The Weather Foresast of 0. S. Weather Bcisaa Cloudy tonight, low' 19-$e; Hosa Oo. 1 o f the Eighth Dis­ HartfoM maintained by The ohaace of mmw tomorrow, high Cinmecticut Institute for the trict Fire Department will Contracts Let 80-86. About Town meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at fire Blind. Thta privately operated headquarters. Main and Hilliard For Lubricants school is devoted solely to the MancheBter— A City of Vittage Charm education of blind children. Last Aid Society of Zion Sts. bitlMnn Church wUl have a year the Institute spent $8,992 The town has awarded two Inulnnii meetinj' tomorrow at Percy Smith Circle of South to educate and train each of Its VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 53 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1964 (Classified Advnttatag ea Page « ) PRICE SEVEN* CENTS 7:90 pjD. in the church aa- suppliers contracts to provide 138 studenta. This year’s en­ TTie Unlverssl Product* Oorp. ^ i n m n Methodist Church will meet to­ gasoline, motor oil and lubricat­ o f Secaucus, N. J., with a price ■embly room. Hoetesees will be morrow at 8 p.m. at the honhs rollment includes nine qtudents Iflas Helen Janasen, Mra. Selma ing greases through next No­ from the Greater Manchester o f 826,476. is the apparent low of Mrs. Martin Keiderling, 19 vember. bidder for supplytaif kitchen Kamm, Mra. Katherine Keiah Buckingham St. area. There are four from Man­ and iO m Kmlly Klaaman. Kay Petroleum of Bast Hart­ chester, two from Coventry, and equipment for the Robertson ford will supply the gasoline one each from South Coventry, School. ( '.\ \ i 'i KS Events St. Mary’s Episcopal Guild The Army and Navy Club haa and the Sun Oil Co. will supply Vernon and Rockville. The food service equipment, will meet Thursday at 11 a.m. Peron’s Trip Home ticketa available for the Ice conventional and diesel motor Dr. Davis urges full com­ consisting of a refrigerator, Folliee Show in New Haven in Guild Hall. Members are oil, gear oil and multi-purpose munity support for this pro­ freezer, ranges, ovens, mixers In State Huge Sea of Humanity on Sunday. Tranaportation will reminded to bring sandwiches. grease. gram In the field of work for and counters, will be installed O A SHOPPING Kay Petroleum offered the be fumlahed. For additional In­ Dessert and beverages will be ConnecUcut blind children. All in a new kitchen, part of the LENOX PHARMACY formation contact the club' served by Mrs. Gertrude Can­ largest discount on gasoline at contributions should be sent to additions and renovation work liouae. non, Mrs. Allan Hotchkiss anci Zl) DAYS a bid opening on Nov. 6; Sun Blind, care of The Connecticut now being done at the school. 299 E. CENTER STREET— 649-0896 Couple Killed, Oil had the lowest unit prices Cut Short in Brazil Miss Snsie Trouton. Bank and Trust Co., 893 Main Others whose bids were open­ TILL CHRISTMAS for oils and greases. St., Manchester. ed In the Municipal Building Alumnae of the Hartford The town has delayed award­ Fire Destroys Chapter, The College of Our Phi Theta Chapter of Beta this morning are: B. Golden A ted In view of his back-to-Argen- Greets Pope Paul VI ing contracts on batteries, tires RIO DE JANEIRO, Bra­ Lady of the Klma, will have a Sigma Phi will meet tomorrow Sons Inc. of Hartford, $26,E81; tlna political activities. Trailer Home Executive board of the Guild and tubes—for which bids were zil (A P)— Brazil abruptly It was reported unofficially buffet Thuraday at 7:30 p.m. at at 7:30 p.m. at the home of of Our Lady of St. Bartholo- Voter Session Stainless Blqulpment Fabrica­ opened at the same time— until that Peron would be detained at BOMBAY India (A P)__ <?>ln the view of veteran observ-<^first and one of the most over-'^ There was no single incident, the home of Mra. Nell F. Mara, Miss Paula Ballsieper. 70 Tan- new w’ill meet tonight at 8 in more details on the bids have tors Inc. o f Hempstead, N. Y., halted Juan D. Peron on his 27 Proctor Kd. Any alumnae in the military section of the air­ BRISTOL (AP) — Mr, ’ ers whelming ---------waves of ------people1 - en­— although police had been ner\St. The hostesses will pre­ the school meeting room. been supplied. $27,219; and Schorer Oo. Inc. of arrival from Madrid, Spain, A gigantic, fervent sea of the area who wish to attend Set Tomorrow field unUl the Iberia plane The multitudes crammed the gulfed his car, bringing it to a prepared for hostile acts from sent the program. Hartfoid, $27,486. today with the aim of even­ and Mrs. Joseph Gimpl of humanity surged around may contact Mrs. Mara. The Universal bid is the only GRADUATE NURSES heads back to Madrid tonight. streets. They paoked the roof­ standstill repeatedly as police fanatical Hindu sects opposed to DAV Auxiliary will meet to­ tually returning to Argen­ Bristol perished early to­ tried to force back the throng. the papal visit to attend the 38th A regular monthly voter- one that is wiUiin the $26,500 In Buenos Aires, troops and Pope Paul VI as he arrived tops. They filled balconies and St. Joseph's Mothers Circle morrow at 7:30 p.m. at VFW police were placed on the alert day in a fire that destroyed alcoves. They stood atop sign­ Despite the crowding and international eucharistlc con- l>elta Chapter, RAM. will will meet tomorrow at 8:15 Blind Institute making session will be held budgeted for the equipment. FULL OR PART-TIME tina. A Brazilian govern­ today, saying “ We come as Home. against any disturbances by Pe­ their trailer home near the boards, walls, vehicles and on shoving around him, the Pope gross. meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at p.m. at the home of Mr.s. John from 6 to 8 p.m. tomorrow in This morning’s bid openings ment spokesman said the a pilgrim, a pilgrim of the Masonic Temple. The Mark the town clerk’s office in the Skirt at $93.10 par w««k ron’s .followers. The Defense Burlington town line. hillsides adjoining the Pope’s kept waving and smiling as he Wearing a white skull cap, a Dahm, 46 Coleman Rd. Mem­ Launches Drive marked the second time in a ex-dictator will be shipped M lnist^ said the armed forces peace of joy of love.” stood erect, although at times he red silk stole and a red brocade Master Mason degree will be bers are reminded to bring a Municipal Building. A policeman and the couple's route. month that prices had been back to Spain. would bar any attempt to put After the longest mission ever The pontiff, 87, riding in an appeared to almost lose his bal­ cape at the end of the 4,000-milo conferred after a short business grab bag gift. 12th Circuit Applicants, to be eligible for sought for the supplies. A t the End of first year $104.22 son, William, ran into the burn­ The Connecticut Institute for Official barriers mushroomed him back in power. ing trailer and pulled the couple undertaken by a pontiff, the open white American-built con­ ance because of lurches of the journey. Pope Paul walked meeting. There will be a social enrollment, must be at least 21 previous bid openings, only B. time with refreshments. the Blind has launched its an­ years of sige, must be U.S. citi­ against the former strong man The cancellation of the flight out, but efforts to f revive the Pope was encompassed for an vertible, alternately smiled and car. down a 40-foot red carpet Guard Club of WBA will have nual fund drive to raise $70,000 Golden had submitted a price, Maximum $114.56 All around, covering the fields spread from the ramp of the a Christmas Party Thursday, Court Cases zens and must have resided in In Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, to Montevideo came after the Gimpls were unsuccessful. looked about in wonderment, throughout the state, with 9,' but It was rejected because the Uruguayan Aeronautics Board hour and a half by hundreds of waving almost continuously and and hills and running; forward plane. Lakota Council, Degree of Dec. 10. at 6:30 p.m. at Wil­ Manchester for at least six li/z OVERTIME Pay Argentina, and other South Gimpl was 81 and his wife thousands. They pressed against Pocahontas, will meet tomor­ 500 direct-mail appeals to resi­ offer of approximately $29,000 3 WEEKS Vacation announced Peron’s plane would Catherine was 74. occasionally pressing a dark like a stampede, the vast wave Waiting to greet him were lie's Steak House, 446 Center dents of Greater Manchester. months. American capitals. his car and at times seeming al­ row at 7:30 p.m. at Odd Fel­ MANCHESTF.R SESSION The qualification of residency was considered too high. 11 PAID Holidays Liberal Retirement and not be allowed to land. The trailer was at the rear hand stretched to him. of humanity sought to keep Prime Minister Lai Bahadur St. Members are reminded to The first phase of the drive It was made plain Peron, 69, most to spill over it. Police esti­ lows Hall for the nomination of make re.**ervations with Mrs. Frank Tobias, 34, of Rockville, has changed since the last ses­ The specifications were revis­ Social Security In Asuncion, a source close to of the son’s home (at 298 Mine Security guards on either side abreast of the motorcade.
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