www.mnci.centcom.mil/Chronicle THE COALITION HRONICL CVolume 2, Issue 4 EApril 2007 Team Tank rolls in Marine armor discourages insurgents in Hit Haifa Street aid • Balad MEDEVAC crews • CSI: BarwanahHaifa Street aid • Balad MEDEVAC THE COALITION CHRONICLE What’s The Official Magazine of Multi-National Corps-Iraq Inside April 2007 Volume 2, Issue 4 MNC-I Commander Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno Team Tank MNC-I Public Affairs Officer Lt. Col. James Hutton MNC-I Command Information Chief rolls in Sgt. 1st Class Terrence Hayes Marine armor, infantry Editor team up to keep Hit Staff Sgt. Jacob Boyer Staff Writers insurgent-free Spc. Laura M. Bigenho Spc. D. A. Dickinson Spc. Beatrice Florescu-Vila Verde Page 4 Spc. Stephanie Homan Spc. Abel Trevino Cpl. Jess Kent Independence Haifa www.mnci.centcom.mil/Chronicle Day Hope April 2007 Estonians mark Soldiers bring medical aid to Bagh- THE COALITION E national milestone dad neighborhood HRONICL CVolume 2, Issue 4 Page 7 Page 18 CSI: The Golden One Barwanah Hour Team Forensics help MEDEVAC crews help Paratroopers, Iraqis Marines fight Balad patients patrol Adamiyah Team Tank rolls in Page 20 Page 22 Page 25 Marineinsurgents armor discourages in Hit Haifa Street aid • Balad MEDEVAC crews • CSI: Barwanah CSI: • crews MEDEVAC Balad • aid Street Haifa Departments This month’s covers Up front: Lance Cpl. Dustin Meadows, a combat engineer with Company C, 4th Commander’s Voice Coalition News Briefs Combat Engineer Battalion, 4th Marine Page 1 Page 3 Division, wades through the Euphrates River after searching an island for weapons. Photo by Marine Cpl. Adam Johnson. CSM’s Corner Freedom’s Focal Point On the back: Two Blackhawk helicopters Page 2 Page 8 lift off from Saddam Hussein’s former parade ground Photo by Army Sgt. 1st Class Clinton Wood. In Remembrance Page 28 Questions, comments and concerns about The Coalition Chronicle can be addressed via email at [email protected]. The Chronicle The Coalition Chronicle is an authorized monthly publication for members of the Department of Defense. accepts articles, photos and letters for submission. Contents of this monthly publication are not necessarily the official views of or endorsed by the U.S. Send submissions to [email protected]. Government or the Department of Defense. The editorial content of this publication is the responsibility mil. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit for of the Public Affairs Office of the Multi-National Corps-Iraq. security, accuracy, propriety, clarity and space. COMMANDER’S VOICE ver the past month, the Iraqi leadership was how to prevent impact of the surge of U.S. horrific attacks on Baghdad markets. forces has begun to be felt In order to combat the vehicle-borne even though we are only 40 IEDs and suicide bombers that have Opercent complete. The surge of both caused the carnage in these markets, Iraqi and U.S. forces into Baghdad we are working with the Iraqi Security is part of Fardh al-Qanoon, aimed Forces to establish “safe markets.” A at increasing stability in the Iraqi series of checkpoints and barriers now capital. I have seen each of the new make it extremely difficult for VBIEDs units go through their initial phases to be driven into theses market areas. of integration. The surge began with Thanks to the creativity of our leaders 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, and Soldiers, and the dedication of the followed by 4th Brigade, 1st Infantry Iraqi policemen and soldiers manning Division earlier this month. The 3rd the checkpoints, the security in these Infantry Division’s headquarters is markets has greatly improved. being established at Camp Victory. ow you can walk the The division’s 2nd Brigade and 4th Bri- streets in a number of Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno gade, 2nd Infantry Division will soon these protected markets MNC-I Commander deploy. and speak to Iraqis who As new units arrive, it is important the Iraqi people and make them feel safe willN tell you how much safer they feel. to address leadership and counter-insur- and secure in their communities. In a JSS, Many Iraqis now live in gated communi- gency. Leaders must set an enduring and Iraqi police and soldiers live and work ties, where those entering are checked to positive example for their Soldiers. That alongside coalition forces. Soldiers in ensure they are not carrying explosives. includes the way you live, train and fight. these stations described to me how they We are still in the initial stages of Fardh We must be a moral and ethical compass are getting to know their Iraqi counter- al-Qanoon, but I am cautiously optimis- to our Soldiers, always staying upright parts, and we’re building up mutual trust tic. The surge will continue over the next and honest. Stay in touch with them, through their constant contact. Ad- few months. By mid-summer we will be learn about them, and empower them to ditionally, they are setting an example able to assess the overall impact. Already, do their jobs. Also, make sure you study to their Iraqi counterparts of standards there is evidence that the levels of sectar- your enemy. By knowing who it is you of uniform, conduct, and performance. ian violence and extra judicial killings are fighting, you will better know how to As coalition soldiers and Iraqi Security have decreased. We are seeing increasing attack them. And when you do attack, be Forces patrol daily in these neighbor- willingness of the Iraqi people to work mercilessly aggressive, never giving your hoods together, they are also getting to closely with the Iraqi Security Forces to enemy a chance to rest. Always be vigilant know the local population and they are eradicate the extremists who are seeking and attentive. Keep your faculties about gaining their trust and confidence. This to create chaos in this country. What is you — it will save lives. has resulted in an increase in the amount important is to create irreversible momen- We all know how complex the threat of information and tips that the security tum so that the Iraqi people take control we face here is. It is different in some forces are receiving from the public, and of their future. cases. It is also important to stress the hence is making our forces more effective Recently, I escorted our incoming importance of the relationships we build at discovering IEDs before they are deto- CENTCOM commander, Navy Admiral with our counterparts, the Iraqi Security nated and at arresting the perpetrators of William Fallon, to Ramadi, Irbil, Baghdad, Forces. We must mentor and train the violence. Kut and Basra. He was incredibly im- Iraqis and ensure they maintain stan- l-Qaeda and other extremist pressed by all of you. As we toured units dards. Discipline and professionalism are organizations continue to bury across the country, it was obvious how directly related to the casualties we take. IEDs along roads, drive explo- well-trained, professional and dedicated We must always be sure to treat the Iraqis sive-laden vehicles into mar- you are to helping the Iraqi people create with the dignity and respect they deserve, Akets, strap bombs to themselves, and use better lives for themselves. Everywhere and show them the same professional chlorine to kill Iraqi civilians and security we went, we saw motivated Soldiers and courtesy as we do each other. By treating forces in order to create chaos and under- Marines proud to carry out their duties them as equals we will help bolster their mine the Government of Iraq. They show and eager to make a difference. We are confidence as they become increasingly no concern for human life, be it women not immersed in an easy situation here in more responsible for providing security to or children, Sunni or Shia. We must help Iraq, but that has not dampened your re- the Iraqi people. protect the populace. solve or lowered your spirits. Our service During my visits to 2nd Bde., 82nd Every week, Prime Minister Nouri does not come without sacrifice. Every Airborne Div., 2nd Battalion, 12th Cav- al-Maliki and his ministers meet with day the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and alry Regiment, 1st Bde., 3rd Inf. Div., and coalition leadership to discuss the prog- Marines of Multi-National Corps-Iraq put others, it was easy to see why security ress of Fardh al-Qanoon and different their lives on the line, and some have sac- in Baghdad is beginning to improve. We measures that can be taken to improve rificed all. They will never be forgotten. I are establishing joint security stations security and stability in Baghdad. One am proud to serve with each of you. Keep throughout Baghdad in order to protect of the first issues we discussed with the up the good work. CC The Coalition Chronicle 1 CSM’S CORNER ow many times have you Soldiers, no matter how thoroughly scrutinized, will always be heard this: “Standards and right no matter where they are committed The manifestation of discipline! ” all this is viewed as well-disciplined troops. How many times — for I think he was talking about treating our youngsters like they Hyou older Soldiers — have you wanted are the sons and daughters of America, like they are the gift we to choke the life out of those who have profess them to be. He wasn’t talking about coddling anyone; spoken of the importance of these but he was saying we can be as tough on them as conditions dictate never lifted a finger in an overt ex- so long as we lead by example. I think Schofield expected — as ample of either? How many times have should every service member — that we maintain our footing we heard it and then witnessed the squarely on the moral high ground.
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