THE SEA RANCH ASSOCIATION PRSRT STD P.O. BOX 16 U.S. POSTAGE PAID MEDFORD, OR THE SEA RANCH, CA 95497-0016 PERMIT NO. 125 Address Service Requested A QUARTERLY NEWSPAPER WRITTEN BY AND FOR THE SEA RANCH ASSOCIATION MEMBERS NUMBER 110 FALL 2011 into 8, which would have reduced their IN THIS ISSUE: monthly assessments and alleviated SEA RANCH CELEBRATES VOLUNTEERS their budget shortfall. But the consoli- dation was not consistent with the Sea COMMUNITY SPIRIT AWARD ANNOUNCED Design Decisions Ranch CC&R’s, which prohibit more Around 100 Sea Ranchers than one home per lot. gathered at One-Eyed Jack’s for the third annual Seal Docents Report Members who spoke in response to celebration of volunteers Plan B at the August 13th workshop on September 4. Anyone expressed a wide range of emotions who volunteers at The Sea TSR Law Enforcement and concerns, and even offered some Ranch was invited, as well as creative solutions. Some members anyone who wanted to hear entirely rejected the idea of affordable about volunteer opportunities. housing at The Sea Ranch; others em- Friends and families were Coast Life Support is 25 braced it as the right thing to do. But welcome. Everyone enjoyed the only consensus seemed to be that good food, drink and friendly Plan B was unacceptable, and it was conversation. removed from the agenda for the Au- STILL NO gust 27th Board meeting (where it had Community Manager Frank been scheduled for a vote) even before Bell welcomed the group, SOLUTION IN the end of the workshop. saying that the quality and enthusiasm of its volunteers AFFORDABLE Retzer reported that after the workshop is the best thing about The he and Bell met with Pascal Sisich Sea Ranch. HOUSING of Burbank and Sonoma County Su- pervisor Efren Carillo to discuss the At the picnic, the Commun- DILEMMA problem. Carillo and the Board of ication Committee announced By Claire McCarthy Supervisors are aware of the situation the establishment of a new and of the lengths to which TSRA and community spirit award to Trying to make sense of the Burbank Burbank Housing have gone to find a recognize and honor Sea Housing dilemma is a frustrating exer- solution, Ranch community volunteers. cise—like wandering through a com- plicated maze that brings you up short “Our message was essentially that any Communication Committee at every turn. Now, after many months official financial commitment to Bur- Chair Laurie Mueller stated of negotiations and after hearing from bank on the part of TSRA collided with that the award will be the membership in a lengthy workshop, our CC&R’s to the extent that politi- page 2 Community Manager Frank Bell welcomes Sea the Sea Ranch Board of Directors has cal and membership support of these Ranch Volunteers decided to withdraw from any further plans could not be achieved,” said active attempt to craft a solution. Retzer. He added that TSR’s position is that other strategies should now be Since the late 90’s, rising TSRA assess- employed which include an increased ments and deteriorating conditions in commitment from Sonoma County in Burbank’s low income housing units pursuing regulatory and/or legislative have combined to create a financial cri- solutions for the problem. sis for Burbank. Sea Ranch restrictions Jackie Gardener, Marghi Hagen, and (CC&R’s), county housing regulations, The Sea Ranch will continue to stay member concerns and a host of other Martha Wohlken with engaged by offering information and Lynda Hocker (Rose's factors have so far raised barriers to any advice as appropriate but will no longer Daughter) satisfactory plan to enable the rehabili- take the lead, said Retzer. He promised tation of the units. to keep the membership posted on any further developments. Photos by Claire McCarthy Board Chair Bill Retzer announced th at the August 27 Board meeting that See also: http://www.tsra.org/news. “the Board and membership have now php?viewStory=1198#Burbank and spoken, and we, the Board, are stepping http://www.tsra.org/news.php?viewStor aside from any additional official action y=971#Burbank at this time.” Bonni Plakos, Dibby Tyler The announcement came two weeks and Heather Ostrau (Dibby's after the workshop, where Community granddaughter.) Manager Frank Bell laid out the latest plan to help with repairing the units. “Plan B” would have put TSRA in a three-way partnership of sorts with Burbank and Sonoma County. Burbank would continue to pay its monthly assessments and TSRA would loan back some of that money to ser- vice a commercial loan, which Burbank le would take out to fix the rundown buildings. The County would kick in $675,000 as part of its program to loan money for the development of low-cost housing. Laura Yale and Sandy Bush Last April the Sea Ranch Board unani- mously rejected Plan A, a proposal by Burbank to consolidate their 45 lots PAGE 2 THE SEA RANCH SOUNDINGS FALL 2011 Coast Life Support District Celebrates 25 Years by Kathi Gordon the Legislature. TSR Volunteer Fire Department Chief Dan Levin and Supporters and staff of The Coast Life RCMS head Dr. Tom Bertolli actively Support District gathered at Bower participated in the writing of the legis- Park on July 16 to celebrate 25 years lation. of ambulance service on this part of the coast. Helen Platt and I were honored It was the last day to get legislation guests because of the role Helenʼs late passed by the Assembly Committee on husband Bill and I played in getting a Local Government if we were going bill written and adopted by the State to get the bill on the ballot for a No- Legislature that permitted the forming vember vote. Bill and I were working of a district across county lines. Steve on a tight schedule and in the wake of Kaplan, Chair of the Coast Life Sup- Prop 13 legislators were wary of any- port District, summarized the progress thing that smacked of raising taxes. It of the District in those 25 years. was our Assemblyman Dan Hauserʼs birthday and weʼll never know whether Facing the bankruptcy and loss of the that infl uenced the vote of any commit- Photos by Bonnie Plakos Ormsbee-Ayres Ambulance service tee members. Governor Deukmejian Three of the four CLSD ambulances: l to r: ALS Ambulance (M120), back up more than 25 years ago, a group of signed the bill in July and in November ALS ambulance and one of the two BLS ambulances (B121). coastal residents led by the North Coast residents of the area voted by an im- Institute met to resolve the problem. pressive majority of 78 percent (90 per- the district received expanded author- (BLS), with a back-up unit for each in Special legislation was required to set cent in Sonoma County) to tax them- ity to provide all health care services, case of mechanical failure or scheduled up an assessment district because the selves for ambulance services. including a tax for after-hours urgent maintenance. All but two of the 16 60 miles of service area crossed county care. permanent part-time and full-time em- boundaries. Mary Allen, of Oceanic The newly elected Board of Direc- ployees are medical care providers. California, Inc. (the developer of The tors, which included Dan Levin and In 2000, the crew headquarters and Sea Ranch) authorized Reverdy John- Bill Platt, contracted with PenMed for Bill Platt Training Center facility were Just under 400 transports result from son, OCI attorney and John Sanger, a Advanced Life Support services. By completed across from RCMS. By the nearly 600 emergency calls re- specialist in local government law, to 1996, the district was ready to go on its 2005, the district had expanded to ceived each year. Foster added that draft legislation that met the specifi c own with acquisition and in-house op- include Timber Cove. A telephone because of their reputation for excellent needs of the community while refl ect- eration of ambulances. The same year, advice line replaced after-hours urgent skills, CLSD paramedics have been ing the requirements of state law and care in 2008. Now a Community granted special permission to include Healthcare Working Group is attempt- cardiac drugs called fi brinolytics. As the inspiration for the Award, ing to address long-term solutions for Moreover, one of the paramedics, Mark VOLUNTEERS from page 1 Rosemarie Hocker has been selected urgent care. Leonard, was honored by the California as the Award’s fi rst recipient. Future Ambulance Association as one of the presented each year to a Sea Ranch Award recipients will be selected from At the present, the District owns four top 12 medics -- out of over 20,000 -- member who has been an outstanding community volunteers nominated by ambulances, said Scott Foster, CLSD in the state. community volunteer over a period of fellow Sea Ranch members. District Administrator. One is primary many years. Advanced Life Support (ALS), and Bill would have been pleased -- I know The Rosemarie Hocker Community one is primary Basic Life Support I am. She noted that while there are many Spirit Award differs from other Sea volunteers who help improve the Ranch awards because its primary focus quality of life for the Sea Ranch will be on honoring volunteer service community, some volunteers are which helps improve the quality of life extraordinary in their length of service and well-being of Sea Ranch members to the community, in their willingness rather than on service for Association to step forward whenever and wherever committees or special Association needed, and in their encouragement of projects.
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