Library Ambassador, Deena Zeplowitz, at the Freedom to Read Week display in the Human- Library Maers @ McGill ities and Social Sciences Library. The display featured examples of banned books and VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 3 | MARCH 2008 showcased eye-catching new print reference www.library.mcgill.ca/library-about/pubs/newletter/ books, including a resource on banned books. FROM THE TRENHOLME DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES S shop for graduate students. The event JANINE SCHMIDT, pring still seems some distance was designed to help students new to TRENHOLME away as we continue to experience teaching, as well as those who want to DIRECTOR OF record-breaking falls of snow. A few prepare for their future as research LIBRARIES birds were heard in early March but and teaching faculty members. The ever-mounting piles of snow beat aim of the sessions was to ensure that down any first green shoots of spring aspiring teachers feel more confident which had the temerity to appear. The about their teaching skills and strate- students have their heads down com- gies. The conference was organized by INSIDE pleting assignments and preparing for McGill’s Teaching & Learning Services examinations. We are busy ensuring (TLS) and Graduate & Postdoctoral WHAT’S NEW: Lorie Kloda is honoured and they have everything they need. Louis Studies (GPS). A general introductory new staff arrive on Page 2 Houle and I began March, if not session was followed by interactive Spring, by representing the Library at sessions focusing on such topics as En- WORKING THE LINES: Chris Lyons recalls an important training session for grad- gaging students through interactive his evening at the Thankathon on Page 3 uate students who want to gain strategies, Preparing and delivering effec- knowledge and skills in teaching. The tive presentations, Facilitating effective GETTING TO KNOW YOU: We put your session on March 8 was the first train- discussions: face to face and on-line and Osler guesses to the test on Page 4 ing program of this kind held at Information searching techniques in the McGill and was entitled Learning to ALERT!: April Colosimo shows us how to stay Teach: a professional development work- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 on top of the literature on Page 5 1 LIBRARY MATTERS @ MCGILL VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 3 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 proved government support. She talked about the value that universi- Library Maers @ McGill age of Google. ties add to the economy of Montreal The Library Matters @ McGill newsletter It was an excellent day and we and Quebec and of the worldwide in- seeks to exchange and encourage ideas, in- would all benefit by thinking more fluence of McGill. The Library adds novation and information from McGill Library about our communication strategies value to McGill’s achievements and to staff at all levels. with students and designing effective the teaching, learning, research and The newsletter is published monthly. The course outlines for our information community activities and therefore to latest issue, as well as an archive of past is- skills programs. the globalized economy. We must do sues, can be found at www.mcgill.ca/library- Our Principal, Heather Munroe- our utmost to help McGill, and Que- about/pubs/newsletter/. Blum, spoke on March 10 at Mon- bec, grow and develop. Principal We welcome your contributions. The dead- treal’s Council on Foreign Relations on Munroe-Blum referred to the top six line for submissions is the first day of the issue the role of strong universities in a Quebec “brands” most recognized in- month. Send your input to the you-never- globalized economy, and the depend- ternationally. One of them is of course heard-it-from-us editorial team: ence of Quebec’s success on the suc- McGill—and the others? Bombardier, Louisa Piatti, [email protected] cess of its universities. The Principal SNC Lavalin., Hydro Quebec, Cirque Emma Buckley, [email protected] spoke convincingly of the need for a du Soleil—and of course Celine Dion. April Colosimo, [email protected] passion for education, excellence and McGill represents Quebec— and Rebecca Nicholson, rebecca.nicholson@ innovation and of the need for im- Canada—to the world. mcgill.ca WHAT’S NEW LORIE KLODA HONOURED and Resources team as Finance Ad- was still the Physical Sciences & Engi- Lorie Kloda (Life ministrator. Mohammad has worked neering Library, in a recent interview. Sciences) has been for the Faculty of Medicine and the John is currently awarded the Thom- Accounting Department at McGill and head of the Steacie son Scientific/MLA has experience in customer service, Science & Engineer- Doctoral Fellowship retail and buying. He has a BCom ing Library at York for the year 2008 by from McGill and is working toward University in the Medical Library Association. Lorie completing his Chartered Account- Toronto. is currently on leave from the Life Sci- ancy qualifications at McGill. “So, it was back to school for a Library ences Library, pursuing a PhD in the and Information Science degree at School of Information Studies at A NEW ARRIVAL McGill; while there I worked at the McGill. Congratulations, Lorie! Adia Katherine Byrne was born to McGill Physical Sciences & Engineering Tara Mawhinney (Schulich Library) Library for a practicum placement and STAFF NEWS and Chris Byrne on March 17, weigh- got bien by the science librarian bug,” Stéphanie Simard, began work as ing 7lbs 11 oz. he tells the science blog “A Blog Around Liaison Librarian at Schulich Library Congratula- the Clock” (scienceblogs.com/clock/). of Science and Engineering in March. tions Tara and “It was a great place to work with a She replaces Tara Mawhinney while Chris, and passionate, commited [sic] staff dedi- she is on maternity leave. Stéphanie welcome Adia! cated to helping faculty and students. has an MLIS from McGill, and worked Luckily, when I graduated a job came in IT before studying librarianship. YORK LIBRARIAN RECALLS MCGILL open at York in the science library and She comes to us from the Career and John Dupuis, author of the blog the rest, as they say, is history.” Placement Service at McGill. “Confessions of a Science Librarian,” To read the whole interview, visit Also in March, Mohammad recalled his time as a practicum scienceblogs.com/clock/2008/02/science_li- Amirzad joined the Library’s Planning student at Schulich Library, when it brarian_in_a_confess.php. 2 LIBRARY MATTERS @ MCGILL VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 3 WORKING THE THANKATHON PHONE LINES BY CHRIS LYONS (OSLER LIBRARY) and sometimes touching stories about why people have chosen to support the For the past few years, several Library Library. One father explained to me staff members have joined together for how he gives annually because of his an evening with other McGill volun- daughter. It seems that she wasn't a teers at Martlet House to do something very motivated high school student and very important for the University: he despaired about what would happen thank those who contribute to McGill’s when she started at McGill, but accord- Alma Mater Fund. ing to him, she ‘lived in the Library” as As you know, higher education in an undergraduate and is now doing a Quebec is a tremendous bargain com- PhD in psychology. As a Library staff pared with elsewhere in North Amer- member it’s nice to find out about how ica, but this comes at the cost of lower we sometimes have such a positive ef- revenues and rising deficits. Each year fect on people without even knowing it. McGill struggles to provide a world There are also the funny moments. I've class education despite this. What always felt that Montreal is really just a makes such a tremendous difference, small town, so I wasn’t surprised when though, is the remarkable generosity of I ended up calling one of my col- alumni and others. The McGill Alma leagues, but I was a bit taken aback Mater Fund is large, and the income when I called a donor who works at helps us to provide the resources that Martlet House and found out I was make a big difference in the quality of using her office. life at McGill. Just think of the joy we all The organizers of the Thankathon also JUST THINK OF THE JOY WE ALL feel at being able to offer comprehen- make a tremendous effort to make it a FEEL AT BEING ABLE TO OFFER COM- sive services, build such great collec- pleasant evening for the volunteers. PREHENSIVE SERVICES, BUILD SUCH tions and renovate our spaces; now First off, they provide a buffet, which in GREAT COLLECTIONS AND RENOVATE imagine trying to do all this without the itself ensures that I come back each OUR SPACES; NOW IMAGINE TRYING TO extra money that our donors provide. year. Throughout the evening there are DO ALL THIS WITHOUT THE EXTRA I like doing the Thankathon because also prizes drawn. I was the big winner MONEY THAT OUR DONORS PROVIDE. I’m grateful, but I also do it because it’s this year—receiving a stainless steel fun. Volunteers are matched to donors, barbecue set that puts my lile hibachi so I get to contact Library ones. It's to shame. Thank goodness it is stainless great to call someone and tell them that steel though, as it doesn’t look like I’m you are only calling to thank them and going to be using it any time soon! not asking for more money. Their initial Everyone also gets a parting gi for shock, mistrust and disbelief is quickly having come out. Given all this, three replaced by appreciation for the ges- hours a year is not too much to give ture.
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