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0 m .._,:z_ N z ...,0 a­ Blessing of· New Abbot < ~"' 71,e~~~ m ~ ~ ""m'I> <>0 c..i ,,.,• moi ... "'"0 <:: ~• .... "' ~ Will Be Held May 3 o~c_ a. REGISTI <CO m<> C.non City - (Holy Orots Abbey) - (riends, and • tuilcnt!I of tho new Co;&Jju; THE OFFICIAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER OF THE DloctSI ~o A C•padty c:mwd o( l,<100 penons wlll tor Abbot. Part o( the rll.e wlll be biped U'~•me R~•lcrtd 1n U.S. Jl'altfll OfOC.) 1 ~~·:.n~c1!:ni"t!;;l~~!r~'::~.~~. ~ ~u: ~bl':~::,,~·~. ..a~i~;: 0~ro~:~~r _F_R..:.10:.c.A..:.Y.:.·..:."..:.'..:.R..;ll..:.2::;9.:.• ..:.1.:.96:..:6..:.__,.-_____ _ _ V=OI ~~~:h~~ ~h~0Z r~:,·ri;b~~ft' 'f::i~~~i th/~~: r:1111bc,b!1~:d!';iti:r:::~1a~~~ St. Joseph's, Trinidoc! 11:30 a.m. hi dl(I neldhous.e or tho Abbey of Brother Marl: Cu1111h~. O.S.B. lie wiU D. :=~1~t. AdJnluJou will~ by lm1tation, ~~":ibc':-. l~tt:!c~.~~::t l~~r~O:::a~i~~ 1ocesa n Bishop Ouirlct A.. Buswll!!IJ will Impart cbolr frorn Boul.U:r, and tl.ici St. Sd1.oliut· Priests IM blt.•iilni and bo the princip;al celcbl" lcll -...clcn:iy Ctrl1' dM.Jrus, and the Abbey T T k ~b1:tt~~.:r!r:~c1croc::t!~8~n::~u: Xhool~~=~~~:0c:~.::;a~:~· 0 a e over AliOOu of lhc 38 Ir! Xorth A11icrlc:14. nte blculag ~remony, . In lb iolem· Parish Anlstanll Named ulty reu:mbl01 11. Hbhop'• c.'0115CK:ra11on. 1 th c~ie~n~ ~~:~~~l~l~~~l~tl! 'Af:1!~ ~!"e1~:~e1:fu!~~l~~~~~e!:i~:~ .Utcr ~~l';;:.,~:·~~~n~ :!l~~~;:;~/k:,~ Abl~~o:a~:S~: ::.~.}~b!~':!;.!~o ~-= Tiwmil:i lh1~1.illl ~r St. Jkoedir.1'1 Ahbl')', Holy le<!. Uko il bl1lwJ>-dect, he b ,ub- Coudjutor Abbot Edward Vollmer, 0 .S.8. ~:~~:1'· \~:1~b· ~r~~~ s~!~>e :.,'Co~ jC!t'\c1~ tili: ca=:~~~ t::a:nl';;f~;:.1~ o! lilJ Tiiird Abbot of Holy Cross Abbey Sublaoo, Ark. office - Including11 the mitr<!,1 tha 1Cn'.>Slcr, 11 E!et"tc~ Feb. JG; Blessed, ~lay :J, 19GG 1111J:~ j~1:•:r t::, ~~O<K:n~1:;;;·~i{'~ ~ffi~1~rib"rfoo-;. ftvu:a tho hauds of lho ;On une<l In SL rvrhh ad'VOI bWI The c::criemuny l:c concluded with a . Oif C. Convent&.- 111 C.001t Cit)". TI1lt wU! be c."'oltcrnd by a aolemn ble$.llng l1C¥towcd lly tho newly , d Dc11,·cr rc1t..11r1111t.. luatalle<l Alibot ~t;mdln.$( at t.l:io alw. 0 Open in Tri11ida . 200 Priests lo Alfend 'fhe newl,,...blc.1scx! abl..IOI. then con· Cnt'U.t •t the hlH,ing ••Ill Include ieclebnte1 the 1'120 with tMs 8ilhop who rlni<l,.,J - (Knhdib: af phinnt'd for 1lu1 wonicu O\'l.'f !?00 1•le1b, 100 nu1u, a.11J rclatl\·cs, 1...., Jrupa.rtc.d th1;1 bl~uh1i:- "'ll"i-' - On, 11ilt1n1dh1i; the COD\"entloll t JIJ. K11ld1b ,,r Col· a.J i.:u e~ts. ba~. 1ldr~.. 1 e1, ••h't'I, Thb wlll incluJo a J ,j,itun from thro11.1tft.. 1unc h~u11, J::llnt'•, "nd • 1.:..~.a<.. I v.-111 COf'l\~!l.'t': ahort nlnt on the Xra1io1a.I Tn11M !ur d~ at.Lit uC Shrine of Our lAdy of the {ltb :& libtc COil· Sno~·1. ITJ.e "OO'l<'n'; pr. ...,"" ~-un v. tll he at tlw R1u11~ 1J w.111 lie the fifth K. 11 C.:. coou~ nllon lo be :<~h~d:~~ r~~ :h: !:::: :rd i11 tlw:'I dry or Tri:. 1ill 1hc M,ll'tb, State' orncen a nd the l....!111irtl'f1 wlll he at flfficUl deleic•IH will~· hln, ~h~rc duo bu1lr1a:u. meetfou on ,11..i,,,1u ""ill ho Sund11y, ~h1)' I , a11d Mon· (Ommlllrr nll'allnJt d•)', ~ho" ~. In I l.t wnductcd. The JI;) mmulu1u. l'rc-th:lia, wJJI , ,J,,..,,,·~ a11Pf'tti~tlon. he Juhn D. 8 11rl.:e, state .!.rnu ..111 be Ju lhc deput) ~ Pueblo. 'I'\ .luh. C1H1\•1rnl lon ll[cnrral 1 :r.!1a:hr• (Jr tlic con- roi.h ..1nncu of 100 TrfolcLJ 11 11 -.m hielude the host eoundl Joo A. jl)t'tDIKlb;JIJUS\°hilJ. Antblill and Joe Crue. 1 ).'.~ 11u1.uh1u1. The Gnnd kni11:ht or 1he Tdol· '1.ill l't"l1d, aw1~-- 1._1;1u11ctl b Pt:tc Tar-... mrw.J t<lf both C!'\~nu. hb..n. lllj1<tt 'IK""kt"[ 'ILllJ be Tht-y rr1•orl tl1;1t tht-y II[, IJ:aw4011, &U• 11;11,·e hltll fltit' ('(lo!llJoCration ._'""'II uf the U, S. (run1 tht'ir COnlllllU.rt'S pre­ :lib c•I Cuhu11h11t. lt,uillft fot the 1.-01uc:olion, l1,~ \\ 1ll Pruch aud $Ill b r~•1iy lo 11l1up Lb.II" A. Bu,._ welca'lmo 1be lo:nl~hts, 'ull $1\C' the ;Wnttron • h-t',, •11d lil.ltoo to the the 11••11•1 Memurlal COD\.iblkH1 cllfo n In Holy Tdnht bunt wtU be the Card Party Set ch..111.aln, .Mom!icl.lll)r "' T. lfo11a nd of Piwl1lo - (St. l..ot1indc!r"s tblo. The Fourth l'mhb) - '11te att.nuu1 f;!llnl ... 1t1 form atl honcrr ~11y, 1)1N"n Ill lhc publk, 1d .1t llu:- ~lamorl•l h ichrdulrd for I p.111. S.iturd.i.). A11ri l 30, iu tho ,_;A!n~n::•~,:;~in! ~;~ ;.~l~o~nkm will Trinidad Bowllntt: TtM!i Arttrntw.>n'f mro~ ' · ,\ ,:olr 1ourn11.tncmt will llwh1d'1 11 ~1i cd •I 1 1 1 i;;d·;~ 1~:f:f:.j\~:ir l~~~;n~- ~1~1~ut~J.-!:: .':: 1 being "'Id hr .Mni. C:c'<ll"i:e ' ~larthu:z, 1"26 E. !:ll.\"tll, .S"ol...J6~H , aud Mu . l.c•o Z.11wrlP1, I jQ! Cre\ttnoor Whc,~710. L lho J)llblic fJ conllally ln\•llcd," Mrt. ~h.rUuu Ii!d. Varied Assignments in 27 Years Abbot Has Illustrious Career At the time or hl.t elee-. Colorado call~ h1 Colo- tor. S1cred llcll.ft parbl1. naniecl p1utor or Sa~rcd 1ho Rocky :Mountain r~ liuu on F~l> 16. Coo<ljutor ,..,.do Spri1i;:i, .19!?6-29, ..11d &11ldcr, UWl-12; llc<Ut cburcli In Boulder, ;i. ;:Ion. Yhe Clltholic Ditte­ Abho t Edward Vollmer, was ~rad1111.tctl from St. C11.111il;t1i11, r\e"•m1m dub, po1t he held up to the tory lht1 the membership O.S.B., wu putor 11£ 8cncdlc:1'1 t.'l>Ll11:~. Att>hi· Unlveult)' or Colorado, tir11e 0£ lilll d1:ction 11.s uf thil abl~y as 61 llricsb.. S11cred Heart church in liOD,, h1 1003 wlth a Boulder, 1942·43 1wd Coadjutor Abbot uf lloly 7 1mlfeucd clerics,. and 18 Boulde1, He b ()7, 1u1tl lw ll.A. 111 CCX1nomllci1. 19'10-54; auh1a11t JMJtor, Cross abbc)'. I li1 build.fog brotbeN. been 11; prli!l.t for ~7. Y"lln· Found.t Abbtcy Cunp St. l.eand<lr's ))arl$h, Jlro1tn11111 al the Boulder Priest" of the abbey Nath·e oF WhC<ln~ln lll'l continued hls th1._-o- Put!blu, t9'4 1I; • nd hciKI· 1u1rhh h11\•c Included a He wu b1>rn Ao-. ~. lna:fcal .fludle!s at lloly m.ut~r. The Abliey .1ehool, 11ow 001wt!nl Serve u cha1lLi.[at: b:I ~IU· eutll 11t the Uoh·enlty ol 1008, lu South MU"~11lec, Cro.u "bbe)', CJ.110 11 Cit)", lt14.5-46 fu1d 19-17... 8. On Se«iod ll1llet Wit. Uc 11 the .011 or Mr. uud ot ti~ AtcMJOOn abbc)·. Father Vollffi\!r l"alTled • Jt w1u on tho ucoud CC'.Jlontdo and tQ tnmatr:1 at tl1e St11tc pcnlt.enrtuy, u and ,\In, Fnmk A. Vull· Jn l92:6, he founded nunter'1 d~srro lu 'diool hilUot tlw the: 5S J'1ic•ts at mcr, funnerly of ColoniJo C.uup Holy Cron, 111"1 ran adminhtnlion from the the abbey elected Father well as art hospitals and prh11tc 1clioolL Tbey ('Oo­ Springs and now deceased. It £or uvc:r11;J years. lie Ca1holtc Ut1IYeUH y or Edward to be tbcir new duct a mlssJoa in the Dio­ A 1hter, Miu M• fY wu qn:l;Uned •.s a Daned· America, Wa1hJ111o1tcm, D.C. ai1perior, t'eb. 16. cese oF D:ivkl la the Be- France• Vollmer, lh-cs tn lctl.oo prle•t June 11, 1038, I n ,.\u1t11st of 195.. ha Jn 11ddition, !kc Jlnu'.Y 1mLlic of PanllmL Colontdo Sprfog.t. A broth· by theu Bh:hop Urbiw J. wu ua.n1t!tl pu:tor ,1£ SL ' 'utes weJo by prictts t'in:1 r•N11c-s in Di0ttse er, JoHpb Jo\ Vollmer1 Y'1brofDtnvcr, Lundt!r's puish in tootiuawuyto11th!nd. Ii~ In Mlan1 i, FIL Fathe r Etlward offl!~ Pueblo, whCTV ho •m-ed The erecllon wa,s COO- 1n Southern Colorado they •re :In dwp of SL i-ie •Uended St. M..,Y• lib Pint Sole11i1I MuJ 111 for three )'UH. lie bnUt nrmocl by tho Holy Sc.oe, Mlch11cl'1 parhh, Canon i;1:rade achool and South Corpu s ChrhU chttrcl1, the u•muuh1m mt St. 11nd the d ate of ?o.h.y 3 City; St. Beoedict'• puisb, high 1cl1UOI In Colorado S1ning:t, lhci fol.

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