I Mr. and Mrs. YOU You are looking for the best home you can buy with the money you have to work with. CONSIDER WISELY « The purchase of a home will possibly be the biggest, most important investment you will make in your lifetime i Make A Windshield Appraisal . of Pinecrest, South Pinecrest and South Pinecrest Second Addition TODAY. Knock on any door of home owners In these lovely Odham & Tudor developments. They are happy home owners, and they will be glad to give you all the reasons in the world why you should live in South Pinecrest Second Addition. • SOUTH PINECREST second addition Is located in one of San­ • We can qualify you for one of our finance plans In 30 minutes. ford’s nicest locations. Luxury homes at moderate prices, city Act now and you can choose your paint colors inside and out on any water, city sewers, paved streets, intelligent zoning and complete home under construction. new Florida styling. • FHA IN SERVICE down payment and closing cost as low as • OUR AIM is to build for you the buyer the very best home we $1,300. Monthly payments cheaper than rent can at a price you can afford. • OUR POLICY Is to guarantee the workmanship and material used • FHA Down payment and closing cost as low as 1,500. Monthly in the homes we build for a period of one year. You must be sat­ payments cheaper than rent isfied or we will return your money. Priced From $13,500 to $18,000 11 We Have A Home For You" ODHAM & TUDOR Inc. Brailey Odham, President Phone FA 2-1501 Sales Office Comer 27th St. and 17-92 Highway IKM - \ N. Y. O fficials A ppeal For More Money To Curio SKIcTerffLawlessness N1WN lw YORK (UP)— SchoolSc'tooi and;aad: arraitadarretted a lByaar-nld19-vesr-old youtkyouth *W plannedplaaitad uto roofereoafar therethara with Gov. The budgetM i x lachadea1st Mat M il fart e add- TheT V Voted Panola Am . oakedliked waawit “ doomed lo tal**t*B" aaleae k mooltor Mappedatacc ad MmMn from enter­an tar- At theIlia HighHljth School of Music anda ing Haary Hud to a Junior High a eKy X9e!i!i, feted with freih admitted, tkay aald, that ha bad Avarall Harrlmaa an waya to Im­ lag eix new achoola la which tha Board te aaah mat money became part af a “reaHeUc” atato Arts hi Manhattan, detactivta an youthful trouble aiakore aad de­ School before «w opening ball teen-age violence and parent- j totted twa pupils In tha acbool to prove New York Ctty’a vlolence- aad local program. taactar witletem of a raw seeosl (ft many lor aaraatiea. baaat achoola. aad charged Wat He -new" pre- rang. Bom a— « m hoapitalizad ranted Robert Ashy, II, who u id anti-crime program, appealed to Dr. WIMaa Janara. superintend- Critic* MB Budget frost other pupQi, aa part af aa gram aetealp contained nothing Moot tor Stabbed with two atah wouodo Mar tha ho waa recently released from PF< state today for more moeey tat af achoals, aad Chefle* H. A barrago of criticism from aoti-artma program adapted bp aew. The T n chera Union aald la the lataat outbroke of vie- abdomen. ■even months of hospital train tha Board Tuesday. lence that In recant week* haa In­ Later, d im atodante at George to I alp curb student li wlnanatt.! Silvar, Board of Education praai- parent, teacher and citltaaa •Thor# la no aheap way out af meat lor drug addiction. Thef Pupiia heat or riabbetl two mu- dent, will aik atato ofGciala and groups hit the Board'a UO-mlllioo- OrfiatadUone aaBad t e pre- cluded two rapao and nvovel Washington High School beat 18- thii aehool crlaU** and the CIU- aaid ha confessed robbing twg Feat monsters la xhocli In Man­ legislator* lo Albany today for dollar budget for 1838-38 when It gram "wirmewwr". “a iy a s beatlnga and robberies, ■ U-year- yaar-old Prank Moan ao eevarely hattan and tha Bronx Wednesday, more atata aid 'for tha ecbaote. waa submitted formally to tha fleal", ‘ •birtTupt- aauo* Cammlttoo far tte CbOdroa old Negro etudant otabbed moni­ ho waa taken In a hospital with student* of wrlitwatehea and mom and at loother acbool detectives Mayor Hobart P. Wagner alao city budget director Wadneaday. quite.'* af Maw York, 1m . aald th a plat tor Philip Romano. II, whan tha a brain ay Jaa. M and last Tueaday. Weather Shop and Sava "Varner toaJgkt; tew SI to 82. PH- Way cloudy with shawm and turn- * log coaler. STIje iferalfc In Sanford AN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER VOL. XLIX Eatahllahad IMS SANFORD, FLORIDA* THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 198g United Pruoa Lotted Wiiw NO. l i t Big Drive To Explore Space Taking Shape •WASHINGTON (UP)— A mem- Fla., rang# la reported unsuitable tion, told the United States today ballistle missile igenry and “fa Moth drive to tiplora epace be­ for launchings other than in a most government idtntisu be­ thar*' of tha Explorer, haa suggest­ gan to tike ahape today. general east-west direction. lieve • space program should be ed a manned U. B. rocket may It was learned that half a President Elsenhower Indicated Farmers Count based on a “ thorough scientific make a moon round trip In 10 dozen concrete project* are now the American spaca program li years. under iludy In the Defcnic De­ In its formative atagai when he study of outer space.” This would partment. They ire forerunneri told a news conference Wednesday be accomplished with the date Underscoring the administra­ Losses In Wake of a vast new program that event­ government scientists era still radioed back by Explorer and tion's spaca • exploration effort ually may take man to the moon mapping the “ general rough1' out­ other satellite* scheduled for MaJ. Gan. John B. Mad iris said and planets. line of how to proceed. launehlng this year. Wednesday night It la Imperative Providing the Impetus and early Ten Years lo Moon Neither Waterman nor the Presi­ for the United States to achieve Of 3rd Freeze knowledge for (uturc plans ia The range of military propos­ dent would hazard a gue.s on the earliest manned control of By UNTTFIt PRFRfl America’s Explorer satellite, now als Is from a 300-pound satellito when sufficient knowledge will be spaca. The commander of tha Florida farmers todsy counted w hining around earth in an egg- fairly soon to a huge 30-ton sat­ gained to lay out a step-by-step ballistle mtsslla agency said tha shaped orbit calculated aa rang­ ellite— presumably manned— per­ program for sending a space ship "universo eould becomo tha bat­ their heavy losses In the wake of ing from 219 to 1.371 mile* out in haps lo years from now. to the moon. However Dr. Went- tlefield of tha future" barring the season'a third, and worst, CHIEF MACK N. CLEVELAND SR. (with tm-k to cnm«ra) directs the fightiiiK of a stub­ apace. Dr. Alan T. Waterman, director her Von Braun, head of research some “ unexpected success'' In in­ freeze. Heavy rain., meanwhile, born blnza thnt destroyed a frame dwelling this morning at 1201 Lincoln Court, ia of the Kationat Science Founda­ at tha Arm y's Huntsville, Ala., ternational relations. Exact nature of the half-dozen drenched (ha nation's mldsrrtlon. Coldsboro. The fir# threatened tha entire heavily populated area. (Stuff Fhoto) projects was no*, discloicd. High Winter vegetable crops which defense official* aaid after Rua- aia's Sputnik I was launched that Steeped tha frosty touch of two a jurvey n i l made of the armed earlier fracset were Just about 14-Year-Old Boy services to «ee what they could Hard Work, 'Cold Cash! destroyed In tha cold snap that Employment Office i4! In satellite and space develop­ cluog to tha aunshlna slat* since ment. Monday night and rallied Its Half-Dozen Plana pip lata Wednesday. Hurt As Scooter A group of aelentliti and in- To Open Here Soon Officiate reported extensive jJ^nry experta comprlilng the damage to tha huge citrus Indus­ Pentason’i. Special CapahllUlei Needed To Enter FSL The Florida State Employment and rupplle* are tel up," John try and big losses In the bllnon­ Panel analyzed the various pro­ Crashes Into Car A group of b u e t II fans met sevaral minor things that eould dollar tourist trade. Hundreds of Service will open a Sanford office Krider, Manager of the Seminole posal. and winnowed out “ half a at the City Hall here last night to be allmlnatad here in Sanford. cattle hive died on blaekened “ someiime during this month'', It County Chamber of Cummerri, A Seminole High School student . doren solid projects*' that are now hear various plans and offers to “ Galnesvillo, who la tha farther- pasturelands, while thousands of was announced yesterday, said “ the office *111 be opened." wat lerlouify Injured shortly al» under intenilve itudy. No go-ahead Yemen To Be Added return baseball to Sanford once ast elub from being centrally lo­ migrant workers, living with their "As soon office equipment Manager of the local office ha* has been given on any as yet. ler noon yesterday when hl.s mo. again. Baseball has been missing cated, was ebla to withstand add­ hungry famDIot In shacktowns, not yet been named, Tom Law.on, Meantime plan* are already tor scooter crashed Into the reaf from (he local seen* for 2 years ed traveling axpansai to towne were forced out of work. manager of the Central Florida, act for a second Explorer, the and It was the opinion of most such aa Tampa and St.
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