Composers/Works Performed 1983-2016

Composers/Works Performed 1983-2016

VILLAGE ORCHESTRA/CHAPEL HILL PHILHARMONIA Composers performed 1983-2016 Anderson Sleigh Ride 12/18/86 The Typewriter 10/25/15 Bach, J.S. Air 5/2/85, Concerto for Two Violins in D minor (Piedmont Youth Orchestra Soloists), 10/21/12 Barber Overture to “The School for Scandal”, Op 5, 12/10/06 Baermann Adagio for Clarinet and Strings (attrib. Richard Wagner), 2/11/07 Badelt Pirates of the Caribbean 10/25/15 Bartok Romanian Folk Dances, 10/23/11 Piano Concerto #3, 02/16/14 Bass Suite Concertante (2004) World Premiere Beethoven Overture to the Creatures of Prometheus”, Op. 43, 5/02, 12/16/07 Piano Concerto No.2, 4/20/89, 4/30/92 Piano Concerto No. 3 (C Minor, Op. 37), May 2002, 5/6/04 (Allegro), 5/4/08 (Allegro) 5/1/16 Egmont Overture, Op 84, 4/29/93, 11/20/05, 12/14/08 5/3/15 Leonore Overture 12/5/96 Coriolan Overture 2/12/04, 2/3/05 Symphonies: Symphony No. 2 (I) 5/3/84, 5/1/97 Symphony No. 3 (III) 4/30/92, 12/12/10 Symphony No. 3 (I-IV), 5/6/99 Symphony No. 4 4/20/89 Symphony No. 5(I&IV) 12/10/87, 5/4/95, 12/10/06, (I, with Piedmont Youth Orchestra) 10/21/12, (I with animation from Fantasia 2000) 10/20/13 Symphony No. 6 “Pastoral” 5/5/94 10/25/15 (Allegro) 12/6/15 Symphony No. 7 in A major, Op. 92, (II) 12/18/86, 12/08/13, I-IV 5/2/10 Symphony No. 8 (I-IV), 5/10/01 Beriot Violin Concerto No.9 4/25/91 Berlioz Hungarian March-Damnation of Faust 12/19/85, 5/10/01 Roman Carnival Overture 12/15/94 10/25/15, 12/6/15 Harold in Italy, 11/18/99 Ninth Concerto for Violin (Rondo), 5/10/01 Symphonie Fantastique 5/5/13 1 Bernstein West Side Story (Medley arr. Jack Mason), 2/11/07 Candide Ouverture 5/3/09 Bizet Adagietto (L'Arlesienne Suite No.1) 12/14/89 L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2 12/18/86, 12/9/04 Carmen Suite 3/31/88, 12/15/94, 2/11/07, Les Toréadors and Intermezzo 2/19/12 Boccherini Cello Concerto 5/3/84 Borodin In The Steppes of Central Asia 4/20/89 Polovtsian Dances 5/7/98; 12/13/09 Overture to Prince Igor, 5/3/05 Symphony No. 2 in B minor, 5/1/2011 Brahms Hungarian Dances No. 1, 3, & 5, and No 5 Piano, Gabriel Crist & Quin Cullen 10/21/12 Hungarian Dances No. 55/1/86 Academic Festival Overture 5/4/95, 5/1/2011 Variations on a Theme by Haydn 5/2/96, 05/05/12 Symphony No. 2 in D Major, Op. 73, 5/6/04, 12/08/13 Symphony No. 3 (III) 5/10/90, Symphony No. 4 (I&IV) 12/5/96, (I, II, III &IV) 12/16/07 Symphony No. 1, 12/10/98 Bruch Violin ConcertoNo.1 3/31/88 Fantasie Concerto for Violin (Andante sostenuto), 5/10/01 Scottish Fantasy for violin and orchestra, 4 mvts, 2/24/08 Chabrier España Rhapsodie 5/5/13 Charpentier Depuis le jour (Louise) 11/6/03 Chopin Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11, 1st movement 5/3/15 Copland Fanfare for the Common Man, 5/2/10 "Hoe-Down" 5/3/84, 10/20/13 Outdoor Overture 4/25/91, 12/11/97 Quiet City 12/17/92 El Salon Mexico, 10/23/11 Corelli Concerto VIII 12/15/94 Debussy Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, 11/3/88, 12/12/01, 2/24/08 Legends 5/4/95 Slavonic Dances 12/19/85, 12/12/91 La Mer, 02/17/13 Delibes Vien Mallika...Dome epais (Lakme) 2/19/12 Donizetti Bella siccome un angelo, from ‘Don Pasquale’, 10/19/08 2 Dvorak Slavonic Dances 12/19/85, 12/12/91, No. 7&No.2 5/1/03 Legends 5/4/95 Symphony No. 7 in D Minor, Op. 70, 5/4/06 Symphony No. 8 in G Major, Op. 88, 12/16/93, 2/14/10 Symphony No. 9, E minor, Op 95 (IV) 5/2/85, 5/7/98, Complete 12/14/08 Elgar Enigma Variations 4/25/91, Complete 2/12/04, 05/04/14 Serenade for String Orchestra, Op 20, 2/17/2011 Pomp and Circumstance Marches 1-4 (abridged and with animation from Fantasia 2000), 10/20/13 Enesco Romanian Rhapsody No. 1 11/3/88 Farberman The Little Boy and the Tree Branch, narrated by Ann-Louise Aguiar, 10/20/07 Faure Pelleas et Melisande 12/19/85, 12/14/95 Finzi Clarinet Concerto, Op 31, 5/6/07 Forsyth Viola Concerto in G minor, Appasionato-Moderato, 5/1/2011 Franck Psyche et Eros 12/10/87 Symphony in D Minor, 12/12/91, 11/16/2000 Gade Sinfonia 5/11/2000 Gershwin An American in Paris 3/5/87 12/7/14 Glaser March of the Little Goblins 10/25/15 Glinka Overture to Russlan and Ludmilla ? Date and again 2/22/09 Gluck Overture to Iphigenia in Aulis Greenberg Symphony No. 5, 5/4/08 Grieg "Heartwounds, Last Spring” 12/12/91 Suite in the Old Style, “from Holberg’s Time”, Op 40, 11/20/05 Piano Concerto in A minor, Op 16 5/3/09 Griffes White Peacock 12/12/91 Poem for Flute and Orchestra 2/22/09 Handel Messiah Overture and Pastorale 12/19/85 Water Music, 02/17/13 Hanson Symphony No. 2 (Romantic), Op 30, 5/5/94, 11/20/05 Haydn Symphony No. 104 12/14/89, 2/17/11 Concerto in D (Cello), 5/11/2000 3 Concerto in C for Oboe & Orchestra, 2/3/05 Herbert Babes in Toyland 12/20/84 Holst Planets 5/10/90 (Jupiter) Mars from “The Planets” (excerpts) 10/20/07 Humperdinck Hansel and Gretel 12/10/87, Prelude 10/23/11 Ibert Concertino da Camera pour Saxophone Alto, 12/11/11 Kodaly Hary Jano Suite, Op 15, 11/20/05 Mahler Symphony No. 1 in D major, 12/11/11 Massenet Overture to Phedre 12/17/92 Mendelssohn War March from Athalia 12/15/83 Overture to Ruy Blas 12/14/89, 12/11/97, 05/06/12 Hebrides (Fingal's Cave) 5/2/96 Andante from Symphony No 5 (excerpt, 10/20/07) Overture to A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Op 21, 5/4/08 Piano Concerto No. 1 in G minor, Op 25, 5/2/10 Symphony No. 4 in A Major, Op. 90 (“Italian”) 12/7/14 Mercadante Flute Concerto No 2 in E minor, Op 57 (Allegro Maestoso) 05/05/12 Mizesko The Golden Years and Finale from “Sketches from Pinehurst” with film “Southern Ice” by Brooks de Wetter-Smith Lamento for Don Quixote, Tim Hudson, trumpet (world premiere) 12/16/07 Molyneux, G. Variations on a Theme of Brahms, 10/21/12 Romanza (world premiere), 12/16/07 Mozart, L. Sleigh Ride 12/10/87 Mozart, W.A. A Little Night Music (excerpt) 10/20/07 Abduction from the Seraglio, 2/24/08 Batti, batti, from ‘Don Giovanni’, 10/19/08 Clarinet Concerto 5/30/87 Concerto for 2 Pianos in E-flat, K 365, 12/10/06 Deh vieni non tardar, from ‘The Marriage of Figaro’, K. 492, 10/19/08, 2/22/09 Der Holle Rache (The Magic Flute), 2/19/12 Dove sono, from ‘The Marriage of Figaro’, K. 492, 10/19/08 Fra gli amplessi (Cosi fan tutti), 2/19/12 Horn Concerto No. 3 in E-flat, K 477, 12/14/08 La ci darem la mano (Don Giovanni), 2/19/12 Parto, parto, from ‘La Clemenza di Tito’, K. 621, 10/19/08 Piano ConcertoNo. 23 5/1/86 Piano Concerto No. 12 4/29/93 4 Piano Concerto No. 20 in D Minor K 466 1/15/15 Violin Concerto K.218 (I) 5/2/85 Violin Concerto K219, 5/11/2000 Violin Concerto No 3 in G major, K.216 Y. Youngerman, 10/21/12 O Statua Gentilissima (Don Giovanni), 2/19/12 Overture to Der Schauspienldirektor (The Impresario) 2/14/10 Overture to Die Zauberflote (The Magic Flute), K620, 5/4/06 10/26/14 Overture to The Marriage of Figaro 12/16/93 Overture to Titus 12/14/89, 5/7/98, 11/16/2000 Sinfonia Concertante for Four Winds in Eb 5/5/94, 02/16/14 Sinfonia Concertante in E-flat for Violin, Viola & Orchestra 2/3/05 Smanie implacabile (Cosi fan tutti) K. 588, 10/19/08 Soave Sia il Vento (Cosi fan tutti) 2/19/12 Sull’aria (Marriage of Figaro) 2/19/12 Symphony. No. 5 11/6/03 Symphony No. 27 12/20/84 Symphony No.31 3/5/87 Symphony No.35 K. 385, 11/6/03 Symphony No. 39 12/13/90 Symphony No. 41 11/3/88 Symphony No. 40 in G minor K 550 11/18/99 2/14/16 Symphony No. 25 in G minor, K. 183 12/13/09 Adagio for V&O E-major 5/1/03 Rondo in C-major for V&O 5/1/03 The Magic Flute selections with UNC Music Department 10/26/14 Aria (Papageno) Der Vogelfanger bin ich ja Evan Adair Aria (Tamina) Die Bildnis ist bezaubernd schon Drew Meyer Recitative and Aria (Queen of The Night) O zitt’re nicht Diana Thompson Quintet (Papageno, Tamino and Three Ladies) Hm, hm, hm, hm! Duet (Pamina and Papageno) Bei Mannern, welche Liebe fuhlen Kayla Hill and Nick Danker Aria (Sarastro) O Isis und Osiris Turner Davis Aria (Monastatos) Alles fuhlt der Liebe Freuden Mark Storey Aria (Queen of The Night) Der Holle Rache Diana Thompson Aria (Pamina) Ach, ich fuhl’s, es ist verschwunden Charlotte Jackson Aria (Papageno) Ein Madchen oder Weibchen Nick Danker Duet (Papageno and Papagena) pa-pa-pa Emily Siar and Arron Thacker Nicolai Overture to The Merry Wives of Windsor 4/20/89, 12/10/98, 10/21/12 Offenbach Overture to Orpheus in the Underworld 5/2/85 Les oiseaux dans la charmille (Tales of Hoffman) 2/19/12 5 Puccini O Soave Fanciulla (The Bohemian) 2/19/12 O mio babbino caro, from ‘Gianni Schicchi’, 10/19/08, 2/19/12 Un bel di (Madama Butterfly) 11/6/03 Prokofiev Lieutenant Kije Suite 4/30/87, 5/30/92 Peter and the Wolf 10/15/87 Piano Concerto No 2 in G Minor, Op.

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