CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--SENATE MAY 1 That the debenture plan has the whiskers of a real blown-in-the­ SENATE bottle subsidy may be true, and thus if its precipitation does nothing more than to cause Mr. Hoov-er to take a second look at the equalization WEDNESDAY, May 1, 19~9 fee 1t will have served a most benign purpose. Meanwhile I con­ (Legislative day of Monday, Apri-l ~9, 1929) gratulate those members of the Senate Committee on Agriculture who have had the courage to precipitate a discussion which is certain to The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration ot lay bare before the farmers of the Nation the legislative farce which the recess. apparently is about to be enacted in the House, and which means that 'l'he PRESIDENT pro tempore. Senate bill No. 1 is before the agricultural question will tlare up more fiercely in the next congres­ the Senate as in Committee of the Whole and open to sional election than ever before. amendment. If in the foregoing I have spoken with a degree of frankness, it is Mr. HEFLIN. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a because my hair has grown gray in the farm movement and because I quorum. happen to be the official head of a cooperative organization which The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The clerk will call the rolL directs more than 700 units and which does a yearly business of approxi­ The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Senators mately $150,000,000. Also as a farm-paper publisher and as one of answered to their names: the most extensive livestock producers in this State I do not believ-e .Allen Frazier La Follette Simmons that it will be charged that I lack first-hand information upon this Ashurst George McKellar Smoot Barkley Glenn McMaster Steck subject. With high regard and good wishes, I am, Bingham Goff McNary Steiwer Sincerely yours, Black Goldsborough Metcalf Thomas, Idaho WILLI.A.M HmTH. Blaine Gould Moses Thomas, Okla. Blease Greene Norbeck Townsend Mr. NORRIS. Mr. President, so far as I am concerned, I Borah Hale Norris Trammell Bratton Harris Nye Tydings am now ready for a vote. Brookhart Harrison Oddie Tyson The VICE PRESIDENT. The question is on agreeing to Broussard Hastings Overman Vandenberg tbe amendment offered by the Senator from Nebraska. Burton Hatfield Patterson Wagner Capper Hawes Phipps Walcott The amendment was agreed to. Caraway Hayden Pittman Walsh, Mass. Mr. McNARY. Mr. President, so far as I am advised, no Connally Hebert Ransdell Walsh, Mont. other Member of the Senate desires to proceed tbis afternoon, Couzens HetHn Reed Warren Cutting Howell Robinson, Ark. Waterman and, if it is agreeable to the leader on the majority side, I Deneen Johnson Robinson, Ind. Watson shall move a recess until 12 o'clock to-morrow. Dill Jones Sackett Wheeler Mr. WATSON. Very well. Edge Kean Schall Fess Keyes Sheppard Mr. BLAINE. Mr. President, I will suggest to the Senator Fletcher King Shortridge from Oregon that I have an amendment to propose to the farm relief bill to whicb the possibility is there will be no objection. Mr. SCHALL. I desire to announre that my colleague the senior Senator from Minnesota [Mr. SHIPSTEAD] is still in the ,We might dispose of tbat before we take a recess and expedite ~~~ . the pending legislation to that extent. Mr. SHEPPARD. I wisb to announce that the senior Senator Mr. McNARY. I would prefer to take a recess at this time from Virginia [Mr. SWANSON] is neces.sarily detained upon and discuss the Senator's amendment to-morrow. official business. He has a general pair witb the Senator from Mr. BLAINE. I was going to suggest that what I intend to propose has already been adopted as the policy of Congress Maine [Mr. HALE]. 'rhis announcement may stand for tbe day. with respect to another project. It is a very simple proposal; The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Eighty-five Senators having answered to their names, a quorum is present. it goes to the question of the rate of interest. :Ur. WATSON and Mr. HEFLIN addressed the Chair. Mr. McNARY. I move that the Senate take a recess until to­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Indiana. morrow at 12 o'clock. Mr. HEFLIN. Mr. President-- .Mr. HEFLIN. Mr. President-- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Does the Senator from The VICE PRESIDENT. Does the Senator from Oregon Indiana yield to tbe Senator from Alabama? yield to the Senator fi"om Alabama? Mr. WATSON. For what purpose? Mr. McNARY. I yield. Mr. HEFLIN. For the purpose of addressing the Senate. Mr. HEFLIN Wby should we now take a recess until to­ Mr. WATSON. Not at this particular time. morrow? It is only half past 4 o'clock; we could run until Mr. HEFLIN. Very well, Mr. President. 5.30 o'clock and have another hour. · Mr. McNARY. I will state to the Senator that I promised MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSD--ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED at 4 o'clock to-day to meet a delegation of dairymen who want to A mess~ge from the House of Representatives by Mr. Halti­ have considered a proposed amendment to the pending bill. gan, one of its clerks, announced that the Speaker bad affixed It is an important question, and the dairy industry is a very his signature to the enrolled joint resolution (H. J. Res. 56) to large one. I can not be at my office and in the Senate Chamber provide funds for· the eradication, control, and prevention of at the same time. So in the interest of the agricultural situ­ the spread of the Mediterranean fruit fly, and it was thereupon ation I believe it best to recess now and let the bill go over signed by the President pro tempore. until to-morrow. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS Mr. HEFLIN. I wish to give notice that I shall undertake The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate resolu­ to get my resolution up on to-morrow. tions of Butchers Local Union No. 115, Sausage Makers Local PRINTING OF" POINTS OF HISTORIC INTEREST IN THE NATIONAL Union No. 203, and Post Office Clerks Local Union No.2, of San . CAPITAL " Francisco, Calif., favoring a reduction of 50 per cent in the Federal tax on earned incomes, wbich were referred to the Com­ Mr. VANDENBERG. Mr. President, will the Senator from mittee on Finance. Oregon withhold his motion for a moment?. Mr. SHORTRIDGE presented numerous petitions· and letters Mr. McNARY. I yield to the Senat9r from Michigan. and· telegrams in the natuxe of petitions signed by 235 citizens Mr. VANDENBERG. From the Committee on Printing I re­ of the State of California, praying for the repeal of the national­ port back favorably without amendment Senate Resolution 45. odgins provision of the immigration act and the retention of It is very brief, and I ask unanimous consent for its immediate immigration quotas based on 2 per cent of the 1890 census, which consideration. were referred to the Committee on Immigration. There being no objection, the resolution ( S. Res. 45) sub­ Mr. WALCOTT presented petitions and papers in. the nature mitted by Mr. MosES on April 29, 1929, was considered and of petitions from members of Blenda Lodge, No. 11, Order of agreed to, as follows : Vasa, of Bridgeport; the John Ericsson Republican League of Resolved, That 5,000 copies of Senate Document No. 228, Seventieth Connecticut; Three Crown Lodge, No. 38, Order of Vasa, of Congress, second session, entitled " Points of Historical Interest in the Stamford; Linne Lodge, No. 14, Order of Vasa, of Middletown; National Capital," be printed for the use of the Senate Document Room. the Vega Benefit Society, of New Britain; the First Swedish Hundredm.en's Society, of Bridgeport; the Scandinavian Fra­ RECESS ternity of America, Park City Lodge, No. 182, District No. 9, of Mr. McNARY. I renew the motion that the Senate take a Bridgeport; the Cromwell Hall, of Cromwell ; the Swedish Con­ recess until 12 o'clock: noon to-morrow. gregational Churches of Bristol and Plainville; Diana Lodge, The VICE PRESIDENT. The question is on the motion of No. 6, Order of Vasa, of New Haven; Svea Lodge, No. 24, Order the Senator from Oregon. of Vasa, of Naugatuck; the Augustana Brotherhood of Salem The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 o'clock and 25 minutes Lutberan Church, of Naugatuck; Gota Lejon, Lodge No. 19, p. m.) the Senate took a recess until to-morrow, Wednesday, Order of Vasa, of Waterbury; the Swedisb Congregational May 1, 1929, at 12 o'clock meridian. Church of Middletown ; members of the American Legion and 1929 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 699 Auxiliary of Hartford ; and sundry citizens of New Britain, do not perform any service in this country which can not b@ performed Hartford, Bridgeport, New Haven, Fairfield, So th Norwalk, better by Americans, and their effect on American life is not beneficial Georgetown, Bristol, Hamden, East Woodstock, Ansonia, Wal­ from a moral point of view. Their arrival in large numbers is intro· lingford, and Meriden, all in the State of Connecticut, praying ducing an element of population which is undesirable and which eventu· for the repeal of the national-origins provision of existing immi­ ally is certain to create friction. gration law, which were referred to the Committee on Immigra­ "We therefore urge that the immlgrl!tion laws be so amended or that tion. such regulations be put in effeet as will limit, if not completely termi­ 1\Ir. VANDENBERG presented the following concurrent reso­ nate, the immigration or natives of the Philippines to this country tor lution of the Legislature of the State of Michigan, which was purposes of permanent residence: Be it further referred to the Committee on Commerce: u Resowed, That the city comptroller and ex officio city clerk be, and is directed, to forthwith forward a certified copy of this resolution to the House Concun·ent Resolution 17 President or the United States, the President of the Senate, and the A concurrent resolution rPfative to the Great Lakes-St.
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