STAR Writing Assessment Indicators Year 1 Emerging Developing Securing May discuss what their writing is (going to With support can say out loud what they are Can say out loud what they are going to be) about when prompted by an adult. going to write about. write about. With prompting, orally rehearses sentences Plan before writing. Orally rehearses sentences before writing. Begins to sequence sentences to form short Writes some recognisable words and Writes meaningful words, phrases and narratives for some different purposes, even phrases about their own experiences. statements about their own experiences. though the form may not always be maintained. Begins to sequence sentences into Writing can be read without requiring Writing may require some mediation. narratives, although occasionally mediation Draft mediation by the child. may be required in some writing. Uses some words, phrases and single-clause Uses mainly single and co-ordinating multi- Composition sentences. clause sentences. May use adjectives to describe the size or colour of an object. Can identify if writing makes sense when it is Reads their writing back to an adult, with Reads back their writing clearly to an adult reread by an adult, and with support and support and when prompted. or their peers. suggestions may make improvements. Can identify if writing makes sense, although Evaluate Can identify if writing makes sense and starts they may rely upon an adult to suggest to suggest improvements with prompting. improvements. Adds suffixes to verbs where no change is Uses regular plural noun suffixes –s, e.g. dog, Uses regular plural noun suffixes –s or –es, in needed to the root word (e.g. helping, dogs. some writing, e.g. dog, dogs wish, wishes. helped, helper). Uses regular plural nouns suffixes –s or –es, throughout writing, e.g. dog, dogs wish, wishes. May use simple adjectives for some Words and phrases sometimes are Writes grammatically accurate phrases and description in writing and to build simple grammatically accurate. single-clause sentences. noun phrases, e.g. size or colour. Joins words and clauses using and. May Sometimes joins words and phrases with begin to use some other coordinating and coordinating conjunctions, e.g. and. subordinating conjunctions, e.g. but and Grammar because. Sometimes marks the beginning or ending of Leaves spaces between words. writing using story language, e.g. Once upon a time or happily ever after. Uses some of the correct grammatical Uses the correct grammatical terminology terminology for Year 1 (from Appendix 2) for Year 1 (from Appendix 2) e.g. when Uses and recognises some of the correct e.g. when discussing writing: letter, capital discussing writing: letter, capital letter, grammatical terminology, e.g. capital letter, letter, word, singular, plural, sentence, word, singular, plural, sentence, full stop, sentence. punctuation, full stop, question mark, punctuation, full stop, question mark, exclamation mark. exclamation mark. Begins to demonstrate an understanding of Begins to punctuate sentences using a Punctuates many sentences using a capital how full stops are used, e.g. at the end of a capital letter and a full stop and sometimes letter and a full stop and sometimes uses line of writing. May also use question and uses question marks or exclamation marks. question marks or exclamation marks. exclamation marks. Uses a capital letter for names of people, Punctuation Begins to use capital letters. places, the days of the week, and the personal pronoun ‘I’. Spells simple CVC words containing some of Segments simple CVC words and simple Spells words containing each of the 40+ the 40+ phonemes and some common common exception words. phonemes and common exception words. exception words. Uses the spelling rules for Year 1 and some Uses the spelling rules for Year 1, (from of the spelling rules for Year 2, (from Appendix 1) accurately, using suffixes where Spelling Begins to use of the spelling rules for Year 1 Appendix 1) accurately, including adding s no change is needed to the root word (from Appendix 1) with support. and es to words (plural of nouns and the (including adding the endings –ing, –ed and third person singular of verbs). –er to verbs) and the prefix -un). Begins to hold a pencil correctly and forms Sits correctly at a table, holding a pencil Knows and writes some lower-case letters. some lower-case, capital letters and some comfortably and correctly and forms lower- Transcription single-digit numbers correctly. case, capitals and digits 0-9 correctly. ng i t i Begins to form lower-case letters in the correct direction, starting and finishing in the Begins to use anti-clockwise movements to Writes letters using anti-clockwise H/wr right place. Understands which letters form lower-case letters. movements. belong to which handwriting ‘families’ (i.e. letters that are formed in similar ways). Deepening Understanding Copyright © 2018 by Southwark Council STAR Writing Assessment Indicators Demonstrates application of writing composition, appropriate grammatical devices and accurate spelling within a wide range of writing across different areas of the curriculum that start to include some detail to engage readers' interest. Shows enjoyment in the writing process and frequently chooses to write. Reads back own writing and makes changes to grammar, punctuation and spelling that start to improve the overall composition. Applies grammatical, punctuation and spelling knowledge across some different types of writing, choosing some different tools to vary writing. Begins to identify new spelling and grammatical rules and starts to apply these to words and sentences, and can sometimes identify when these rules are broken. Makes some adventurous word choices that make writing interesting for a reader. Copyright © 2018 by Southwark Council STAR Writing Assessment Indicators Year 2 Emerging Developing Securing Can say out loud what they are going to Says out loud what they are going to write Says out loud what they are going to write write about. about and may plans ideas on paper. about and plans ideas on paper. Writes down ideas and key words, including Plan May write down some ideas, with support, May write down ideas and key words with new vocabulary and may use a planning e.g. from an adult or planning frame. support, e.g. using a planning frame. frame. **Writes simple, coherent narratives about *Writes sentences that are sequenced to **Writes about real events, recording these personal experiences and those of others form a short narrative (real or fictional). simply and clearly. (real or fictional). ***Writes effectively and coherently for Writes simple non-fiction texts after Writes a growing range of non-fiction, e.g. different purposes, drawing on their discussion with the teacher, e.g. reports. reports and simple explanations. reading to inform the vocabulary and grammar of their writing. Attempts to write some different forms of Draft May write poetry with support. Maintains form when writing poetry. poetry with modelling or support. Uses mainly single and co-ordinating multi- Uses single, co-ordinating and subordinating Uses a wide range of single, co-ordinating clause sentences. multi-clause sentences. and subordinating multi-clause sentences. Starts to use some adventurous and varied Uses adventurous and varied vocabulary, Starts to use some varied vocabulary (e.g. Composition vocabulary (e.g. adjectives and adverbs), e.g. exciting adjectives for colour, size or adjectives for colour or size), although may although may rely upon word banks or simple adverbs for manner like quickly and rely upon word banks or prompts. prompts. quietly. Begins to consider word choice, grammar Evaluates the effective use of word choice, Can talk about the words, grammar and and punctuation in writing and makes simple grammar and punctuation and makes some punctuation they have used in writing. revisions and corrections, with some revisions and corrections. prompting. Can identify if writing makes sense when it is Re-reads own writing clearly to adults and ***Makes simple additions, revisions and reread and can suggest improvements when peers to check that it makes sense, proof-reading corrections to their own Evaluate prompted, e.g. word choice, grammar, suggesting improvements to word choice, writing. punctuation and spelling. grammar, punctuation and spelling. Begins to edit verbs to indicate time Edits verbs to indicate time mostly correctly, Edit verbs for tense to indicate time, correctly, including progressive tense, e.g. I including progressive tense, e.g. I was including the progressive tense, e.g. I was was walking. walking. walking. Uses –ly to turn adjectives into simple Uses the suffixes –er, –est in adjectives, e.g. Forms nouns using suffixes (from Appendix adverbs, e.g. quick becomes quickly. fast, faster, fastest. 1). Uses the suffixes –ful and –less to create adjectives from nouns, e.g. beautiful, and helpless. Uses some expanded noun phrases to Uses varied, adventurous adjectives, adverbs Uses appropriate adjectives for description, describe and specify, e.g. expanding a noun and expanded noun phrases to describe, e.g. e.g. size, colour or shape. with two adjectives, e.g. the large, furry the dark, dreadful night. bear. Uses co-ordination to join clauses, e.g. and, Uses co-ordination and, but, or and may **Uses co-ordination (e.g. or / and / but) but, or and may begin to use some begin to use some subordination, e.g. and some subordination (e.g. when / if / subordinating conjunctions, e.g. because. because and when to join clauses. that / because) to join clauses Writes using the correct form of past and **Uses present and past tense mostly present tense, including progressive in some correctly and consistently. writing, when appropriate. Grammar Writes using statements, questions and Uses sentences with different forms in their Writes mainly using simple statements with commands and may include some writing (statements, questions, exclamations some questions or commands.
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