• 'ftrrW q - TrFraidtt 'vi. tilcirtl 3far9-trq, alcrim-v-cm ar-4 4-rt cucm. eiwitc 'R.Trt- fawriT fairm, 4,110q, _w000n riu wftecriTiRRivizmetAkietA/4161c4 ygt Ara}hr -n : a/cid/RON huh kIR-I chi 3#I 1TTii ItI 7nti 1 Tr-A-cr-ai-grugm-Tra git) a taR, Tina) ar4T tifaq, rigs7 .P1 I til trr.rpritiir-Ocaqi-clifaa, 447imq, R) 17m-to-lit 9-Trf fa-*-TRT Val-77 -{T-76- Triaa, 44;imq, 7-79- Trraa(-914-o, -14 R fawmfai-Trt, T. trq- -d 41"cilt•ich R R NWRTFq1-117, 1-1741crii, R) thficrit, -HR tNtl, fawrria aTriqTr, fa T, 71. ÷R41Cict), trftfaii-Trrr, F7---TrzT*Tft, FN) 11L-q. cbRiollitr) 3TRTWth, "P\TR•V ifTEK, ) Deputy Director, Ministry of MoEF, Eco Sensitive Area, Government of India. 6) t-i6Itich (-17-110c0, •14 R -11t11(1. (Ni-II fa-4-& an(ugio -i'lis4c1t.4113TRRJEW4WR-1;rrkfvr- 3#471Trrurra Tri7 S) &I-qT2ITITT, ZIT-43T cbRlq5 •if9-r fa c1) kliiiq-;)q 31M-79T 4IRit= 7T-A7NTITO 3-41W-q Th79- cqlti-11 Tk4Qa1-44. zir 143-1FTM, tirliclt, -OR (T4-11, 1-161flb zit “-1t, fatrFr, tut, fwr~l ici7, tilclltl, t-16141-Ich tiyIcdt, -1'1( oidRI ificik1,11-11 M-4T 3riTTT (Rfq-RS), -I' I ( fawmfalurr, NRII rata- a-p(uttici e.)c alfaitag-r quo-11W1 doMli4c4( ot),(utiNiqd oni4a0 ch( qi ara'r. tre6t ciAo-i fqwq, Apt coil it fa ci-)ugic-i 4k et:1, TiqTc? dcR AFTFM-Tiqft. ',Pune Desk Snare D ar-Panchgam‘R? Mallabale•hwar Doc. NOTIFICATION Government of Maharashtra URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MANTRALAYA, MUMBAI-32 Dated : 07/08/2015 Maharashtra Regional and No.TPS-1915/CR-155/15/NIahableshwar RP/UD-13:- Whereas the Mahabaleshwar- Town Pachgani Region has been declared as Eco-Sensitive Zone under Environment Planning Conservation Act,1986 vide Ministry of Environment and Forest Notification No.5052 Act, 1966 (E) dtd.17/01/2001 in order to protect and conserve the region; And whereas, as mentioned in the said Notification, the State Government is to prepare Zonal Master Plan for the Region and seek concurrence of the Ministry of Environment and Forest of all Central Government; And whereas, Government of Maharashtra, vide Government Notification Urban Development Department, No.TPS-1919/1186/CR-79/99/UD-13, dated 17/07/2001 and corrigendum date 28/08/2001 published in the Maharashtra Government Gazette, Pune Divisional Supplement, Part-I, dated 29/01/2001, 20/09/2001 and 11/10/2001, respectively issued in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) and (2) of section 3 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 (Mah. XXXVII of 1966) (hereinafter referred to as "the said Act") has constituted the Mahabaleshwar-Pachgani Region herein after reffered to the said region for the preparation of a Regional Plan for the said Region; And whereas, by the Government Notification, Urban Development Department, No. TPS-1919/1186/CR-79/99/UD-13, dated 18/07/2001, issued under sub-section (1) of section 4 of the said Act, the Government of Maharashtra has constituted the" Mahabaleshwar-Pachgani Region Regional Planning Board" (hereinafter referred to as " the said Board") for preparation of the said proposed Regional Plan; And whereas, the said Board, after carrying out the necessary surveys and preparing the existing-land-use Map of the said Region, prepared and published a Draft Regional Plan of Mahabaleshwar-Pachgani Region (hereinafter referred to as "the said Draft Regional Plan") in accordance with provisions of sub-section (1) of section 16 of the said Act, and a notice to that effect was published in the Maharashtra Government Gazette in Part A-I, Pune Divisional Supplement, dated 07/07/2005; And whereas, the said Board, after considering the report of the Regional Planning Committee appointed by it under sub-section (3) of section 10 of the said Act, for the purpose of hearing any suggestions and objections received in respect of the said Draft Regional Plan, modified the said Draft Regional Plan in accordance with the provisions of section 16 of the said Act and submitted such modified Regional Plan together with the Report of the Regional Planning Committee and connected documents, Plans, Maps Charts and Report for approval to the Government under sub- section (1) of section 15 and sub-section (4) of section 16 of the said Act, vide letter No. tritft/TM-Ititthiqtrittur/V-ck, Dtd 13/07/2007 and copy to Ministry of Environment and Forest; D Vane DeskbSatazu Diab.Mahahalc.hwar-P hgan LLIP Mahabalcshwu Data And whereas the Ministry of Environment and Forest Government of India vide their letter No. F.No.J-20011/7/98-IA/, dtd.25/10/2010 convey to incorporate all recommendations of HLMC in the zonal Master Plan; And whereas the Ministry of Environment and Forest Government of India vide their letter No. F.No.2/40/2005, dtd.07/06/2011 has convey its approval to the Mahabaleshwar-Panchgani Regional Plan subject to condition that the Green Zone shall not be converted into Non-Green uses and Tourist Master Plan which is part of the Regional Plan should also be subsequently notified as part-II of the Regional Plan; And whereas the Ministry of Environment and Forest Government of India vide their letter No. F.No.2/40/2005, dtd.24/11/2011 convey to incorporate all corrections / suggestions given by the HLMC vide letter dtd.03/10/2011; And whereas the Government of Maharashtra now considers it expedient to approve the Draft Regional Plan of Mahabaleshwar-Panchgani as submitted by the Regional Planning Board, and as concurrence given by Ministry of Environment and Forest vide their letter dtd/25/10/2010, dtd.07/06/2011 and dtd. 24/11/2011 with certain Modifications more specifically mentioned in, Schedule-A appended hereto; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(l)of section 15 of the said Act and rule 7 of the Maharashtra Regional Planning Board Rules, 1967 (hereinafter referred to as "the said Rules") and of all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Government of Maharashtra hereby, - (a) approves the said Regional Plan with certain Modifications, specified in Schedule-A appended hereto; (b) extends the period, prescribed under rule 7 of the said Rules, and Act for approving the said Regional Plan till the date of sanction of the said Regional Plan; (c) the decision regarding conversion of zone of land S.No.24/2 and 36/6 of Mouze Bhosegaon, S.No.4/1, S.No.9/9 of Mouze Dhangarwadi to Residential is kept in abeyance and will be finalised after receiving concurrence from the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India. (d) Fixes the date after three month of the publication of this Notification in the Maharashtra Government Gazette to be the date on which the said sanction to the "Final Regional Plan of Mahabaleshwar-Pachgani Region" shall come into force. This Notification shall also be published on the Government web-site at www.maharashtra.gov.in.as well as on the website of Directorate of Town Planning www.dtp.maharashtra.gov.in By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra, ay Saoji) Under Secretary to the Government D.Vunc Dtsk \Satire thst \Mthabeleshwu-PanchgathRP Mahabaleshwu. wrf fawiRT fawn 4 T074, 44-Woo o4R fq9-4- olo/o6/RoRtk cb4fict).- feckr4T-ViRk/g.w.Ek tOki iiva4cit W41 zire RiaTi *riff arrt 1* RI ;,11+1-11 fqm-Fr 3-frwpwr fecri-criT- RRRiAtzw.rAtik/N/4-a4q1 fra /06/R oVA H6RN II FT q -qrt (r4-11 aTRTI974 sE,E.,(4-16RN afiftwr nE,E, !L9 1:11th9 cht1H d(qc -pr(711W4$ 34Y1141c1 felLIQ1-1010,5/U1:19* i 6.1uqvcem itt4 4-161,4 at-Iii-coluilTrr-rRi-r- zr1-49-rtit n31r . q11*-1.-11 c4It•-i1S11-1114 aft:r si-r-kthT z11-49T, 4-16isto2qc1t-tiN I I Tm- err 1-116ucilkiicsrl IV149 Wrziktflifzi ct)11-14011v-li fc-Te chNictica-1 4thff 371ffat tI6 3T) +16 Nob tit1lM4, 97{.(T-1-11,- +Intl ) -41-ufq I c4 t1 Ttl, fAc',?itriTci7, +WWI. .)31:1141-1TTT- ,T 3irRIM-4-,(W) t-11c1R1 lit *NW 1' iI Trwrivrff wa liar +45( 4-it su-kry 79- 9 cPluh-Q-11611-11-7741WIT1MAff tinuoch, Trr tildlti 4(411 chlqiclqld **19T 71-ri;b 4icild facbleficil -11--ffar act itikisp-ii T ITr c f 4-1 51,403q 0N-twcoluil TrrkiTT 1 tics 3.11TELW4T J-16RNYIiti 1TR-971TO -grr- rr 41-1 3ffaTili6isic4m-tiitliluil- 1141,:b 411A-11 ai-44-6utugidzifr. 4-16Riv (r-qt-um qi art RiT4, TrIlq* ardT DN'urmDegk\SatanDisSa,Nnag ahaM u NOTICE Government of Maharashtra URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MANTRALAYA, MUMBAI-32 Dated: 07/08/2015 vlaharashtra No.TPS-1915/CR-155/15/Mahabaleshwar RP/UD-13 :- Notice is hereby given that, tegional and the Regional Plan of Mahabaleshwar-Panchgani has been approved by the ['own Government for the Balanced/Planned development of Mahabaleshwar-Panchgani 'tanning region under its Notification, Urban Development Department, No.TPS-1915/CR- ■ct, 966 155/15/Mahabaleshwar RP/UD-13, dated .08.2015 under the provisions of Section 15(1) of the Maharashtra Regional & Town Planning Act 1966; A copy of approved Final Regional Plan of Mahabaleshwar-Panchgani as sanctioned by the Government is available for inspection of the public during office hours on all working days in the office of the — (a) Assistant Director of Town Planning, Satara. (b) Collector, Satara. (c) Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad, Satara.
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