1844 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 64 National Service Emergency Regulations 1940.­ Plant declared to be a Noxious Weed in the Waipa Gounty.­ Amendment tQ Declaration of Essential Undertakings (Notice No. Ag. ,3955.) (No. 78). Office of the Minister of Agriculture, Wellington, 19th June, 1942. HE following special order made by the Waipa County I N pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by T Council on the 25th day of May, 1942, is published in Regulation 9 of the National Service Emergency accordance with the provisions of the Noxious \Vecds Act, Regulations 1940, the Minister of National Service doth 194-2 :- hereby amend the Declaration of Essential Under­ SPECIAL ORDER. takings (No. 78) by including therein the undertakings " In exercise of the powers conferred on it by the Noxious set forth hereunder:- Weeds Act, 1928, and its amendments, the ,Vaipa County The Land and Income Tax Department. Council here by resolves and declares, by way of special order, Reserve Bank of New Zealand. that the plant mentioned in the Schedule hereto (being a plant included in the Second Schedule of the said Act, as extended Dated this 22nd day of June, 1942. from time to time by the Governor-General in Council) is a noxious weed within the County of W aipa. D. WILSON, For the Minister of· National Service. "SCHEDULE. "Pussy-willow (Salix caprea)." J. G. BARCLAY, Minister of Agriculture. ------------------------ Hcmours and Awards ccmferred by His Majesty the King. Notice to Mariners No. 13 of 1942. Marine Department, Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, N.Z., 16th June, 1942. Wellington, 15th June, 1942. POLICE LAUNCHES. IS Excellency the Governor-General directs the publi­ ARINERS are hereby advised that Police Launches H . cation in the New Zealand Gazette of the Honours and M will, in addition to the lights required by the Regula­ Awards conferred by His Majesty the King as follows:- tions for Prevention of Collisions at Sea, carry two blue lights visible all round, horizontally disposed about 3 ft. MILITARY DIVISION. apart on a yard below the masthead light. Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (O.B.)­ L. B. CAMPBELL, Secretary. Major-General (temporary Lieutenant-General) Edward (ONS/M/108.) Puttick, D.S.O., New Zealand Staff Corps, of Wellington. Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire O.fficiating jfinisters for 1.942.-Notice No. 13. (G.B.E.)- Registrar-General's Office, Group Captain George Stacey Hodson, A.F.C., R.A.F., of Christchurch. · Wellington, 23rd June, 1942. URSUANT to the provisions of the Marriage Act, 1908, Officer of the Most· Excellent Order of the British Empire P the following names of officiating ministers within (O.B.E.)- the meaning of the said Act are published for general Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) Edgar Ravenswood information :- McKillop, of Wellington. Seventh Day Adventists. Lieutenant-Commander Richard fames Bailey, Royal Navy. Pastor Henry Arthur Hockley. 1lfember of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Pastor Hilary Malcolm Lansdown. (M.B.E.)- Brethren. Flight Lieutenant Donald Edward Grigg, R.N.Z.A.F., of Mr. Robert Lawson. Auckland. Lieutenant and Quartermaster (temporary Captain and Apo.stolic Church. Quartermaster) Thomas Alexander Stewart McKenzie, Pastor Hector Henry Garcliner. New Zealand Permanent Staff, of Christchurch. 'I'he }i'ranl.-ley Road Undenominational Sunday School and Air Force Gross- Church. Wing Commander Donald William Baird, R.N.Z.A.F. Mr. Gordon Pono Stewart Smith. Flight Lieutenant Edward Buckland Firth, R.N.Z.A.F., of P.H. WYLDE, Blenheim. Deputy Registrar-General. Air Force 1lfeda/,-. Sergeant Allan Arthur Hodder, Air Gunner, Royal New The Industrial Conciliation and Arb,itration Act, 192,5.­ Zealand Air Force, of Auckland. N otice of Proposed Cancellation of Registration. British Empire Medal (B.E.M.)- Department of Labour, Chief Stok.er Herbert Frederick McKain, Royal Navy. Wellington, 23rd June, 1942. Supply Chief Petty Officer John Francis Whitehead, Royal OTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to an application :Navy. N in that behalf made to me by the R. and W. Hellaby, W. E. PARRY, Minister of Internal Affairs. Ltd., Westfield, Meat-preserving v\Torkers', Slaughterhouse Assistants', and Freezing-chamber Hands' Industrial Union (I.A. 164/1.) of Workers, Registered No. 140S, situated at Auckland, and in exercise of the powers conferred upon me by section 22 of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1925, it is my intention to cancel the registration of that industrial union after the expiration of six weeks from the date of the Plant declared to be a Noxious Weed in the Borough of publication of this notice in the Gazette, unless in the meantime Feilding.-(Notice No. Ag. 3954.) cause is shown to the contrary. E. R TAYLOR, Registrar of Industrial Unions. Office of the Minister of Agriculture, Conscience-money recei-ved. Wellington, 19th June, 1942. HE following special order made by the Feilding Borough The Treasury, T Council on the ll th day of June, 1942, is published in Wellington, 23rd June, 1942. accordance with the provisions of the N axions Weeds Act, HEREBY acknowledge receipt of the following amounts 1928:- I forwarded by persons unknown as conscience-money to SPECIAL ORDER. the New Zealand Government :- " That, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by the £4 lls., 15s., and £1 to the Railways Department. Noxious Weeds Act, 1928, the Feilding Borough Council £1 to the Army Department. hereby resolves and declares, by way of special order, Con­ £5, £4, and £12 to the Land and Income Tax Department. volvulus (being a plant mentioned in the Second Schedule to !Os. to the Post and Telegraph Department. ' the said Act, as extended by the Govemor-General in Council) £12 !Os. to the Public Works Department. is a noxious weed within the Borough of Feilding.'' 7s., 4s. 6d., and £5 to the Treasury Department. £250 to the Bank of New Zealand. J. G. BARCLAY, Minister of Agriculture. B. C. ASHWIN, Secretary to the Treasury. .
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