FOSSIL FISH # 9F01 This fossil fish stamp tool comes from the Green River Shale formation of Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. 50 mil- lion years ago this area was covered by a large tropical fresh water lake teaming with an abundance of fish and aquatic life. This particular species of fish is Priscacara Liops ( pris·ca·cara li·ops ) and is quite abundant in the shale for- mation. Density of fossils in this forma- tion suggest that Priscacara swam in schools. The concrete stamping tool has an overall size of 18” x 9” (45.7 x 22.8 cm) with a light slate texture. PCI # 9F01 Tool Size 18” x 9” www.pacificconcreteimages.com COPYRIGHT@2008-2018 NOTHOSAUR # 9F02 This particular species of Nothosaur is known as Keichousaurus Hui ( kei·chou·saur·us hui ) and was a marine reptile, with a long serpentine neck and tail, it lived in the warm tropical waters of the Triassic Period. Keichousaurus is a genus of marine reptiles from the pachy- pleurosaur family which went extinct at the Triassic-Jurassic extinction event 201 million years ago. The name de- rives from Kweichow in China where the first fossil of this species was discovered. The concrete stamping tool has an overall approximate size of 27” x 20” (68.5 x 50.8 cm) with a light slate texture. PCI # 9F02 Tool Size 27” x 20” www.pacificconcreteimages.com COPYRIGHT@2008-2018 PROCOLOPHON # 9F03 Procolophon ( pro·co·lo·phon ) was a genus of lizard-like reptile, a herbivore with peg like teeth, it is quite possibly an early ancestor to all turtles and tortoises. This particular species, Procolophon Trigoniceps, was first described by Owen in1876, and survived through the Permian–Triassic extinction event, 252 million years ago and thrived into the Early Triassic Period. The concrete stamping tool has an overall approximate size of 18” x 9” (45.7 x 22.85 cm) with a light to medium slate texture. PCI # 9F03 Tool Size 18” x 9” www.pacificconcreteimages.com COPYRIGHT@2008-2018 PTERODACTYL ANTIQUUS # 9F10 The late Jurassic Period,161 to 145 million years ago, had some of the most interest- ing creatures ever known. This winged carnivorous dinosaur, Pterodactyls An- tiquus ( ptero·dact·yl an·tiqu·us ) discov- ered in the Solnhofen limestone of Bava- ria, Germany and was the first pterosaur species to be named and identified as a flying reptile. The concrete stamping tool replicates the fossilized bones of this crea- ture in a positive format surrounded by a slate texture. The concrete stamping tool has an overall approximate size of 45” x 39” (114.3 x 99 cm) with a light to medium slate texture. PCI # 9F10 Tool Size 45” x 39” www.pacificconcreteimages.com COPYRIGHT@2008-2018 # 9F13 ARCHAEOPTERYX Originally discovered in a limestone quarry in Germany the Archaeopteryx (arch·ae·op·ter·yx ) is the earliest and most primitive “bird” known. Despite its small size, broad wings, and inferred ability to fly or glide, Archaeopteryx has more in common with small theropod dinosaurs than it does with modern birds. This “dinosaur with feathers” that lived during the late Jurassic Period is a clear candidate for a transitional fossil between dinosaurs and birds, this con- crete stamp tool replicates the bones and feathers in a positive format. The concrete stamping tool has an overall approximate size of 45” x 34” (114.3 x 86.4 cm) with a light to me- dium slate texture. PCI # 9F13 Tool Size 45” x 34” www.pacificconcreteimages.com COPYRIGHT@2008-2018 # 9F14 PHAREODUS We find the origins of this fossil fish in the Green River Formation of Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah dating back to the Eocene era, 56 to 33.9 million years ago. At the time much of the area was covered by a large tropical fresh water lake teaming with an abundance of fish. The sediments of the Green River For- mation show a continuous fossil record of approximately six million years. This particular specimen is 13” long and is a member of the species Phareodus ( phar·e·o·dus ) the predecessor of modern day perch. The concrete stamping tool has an overall approximate size of 27” x 14” (68.6 x 35.6 cm) with a light to me- dium slate texture. PCI # 9F14 Tool Size 27” x 14” www.pacificconcreteimages.com COPYRIGHT@2008-2018 DIPLOMYSTUS DENTATUS # 9F15 This fossil fish, is a member of the spe- cies Diplomystus Dentatus ( di·plo·my·stus den·ta·tus ) and is yet another species of fossil fish from the Green River Formation of Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah dating back to the Eocene era, 56 to 33.9 million years ago. Diplomystus is an extinct genus of freshwater clupeomorph fish. The ge- nus was first named and described in 1877 and includes seven named spe- cies that are distantly related to modern day herrings and sardines. The concrete stamping tool has an overall approximate size of 27” x 14” (68.6 x 35.6 cm) with a light to me- dium slate texture. PCI # 9F15 Tool Size 27” x 14” www.pacificconcreteimages.com COPYRIGHT@2008-2018 TURTLE # 9F16 Turtles are characterized by a special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their ribs and acting as a shield. The term "Turtle" may refer to the order as a whole or to fresh-water and sea- dwelling testudines which includes both living and extinct species. The earliest known members of this group date from the early Triassic Period, 220 million years ago, making turtles one of the oldest reptile groups. There are 356 known species of turtles alive today, with some highly endangered. The concrete stamping tool has an overall approximate size of 32” x 18” (81.3 x 45.7 cm) with a light to me- dium slate texture. PCI # 9F16 Tool Size 32” x 18” www.pacificconcreteimages.com COPYRIGHT@2008-2018 FOSSIL SEA FLOOR # 9F17 This concrete stamping tool creates a classic replication of the fossilized lake bottom from the Green River Formation of the Eocene era, 56 to 33.9 million years ago. The depiction here is two fossilized fish from the extinct genus Priscacara ( pris·ca·ca·ra ) along with ammonites and clams in a slate texture. The fossil record indicates that these fish swam in schools, due to the abun- dance and density of their fossils. These Priscacara are related to modern day perch and are each approximately 7” long by 4”. The concrete stamping tool has an overall approximate size of 30” x 18” (76.2 x 45.7 cm) with a light to me- dium slate texture. PCI # 9F17 Tool Size 32” x 18” www.pacificconcreteimages.com COPYRIGHT@2008-2018 SHUNOSAURUS # 9F18 The Shunosaurus ( shun·o·saur·us ) is a genus of sauropod dinosaur from the Jurassic Period approximately 170 mil- lion years ago. First discovered and ex- cavated in 1977 by a group of students studying paleontology in the Sichuan Province in southwest China. The Shunosaurus neck length indicates that was a low browser and the design of its jaws shows that it was well-adapted to processing large amounts of plant ma- terial. The saurapod family of dinosaurs represents some of the largest crea- tures to ever roam the earth, such as the Diplodocus and Apatosaurus. The concrete stamping tool has an overall approximate size of 30” x 20” (76.2 x 50.8 cm) with a light to me- dium slate texture. PCI # 9F18 Tool Size 30” x 20” www.pacificconcreteimages.com COPYRIGHT@2008-2018 TRILOBITE Lichida # 9F19 Four Trilobites ( tri·lo·bites ) representing the Order Lichida, an order of typically spiny trilobite that lived from the Furongian to the Devonian Period. Trilobites represent a large group of ex- tinct marine arthropods that thrived from the lower Cambrian thru the Devonian Period, the last of the Trilobite species disappeared in the mass global extinc- tion at the end of the Permian Period. The easily fossilized exoskeletons cre- ated an extensive fossil record with over 18,000 known species of Trilobites spanning some 300 million years. The concrete stamping tool has an over- all approximate size of 20” x 14” (50.8 x 35.5 cm) with a light to medium slate texture. PCI # 9F19 Tool Size 20” x 14” www.pacificconcreteimages.com COPYRIGHT@2008-2018 TRILOBITE Corynexochida # 9F20 Ammonite with a pair of trilobites ( tri·lo·bites ) from the Order Corynexochida, an order of trilobite that lived from the Lower Cambrian to the Middle Devonian Period. Trilobites represent a large group of ex- tinct marine arthropods that thrived from the lower Cambrian thru the Devonian Period, the last of Trilobite species dis- appeared in the mass global extinction at the end of the Permian Period. The easily fossilized exoskeletons created an extensive fossil record with over 18,000 known species of Trilobites spanning some 300 million years. The concrete stamping tool has an over- all approximate size of 20” x 14” (50.8 x 35.5 cm) with a light to medium slate texture. PCI # 9F20 Tool Size 20” x 14” www.pacificconcreteimages.com COPYRIGHT@2008-2018 LARIOSAURUS # 9F21 Lariosaurus (lario·sar·us) is one of the smallest known nothosaurs with a length of just 2 feet ( 0.61 meters ) it hails from the Middle Triassic Period, 250 to 200 million years ago, and is known throughout Europe and Asia. Lariosaurus was primitive compared to its relatives, possessing a short neck and small flippers. The front limbs were more suited to swimming and the hind limbs more suited to a life on land. First discovered in the 1830’s near Lake Como in Italy it was named in 1847 by G.
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