NEW-YORK DAILY TETBTTNE, RTODAY. FEBRUARY 25. 1908. 3 ' m WB # \u25a0 « 111/ ssß WX Mi jsw «» mm « \u25a0 \u25a0 s%m \u25a0\u25a0 & »i sT SI Cl9A sIW M fsTsfr if V m f——^. \u25a0 GEOROY KONYUS. YVETTE GUILBERT. JOSEF LHEVINNE. RAFAEL JOBEPPY. His suite, "From Childllfe," will be played by Singing at Lyceum Solo at Symphony Society this the Theatre. Pianist the Russian He will play at the next concerts of the- Sym- the Russian Symphony after- Concerts. phony noon. Oroheatra. TEL WEEKLY CALENDAR. Eames as Elisabeth. Miss Fremstad as Venus, Musical. Miss Alten as the Bhepherd, Tann- Musical. Bunday—Oarnepie Hall. 3 p. rr... concert of the Mr.Knote as Russian Symphony Society; Metropolitan hauser. Mr. Van Rooy as Wolfram, Mr. Blass as Opera 8.30 p. concert of Wagner's the Landgraf and Mlihlmann, House. m.. Art, Messrs. Reiss. : Hail of the Institute of Musical I^Yanke Bayer In th« remaining parts. Con- • p. m. recital of Bonatas for and and t violin INSTITUTE OF ductor. Mr.AlfredHertz. Friday evening, March MUSICAL pianoforte by ART Mr. and Mrs. Mannes. CITY OF 2, Is OF THE MBW YORK Monday—Metropolitan Opera House. 8 p. m., reserved -for another presentation of "Tosca." MISS SARA ANDERSON. ALBERT REISS. and 1* End^-wed Incorporated opera In ItAllan. "Marta"; Mendelssohn with Mm*. Eames as Florla, Miss Mulford as Aa Eva in "Die Meisterainger." At Mime In "Der Ring dcs Nibelungen. He".!, 3 p. m.. pianoforte recital by Helnrlcji the Shepherd, Mr. Dippel as Mario, Mr. Scottt (Copyright by Aim*Dupont.) FRANK DAMROSCH Gebhard. as Scaxpla, and Messrs. Dufriche, Paroli. DIRECTOR Tuesday— Metropolitan Opera House, 8:30 p. m.. Rossi. Bsgu© and Foglla In roles. The season. The concerto No. 1 of Brahms, which JCew-Tork Sun." will begin next month a course 53 Fifth Avenue, corner 12th Street, Xew <>rrr.ar. opera, "Das Rhelngold"; Mendel- Bmaller orches- open* January 1908. tho York occasion, by of ten on "The Development of Seoonfl term 3rd. Off«r» a roufh mu3icai •ducatlon to " Hall, 8:15 p. m., concert of chamber tra will be directed by Arturo Vlgna. The he will play on this was begun the lectures Vocal Art."' mtisio, professional In all branches »v-rri7 •«««•••'»<"-» ifmi^itT1(1i"" \u25a0\u25a0 Fsohr Mr. at the endowed Institute Musical No. B3 or tmauur. of th« art. by the Kneisel Quartet: Carnegie) bill, opening composer in JSS4, and was originally conceived of Art. tfe Musurtrla, double with "Hansel und Gretel" 6th-avs., deliv- 8:30 p. m.. concert of (which as a symphony for orchestra. It remained un- New-York. The lectures will b* The faculty moiudes GERSTER, GIHAL'DET, Hall has already been heard mon often than 1537, Into ered Thursday mornings 11 HnXSCHEL, BTOJO"W3KI Wednesday— Metropolitan Opera House. 8 p. m., finished until when hi remodelled It a on successive at KXEIBEL, SCHROEDHRm other rre«.t teachers. Prospectus any other opera this season) closing o'clock. The first one will be on March 22. The on application to the REOISTJCa.*, German opera, "TannhHuser." and with scope of may subject* "Pagliaccl." Saturday on the course be seen from the Thursday— Baptist Temple. Brooklyn. 8:15 p. m.. will be interpreted on Continued lerentb paffo. of the first two of the series, as follows: First, EMtt of the New- York Symphony Orches- afternoon, March 3. Mr. Xahan Franko will '"Origin of Modern Singing Foundations of Italian Damrosch, conductor. resume his place as at this perform- Method and of Vocal Forms. Beginning of Opera." tra, Walter conductor STUDIO NOTES. Second. "Singing In the Seventeenth Century. Carnegie p. publio re- ance. In "Pagliaccl" the Canio will be Mr. Style Early Composers Time of A. Scar- Friday— Hall. 2:30 m.. Caruso, Interpret of to the hearsal of the Philharmonic Boclety; Metro- Mr. Seoul will once more latti. Method of Caoclnl and Others.' 4 The topics p. opera, Tonlo, Mr. Relss willbe the Peppe. Mr. Parvla of some of the other lectures will be "Wagner: :an Opera House. 8 m.. Italian will appear Mr. and Mrs. David Mnnnes will give the first of From tho Ringer's Oratorio," "Toec*.** as Silvio and Miss Alten will sing Standpoint." "The Xedda. Conductor, Mr. Arturo Vlgna. The a series of sonata recitals for violin and piano this nnd "The Chansons of France." Saturday— Metropolitan Opera House. 2 p. m., popular Saturday evening function will bo afternoon at 3:30, in the Recital Hall of tha en- Oerman and ItaJian opera. •'Ha\nsef und marked by a performance dowed Institute of Musical Art, at Xo. 63 6th-ave. ; m., of "The Barber of Grefl" end "Pa^lla^cl" 8 p. Italian Seville," with Mme. Sembrlch, Miss Bauermels- These recitals are subscription ones, but tha privi- Musical. opera, "IiBarblere dl Blvlfflla." ter, Mr. Dippel. Mr. Campanarl, Mr. Rossi and lege of attending- them has been given to tho stu- Messrs. Begue in the cast. Ar- dents of tho institute. Tha programme will con- and Paroli Mr. sist of sonata major, sonata, Victor Herbert Is to rr.aks turo will Corelll'a In D Tartlni's his second ap- Viena conduct. in < ;major and L/Ocatalli'a sonata in F minor. NEW YORK jx»arar.'-« t*i« present season with the Phil- OF harmonic Society as conductor of the seventh A treat Is promised to the many admirers of The Opera Rehearsal Club and Marks's Musical COLLEGE MUSIC public rehearsal end concert to be held on Richard Wagner to-night (Sunday) at the "popu- and Social Club, under direction of Charles Frank 128-130— East— 56th St. lar" Carl Hein Directors August Fraemcke Friday afternoon, March 2, and Saturday Metropolitan Opera House concert. The and Professor Eugene F. Marks, gave a musical (Successors week, to Alexander Lambert.) evening-. Carnegie programme will be entirely devoted to works last at which "Faust" was rendered. The Thorough, education In pluno, singing, violin, "cello, NEW YORK INSTITUTE March 3. at Hall. Mr. Her- narsiony, eto.. and all orchestra lastruraents by OF MUSIC" also represented composer of that master. Interpreted by favorite artists. soloists were Miss O. E. R. McKlbbon. Miss Mabel FORTY OF THBMOST EMINENT ANDWEIX KNOWN bert will be as a on E. Jjeslie, Mlsa Hannah "Ward, William Oay, Lami 560 West End Aye. willbe and K. IN'STRUCTOHS. Terms from $13 up. Corner 87th , the panw, ivhlch is as follows: The eololsts Mmes. Olive Fremstad. Maria Matt V. Klchards. Departments for beK'nn>rs. amateurs, professionals Rappold an. lartists. —" trmphor.y No. 3. "Im 'Walde" Raff and Josephine Jacoby, Messrs. Helnrlch Students can enter daily. — Con"er:o for violin. f> r..k.jor Seethovea Knote, Anton Van Rooy and Albert They A concert will be given by the pupils of Rose THOROUGH »» Her.rl Mcrteau. Relss. 6EMD FOR CATAIXK3UB. EERIOU3 MUSICAL EDUCATION Stange, whose studio Bth-avo., at '\u25a0\u25a0 i STUDENT. PROFESSIONAL OH AMATEUR. INALL Bult» BiwaantlQue. op. 81 Victor Herbert will be supported by the Metropolitan Opera Id at No. 277 tlie i FIRST SMS*.«*At*»" OFOS- la^.Aiir-'^r L~.AP.T. „„.FROM „, Carnegie Lyceum Friday evening, March E, at 8 RUDIMENTS TO THE HIGHEST ARTISTICFINIShT^ THJi orchestra, CUV, It has been tight years since the Raff sym- House under the direction of Mr. Al- o'clock. accompany pupils. Conservatory B. B. I>trector fred Miss Staige will her Uptown of Music LEO URACN, phory waa played by the Philharmonic Or- Hertz. An Interesting orchestral feature of Tne programme follows: Aye. Berlin. rrm «EI>TC.Hnv. the 3477 3d d chestra, and the suite by Mr. Herbert has never concert will be a novelty, the original Pre- CONCERT lude to Piano bolo, "I.lebstraum" (LJ»zt) Mri.Orace Bcha4 to b« given br the Facultr on TT7ESDA.* appeared one the third act of "Tannhauser." which ltuinaniLi. "C«leßtt> Alda." (Verul) Androw BVENINO, February at 8 p. at before on of the society's pro- differs from operatic DIUoU 27. 1906. m.. gramrr.es. the Introduction used at bcena oiid axla from "I>ucla" (Donizetti) The composition was first performed performances. It Is longer by fifty-five bars, Mlaa Auna Weymuth CASINO, by the Pittsburg- Orchestra, Flut© obllffato , J, EBLING'S under the direction and suggests certain dromatio incidents omitted ....Edwin r FreudenvoH 156 th Aye. SIGNOR G. ALDO RANOEGGER. of Mr. Herbert on February 2, at In "ITlerc* lTlaanea Ar« Soaring-." "liTrovator» (Verdi), St. and St. Ann's VJASIST. Enragenaents. 1900. Carnegie the current operatlo version. The "Faust" Miss V-'arr MAN'TETj ar.d H, Instruction to be«lna«r«. THE Ollle .'.!•:» F. J. GOEI/TZ <Dlr«ctor»). adranced, professionai Hall, „ GUILMANT HaU, titeicway In Plttsburg. one month after its comple- Overture, the prelude to the uct "Dlo Violin »010. "Airnusse" (WlenUwskl) Mile, da Ho«» studenta. or 114 ORGAN SCHOOL >rr; third of AUIERT PU2ONKA. Piano. WMtltWd St. PupiV r«ildenoa by special arrangement. tion. The c poser conducted the work when Meisterrlnger," the overture to Fllegende "Springtime" (Ardltl) Mlm Anna Volunar MISS A, Soprano. NOW OPEN "Der "Th« bpanlsh Gy-psy" K. M'LAUGHLInT "a lOT FOR THE It was heard for the first time In this city on Hollander" and the Vorsplel and "Llebestod" (Wataon). ...Miss Paulln*, Koffownkl BEnNARD HETRLB. Violin. C9W ca:a.;orj». B-t vrzivirrnSEASON.st n y February at Hall, at a concert "Tristan Sextet from '•Lucia" Donizetti MISS OERTRUDB WOLFF, Elooutlon. 26. Carnenrle of music from und Isolde" are all prom- Mrs. Harry Vane Rutherford, Miss OlUa 'Warrftdien, ilr. Tickets Free on Application. the Plttßbur? Orchestra. Henri Marteau. who ised. Among the vocal selections will be the Andrew L/lllon.
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