1STH5R , „ . LW A Constitution In This Issue N 'JiVS j ( S U I ' S ),V The . ‘ Jterr Volume 80—Number 7 Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin Saturday, November 5, 1966 Burglar Strikes On Campus With Ormsby Raid Sunday dow that evening. attended. The facts were present­ She closed the window, turned ed to the dean, followed by sug­ Intruder Scales, out the light and went to bed. Two gestions for more adequate pro­ girls in an adjoining room report­ tection of the girls in the dorm. Breaks Into Dorm ed noises outside their window It was suggested that the school An unidentified person or per­ that sounded like persons throw­ contract ia night patrol for the sons forced open a bathroom win­ ing rocks at the window. When the campus. It was also suggested dow at Ormsby Hall early Sun­occupants of the room arose Sun­ that more floodlights be installed day morning and stole two hair day morning at approximatelyaround the exterior of the build­ dryers and an iron from the win­ 9:15 a.m., they noticed that the ing. dow sill. The break-in occurred in bathroom window was again open, Broderick asked that everyone a small bathroom adjoining the and that the dryers and the iron be realistic about the situation. quad on the first floor. The thief were gone. He staid satisfactory paitrolling apparently committed his crime Search Premises would require a minimum of five while the four occupants of the A search of the premises re­ to eight policemen but that pro­ room were asleep. vealed the hood of one of the hair vision for such protection is "un­ From what little facts are dryers, the screen from the bath­ likely.” He stressed the personal known, the theft has been recon­ room window and two sewer pipes responsibility that the girls have structed as follows: The four propped up against the wall out­to close shades and lock windows girls arrived in their rooms at 1 side. Although the window is at night. a.m., noticing that the rooms nearly twelve feet from the seemed cold. At approximatelyground, it is relatively easy to Entrance Easy 1:30 a.m. one of the girls report­ climb up to a small ledge and He also emphasized that those ed that she entered the bathroom from there to open the window. who leave doors or windows open and “felt a very cold draft com­ Following the report of the for the “benefit” of friends who ing from the open window.” None theft, a house meeting was call­ might be coming in «after hours of the girls had opened the win­ ed; Dean Francis L. Broderick are jeopardizing the entire dorm. Broderick added that all must realize that it is not difficult to scale the walls and thereby gain Faculty Members Consider entrance to the dorms. Several other incidents were cited as more indications of a Awards» Courses» Examsneed for security. One girl re­ Several changes in Lawrence and biology and especially de­ ported that she saw several high policy were introduced at the signed for secondary teachers school boys on the fire escape faculty meeting in Harper hallof the sciences, was approved. outside the first floor Sunday at* THIS IS Hi r section of Ormsby where the theft of an iron Monday. It was announced that students ternoon. A counselor who works and two hairdryers occurred last Sunday. The intruder(s) In response to a request by completing their studies in the at the desk recently noticed a the French department, Herbert fall or winter term may com­ man or boy walking back and entered the small first floor bathroom window at the left Tjossem for the Committee or plete honors projects in those forth on the sidewalk in front of of the picture. Instruction moved that the com­ terms, with the provision that Ormsby. The girl became suspi­ mittee be given authority to per­they petition the Committee on cious when he hid behind a tree mit experimentation with depart­ Honors in time for appropriate each time anyone passed. mental exams. arrangements to be made. Motion Passed Obligated to Submit Copy Wrolstad Discusses The previous policy has been Beginning this year, students Rapoport Will Speak one in which all departments are submitting acceptable honors equally based. The motion was projects will be obligated to sub­ University’s Security carried with the amendment “at mit a copy of their theses to the Twice This Tuesday Last Sunday morning’s burg­the Colman entrance lights would the request of the department library before a predetermined Anatol Rapoport, Professor of lary at Ormsby is the latest of be toned down. concerned” added after ‘‘experi­ deadline, which is May 26 in Mathematical Biology and Sen­ several incidents in the past year Although other institutions have mentation.” 1967. ior Research Mathematican at concerning intruders and prop­ had limited success with patrols, Mathematical methods in the Carl Wellman, associate pro­ the Mental Health Research In­ erty damage or loss. Wrolstad did noteliminate the pos­ sciences, a course in math con­ fessor of philosophy, also an­ stitute of the University of Mich­ A recent break-in at the Un­ sibility of campus police. In ref­ cepts used in physics, chemistrynounced for the Committee on igan, will address a science ion, food forages on fraternity erence to bicycle thefts and un­ Honors that athletic awards un­ colloquium and deliver a fresh­ houses by non-Lawrentians, stol­ wanted escorts, he stressed the der the Committee’s jurisdiction man studies lecture next week.en bicycles that often find their importance of “good neighborli­ will be made on the advice of the way into the river via Union Hill, ness” and individual responsi­ Indian Philosopher Committee on Intercollegiate Rapoport will present a fresh­ a girl pursued home to Collegebility in protecting communal and Activities for Men, which will man studies lecture entitled House by a stranger, the annualpersonal interests. To Discuss Religionconsider candidates nominated “Structure of Scientific Revolu­vandalism with spray paint by by the department of physicaltions” on Tuesday morning, and high school students and rivals Dr. Amiya Chakravarty, aeducation. Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 he and a man seen in Colman at 3 Boston University religious phil- A change in eligibility rules will address a science colloqu­ a.m. during summer session are Scriven To Lecture ospher, will speak on “A Con­ for students involved in confer­ ium in Youngchild 161 on “Mod­ largely responsible for the in­ temporary Approach to Art,ence athletics was requested by ern Concepts of Conflict and Co­ creased interest in campus secur­ Science and Religion” in the Vernon Roelofs, professor of operation.” ity. On Question of God Riverview Lounge at 8 p.m.,history, for the Midwest Confer­ Studied Music M a r w i n Wrolstad, business Midhael Scriven's lecture, Thursday, Nov. 10. ence of Colleges. Born in Russia, Rapoport came manager of the university, noted “Proving the Non-Existance of As a native of India some of to the United States as a boy God.” will be given ae 8 p.m., his closest friends were Mahat­ Increased Enrollment several steps taken to ensure stu­Wednesday, Nov. 9 in Harper ma Ghandi and Rabindranath The clause was necessitated by and later studied at the State dent and property security. Grad­Hall. Academy of Music in Vienna. ually the day custodial work is Scriven’s view is that under­ Tagore. the increasing number of stu­ He is an accomplished concert being shifted to 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Recently he has made contri­ dents who are enrolled in the in­ graduate interest in the question stitution but working off campus.pianist in addition to having a A janitor surprised the Union’s of God’s existence has been butions to world pence by lec­ doctorate in mathematics. recent intruder at 3 a.m. and greatly underestimated, and that turing and teaching in America. It compels a student to be on frightened him away. The task of interpreting Indian campus during the relevant His research has been largely students are quite capable of and Asian democracy in the sports period in order to com­ in mathematical biology, math­ Lighting Conditions intelligently debating the issue West, he feels, is an urgent one. pete in the Midwest conference. ematical psychology, and math­ All women will live in dormi­ despite the fact they are not Only by understanding of this ematical sociology. tories when Kohler Hall is fin­ often given the opportuniy to do kind can a real federation of t---- He i.< currently president of ished. The long-promised lighting so. democracies be evolved to con­ the Society for General Systems awaits completion of the “total It is Scriven’s feeling that the front divisionist powers. ROUND ROBINS Research, is a Fellow of the plan” by the landscape archi­ important question in comtempor- Dr. Chakravarty received his Upperclass independent wo­ American Academy of Arts and tect. ary philosophy is not "Is God Masters Degree from Patna men are cordially invited to Sciences, and is chairman of the Wrolstad pointed out that, aside dead?” but rather “Was God ever University and his doctorate at attend the sorority Round Rob­ Council Study Committee on Eth­ from aesthetic considerations, alive?” ins which will be held on Sun- ics and Responsibilities of lighting has to be thoroughly The Philosophy Club and the Oxford. diay, Nov. 13. They should Science for the American As­ planned because brightly lit areas Student Senate Committe will The program is sponsored by meet in the Union <aA 1:30.
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