LOGK^GBS ILLUSTRATED GUIDEBOOKS} . \^ ^be 3. (I. Saul Collection of ler IRincteentb Century lEnglieh Xiterature purcbaseO in part tbrougb a contribution to tbe Xibrarp 3Funt)s ma&e bp tbe RUNKS Bepartment of Bnolisb in XDlniversit^ CoUcqc, There are Trunks, Bags and Cases to meet all needs at Send for particulars post free. PRATTS PERFECTION 1^^ MOTOR SPIRIT .^CLO AMERICAN OIL CO. LTD 36 SSqUEEN ANNf.S GATE.-.-. SOlDSYALLCHEMtSTSl AND PERFUMERS IN I ELEGANT PATENT J METALLIC BOX PRICE M f BENSO FINE Rl Best Quality. Low/est Prices- "Cimes" system of MONTHLY PAYMENTS is available. Selections sent at out Risk <^d E.pense Illustrated Book of Rings from £1 (with size card). Watclies from £2, Jewels, etc , post free 62 and 64, LUDGATE H5LL, E.G. ! Isun THE TEMPORARY [EstaUtxhril . HOfVIE FOR LOST AND STARVING DOGS, Battersea Park Road, London, S.W. and Hackaridge, Surrey. Pateon: his most GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE KlNti. Pkesidext : HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF PORTLAND, K.U. To clear the Loidoa Streets of Lost and StaTi-ing Dogs, and to provide tUern witu lond and shelter. To Restore Lost Do78 to their owners, and when Dogs are unclaimed, to find suitable homes for them at noniinal prices. To destroy daneerous and worthless Dogs by a Painless and Humane Method in the Lethal Chamber. 1,100.000 Doge hai-e been received and rro'ided for since 1860 Outpatients' Dept. (Battersea) Tuesdays and Thu-sdiys, 2. 3 J. (hv letter onl, ). At Hackbridge Dogs and Cats can be received as Boarders, and Dogs for Quarantine under the Board of Agriculture Regulations. SUBSCRIPTIO.NS a-.id DOXATIOXS tha'ikfullv received bv GUV H. fiUir.T.U''! SCOTT, .fprrelari/. Temperance Permanent Building Society, 4, 6, «& 8, LUDQATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. THE LARGEST, STRONGEST AND CHEAPEST IN LONDON. Prompt Advances. Light Repayments. Easy Rede-r.ptions. Low Costs ABSOLUTE SECURITY FOR INVESTORS. Shares, 4 per cent. Deposits, 3 per cent. RESERVE FUND exceeds £140,000. EDWARD WOOD, M.\n.\ger. Insure in THE The Ideal Beverage." WESTMINSTER gYiyiONS' DELICIOUS FIRE OFFICE DEVONSHiaE Estd. nearly 200 Years. CYDER MODERATE RATES. A M.A.TL'RE and Properties viewed ^ delicious liquor, the juice of the finest and Specifications Devonshire Apples. It is supplied dry Prepared Free of or sweet with a body and flavour clue to Expense to Proposer. expert blending of t he fruit. The Cham- pagae of Cyders Applications for Agencies Invited. Obtainable from Fruit Mills— Head Office: TOTNES, DEVON KING STREET, And Ratoliff, Loaion. E., or Wine Mer- COVENT GARDEN, W.C. chants, &c. NORWICH UNION MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE ESTABLISHED ....-- 1808 BECAUSE OF US- AGE.— It is a Centenarian in its own right, and, by its absorption of the Amicable Society, THE OLDEST LIFE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. MAGNITUDE.—Its Annual Volume of new business is ver^^ much larger than that of any other British Life Office not transacting Industrial Business. RESERVE STRENGTH.—Its Valuations are made on a Reserve Basis of 2^ per cent. —a rate attained, or even aimed at, by very few Offices. PROFIT YIELD.—Notwithstanding the severity of the Reserve Basis, the iqii Valuation showed a Profit of £72j,i^T,, and the handsome scale of Bonuses of 1906 was maintained. ALERTNESS.—Its Special Tables are designed to meet all the needs of the Twentieth Century, and have done much to popularise Insurance ECONOMY.—The Business, large as it is, has been built up on strictly economical lines. THE OUTSTANDING BRITISH LIFE OFFICE Write for Prospectus to the Secretary, NORWICH UNION LIFE OFFICE, NORWICH, or to any Branch Office of the Society. Series 1914-15,] NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND Limited. Established 1833- Subscribed Capital - £15,900,000 Paid-up Capital - - £3,000,000 Reserve Fund ((^[l^ri^l^L), £2,000,000 Number of Shareholders, 18, 639' DIRECTORS : Colin Frederick Campbell, Esq. Francis Charles Le Marchant, Esq. Maurice Otbo Fitzgerald, Esq. The Right Hon. The Earl of Lichfield. William Hem'y Neville Goschen, Esq. George Forbes Malcolmson, Esq. The Right Hon. Lord Inchcape, Selwyn Robert Pryor, Esq. G.C.IVLG., KC.S.L, K.C.LE. Thomas George Robinson, Esq. Francis Alexander Johnston, Esq. Robert Wigram, Esq. Claude ViUiers Emilius Laurie, Esq. Juint General Managers : Thomas Estall, Esq., D. J. H. Cunnick, Esq. Fredrick Eley, Esq. Solicitors : E. H. N. Wilde, Esq., W. E. Moore, Esq., College Hill, London. Head Office: 15, BISHOPSGATE, Corner oi Threadncedlc Street, E.C. The National Pro- 1 vincial Bank of 4 England Limited, having numerous Branches in Eng- j^H^^^B land and Wales, as ^^, well as Agents and Correspondents at s home and abroad, affords great facili- ties to its customers, who may have money transmitted to the credit of their Accounts through of the Branches ' any m., T HJ -free of charge. — SUPREMACY of the A.M.P. (AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY.) ^ There are more than 80 Offices doing Life Assurance Business in IjJ the United Kingdom. Tne Benefits granted by such Offices vary to an enormous extent. Taking examples from Stone & Cox's Bonus Tables (1914 issue), we find that for each £10 of Annual Premium paid by a man effecting an ordinary Whole Life Policy, the Best Results shewn are as follows: Policy with Bonus Accumulations. Ase Original at Entry. Assurance. Actual Results o( Results in 25 years, based on past 23 years. the last rate of bonus only. 20 £535 £888 £893 30 415 690 689 40 310 512 514 THE BEST RESULTS are those of the AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY (The A.M.P.) Arisingunder a system of Annual Distribution ot Bonus and a scale of Premiums unchanged since the foundation ot the Society in 1849, " A stronger Life Office does not exist, and the bonus record of the Society is truly rGmarkuble. "—Sattiraay Revieiv, "The conditions it now prcents make th.e maintenance or improvement of its returns to [»olicy-hoIders prncticallv certain. "— TA^ In-n-rance Spectator. AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY, 37, Thretxaneedle Street, London, E.C. Funds £32,000,000. Annual Income, £4,000,000. The Red Indian's famous. BRAND'S digestion i^ Travellers report of the red man's MEAT appetite and digestive powers that they are of the LOZENGES " I-can-eat-anything" kind. Did you know that he is for very fond of mustard ? Experience has shown him TOURISTS, that the pleasant, zestful ATHLETES, " tang" of mustard excites the salivary glands, and INVALIDS. that the peculiar essential oil keeps the digestion in "A meal in vest your splendid order. pocket." IN BOXES, 1/- and 1/4 dolman's BRAND & CO., LTD., D.S.F. Mayfair Works, Vauxhall, LONDON, S.W. Mustard. London City& Midland Bank Limited. ESTABLISHED 1836. HEAD OFFICE: 5, THREADNEEDLE ST., LONDON, E.G. CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED (27th Jan. 1914). £20,873,520 CAPITAL PAID UP 4,348,650 RESERVE FUND 3,T00,000 ADVANCES &C 52,020,707 DEPOSIT & CURRENT ACCOUNTS 96,485,878 CASH IN HAND, AT CALL & AT SHORT NOTICE 30,055,473 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 12,718,333 INVESTMENTS 7,970,927 Over 860 Offices in England antt Wales. SIR EDWARD H. HOLDEN, Bart., CHAIRIVIAN. BARTHOLOMEW'S MAPS. SENTBest for all F^REE.Purposes. Complete List of Maps and Plans of all Districts in England, Scotland, and Ireland, on receipt of request to the Publishers^ JOHN BARTHOLOMEW <& Co. ("B " Dept), The Geographical institute, EDINBURGH. £"7 1 TSi 6di SWISS TOURS, 16 DAYS. £5 1 OSi NAMUR AND THE ARDENNES, 16 DAYS. £8 1 2Si 6d. LUGANO, 16 DAYS. FREE CHURCH TOURING GUILD, 110, Memorial Hall, Farringdon Street, London, B.C. WHETHER YOU EARN £500 A YEAR OR unless you have J% e Unn y°" ^"^^ °°' justified in living up to that AvjUUU made suitable provision for those depending on you. all But if you insure well, and in the right Office, you can spend you make with a mind free from care. The National Provident Institution of 48, Gracechurch Street, London, E.C., have recently published six interesting leaflets which everyone should see. YOU NEED NOT GO TO PARIS to get the FINEST PREPARED PARISIAN LUNCHEONS and DINNERS YOU can obtain these advantages amidst Pleasant and Comfortable Surroundings, EVERY DAY at LE MOULIN D OR. Parisian Restaurant, 27, CHURCH STREET, SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, LONDON, W. Lunch, 1/6 Dinner, 2/6 THE ROYAL SCHOOL FOR THE INDIGENT BLIND, Leatherhead, Surrey. Patron : His Most Gracious Majesty KING GEORGE V. Patroness : Her Most Gracious Majesty THE QUEEN MOTHER. 1799-1914. The Committee earnestly appeal for Contribu- tions to this ancient Charity which has for the last 115 years carried on good work amongst the Blind of the United Kingdom. "TO RENDER THE BUND SELF-RELIANT." Principal and Secretary : Rev. ST. CL.^RE HILL, M.A., J.P. Bankers : Lloyds Bank, Ltd., i6, St. James's Street, London, S.W. Chief Offices : Highlands Road, Leatherhead. THE SOCIETY FOR GRANTING ANNUITIES TO THE POOR ADULT BLIND, yVo. /, St. George's Circus, Southwark, S.E. 1858-1914. The Committee of this National Pension Society plead for support to enable them to maintain the 311 Pensions now granted, and if possible to extend assistance to those deserving poor now on the list anxiously waiting. A Do)wr of £200 in one sum has the right to nominate a Candidate to an immediate Annuity bearing the I)o>ior's name. Chairman and Treasurer: STUART JOHNSON, Esq., No. 4, Eaton Place, London, S.W. Hon. Secretary : Rev. ST. CLARE HILL, M.A., J. P., No. I, St. George's Circus, Southwark, S.E. Bankers : Lloyds Bank, Ltd., 16, St. James's Street, London, S.W. THE SOUTH LONDON INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND, No.
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