HAND BOOK OF STATISTICS KURNOOb DISTRICT IQQS-SQ PUBLISHED B Y : CHMEF PLANNMNG OFFtfJER KURNOOL. i r o R U p C T L D I ^ R i C T U h V dxjb. National JSystems Uinc, National lastit^ice of EducatioijRj Planninj: 3>,a A ministration 17-B.SriAiii b Marj».N(^T>ethi‘-nm j* DOC. J ^..3 4 D»u................)^j.!.uL<{c^ PREFACE The Hand Book of Statistics of Kurnool District for 1988-89 is Eighth issue. It contains data on all aspects of the District Economy in tune with reorganised administrative set up. Attempt has been made to present data Mandal-wise to the extent possible. The publication will serve as useful reference Book for the general public. Research Scholars, Planners, Administrators and Bankers as well. I am thankful to all the District Officers and Heads of Institutions for their kind co-operation in furnishing the required data which has helped us im ^ nsely to bring’out this Publication. The efforts made by the Chief Planning Officer and his staff in this regard are commendable. Any suggestions for its improvement are welcome. District Collector, K urnool. INDEX T able PARTICULARS Page No. Number I Salient Features of the District ! n Administrative Divisions in the District V fll Comparision of the District with State 1988-89 VII POPULATION 1.1 Variation in Population 1901 to 1981 1 1.2 Population Summary 1 1.3 Area Population and Density of Population Mandal-wise 1981 Census 2 .4 Villages classified according to size of the Population 4 .5 Population-Towns and Cities 1981 Census 6 .6 Total Male and Female Population and literacy Mandal-wise 1981 Census 7 1.7 Literacy in towns and cities 1981 Census 9 IS Distribution of Population by workers and Mon-Workers Mandal-wise 1981 Census 10 19 Distributi on of workers according to occupation 1981 Census Mandal-wise 12 1.10 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population Mandal-wise 1981 Census 16 MEDICAL AND tiCALTfi 2.1 Medical Facilities 18 2.2 Medical Facilities Mandal-wise 1988-89 19 2.3 Family welfare Programme (Rural) for the year 1988-89 21 2.4 Family Welfare Programme (Urban) for the year 1988-89 23 CLIHATC 3.1 Maximum and Minimum Temperature Month-wise 24 3.2 District Average Rainfall Season-wise and Mandal-wise 25 3.3 Annual Rainfall Mandal-wise 1988-89 26 3.4 Month-wise, Season-wise, and Station-wise Rainfall 1988-89 27 AGPICULTUPE 4.1 Land utilisation-Kurnool District 1988-89 31 4.2 Area under Principal crops 1984-85 to 1988-89 32 4.3 Area under Principal crops, Season wise and Mandal-wise 1988-89 33 4.4 Average Yields Principal Crops Season-wise 42 II 4.5 O ut-turn of Principal Crops 42 4.6 Mandal-wise area under H.Y.V. Crops for 1988-89 43 4.7 Farm harvest prices of Major Commodities 45 4.8 Agricultural machinery and implements Live-Stock Census 1983 and 87 46 4.9 Land holding by size Agricultural Census 1986-87 47 4.10 Factory-wise Quantity of cane crushed and Sugar Produced for the years 1983 to 88-89 50 I P K I 6 4 T I C N 5.1 Major and Medium Irrigation during 1988-89 51 5.1 (a) Water levels and Releases made from the Reservoirs during the year 1988-89 52 5.2 Minor Irrigation source (P.W.D and Z.P.P.) Mandal-wise 1988-89 53 5.3 Area Irrigated by sources 55 5.4 Gross Area Irrigated Source-wise Mandal-wise 1988-89 56 5.5 Area of the Principal crops Irrigated Mandal-wise 1988-89 58 5.6 Source-wise Irrigated area of the Principal crops 1988-89 62 5.7 Area of Principal Crops Irrigated for the year 1988-89 ^3 LIVE STOGIE 4SD VCrEQIN4py SEI^VICES 6.1 Veterinery Services ^4 6.2 Veterinery Services Mandal-wise for the year 1988-89 ^5 6.3 Live Stock and Poultry Population ^7 6.4 Live stock Development and Animal Health Services jgg 6.5 Dairy Development Kurnool Milk shed areas ^9 E C R E S r 7.1 Estimated Area under Teak and Bamboo Foiest Division-wise 1988-89 70 7.2 Forest Revenue Product-wise 1988-89 70 INDIiSri^lES 8.1 Production o f selected Industries in the D istrict 1988 -89 71 8.2 Number of Factories working under the Factories Act for the following 72 Manufacturing process 8.3 Number of Factories Registered under Factory Act Mandal-wise 73 8.4 Rice Mills Mandal-wise 1988-89 74 8.5 Small Scale Industries for the year 1988-89 7g 8.6 House hold Industries for the year 1988-89 n i H I N C R 4 L & 9.1 Mineral Resources Mandal-wise 1988-89 78 9.2 Major Minerals Production and despatches of Kurnool District 1988-89 79 9.3 Mineral Revenue 1988-89 79 riJEL 4 ND H.l Growth of Transmission and Distribution lines in in Kurnool District 80 U.2 Rural Electrification Mandal-wise as on 31-3-1989 Kurnool District 81 H.3 Power Consumption-Category-wise 1987-88 and 1988-89 83 10.4 No. of Services aud connected load category-wise during 1987-88 and 1988-89 84 If.5 No of Services and consumption in Kurnool District during 1987-88 and 1988-89 84 TC 4 NSPCPT AND CCMHIJNICATICN 1 Ll No. of Railway Stations and Route Kilometreage in Kurnool District 1988-89 85 11.2 Motor Vehicles position in the District Kurnool 85 1 .3 Motor Driving Licences issued 1986 to 1988-89 86 i;.4 Working of A.P. State Road Transport Corporation 1988-89 86 I .5 I of Roads m the DisUkt as on 3\st Match 19X9 (l98i-%9) Kurnool District 87 1 .6 No. of Post Offices, Telegraph Offices, Telephone Exchanges and Telephone Connections in the District Mandal-wise 1988-89 88 11.7 Community Radio sets and T.V. sets Mandal-wise 1988-89 90 PUBLIC riN4NCE 121 Small Savings in District 1988-89 92 122 Principal sources of Revenue in the District during 1988-89 93 123 Demand, Collections and Balance of Land Revenue in Kurnool District as on 30-9-1989 94 124 State Excise (Taluk-wise) 1988-89 (1-4-88 to 31-3-89) 97 12 5 Sales Tax in the District Circle wise 1988-89 98 126 Mandal-wise particulars of Bank branches as on 31-3-1989 in Kurnool District 99 127 (a) Particulars of Deposits and Advances of Banks in Kurnool District as on 31-3-1989 101 127 (b) Particulars of Deposits and Advances of Banks in Kurnool District as on 31-3-1989 102 PPICES 12i Consumer price Index Numbers for Adoni centre from April 88 to March 89 103 U2 Average retail prices of selected commodities at Kurnool Centre for the year 1988-89 104 133 Statement showing the Minimum and Maximum and prices of important Agricultural Commodities in Kurnool District for 1988-89 106 13l4 Statement showing the Market rates of Building Materials for the Quarter Ending 124 IV L4BCUR 4ND L4BCIJR WCirARE 14 1 Registration and placements by the Employment Exchange In respect of Education Applicant;, 127 14.2 No. of Applicants on the live Register classified by Board occupational Divisions 129 14.3 Registration and Placements by the Employment Exchange 130 14.4 Registrations and Placements by Employment Exchanges in respect special 131 categories of Applicants 14.5 No. of Employees used the Exchanges and Vacancies notified 132 14.6 Industrial disputes and Mandays lost in Major Industries 1988-89 132 CDtC4TICN 15 I (a) Primary Schools under the Management of Central Government, State Government Mandal Praja Parishad, Municipalities, Aided and Un-aided as on 30-9-1989 133 15.1 (b) Primary Schools under Mandal Praja Parishad 135 15.2 (a) Upper Primary Schools State Government, Municipalities, Mandal Praja Parishad, Aided and Un-aided as on 30-9-1989 137 15.2 (b) Upper Primary Schools under the Management of Mandal Praja Parishad 138 15.3 (a) Secondary Schools under the Management of State Government. Municipalities, Aided and Un-aided 1988-89 15.3 (b) Secondary Schools under the Management of Zilla Praja Parishad as on 30-9-89 141 15.3 (c) Zilla Praja Parishad (For Girls High Schools) 15.4 Oriental Schools (Secondary) Aided Schools 1988-89 144 14.5 Results of S.S.C. and other equivalent Examinations 144 15.6 Colleges for general Education 1988-89 145 15.7 Colleges for Professional Education and Special Education 1988-89 146 15.8 Number of Scholars Course wise 1988-89 147 |>4NCtl4yAT RAAJ 16.1 Developmental Programm e at the District level *48 16.2 Income and expenditure of G ram panchayats 1988-89 148 Ce.CPEI^ATICN 17.1 Working of Co-operative Societies for the year 1988-89 in Kurnool District 149 17.2 Working of Co-operative Societies in Kurnool District 1988-89 150 '7.3 Weavers Co-operative Societies Mandal wise 1988-89 152 7.4 Working of Industrial Co-operatives, Mandal wise during 1988-89 153 .7.5 Fisheries Co-operative Societies 1988-89 154 .7.6 Working of the Co-operative Milk collections Centre Mandal-wise 1988-89 156 7.7 Working of Co-operative Societies Mandal-wise 1988-89 157 7.8 Working of Kurnool District Co-operative Central Bank Limited Kurnool 1988-89 159 .7.9 Working of Agricultural credit and Multipurpose Societies for the years 1987-88 & 1988-89 160 .7.10 Primary Agricultural credit and Multipurpose Co-operative Societies working for 161 the year 1988-89 in Kurnool District 17.11 Working of Primary Agricultural Development Banks 163 7.12 Working of Kurnool District Co-operative Marketing Society Limited Kurnool 163 17.13 Short term medium term Loans disbursed by the Kurnool District Co-operative Central Bank Limited Kurnool 164 JUDICIAL 18.1 No.
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