ADJOURNMENT 2010 ASSEMBLY Friday, 20 May 1994 taken over by the mortgagee in possession. The I commend the bill to the house. Republic of Nauru subsequently acquired the interest in the lease and now wishes to acquire the Debate adjourned on motion of Mr THOMSON land and develop the site as a hotel and residential (Pascoe Vale). complex. Mr I. W. SMITH (Minister for Finance) - I move: The site is to be sold to enable the redevelopment of the site, providing an opportunity for the substantial That the debate be adjourned until Wednesday, 25 May. revitalisation of this important Melbourne landmark. I thank the honourable member for Pascoe Vale for The Institute of Plant Sciences formerly occupied a agreeing to allow the second-reading speech to be portion of the Victoria College of Agriculture and made today so that honourable members can have Horticulture. The remainder of the site is to be sufficient time to examine it and the bill. I offer granted to Melbourne University under the whatever expertise and technical advice the Melbourne University (VCAH) Act, the remainder opposition requires in order to satisfy itself about of the site is now vacant and the revocation of the the features of the bill. I am sure that when the reservation will enable it to be sold. This will be arrangements for bills to come on for debate are done on production of a plan of survey of the land negotiated next week, depending on the once the boundary between the land to be granted to requirements of the opposition, so long as the bill is Melbourne University and the remainder of the site dealt with before the house rises at the end of the is finalised. week, I am sure something can be arranged to suit the opposition. The Lakeside Psychiatric Hospital occupies an area of 40.47 hectares permanently reserved in 1867 as an Motion agreed to and debate adjourned until industrial school reserve. This bill provides for the Wednesday, 25 May. revocation of the reservation of 1 hectare of the site, which the Shire of Ballarat has expressed interest in ADJOURNMENT acquiring to develop a sporting facility. Mr MACLELLAN (Minister for Planning) - I The remaining provisions of the bill are provisions move: which are generally applicable to land bills of this type and which detail the consequences of That the house do now adjourn. revocation and provide for the Registrar-General and Registrar of Titles to make necessary Community residential unit costs amendments to titles and provides that no compensation is payable in respect of the Ms GARBUTT (Bundoora) - The matter I direct revocations dealt with by this bill. to the attention of the Minister for Community Services concerns costs in community residential I make the following statement under section 85(5) units whose residents are intellectually disabled. of th~ Constitution Act 1975 of the reasons why Since the introduction in CRUs of the user-pays, clause 14 of the bill provides that it is intended to full-cost recovery policy by the government there alter or vary the Constitution Act 1975 to the extent have been huge increases in the costs the residents necessary to prevent the Supreme Court awarding or their parents or administrators are expected to compensation in respect of anything done under or pay. This has led to any number of issues. arising out of this act. The matter I raise this evening, which has been The reason for preventing the Supreme Court from raised with me by parents of residents, is a good awarding compensation is as follows: to enable the example of some of those issues. It concerns the cost Crown to change the use or status of reserved land it of telephone calls and rent, and I shall cite four is necessary to ensure tha t the land is no longer instances. subject to any interests or rights arising out of the former use. The existence of these rights and The first concerns a community residential unit in interests and claims for compensation based on Mooroolbark. A parent wrote to me complaining them or on the former use of the land could prevent that she had received a large bill and had insisted on a change in the use or status of the land that is for seeing the original account. It turned out that the the benefit of the community as a whole. account was for another eRU further down the road ADJOURNMENT Friday. 20 May 1994 ASSEMBLY 2011 in Mooroolbark. The problem is made worse The subject 1 raise is Sunbury Primary School. Most because the account has been paid by the residents schools in Sunbury have facilities which can be and therefore was approved by the department described only as pretty up to date - and I pay without the department checking whether the tribute to my predecessor, the Minister for Sport, account was for the right CRU and without the Recreation and Racing, for his representation of department realising that the account was for a Sunbury. Sunbury Primary School celebrates its house not being managed by the department and 125th birthday in October this year. lhat is a fair therefore an account that should never have been length of time. As a result, a great deal of handled by it and certainly never approved and refurbishment is necessary. paid. 1 am told by the principal, Mr David McDonagh, The second instance concerns a CRU in Doveton. A that the school needs a new tin roof and repairs to parent complained to me that expensive bills for the ceiling, which has holes in it. It has windows that telephone calls have been received and, when are without locks and doors need to be replaced. checked, it has been found that the calls were made Most importantly, it has rotten wood in its by staff attempting to contact other staff when floorboards - the Leader of the Opposition would rostered staff have indicated that they will not be agree that it is dangerous to put your foot through turning up. In this example the parent was told that rotting wooden boards. No paint has been applied to the residents should pay for those calls. She checked the school for nearly a decade. The teachers and the that with the policy section and it confirmed that school council painted it themselves at that time. It that is what happens. has been well over 20 years since any major maintenance of Sunbury Primary School has taken Parents of residents of the Janefield CRU in place. The asphalt is getting old. Generally speaking, Bundoora have complained about receiving it is in a pretty bad way and needs a lot of attention. telephone accounts of $394.50 and then $674.40 for a CRU occupied by four boys who cannot even speak, 1 ask the minister to take that matter on board in his let alone use the telephone. They have been told that usual caring, compaSSionate and attentive way. He staff should log the calls and that they should not be has taken the Victorian education system from a paid for by residents. disgraceful state and made it something Victoria can be proud of. Parents from Werribee with a boy in Altona CRU have told me a similar story of enormous telephone Shamford development company charges. They have been told that their son should not be charged for those calls. Those parents are Mr DOLLIS (Richmond) - I direct to the going progressively broke paying for those calls. attention of the Minister for Planning concerns expressed about his willingness in approving a The SPEAKER - Order! The honourable planning application from the development member's time has expired. company, Shamford. 1 also place on record my appreciation of the minister's stance in trying to Sunbury Primary School and Gladstone work through this matter. Park Secondary College Shamford is a trustee company and so far as can be Mr FINN (Tullamarine) -I direct to the attention ascertained its directors are John Barrie Cook and his of the Minister for Education the run-down state of son John Andrew Cook. The trustee company was the Sunbury Primary School in my electorate. In formed in 1992. As the minister is aware and so far raising this matter, 1 thank the minister on behalf of as we can ascertain, Mr Anthony Vincent Heffernan the 1400 students of the Gladstone Park Secondary is a partner with Mr John Andrew Cook in at least College, their parents and those associated with the five companies: Palladian Developments, Tanbari, college for the $650 000 recently granted to that Khulutta, Aussie Equity Company and Equity college for refurbishment. Honourable members No. 16. Both individuals were directors of may well remember that 1 raised this matter with the Twenty-ninth Lieutenant, a company dissolved minister in the house last year and again earlier this under deregulation code 2574 on 22 December 1993. year. 1 am pleased to say that after many years of Both were shareholders in the company. Labor neglect of that college the minister has come to the party. Students, teachers and staff of that Honourable members will agree that relatives or college will be a lot better off from this point on. people associated with politicians should not be ADJOURNMENT 2012 ASSEMBLY Friday, 20 May 1994 either disadvantaged or indeed benefited by those the same. The reason for the amendment is because associations. In that regard and in order to clarify the envelopes reach the edges of the trees. Although this matter, I ask the minister to inform the house people can build up to the edge, that does not ensure whether he has received any representations from the protection of the trees.
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