OTOČEC, SLOVENIA 2013 ITTF World Cadet Challenge 26thOctober to 3rd November We are winning together. I Feel Table Tennis Team Table of Contents 1. ITTF President’ s Message 2. STTA President’ s Message 3. Mayor’s Welcome 4. Novo mesto –Town of Situlae 5. Tournament profile Published by: Slovenian Table Tennis Association, Celovška cesta 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, phone: + 386 1 4397560, fax: + 386 1 4331142, e-mail: [email protected], web: www.ntzs.si. Design by: Matjaž Švab@Aleš Šenk s.p . Text by: Matija Krnc, Sajda Slatinšek. Photographs by: STO, Dunja Wedam, Tomo Jeseničnik, U. Trnkoczy, D. Mladenovič, Matej Vranič, B. Bajželj, A. Fevžer, B. Kladnik, J. Skok, B. Jakse, S. Jersic, B. Kladnik, M. Staples and Slovenian Table Tennis Association. Translation by: Gaj Vidmar, PhD. Printing: Tiskarna Vesel. Printed 200 copies. 2 ITTF President’s Message Predsednikova poslanica t is with great pleasure that the ITTF welcomed the ednarodna namiznoteniška zveza (ITTF) je z initiative of the Slovenian Table Tennis veseljem sprejela pobudo Namiznoteniške I Association (STTA) offering to host the 2013 Mzveze Slovenije (NTZS), da bi gostila Svetovni World Cadet Challenge. kadetski izziv za leto 2013. The STTA has a lot of experience and knowledge in NTZS ima veliko izkušenj in znanja glede prirejanja hosting international table tennis events, as it hosted mednarodnih namiznoteniških dogodkov, saj je vrsto several World Tour (Pro-Tour) events over the years. let gostila tekmovanja World Tour (prej Pro-Tour). S With the ITTF’s World Cadet Challenge, the STTA Svetovnim kadetskim izzivom se je NTZS pridružila has joined the ITTF in its quest to provide world-class prizadevanjem ITTF, da nudimo tekmovalne competitive opportunities to the next generation of možnosti najvišje ravni naslednji generaciji najboljših top players in the world. namiznoteniških igralcev na svetu. The Cadet Challenge is a unique event combining a Svetovni kadetski izziv je posebno tekmovanje, ki team competition challenge amongst the Continents združuje moštveno tekmovanje med celinami s with individual competition amongst the cadet posamičnim tekmovanjem med kadeti. To je players. This is a showcase of the future landscape of predstavitev prihodnosti mednarodne podobe international table tennis talents. namiznoteniških talentov. Cadet players, aged 15 years and less, will gather from Kadetinje in kadeti, stari 15 let ali manj, se bodo zbrali all corners of the world, representing every continent z vseh koncev sveta in predstavljali vse celine ter and many national associations for collective training mnoge nacionalne zveze na skupnem treningu in na as well as serious competition. The ITTF is confident resnem tekmovanju. ITTF je prepričana, da bo z that with excellence in staging events, the STTA wil odlično organiziranim tekmovanjem nudila našim provide to our young players the best possible mladim igralkam in igralcem najboljše možne pogoje conditions during the week-long event. med enotedenskim dogodkom. On behalf of the ITTF, I would like to thank the V imenu ITTF bi se rad zahvalil NTZS, lokalnim Slovenia Table Tennis Associations, the Otocec local organizatorjem na Otočcu in našim sponzorjem organizing committee, as well as our sponsors (JOOLA, Butterfly in STAG) za njihov dragocen JOOLA, Butterfly and STAG for their valuable prispevek. contribution. Nastopajočim in njihovim trenerjem želim vse To the players and the coaches I wish you all the best najboljše na tekmovanju in prepričan sem, da bodo in your competition and I am sure that you will enjoy uživali v gostoljubju, ki jim ga bodo nudili prijazni the great hospitality provided by our gracious hosts. gostitelji. Adham Sharara, Adham Sharara, President of the International Predsednik Mednarodne Table Tennis Federation namiznoteniške zveze STTA President’s Message am very happy and honoured that the Slovenian Table Tennis Association (STTA) will again host a top-level Isporting event of international scope, this time in co- Predsednikova poslanica operation with the Krka Table Tennis Club from Novo mesto and for the youngest generation. The unofficial veliko veselje in čast mi je, da bo Namiznoteniška zveza world cadet championships will include the continental Slovenije znova, tokrat v sodelovanju s soorganizatorjem teams, the most promising young players from all over the VNTK Krko iz Novega mesta, organizirala vrhunsko world, and the hosting national team of Slovenia. športno prireditev svetovnih razsežnosti, tokrat za najmlajše. The Challenge belongs to the very elite of the events held Neuradnega svetovnega prvenstva za kadete se bodo udeležile under the auspices of the International Table Tennis reprezentance kontinentov, mladi upi svetovnega namiznega Federation (ITTF), because many of the present World tenisa in kot domačini reprezentanca Slovenije. and Olympic champions had honed their skills in the Tekmovanje sodi v samo elito tekmovanj pod okriljem Svetovne World Cadet Challenge. The event always starts with a namiznoteniške federacije, saj so se številni sedanji svetovni in training camp where excellent experts and foreign coaches olimpijski prvaki kalili na teh tekmovanjih, ki se vedno začnejo s make sure that we must not fear for the development and trening kampom, na katerem odlični strokovnjaki in trenerji iz progress of table tennis talents in the future. tujine skrbijo, da se za razvoj in napredek namiznoteniških We will be able to demonstrate again our organisational talentov tudi v prihodnje ni treba bati. effectiveness and co-ordination of the team that is Ponovno bomo lahko dokazali našo organizacijsko učinkovitost preparing the vent, and to show our hospitality towards in ubranost ekipe, ki tekmovanje pripravlja in hkrati pokazali našo all the participants. All of this is also strengthening the gostoljubnost do vseh sodelujočih. Vse to nam hkrati pomaga image of the STTA on the international sport scene, tudi pri dobrih referencah Namiznoteniške zveze Slovenije na including our position within the ITTF. We are mednarodnem športnem zemljevidu kot pri ITTF. Prepričani convinced that we will not disappoint them, because we smo, da jih tudi tokrat ne bomo razočarali, saj smo bili vse doslej have long been maintaining the reputation of excellent znani kot odlični organizatorji in tudi gostitelji. organisers and hosts. Namiznoteniška zveza Slovenije s tem mednarodnim By organising this event, the STTA is also following the tekmovanjem sledi tudi Strategiji razvoja namiznega tenisa v Strategy of Development of Table Tennis in Slovenia in Sloveniji, tako na področju vrhunskega kot rekreativnega športa, terms of professional sport as well as accessible sport for ki je idealen in dostopen za mlade. In tokrat bodo prav najmlajši v everyone, including the youth. And this time it is the ospredju. youngest generation who will be under the spotlight. Vsem igralkam in igralcem želim dobro počutje, odlično igro, I wish to all the athletes a pleasant stay and excellent table slovenski kadetski reprezentanci, ki nas je letos tako navdušila, tennis action. And I wish that the Slovenian Cadet Team, pa ponovitev dobrih iger. who have given us so much reason for enthusiasm this Mag. Marjan Hribar, year, will repeat their great performance. Predsednik Namiznoteniške zveze Slovenije Marjan Hribar, MSc President of the Slovenian Table Tennis Association 4 Mayor’s welcome ear athletes, esteemed organisers, dear table Županova dobrodošlica tennis fans, Welcome to Novo mesto, the capital D of the picturesque Dolenjska region. I am proud poštovani igralci, cenjeni prireditelji pokala, dragi that we are hosting you in a city of sport, which is ljubitelji namiznega tenisa, dobrodošli v Novem developing various disciplines and helping develop many S mestu, prestolnici slikovite in razgibane top athletes while demonstrating an extraordinary support Dolenjske. Ponosen sem, da vas gostimo v mestu športa, for sport from the city population and providing ceaseless ki razvija številne športne discipline ter izoblikuje promotion of sport, thus giving sport its proper value in marsikaterega vrhunskega športnika, na drugi strani pa z the local environment. The multitude of sport disciplines izjemno podporo občanov ter nenehno promocijo daje provides a richer choice for the young people at the pravo veljavo športu v tem okolju. Raznovrstne športne competitive level as well as to the older population at the discipline bogatijo možnosti izbire predvsem mladim ter leisure level. At the same time, it forces us to constantly tudi starejšim, ki rekreativno preživljajo svoj prosti čas, maintain and upgrade the sport infrastructure in the city hkrati pa nas zavezujejo, da neprestano urejamo in and its surrounding. Naturally, our actions cannot always posodabljamo športno infrastrukturo v mestu in njegovi follow the pace of our desires, but we are continuously okolici. Seveda nam to ne uspeva v takšni meri, kot bi si making small steps in the right direction. The general želeli, a z majhnimi koraki kljub vsemu vztrajno stopamo development of sport and the associated infrastructure is v pravo smer. Vsesplošno razvijanje športa in seveda tudi namely one of the main strategic goals for improving the z njim povezane infrastrukture je namreč eno od conditions for professional athletes and teams as well as for temeljnih strateških usmeritev za izboljšanje pogojev raising the general quality of life for the inhabitants and the dela profesionalnih športnikov in ekip, pa tudi za dvig visitors of the City of Novo mesto. obče bivalne kakovosti
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