, Treasury officer transferred, with immediate effect. No,FEB.53/2014/IE8-M: In the interest of public service, Shri Harendra Nath chetia, anq rreu.ury oflicer. Garmur Treasury, is hereby transferred and posted as Treasury Officer, Sivasagar Tr-easury against existing vacant post with immediate effect, No.FEB.53/2014/188-N: ln the interest of public service, Shri Raj Kumar Pathak' AFS, freasu.y Officer. New Guwahati Treasury, is hereby transferred and posted as Treasury Officer, Rangia Sub-Treasury vice Shri Abhimanya Medhi, Treasury Officer transferred with immediate effect. No,FEB.53/2014/188-O: In the interest of public service, Shri Tabzul Hussain, AFS, Treasury Officer. Kamrup (Rura.l) Treasury, is hereby transferred and posted as Treasury Officer Nerv Cuwahati Treasury vice Shri Raj Kumar Pathak, Treasury Officer transferred with immediate effect. No.FEB.53/2014I188-P: ln the interest of public service, Md. Anseruddin Talukdar, AFS' Treasury Offrcer. Nagaon Treasury, is hereby transferred and posted as Treasury Officer, Kokrajhar Treasury alongwith additional charges as Treasury Officer, Gossaigaon Treasury and as FAO at D.C, Office Kokrajhar vice Shri Boloram Nath Sarkar, Treasury Officer transferred with immediate effect. No.FEB.53/2014/188-Q: In the interest of public service, Debashish Sengupta, AFS, Finance & Accounts Officer, office of the Directorate of Cultural Affairs, holding the additional charge in the office of Directorate of Handloom & Textile, Directorate of Archeology, Panbazar, Directorate of Sainik Welfare, is hereby transferred and posted as Treasury Officer, Nagaon Treasury vice Shri Anseruddin Talukdar, Treasury Officer transfened with immediate effect. interest of public service, Pabitra Kr. Sarmah, AFS, No.FEB.53/2014/188-R: In the . Treasury Officer. Sonipur Treasury, holding the additional charge as Treasury Officer at Rangapara Sub-Treasury, is hereby transfered and posted as Finance & Accounts Officer, in the office of the Directorate of Cultural Affairs with additional charges as FAO in the offrce of the Directorate of Handloom & Textile, Directorate of Archaeology, Panbazar and Directorate of Sainik Welfare vice Shri Debashish Sengupta, Finance & Accounts Officer transferred with immediate effect. No.FEB.53/2014/188-S: In the interest of public service, Shri Tarun Saikia, AFS, Treasury Offrcer. Sarupathar Sub-Treasury, is hereby transferred and posted as Treasury Officer, Sonitpw Treasury with additional charge as Treasury Offrcer at Rangapara Sub- Treasury vice Shri Pabitra Kr. Sarmah, Treasury Officer transferred with immediate effect. N/ Contd........ -3- i1..'::,^".f.*tJli,il'Hl,:;j.T"m#n,Tili"lii; No.FEB.53/2014/lEEr: " s: iri!1T-;ii**"f lllffiadditional .t:?fJ':f,ffi charges oI l(rr_(rn5urr'' iX.!:']:Li'.fr and posted J'i']X":ias Treasury cTt:'\-a)t'' i:,*l:llrD *''".' ----;trreO ,*ff f Research for r"fiuiTribal anda"d scneaule FAo in the ofliceollice of the iHffi'# .Scneoure with :lT:'" ;". FAO in 8"rii?i'niir,;iir*l iuu-r*"urv *9f,1"S1":LTtl.,,-o,o Mankachar vice Shri Drstrlcl warer & od'*qt'v. Bllffilil,lff 'rll#;l'?:'#il:::6'i,.,',gl:1T*:"1*'"n"charviceShriwith immediate effect' Saifuddin Ahmed, Treasury Or1""ri'""tr"i*a No.FEB.s3f2014l1EE-u:l'q"ill:::i."1i,::l:":",lllli;iH#Tiii#nit"Hi;eee'-'-'--ioutt Hatstnglman ffI reasuv' :il,"i":'i{q{l*K"!:ln,: tffiTreasury Offrcer.ffi-iiff 'uru,rE iutm-afl m"Jfffi: Mankachar ::is ;ff;"'il;ti;;wui.' *"s*i"tion-committee I?Y:--tl in the office of the ;:,:[?"illii',yf '[f ,iilXili.''6i:11i":lH,""T:':'*i:"*;y;:":,1"*:^{yinar wlln aooltlulrin u'anEeo sJ " ^- --Assam Lil:L.Jr:T?:1,'HI?,il":di#FG':,1ii.:.,1T:""*n""1*:,?i'H:::::Directorate of Penston' State Housing Board, BarrakEarraK Valtv.vauy rJtYr'ru,''^"---'--',i-forensicDivision'.Housefedls ;;;;;;ilCommissioner Hill andanct. r^..,,.i" ScienceS"ience vice SlriShri Statistics *d il#;;; ;i Econo'nit and ?'f::t1t--0"-*.u.-,rn"ori""'o*'r..edwithimmediateeffect' immediate effect. SJrTi:11.D"i#iTi[]:iffi tt;"ffi No'FEq'$/20r{/rqu-Y: No.FEB.53/20r4l188-v:T'1'.lll":'"'1"?jj*i#Tih:,rh:;'H#,i:l:#"f;ll-'L.r;::;i"tfiU;il"'G;'tati High court, holding .the AFS, Finance & Accounts. -r .L^ /a^'.ai<(i^"", r_"n*". Assam Division, fl1?;,"lliTii,#' liTi?i ;; .i='::'*,fi]:'"f'ffi"?'H:H Panbasar, ;:ilffiCommrsstonet, .fr Lenrtar"Iii'J:r#";i rrrrarrr posted as iH'J"xH :il;t'':,+r]l?'1"L!:JJ*::l,.Tl']fi"fiTttoT{:,it}1,..-- :rebv transfened and :T Board of Revenue and"il;#;ff Assam Aurtu*srrarryvAdmilistrative 'nr.r,i officerOfficer ii*i-Jn"r...e vice Shri Raqiu thetri, Treasuryr,.^surv ;#;^ori"tr, Kaliabor^-Sub-Treasurv ,.*rft.t.a *i t immediate effect' JJ ;Liill!$::r :?.fi i::'rtT+:]as FAo ffi "[*:,lff:::' Hilr1 c9yt1 with addiiional charges in tr" om"t oiih"'d*nuti Accounis offrcer, Panbazar' Commissioner of the Commiss;;;' il;; [tt"uln Di'itioo' in the office *a. esiam Board of Revenue and Assam Division, *"r"jJir"ioi;;,i Er-pl central ll.l;h-lia Nahar Deka' Finance & Accounts Assam Administ.utiu. r'iu'iii'i;H;i: Offi..t tt*tf"n'ed with immediate effect' No.FEB.!3zor4/IEE-Xi-r" ,h.^llY":::,'-o*:i:,:5",:;.i#l;,J#"ii1 ?iJLlii: .i':,f; i,'lff ::"il:#i::!:,iil;';^*i:":t^"Ir-":'^"l,It?"1".11";Tffi;,;;?"-::l-'r:':':,i:: i"':; Xil'il'Jlii:'hl,"rli"l,"l;'llill:"-.,ffi ;";:; J,:*::": 3l-i:"i::?1";: i;:ffi ,:Eril:li'f; "i.1i,'i;#'iil;.1-i vacancv.::::H.'-?,fl"'ft with immediate [,'l: iii,il'l,liif lii;'lliHffii$i#;:ffit,fi "*i*ing effect. ";;;" l-#'::J:aiff JTi:;"';i'J.,'"Tii:fJ:l#i,Tr"iffi "1J"1 Hffi i" the office of the Deputy Commissioner' posted as Finance a o"t""*i- ofdt"t and effect' lamruptnl against existing vacancy with immediate Bidvut Bikash Pathak' rn the interest of public sqrvice. shri No,FEB.53/2014/tEg_Z: i"putv commissioner' Barleta' holding Finance & Accounts Ji;*:'#;t;r"t't"6f[".--Su.p"*lt AFS. herebv transferred and posted as as feO "iiii additional charge "i'ii. sitE rcr' pattrat' Treasury officer Treasury oflicer, Tihu s*li"*til^'itt transfened with immediate effect' Sd/-Nitin Khade, IAS Govt' of Assam Commissioner &Secretary to the Finance (Estt''B) DePtt' Contd...
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