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Special The to The Spartans Journal made keythe defenbusiness- community that Special to The Journal the business community that Classifieds inClassifieds the Division 2 state champi- are critical to fostering eco- are critical to fostering eco- 18-19 onship game Saturday18-19 at Alumni sive plays in the field, including a Monday morning the Bak- nomic success and building Monday morning the Bak- nomic success and building double play following a rundown Cyan Field in Lowell. er-Polito Administration stronger neighborhoods in ev- er-Polito Administration stronger neighborhoods in ev- DEATHS DEATHSAlcock, a 6-4 senior right-awardedin which$500,000 all tofour nine infielders ery region con- in Massachusetts.” awarded $500,000 to nine ery region in Massachusetts.” Thomas Boyan, Sr hander,Thomas allowed Boyan, Sr an infieldprojects hit tributed through to the the Urban eventual Reveretag on is rebuilding its projects through the Urban Revere is rebuilding its Magenta and struck out eight to hold a poAgenda- Hopkinton’s Grant Program. lead Therunner. economic and employment Agenda Grant Program. The economic and employment Marie Butera Marie Butera tent Hopkinton team – who hadRevere armSecond of The baseman Neigh- Colinbase Redby utilizing- large-scale Revere arm of The Neigh- base by utilizing large-scale Richard Buttiglieri scoredRichard 31 Buttiglieri runs in three postseaborhood- dy Developersranged behind (TND) second and highbase value assets includ- borhood Developers (TND) and high value assets includ- to glove a hard-hit grounder and son victories – in check. Yellow Theresa Conte Theresa Conte was one group given $50,000 ing Suffolk Downs, Wonder- was one group given $50,000 ing Suffolk Downs, Wonder- Lee Pacheco and Jared Copin -fundingmake to a helpstrong establish throw forland, the a soon-to-closeout NECCO in funding to help establish land, a soon-to-close NECCO Dr. Adrian Costanza polaDr. eachAdrian had Costanza singles to produceworkforce in thedevelopment fifth. Rightfielderser- plant, and Rich the MassDevelop- workforce development ser- plant, and the MassDevelop- the runs. Coppola blazed a pitchvices inPagliuca Revere to made support a nicelo- catchment TDIof a Waterfront District. vices in Revere to support lo- ment TDI Waterfront District. Dorothy Cordaro Dorothy Cordaro Black off the fence above the right fieldcal residents fly ball to acquire headed newly to the gapThe in programthe seeks to un- cal residents to acquire newly The program seeks to un- Gerardo Iannuzzi wallGerardo for a Iannuzzilong single in his firstcreated fourth jobs. inning. Freshmanlock shortcommunity-driven- re- created jobs. lock community-driven re- Patricia Muse at-batPatricia and Muse added a basehit in theLt. Gov.stop Karyn Aivan Polito Cabral along had sponses four as to- localThe Divisionobstacles, 2 MIAA State Champion Baseball Team, Lt.St. Gov.Mary’s Karyn of Lynn Polito Spartans. along sponses to local obstacles, Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, Ann Houston of The Neighborhood Developers, State Rep. RoseLee Vincent, withLt. Gov.Housing Karyn and Polito, Economic Ann Houston and of promote The Neighborhood economic devel Developers,- State Rep. RoseLee Vincent, with Housing and Economic and promote economic devel- Paul Penta, Jr. Bob O' Brien of Revere Economic Department, Mayor Brian Arrigo and PaulSecretary Penta, of Jr. Housing and DevelopmentBob O' Brien ofSecretary Revere Economic Jay opment Department, opportunities Mayor Brian through Arrigo and Secretary of Housing and Development Secretary Jay opment opportunities through Ecomonic Development Jay Ash at the announcement of the Urban Agenda Grant Program on AshEcomonic came to Development Revere City Hall Jay Ashpartnership-building, at the announcement problem of the Urban Agenda Grant Programsists onwhile juniorAsh came catcher to Revere John City Hallsecond partnership-building, inning that resulted problem in a Antonetta Salamone Monday morning in the Revere City Council Chambers. Antonetta Salamone Monday morning in the Revere City Council Chambers. Frederick to present the check to the solving, and shared account- Mulready – whoto present impressed the check with to doublethe solving, play. and shared account- Neighborhood Developers. ability in urban centers. The his mitt andNeighborhood arm all season Developers. - In additionability in to urban his superb centers. pitch The- Obituaries Pages 8 + 9 Obituaries Pages 8 + 9 Douglass “Our administration under- competitive awards offer flex- threw out a runner“Our attemptingadministration to undering,- Alcockcompetitive teamed awards up offerwith flexPa-- Real estate values continue to be strong in Revere standsReal the importance estate of valueslocal ible continuefunding for local to efforts be strong in Reveresteal. Third basemanstands the Jaredimportance Cop- of localcheco ibleto pickfunding a runner for local off efforts first reading set leadership and its impact on that bring together commu- pola had threeleadership assists andand startedits impact base on inthat the bring sixth. together Alcock commu com-- INDEPENDENT days on the market in 2016. “2017INDEPENDENT was a fantastic year days on the market in 2016. “2017 was a fantastic year NEWSPAPER GROUP By Sue Ellen Woodcock NEWSPAPER GROUP the livesBy Sueof Ellenresidents,” Woodcock said nity stakeholders to pursue a cross-diamondthe livesexchange of residents,” in the said nity stakeholders to pursue The number of listings in tofor be in Julyreal estate,” 3 said Joe Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. economicThe number development of listings ini -in to be in real estate,” said Joe Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. economicPlease see SPARTANS development Page 7 ini- The Revere real estate mar- 2017 also dropped to 265, The Revere real estate mar- tiatives.2017 alsoThese dropped awards to will 265, tiatives. These awards will Mario ofBy SueCentury Ellen Woodcock21 Ma- “The Urban Agenda Grant Mario of Century 21 Ma- “The Urban Agenda Grant fund projects in Boston, Clin- fund projects in Boston, Clin- ket in 2017 was definitely a 10.8 percent down from 297 rio Real Estate. “There’s a Programket in 2017relies wason thedefinitely strong a 10.8 percent down from 297 rio Real Estate. “There’s a Program relies on the strong good one with higher prices in 2016. The good news for partnershipsgood one withbetween higher localprices in 2016. The good news for partnerships between local lot Highof confidence Rock Tower and isequity the place See TND GRANT , Page 3 lot of confidence and equity See TND GRANT , Page 3 $1.5 MILLION FOR for homes than in 2016, but sellers is that the original list- $1.5 MILLION FOR government,for homes thannon-profits in 2016, and but sellers is that the original list- government, non-profits and into homes.be on JulyFor 353, yearswhen now hundreds in homes. For 35 years now NORTHERN STRAND a drop in the number of new ing price was matched 100 NORTHERN STRAND a drop in the number of new Councilloring price Robertwas matched Haas Jr.100 Councillor Robert Haas Jr. it’swill been gather positive. to hear Now the is reading the of By Sue Ellen Woodcock it’s been positive. Now is the By Sue Ellen Woodcock COMMUNITY TRAIL listings, making home-buying percent of the time. oneCOMMUNITY of the best-known TRAIL abolitionlistings,- making home-buying triedpercent to get of thebarriers time. installed tried to get barriers installed time to sell. Revere is getting time to sell. Revere is getting The Executive Office of an adventure. The condominium mar- ists Theand Executiveorator Frederick Office Douof anFor- adventure. years the abutters of in 2011The andcondominium received no remar- - For years the abutters of in 2011 and received no re- Energy and Environmental “These are the highest pric- ket saw similar trends with theglass,Energy overflow who and alsofrom Environmental spentthe Boston the mid- Route“These 1 have are put the up highest with thepric - sponse.ket saw similar trends with the overflow from the Boston Route 1 have put up with the sponse. Affairs has approved a $1.5 es we’ve seen in the last eight the median sales price at market1800sAffairs andin Lynn.has people approved are moving a $1.5 noisees we’ve from seenmillions in the of last cars, eight the“We medianshould getsales more price re - at market and people are moving noise from millions of cars, “We should get more re- years,” said Maureen Celata, $315,000, up 16.7 percent years,” said Maureen Celata, $315,000, up 16.7 percent million grant regarding the to millionRevere.For the grant ninth regardingyear, dozens the and of now some city councillors spect from the state and fed- to Revere.
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