■J ■. •17. DAILY C9BOCLATION l«r tb« Moatli et Jaaau7. ItM •t 0 . A 5 3 6 7 ^ 'Ml MMBbar of th* * A a ^ I ^ I M . B f > o oi ^ OL. U IL, NO. 122. •>1 MANCHBSTBR, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1984. (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE GENTt AUGUSTO SANDING, Where Ten Died In Hospital Blaze KING ALBERT'S BURIAL REBEL CHIEFTAIN, SLAIN BY MILITIA GREAT MILITARY RITE 4 All Main Highways Tens of Thouands in Pro- Hit Brother and Two of HU WORKS COIINCU ceuions and Hnndredi ai Genoralt Alto Killed by Now Open to Travel Thontanda of Witnouoi; Natwnal Gnardtnien; Few AIDS RELAH0NS Nsw Haven, Feb. 22.— (A P )— workere pressed on, under orders to AUiod and Belgian Troops *> Hardehlps .stiU were suffered in re-ftura next to the feeder roads. ATSUPIM Among the main highways rs- DetaiU Given OnL mots, snow-bound seotions of Con- portsd opsn wsrs Hartford to Now Stage Spectacnlar Last neotiout today as ths main highways York and Massaohusstta stats llnss; Et «VV -V ’ . M u tfu ft, Nlo&rafua, Feb. 22.— So Asserts PresideDt of wers cut open to traffic and the Nsw London to Rhoda Island stats DriD Before King’s Body. threat of a general milk shortage line; New Haven-Hartford; Hart- (A P )— Oen. Auguito C. Sandlno, ford-Sprtngfleld; and Route 18 from was ended. funoun rebel, w m killed with bln Massachusetts stats 11ns through Cheney Firm in Statement (Copyrttht 1S34 by Aiaoetated Preaa) brother, Socratea and two friends by Many wealthy residents of West- Norwich. Some roads in tbs south- port remained isolated behind great westsm section were stlU blocked. BruMels, Feb. 22.— (A P )— King National Ouardamon at midnight on to Employees— Answers drifts on their estates, and town Albert I was buried today la the the outskirts of Managua, a govern* authorities sent three crews of fifty Dairymen reported their trucks were moving and the State Milk erypt of a little gray church near ment communique Indicated. men each in answer to their appeals the royal castle at Laeken. for aid. Control board issued a statement The government statement read: Afl Demands. saying: He was laid to rest beside the bod­ The ruins of her horns still held "The government officially states "All have lat>ored against great ies of his predecessors Leopold I and the body of Mra Etta Phillips, 75, that the action of the Guardla Na- hardship to assure at least a suffi­ n after one of the moat impreaiive who was burned to death, but whose clonal In killing Sandlno was con­ The value of the Works Council cient amount of milk to take care of funerals given a national leader la husband, John Phillips, 81, and a trary to the Instructions of Presi­ of Cheney Brothers to the local silk the babies and the hospitals of the modem timei. cripple, escaped as their lonely dent Sacasa to guarantee the lives mill employees was cited today In a state and to attempt to maintain Bight hours of military proces­ Mansfield farm house was destroyed sions and religious rites In two of Sandlno and his followers while bulletin given to every worker In the normal supply. Here are the charred and ice-coated ruins of the Pennsylvania Memorial Hall Hospital at BrookvIUe, by fire. churches ended at 8 p. m., when they were In Managua. Pa., in which ten aged women, survivors of Civil War veterans, were burned to death in their beds "The many j^ople, who have re­ the plant today. The statement, the body was lowered Into Its last "The President severely reproves when fire destroyed the frame structure within an hour. Five women were carried to safety while 26 others Schools in New Haven and some ceived reduced amounts are cheered compiled by Ward Cheney, presi­ resting place after a brief, private these acts of some Individual escaped Injury in the main building (in t>ackground at left) v ^ o h was imperiled but did not catch other communities were closed for by th.4 knowledge that those need­ guardsmen and baa ordered an Im­ dent of the firm, lists 66 typical ac fire. the rest of the week. Milk, bread ing milk more than ever— the in­ benediction before the royal family. mediate investigation and Is re­ compllshments of the employee rep and fuel deliveries were low and fants and the sickly—have been pro­ Tens of thousands of persona took questing Congress to give him the resentatlon organization. Mr. traffic movement was irregular. vided." peu*t In the processions and hundreda necessary facilities to maintain Cheney’s paper, lauding the Works But the state highway depart­ Temperatures, hanging below the of thousands more witnessed the public order. Council plan and outlining Its effec­ ment reported that tnaln arteries, freezing mark since the 23 inches of pageantry under heavUy overcast All outgoing messages were cen­ tiveness, was read to the members although not entirely clear were snow fell Monday night and Tues­ skies. sored. of the Council, and was then dis­ SAYS U. S. WAS HEADH) ARMY AVIATOR, passable. Crews of nearly twenty day, turned warmer and the pros­ Rain fell slightly for about half Others Killed tributed In pamphlet form to the thousand state and community pects of a thaw were welcomed. an hour while services were held in the 'Thirteenth Century Cathedral Reported slain with Sandlno were employees. It follows: his former Generals Umanzor and The Aocompllahmenta of the CARRYING MAIL, of St. Gudule. The rain stopped Works Council FOR FASCISM YEAR a GO again when the mourners resum^ I'lstrada. The Works Council has served their march toward Laeken. By the terms of the peace' pact One of the moat apectaoulas signed by President Sacasa and thrw useful purposes, all of which are necessary for the successful con­ DIES JN FAU. STOCK EXCHANGE HEAD scenes of the day was a demonstra­ General Sandlno, February, 1933, duct of Industrial relations today: Sec. Deni in Washington CONFESSES PLOT tion by detachments of the AlUcs the latter laid down his arms with and the Belgian army in front of the exception of keeping 100 former 1. It serves through the methods of conference and instruction in ex­ Laeken church. followers who were to retain their Day Speech Declares Na-1 T U j j j § £ L p First Serious Accident Since TO SUGGEST REFORMS There the troops drilled for the plaining the Company’s labor and arms for one year. With these 100 last time before their King as bis men be was engaged in cooperative business policies to its employees. 2. It affords a simple and direct tion Is Gettmg Back to body lay outside the church. farming on the Rio Coco. Army Took Over Job — BelU Toil Sandlno came to Managua from method for the consideration and settling of individual grievances and Richard Whibiey Promiset METEOR DESTROYS They marched while bells tolled his Rio Coco colony last week to First President’s Ideals. unceasingly and guns boomed their terminate arrangements for the final equally Important, for the clearing Tells Police He and Pal Had Motor Trouble Thought salvos. disarming of his followers. up of personal misunderstandings House Committee He Will ■Visiting royalty, princes, and dip­ Sapped National Guard which may not have yet reached Plannod to Kiduap Pub- Reason for Crash, HOUSE IN SPAIN lomats witnessed the military man­ He was reported to have declared the stage of formal grievances. It Washington, Feb. 22.— (A P )— euvers from a dais. American Le­ privately and to have intimated to was the lack of such a body as the Secretary Detn declared on this, the Submit Substitute Bill for gion posts from Brussels and Parla the press that the National Guard Works Council that led to the strike 202nd anniversary of George Wash­ lisker— Pal Is Caught. Joined in the demonstration with the in 1928 w beqA major part of the Deshler, O., Fob. 22— (AP^— An was unconstitutional and this fact ington’s birth, that Presideat R o ^ ' Fedenl CentroL Dnitiial OceveBG* Report- other paraders. employees of m Conmauy left their Army flier, identified as Lieut D. O. The Grand Duchess of Luxam- apparently irritated members of velt had. turaedati^ cou9b'5^s^&h the Guardia NacKmaL wiprkjvithofat^-^^havlag formulated Chicago, Feb. AP>-^T^ve TsriHBeo tGrtrii but bourg, a cousin of King Albert, was any reason for their action. from "Communisih or Fsisefsm” sky at 6 a. m. today in the woods the only woman of royalty to wit­ Last night's new spi^rs publish­ hours after he confessed an abor­ Washington, Feb. 22.— (A P )—A ed by Owner Wbo Tells of ed a letter from Soiyllno to the 8. It constitutes a body duly back to traditions of the First Pres­ on a farm owned by Vinal Thurston ness this review. President officially glytng this as authorised to present to the Com­ ident tive plot to kidnap Emanuel Phllt|j) promise that he would submit a sub­ Queen Elizabeth and her daiqfb- pany the employees’ Interests and and was killed. His Experience. bis opinion and requesting that bis The war secretary, addressing a Adler of Davenport, la., Fred Mayo stitute bill for Federal regulation of ter-in-law, the Princess Astrid, wbo requests for the modification or ad­ Guarding the mail to the last tnc armed men be given guarantees and gathering of patriotic organizations, of Birmingham, Ala., alias Charles stock exchamges was made to the tomorrow will be Queen of the Bel­ justment of wages or working con­ Army man threw several sacks be Informed of the manner in which mingled praise of the present Chief gians, attended the services in St.
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