Gosfield Grapevine Issue 76—December 2017 Gosfield Parish Council 2 New houses for Gosfield I am writing this having just returned from a Planning Committee Meeting at Braintree District Council where I spoke on behalf of the Parish Council against two proposed developments in Gosfield. I did not believe I would be successful because the District Council had recommended approval and that usually means they go through. As it turned out our fears were realised and the plans were approved The two plans are for 19 houses on the plot to the South of the Limes, and for 35 houses to the North of Meadway, 54 in total. The Meadway plans were with access via Meadway rather than Hedingham Road. To be fair to the District Council, they never envisaged much expansion in the villages and concentrated their plans for development in the 3 towns of Witham, Braintree and Halstead, but they have not got the numbers required by the Govern- ment so have had to turn to villages like Gosfield, but it will affect us not least with the pressure on the road system and other services. And this may not be the end. Developers, sensing blood, are putting in more applications some of which the District Council may have to accept. In all this, the Parish Council representing the village has little say and we are at the mercy of outside forces beyond our control. All we can do try to extract concessions which will mitigate the impact of what is being decided. For example, I proposed that the plans for The Limes site would include some off-road parking to reduce the parking problem in the Limes road. Also, I proposed that construction traffic not be allowed along Hall Drive and Meadway during school rush hours and this principle was accepted. It will be bad enough at normal times with traffic from what will be in effect a 100+ housing estate feeding into Hall drive in competition with traffic from Gosfield Hall, the Golf Club and both St Margaret’s School and the County Primary School, but it would be unimaginable if there is construction traffic at the same time. One ray of light in the gloom is that the developers have offered the other half of the field on the Meadway site to the village as a public amenity space and the Parish Council have accepted the offer, so hopefully, the site cannot be expanded in the future and we will have acquired a valuable piece of amenity land for the village. Bob Waters (Chairman of the Parish Council) 3 Plan No. *17/01066/OUT (APPROVED) Location Gosfield Applicant(s) Baylight Ltd Proposed Development Outline application with all matters reserved except for access for the erection of up to 35 dwellings - Access via Meadway, land to the West of Hedingham Road. DECISION: That, subject to the applicant entering into a suitable legal agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to cover the following Heads of Terms:- - Affordable Housing – 40% of units on site to be affordable housing, with a final mix to be agreed at the reserved matters stage, but with 70/30% ratio of afforda- ble rent over shared ownership. - Open Space Contribution – A financial contribution towards allotments and sports provision, based upon a formula set out in the Supplementary Planning Document. The provision of public open space on the developable area, between the development and listed building. The land on the Western part of the site (approx. 2.6 hectares) shall be public open space. Provision for ongoing arrangements for the management and maintenance of all open space provided. Education - A contribution towards primary school places and a second- ary transport contribution in accordance with Essex County Council’s formula. the Development Manager be authorised to grant planning permission for the above development in accordance with the approved plans and the conditions and reasons set out in the report, as amended below. Alternatively, in the event that a suitable planning obligation is not agreed within three calendar months of the date of the Planning Committee’s decision, the Development Manager be authorised to refuse planning permission. Details of this planning application are contained in the Regis- ter of Planning Applications. The Committee approved this application subject to the additional, proposed site plan Plan Ref: 255-PL-10_B being added to the list of Approved Plans. Councillor Bob Waters, representing Gosfield Parish Council, attended the meeting and spoke against this application. Please see on page five a map of the proposed development area. Land top of Meadway This map was presented to BDC planning committee and used as part of the decision making process You will note the complete development area is inside land to be given to the parish council. This guarantees this site cannot enlarge without the consent of the parish council, [the will of the village] The parish council will eventually have the cost of the upkeep of this land and hedges especially the responsibility to keep the hedge in Hedingham Road cut back, to keep the pavement clear. Ed. 4 5 Plan No. *17/00610/OUT (APPROVED) Location Gosfield Applicant(s) Marden Homes Ltd Proposed Development Outline planning application for up to 19 dwellings with associated access, parking, garaging, landscaping and amenity space, land South of The Limes. DECISION: That, subject to the applicant entering into a suitable legal agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to cover the following Heads of Terms:- - Affordable Housing – 40% of units on site to be affordable housing, with a final mix to be agreed at the reserved matters stage, but with 70/30% ratio of afforda- ble rent over shared ownership. Open Space Contribution – A financial contribution towards open space, based upon a formula set out in the Supplementary Planning Document. the Development Manager be authorised to grant planning permission for the above development in accordance with the approved plans and the conditions and reasons set out in the report. Alternatively, in the event that a suitable planning obligation is not agreed within three calendar months of the date of the Planning Committee’s de- cision, the Development Manager be authorised to refuse planning permission. De- tails of this planning application are contained in the Register of Planning Applica- tions. Councillor Bob Waters, representing Gosfield Parish Council, attended the meeting and spoke against this application. Braintree District Council Planning committee 5th December 2017 APPLICATION NO: 17/01607/FUL Proposed development of 40 no. new residential dwellings LOCATION: Former Oil Depot, Land West Of, Hedingham Road, Gosfield, Essex, CO9 1PN Application REFUSED for the following reasons:- 1 The site is located in the countryside and falls outside of the defined village envelope as identified in the adopted Local Plan Review and adopted Core Strategy. The proposal introduces 40no. dwellings in the countryside where development is resisted unless it is sustainable and is located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities. Facilities and amenities are beyond reasonable and safe walking distance of the site and development in this location would undoubtedly place reliance upon travel by car. 6 GOSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL GOSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL MEETING DATES 2017 –2018 18th December 2017—Pavilion—7.15pm 15th January 2018— Pavilion—7.15pm 19th February 2018—Pavilion—7.15pm The Parish Council would like to add their voice to the big thank you to Ian Thurston and the speedwatch team for organizing the smiley Sid sign in Hedingham Road. At the same time we would like to recognise the generosity shown by all who contributed Maurice Rowson Trust MDS Civil Engineering G B Finch Gosfield School Gosfield Hall Gosfield Lake Golf Club Gosfield Parish Council Thank you. The parish council would like to wish all parishioners and advertisers in the Grapevine a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Your support throughout the year whether sending content or advertising is appreciated, without you this mag couldn't happen. Joanne Beavis, Clerk to Gosfield Parish Council. Easter Cottage, Park Hall Road, Gosfield, C09 1SQ. Telephone: 01371 850710. Email: [email protected] Email; [email protected] [email protected] Please note copy date for the next “Grapevine” 23rd January 2018 7 Minutes of Gosfield Parish Council meeting held on Monday 16th October 2017 at the Pavilion, the Playing Field, Church Road, Gosfield at 7.15pm. Selected extracts 17/169. The Parish Council carefully considered the Braintree District Council planning applications and unanimously agreed “No comment” on the following planning applications: Planning No: 17/01752/FUL. 49 Greenfields. Replace extension, car port and re-position the garage. Planning No: 17/00316/TPOCON. Ryton, The Street. Tree works. Planning No: 17/00305/TPOCON. 5 Park Cottages, The Street. Tree works. Planning No: 17/00301/TPOCON. 2 The Firs, the Street. Tree works. Planning No: 17/00300/TPOCON. 1 The Firs, the Street. Tree works. 17/170. Cllr. Strudwick thanked Ian Thurston for his work with Harry Bines and the Speed- Watch Group in bringing forward the project to install a new Speed Activation Device at the location of Hedingham Road, Gosfield. He said that the latest speed survey in this location of the village highlighted that 70 per cent of cars exceeded the speed limit. He reported that a lot of work had been carried out including finding external funders to support the project. Cllr. Pawsey proposed that the Parish Council paid for the Speed Activation Device from the Parish Council’s General Fund. The proposal was seconded by Cllr. Hough and unanimously agreed.
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