Oikos OIK-06960 Armani, M., Goodale, U. M., Charles-Dominique, T., Barton, K. E., Yao, X. and Tomlinson, K. W. 2020. Structural defence is coupled with the leaf economic spectrum across saplings of spiny species. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.06960 Appendix 1 Table A1. Background information on the 42 species used in this study. Included are species names, family, habitat description, seed source (including country of seed origin), description of species’ native ranges and related literature references. Table A2. Overview traits included in this study. Included are trait types, units, sample size (n) abbreviations, range values (min and max), estimated Pagel's λ and associated p-values indicating whether λ is significantly different from ‘0’ and ‘1’. Table A3. Summary information on spine emergence, growth length and sample size of the 42 species included in this study. Table A4. Genbank accession numbers for DNA sequences of the 42 species used in this study Table A1. Background information on the 42 species used in this study. Included are species names, family, habitat description, seed source (including country of seed origin), description of species’ native ranges and related literature references. Family Species Year Spine Habitat MAP Seed source Country Native References planted type Apocynaceae Carissa macrocarpa 2016 thorn Open 868.1 XTBG CN ZA 1, 2 Araliaceae Aralia spinosa 2016 prickle Closed 1242.81 KIB-GP CN US 3 Berberidaceae Berberis davidii 2016 leaf spine Open 885.11 KIB-GP CN CN 4 Berberis julianae 2016 leaf spine Open 856.03 KIB-GP CN CN 4 Berberis vernalis 2016 leaf spine Open 1108.75 KIB-GP CN CN 4 Berberis wilsoniae 2016 leaf spine Open 880.71 KIB-GP CN CN 4 Berberis yunnanensis 2016 leaf spine Open 736.87 KIB-GP CN CN 4 Combretaceae Combretum constrictum 2016 thorn Closed 1071.11 XTBG CN KE,TZ,SO,MZ,NG 5 Terminalia prunioides 2016 thorn Open 488.58 KNP ZA KE,TZ, AO, ZM, 1, 2 ZW, NA, BW,ZA Cornaceae Alangium salviifolium 2016 thorn Closed 1978.9 XTBG CN KE, TZ, CN, KH, 2, 4 IN,ID, LA, MY, NP, PH, LK, TH, VN Elaeagnaceae Elaeagnus conferta 2016 thorn Closed 1798.32 XTBG CN CN, BD, BT, IN, 2, 4 ID, LA, MY, MM, NP, VN Elaeagnus rhamnoides 2016 thorn Open 764.55 KIB-GP CN CN, AF, IN,KZ, 4, 6 KG, PK, RU, TJ, TM, UZ, SW Asia, Europe) Fabaceae Caesalpinia sappan 2016 prickle Closed 1847.66 XTBG CN Native origin 4, 7 unknown (East Asia, Africa and America) Caesalpinia minax 2016 prickle Open 1671.17 XTBG CN CN, IN, LA, MM, 4 TH, VN Cassia javanica 2015 thorn Closed 2697 XTBG CN CN, IN, LA, MY, 2, 4 MM, PH, TH, VN Erythrina caffra 2016 prickle Closed 741.09 Riverview ZA ZA, MZ 1, 2 Gleditsia microphylla 2015 thorn Open 1000 XTBG CN Northern and 4, 8 Eastern CN Senegalia catechu 2015 prickle Open 1650.56 XTBG CN CN, PK, IN, NP, 2, 4 BT, MM, TH Vachellia karroo 2015 stipular Open 593.81 ZA ZA, AO, KE 1, 2 spine Vachellia nilotica 2015 stipular Open 528.69 ZA Africa, Arabian 1, 2 spine Peninsula, western Asia to northern India. Senegalia pennata 2015 prickle Closed 1268.41 XTBG CN southern CN, IN, 2 LK, NP, BT, BD, MM, TH, LA, KH, VN, MY, ID, AU Vachellia sieberiana 2015 stipular Open 955.85 ZA Africa (throughout 1, 2 spine the Sahel and in other semi-arid regions) Vachellia tortilis 2015 stipular Open 539.23 ZA Africa (semi-arid 2 spine areas from ZA to the Sahel, IL and Arabia) Vachellia farnesiana 2015 stipular Open 982.17 XTBG CN Native range 2 spine uncertain but naturalized throughout the tropics Hypericaceae Cratoxylum 2016 thorn Closed 2560.5 XTBG CN East Asia(CN, 2 cochinchinense MM, TH, MY, ID, PH) Lamiaceae Gmelina philippensis 2016 thorn Closed 2242.65 XTBG CN East Asia (MM, 2, 9 TH, CM, VN, PH) Gmelina elliptica 2016 thorn Closed 2418.57 XTBG CN East Asia (MM, 2, 9 TH, KH, VN, MY, ID, PH) Loganiaceae Strychnos spinosa 2016 thorn Open 1137.35 Riverview ZA Tropical and 1 Subtropical Africa (SN, SO, ZA) Malvaceae Bombax ceiba 2016 prickle Closed 1556.08 Yuanjiang CN East Asia 2, 4, 9 Cenocentrum 2016 prickle Open 1150 KIB-GP CN East Asia tonkinense Phyllanthaceae Flacourtia indica 2016 thorn Closed 1445.49 XTBG CN widespread, 4, 9 Tropical and subtropical Africa, India, South East Asia, Polynesia Flueggea virosa 2016 thorn Open 1090.77 XTBG CN Africa, Arabian 2 Peninsula, India subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Northern AU Rhamnaceae Ziziphus mucronata 2016 stipular Open 735.08 ZA Africa (SN, ET, 1, 2 spine south along the east side of Africa to ZA, MG, YE) Rosaceae Pyracantha crenulata 2016 thorn Open 991.29 KIB-GP CN Southeast Asia 4 (CN, BT, IN, MM, NP) Pyracantha fortuneana 2016 thorn Open 1020.39 KIB-GP CN Central and 4 western CN Rubus alceifolius 2016 prickle Open 2877.28 KIB-GP CN CN 2, 4 Rubiaceae Catunaregam spinosa 2016 thorn Open 1476.36 XTBG CN East Asia 2, 4 (southern CN, IN, MY, VN, ID) Rutaceae Aegle marmelos 2015 thorn Open 1673.41 XTBG CN East Asia ( IN, NP, 2, 4 MM) Citrus medica 2015 thorn Open 1715.34 XTBG CN only known in 2 cultivation Severinia buxifolia 2015 thorn Open 2222.57 XTBG CN East Asia 2, 4 (southern CN, VN, MY, PH) Zanthoxylum calcicola 2016 prickle Closed 1390.7 KIB-GP CN Southern CN 4 Solanaceae Solanum 2016 prickle Open 1572.6 XTBG CN Widespread 2, 4 aculeatissimum through tropical Africa and Asia Note: Country codes are as follows: AF = Afghanistan, AO =Angola, AU = Australia, BD =Bangladesh, BR= Brazil, BT = Bhutan, BW = Botswana, CN = China, CO = Colombia, ET = Ethiopia, GT = Guatemala, HN = Honduras, ID = Indonesia, IN = India, IL = Israel, KE = Kenya, KZ = Kazakhstan, KH = Cambodia, KZ = Kazakhstan, LA = Laos, LK = Sri Lanka, MG = Madagascar, MM = Myanmar, MX = Mexico, MY = Malaysia, MZ = Mozambique, NA=Namibia, NG = Nigeria, NI= Nicaragua, NP = Nepal, PA = Panama, PH = Philippines, PK = Pakistan, RU = Russia, SN = Senegal, SO = Somalia, SV = El Salvador, TH = Thailand, TJ = Tajikistan, TM = Turkmenistan, TZ = Tanzania, US= United States, UZ=Uzbekistan, VE = Venezuela, VN = Vietnam, YE = Yemen, ZA= South Africa, ZM = Zambia, ZW = Zimbabwe . Mean annual precipitation for each speecies was determined using species distribution data from the global biodiversity information facility (GBIF.org: <www.gbif.org/occurrence>; 8 August 2017) combined with precipitation data from WorldClim (<http://worldclim.org/version2>; 8 August 2017). References 1. Coates-Palgrave, M. 2016. Keith Coates-Palgrave’s Trees of Southern Africa. Cape Town: Struik 2. Fern, K. and Fern, A. 2014. Useful Tropical Plants Database, http://tropical.theferns.info/ (accessed 3 January 2018) 3. Briand, C.H. and Soros, C.L. 2001. Spatial Variations of Prickle Abundance on Leaves of the Devil’s Walking Stick (Aralia spinosa, Araliaceae) during the Trunk- Building Phase. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 128: 219-225 4. Flora of China. 2018. http://www.efloras.org , Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA. (accessed 3 January 2018) 5. Germplasm Resources Information Network. 2018. http://www.ars-grin.gov/. Beltsville (MD): United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. (accessed 3 January 2018) 6. Li, T. S. C. and Schroeder, W. R. 1996. Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.): A Multipurpose Plant. HortTechnology 6: 370-380 7. Plant Resources of Tropical Africa (PROTA): https://www.prota4u.org/database/, (accessed 3 January 2018) 8. Contu, S. 2012. Acacia ehrenbergiana. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species:e.T19892054A19997854 9. Slik, J.W.F. (2018). Plants of Southeast Asia. http://www.asianplant.net/ (accessed 3 January 2018). Table A2. Overview traits included in this study. Included are units, sample size (n) abbreviations, range values (min and max), estimated Pagel's λ and associated p-values indicating whether λ is significantly different from ‘0’ and ‘1’. Traits includes structural (SPMF, ADF, ADL), and chemical defence (CT), LES (Am, SLA, Nm) and growth (RGR) traits. Trait Abbreviation Mean n min max Pagel's p = 0 p = 1 (λ) Spine mass fraction (g g-1) SPMF 0.019 26 0.001 0.094 0.748 0.061 0.000 Acid detergent lignin (%) ADL 15.050 40 3.490 27.190 0.078 0.529 0.000 Acid detergent fibre (%) ADF 26.930 40 11.860 41.260 0.136 0.258 0.000 Condensed tannins (%) CT 3.124 40 0.500 13.790 0.358 0.060 0.000 N content per unit leaf mass (mg g-1) Nm 33.730 40 17.080 48.160 0.086 0.614 0.000 Assimilation rate per unit leaf mass Am 271.500 19 108.500 573.200 0.916 0.008 0.118 -1 -1 (umol CO2 s g ) Specific leaf area (mm2 mg-1 SLA 23.080 42 10.800 37.700 0.984 0.000 0.460 Relative growth rate (g g-1 d-1) RGR 0.032 30 0.012 0.058 0.701 0.33518 0.0067 Table A3. Summary information on spine emergence, growth length and sample size of the 42 species included in this study. No. Species Spine type Spine* Days No. of indiv Days No. of (week 5) (week 5) (week 15) indiv (week 15) 1 Carissa macrocarpa thorn 1 40 9 135 12 2 Aralia spinosa prickle 1 - - 120 6 3 Berberis davidii leaf spine 1 - - 125 4 4 Berberis julianae leaf spine 1 - - 133 9 5 Berberis vernalis leaf spine 1 - - 136 5 6 Berberis wilsoniae leaf spine 1 - - 136 12 7 Berberis yunnanensis leaf spine 1 - - 125 7 8 Combretum constrictum thorn 0 50 9 124 10 9 Terminalia prunioides thorn 0 - - 132 8 10 Alangium salviifolium thorn 0 52 10 108 5 11 Elaeagnus conferta thorn 0 52 10 135 8 12 Elaeagnus rhamnoides thorn 1 - - 130 11 13 Caesalpinia minax prickle 1 41 3 125 8 14 Caesalpinia sappan prickle 0 64 8 132 9 15 Cassia javanica thorn 0 40 10 120 10 16 Erythrina caffra prickle 1 35 6 136 6 17 Gleditsia microphylla thorn 1 32 9 136 9 18 Vachellia farnesiana stipular spine 1 35 10 136 10 19
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