Put Faith inin Your Opinions http://southerncross.diosav.org Vol. 91, No. 37 Thursday, October 27, 2011 Commemorative Edition $.5.00 Meet Our New Bishop GREGORY J. HARTMAYER, OFM CONV. ST. ANNE CHURCH COLUMBUS, GEORGIA WE WELCOME BISHOP HARTMAYER AND OFFER HIM OUR PRAYERS AND OUR SUPPORT. REV. J. GERARD SCHRECK, PASTOR REV. MARIUSZ FUKS, PAROCHIAL VICAR Page 2 Southern Cross – October 27, 2011 October 27, 2011 – Southern Cross Page 3 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION PAGE 5 A MINISTRY CONTINUED BY FATHER DOUGLAS K. CLARK STL PAGE 6 A CONVERSATION WITH BISHOP GREGORY J. HARTMAYER BY ROBIN WRIGHT GUNN Excerpted from extensive interviews conducted in September of 2011. The interviews may be found on line at http://diosav.org/episcopal-ordination PAGE 16 BISHOP HARTMAYER’S ORDINATION A PICTORIAL DOCUMENTATION OF THE ORDINATION EXAMPLES OF HIS COMMENTS, HOMILIES AND STATEMENTS ON A CONSISTENT ETHIC OF LIFE PAGE 20 SEPTEMBER 12, 2011 COMMENTS RELATED TO THE DEATH PENALTY AND HIS FIRST JOINT LETTER AS BISHOP-ELECT PAGE 22 OCTOBER 2, 2011 ---------------------------------- RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY HOMILY-START OF REPECT LIFE MONTH PAGE 24 COPY OF THE PAPAL PROCLAMATION ESTABLISHING THE EPISCOPACY OF BISHOP GREGORY JOHN HARTMAYER PAGE 26 DESCRIPTION OF BISHOP GREGORY J. HARTMAYER’S COAT OF ARMS PAGE 28 SPONSOR LISTINGS LISTING OF THE SPONSORS WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IN HONOR OF GREGORY JOHN HARTMAYER, FOURTEENTH OF BISHOP OF SAVANNAH Acknowledgments: Gill Brown, Archivist; Paul Camp, Daniel D. Mai, Jonas Jordan, and many others for photography; and John Powers, Bottom Line Marketing. Southern Cross (USPS 505 680) Circulation/Subscription: Periodicals Postage Paid at Savannah, GA 31401 Publisher: Most Rev. Gregory J. Hartmayer, DD Telephone: 912-201-4046 Published weekly except the second and last weeks in Director of Communications: Barbara D. King Toll-Free (in GA only): 888-295-7144 June, July and August and the last week in December at Editor: Michael J. Johnson E-mail: [email protected] or 601 E. Liberty Street Assistant to the Editor: Ormonde E. Lewis [email protected] Savannah, GA 31401. Assistant to the Director of Communications: Web Address: http://southerncross.diosav.org POSTMASTER Katie Walker- Mai Deadline: All material for publication on Thursday Send change of address to: Editorial/Business Office: Southern Cross must be received at the latest Southern Cross Subscriptions Catholic Pastoral Center by noon on the previous Thursday. C/O SMN packaging Department 601 E. Liberty Street Subscription Price: $20.00 per year 1375 Chatham Parkway Savannah, GA 31401-5196 Savannah, GA 31405 Page 2 Southern Cross – October 27, 2011 October 27, 2011 – Southern Cross Page 3 MEET THE NEW PUBLISHER OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS f you would like to know more about Bishop Gregory J. Hartmayer and the I work he will do in south Georgia, read the Diocese of Savannah’s weekly newspaper the Southern Cross. The Southern Cross is available in print. It provides readers with news about the local and the universal Church, and the people of the body of Christ. Each addition of the paper delivered to your home provides a Roman Catholic perspective on current events, inspirational columns, and commentary on every aspect of daily life. Learn more by calling 912-201-4105 or email southerncross.diosav.org Subscribe to the Southern Cross Put Faith in Your Opinions http://southerncross.diosav.org Vol. 91, No. 34 Thursday, October 6, 2011 $.75 per issue Send this form to your parish, together with your check for $20.00, made out to your parish. For more information call the Southern Cross at (912) 201-4100. Name__________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ St. Francis Honored BISHOP-ELECT HARTMAYER, OFM, CONV. BLESSED ANIMALS IN SAVANNAH’S LAFAYETTE SQUARE Following the noon Mass on October 4, the feast of Saint Francis. Bishop -elect Hartmayer walked to Lafayette Square and blessed the pets who had gathered with their owners. Among those blessed was Turtalenni, a turtle owned by Lorreto Lominack, Savannah. Hartmayer will be ordained Bishop of City, State, Zip __________________________________________ Savannah on October 18. Watch the ordination on line at http://diosav.org/episcopal-ordination Photo by Jonas N. Jordan. ON THE WEB THIS WEEK COMPILED BY KATIE WALKER-MAI eep up to date artin Sheen thought Kwith all the latest Mand Emilio A Phone (_______)_________________________________________ news surrounding the Estevez stopped provoking Episcopal Ordination and by the offices of blogpost from Installation on October the Archdiocese of “On Being” 18. Learn how you can Atlanta last week to asks how watch a live stream of this promote their new literate are special Mass, brush up movie “The Way.” Americans CNS 2011, Karen Callaway on our Catholic turns of Follow the link to Georgia Bulletin, 2011 about their phrase, and get to know see a trailer. religions? Where do we learn about our fatih and our Bishop-elect. how do we live it? http://diosav.org/episcopal-ordination http://bit.ly/ro0u01 http://bit.ly/q8Ksb3 Parish ________________________________________ Page 4 Southern Cross – October 27, 2011 October 27, 2011 – Southern Cross Page 5 A Ministry Continued henever the membership of We know that those who have worked with him any human group changes, the and experienced his ministry are not reticent about group itself and its dynamics their love and respect for him. necessarily change. W And we priests, who were privileged to spend a When a new leader takes charge of any group, the week with him on retreat in September feel that change is even more pronounced. Such change is we know him as a bishop who already loves his neither good nor bad in itself, but it is inevitable. priests and regards his ministry to us as the most effective ministry to his people. We experience such change in the church whenever a family moves into or out of a parish. Since 1850 until 2011, the Diocese of Savannah The departure of one pastor and the arrival of has been blessed with 13 bishops, each a unique a new one makes a difference, a change, in the man, endowed with differing gifts and charisms, dynamics of a parish, even when the two are very each ordained to serve his ock in different much alike. times. Four of them were Irish (Gartland, Barry, Keyes and Boland), one was French (Verot), With the episcopal ordination and installation of another Italian (Persico), and seven were born th Gregory John Hartmayer, OFM Conv., as the 14 in this country (Gross, Becker, Keiley, O’Hara, Bishop of Savannah, this diocese will experience a McDonough, Frey and Lessard). One was a change that will be felt, in large and small ways, Capuchin Franciscan (Persico) and one a Marist for some time to come. As much as the Catholic Father (Keyes); the rest were diocesan priests, people of south Georgia have come to love Bishop although one of them (Verot) was also a member of J. Kevin Boland and have grown familiar with his the teaching Society of Saint Sulpice. ways, his humor and his pastoral touch, they will now have the opportunity to come to love Bishop All gave generously of themselves in tending Hartmayer as well, and to grow familiar with him to this portion of the Lord’s vineyard. Bishop and his attributes. Gartland went so far as to keep ministering to his Yellow Fever-infected ock until he succumbed to For welcoming our new bishop with open hearts, that terrible disease. minds and arms implies no disrespect for the bishop emeritus. On the contrary, we show the As our 14th Bishop, Gregory John Hartmayer, greatest respect for Bishop Boland by accepting his takes over the pastoral governance of the Diocese successor for who he is. of Savannah, he will nd that his sheep have been well tended by his 13 predecessors. May he also ABOVE, BISHOP Who is Gregory John Hartmayer? We know nd them open to his guidance, his gifts and his HARTMAYER’S that he is a Franciscan friar steeped in the joyful charisms, so that he may always be a blessing to PECTORAL CROSS, tradition of Francis of Assisi, who was so awed by them, and they to him. the wonder and beauty of God’s creation that he MODELED AFTER THE SAN DAMIANO refused to strive after the man-made baubles of By Father Douglas K. Clark, STL, human wealth and status. We know that he is a pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes CROSS, IS A SYMBOL priest who has spent half his priesthood in the eld Church, Port Wentworth. Father Clark was the OF THE FRANCISCANS. of education and the other half in parish ministry. editor of the Southern Cross for fifteen years. Page 4 Southern Cross – October 27, 2011 October 27, 2011 – Southern Cross Page 5 Page 6 Southern Cross – October 27, 2011 October 27, 2011 – Southern Cross Page 7 A conversation with Bishop Gregory J. Hartmayer B R W G with other priests and with people with whom I’ve served… in parishes where fter 15 years as a high school I’ve worked or high schools where I’ve A educator and 16 years as a pas- worked continue to be relationships that tor, Gregory John Hartmayer began are important to me. God has certainly a new chapter in his ministry as a shown me the goodness of life.” priest in the Roman Catholic Church on October 18, 2011. On that day, in He’s an affable 59-year-old who began the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist his priestly vocation at age 17, entering in Savannah, Father Hartmayer was monastic life for a year of reection ordained as the 14th bishop of the just weeks after graduation, in 1969, Catholic Diocese of Savannah.
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