University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 10-1-2008 Central Florida Future, Vol. 40 No. 84, October 1, 2008 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 40 No. 84, October 1, 2008" (2008). Central Florida Future. 2154. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/2154 (i .. Keeping it kosher Toppling Tulsa Restaurant opening iri Volleyball t~kes down top C-USA Arena will have kosher team in straight sets - SEE sPoRrs, A7 menu - SEE NEWS,A2 - SGJ\ ft voting • endstoday Wmners to be 3:0nounced at 6 p.m. JEFFREY RILEY For election Online News Editor results, go to a www.UCFNews.com Today is the last day that voting will be open for the 41st nwnber of voters might be On Monday,Judge Miriam Goldman SGASenate. due to more voting booth Cedarbaum tossed out a lawsuit alleging Voting opens today at 8 am. locations. ladies' nights at dubs discriminate against and will close at 5 p.m. and is "I think a big part of that is men. The judge said that nightclubs and online at www.my.ucf.edu. having two poWng stations," bars can price their products however After voting ends, the elec- · Hughes said. ''We are actually · ,,, . they want because they are not acting as tronic numbers will be tallied,· picking up a lot more votes representatives of the state. and the winners will be this year from the Rec and announced at about 6 p.m. in Wellness Center that. we front of the Student Union. haven't had a polling station Trends Coverage of the elections, . there in the past. That is help- including the complete list of ing." · TAKING GREEN election results, will be at So far, campaigning has • www,UCFnews.com after the boiled down to two larger TOTHE results are released . tickets. Tickets are non-sanc- So far everything has gone tioned, collective blocs of can­ fine, and there has -!2een an ditlates. EXTREM increase in the nwnbe.r of vot- This year, the two tickets The owner of Luscious Garage is ers, -Elections Commissioner are the Golden Ticket, dressed wondering whether the electric wall Sean Hughes said There has in yellow, and the Real UCF outlet will be the"gas tank'' of the future. also been no complaints from . Ticket, dressed in red. The Drivers of gas-sipping hybrid vehicles are the building managers who Golden Ticket has 15 mem­ increasingly intere~ed in converting approved the campaigning bers, and the Real UCF Ticket their vehicles from gasoline-powered to booths set up in front of vari- has 45. electric,.according to garage owner and ous buildings around campus.· Candidates from both tick- · lead technician Carolyn Coquillette. "It's gone very smoothly," ets said that they have seen Oients of the San Francisco garage are Hughes said. "We've had a positive response this election investing big bucks to make their green much higher turnout than in cycle. t cars even greener. · LIANA COLU CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE .. _Congressman Lou Frey watches Lisa Myers speak Monday at the Lou Frey Symposium. Frey has served for 1o years on Congress. previous years." · Hughes said the higher PLEASE .'.sEE MORE ON A6 .., --·-··- . -· ---~ ~ . ' _... ~ ~'~ .. .. ·- . - -Middle East discussed at Lou Frey symposium_ . -- - JEFF WEINER threats. Iraqi government, they're all Contributing Writer • 'We're going to hand off to sectarian,'' Gi,1m.er said "'Ibat you the greate5t nwnber of won't work" ' · · · ~ Breaking On Monday, in front of a problems we've ever faced in Gamer, who discussed sev­ news on packed house in the Pegasus the history of our nation," said · eral failings in the planning Grand Ballroom, ·retired Con­ retired Lt. Gen Jay Gamer to' and execution of the U.S inva­ your cell gressman Lou Frey kicked off the audience of mostly stu,. sion of Iraq, placed much of . • Get UCF news sent to your cell the 2008 edition of the Lou dents. Garnet;-, formerly the the blame on shortsightedness phone. Just text the keyword . Frey Institute Fall Symposiwn. commander ofthe reconstruc- and a lack of understanding of UCFNEWS to 44636. The day portion of the tion efforts in Iraq, served as the region ar1c :-fradical Islam. event, "Considering the Mid­ keynote speaker for the mom- . ''The radical Islamic move- • dle East," featured 11 speakers ing half ofthe ~ent. ment didn't start on Septem- AROUND CAMPUS,A2 from a wide array offields and Gamer expressed reserva- ber 11th, 2001," Garner said. backgrounds with the goal of tions about the new Iraqi gov- ''It's been ·with us here for 20 .. LEARN TO CLARIFY outlining and defining the emment's ability to lead ifU.S. years." VALUES RELATED TO threats in that region and the forces begin to leave Iraq in Islamic fundamentalism . SARAH ROGERS / CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE effectiveness of the Bush Early childhood education sophomore Raissa Simon votes for the SGA Senate outside the coming years, which he said was one of the main topics Student Union on Tuesday. The election _results will be released today at 6 p.m. DECISION-MAKING-. administration and of other could lead to civil war. ,, Participate in an auction in Ferrell nations in dealing with those "Of all ofthe agendas in the ·PLEASE SEE SPEAKERS ON AS Commons Room 185-C on Thursday that will help clarify values related to career and major decision-making . • Identify your vaJ.µes and learn how to ·NBC News correspondent· UCF nearing deal match them up to your career choice. .. highlights evening session_· for empty houses LOCAL & STATE,A2 JEFF WEINER Frey Institute's Fall Sympo:­ Contributing Writer silun, also addressed the envi­ HEAD OF NASA CENTER ronment, the economy and JESSICA J. SAGGIO · in the range of$1.45 million for Opinions Editor one of the houses. IN MISSISSIPPI WILL . Lisa Myers, se_nior the presidential election. I • investigative correspondent "I think this is shaping up He said the negotiations TAKE OVER KENNEDY for NBC News, spoke before a to be the election of a life­ As the empty houses along are still in the appraisal Greek Park continue to rot, process, but hopeful organiza­ The head of NASA's Stennis Space crowd of students, teachers time," Myers said She empha­ • and school officials Monday sized the difficulties facing the and eager unhoused organiza­ tions should expect to see the Center in Mississippi will take over at tions plea for a home to call facilities renovated by fall the Kennedy Space Center next about a region she called "one U.S. and its next president in of the most complex and dan­ coming years. their own, the i.m..iversity is in . 2009, if all goes as planned month. The space agency announced the process of purchasing the "The houses were original­ Tuesdi!Y that William Parsons was gerous in the world" ''Whoever prevails in this f'\ Lou Frey, founder of the election will face a staggering former Sigma Alpha Epsilon ly built by the alumni of each stepping down to pursue and Sigma Phi Epsilon houses. of those respective organiza­ opportunities in tlle private sector. Lou Frey Institute of Politics list of difficult issues," Myers and Government, called said Gregory Mason, director of tions (meaning the university fraternity/sorority housing Myers ''uniquely qualified" to Myers discussed i:i wide did not build or construct the .. and development, made a visit houses)," Mason said inane­ NATION & WORLD, A4 provide insight . into the array of problems facing the night's topic: the Middle East. next president, including to the Panhellenic · and mail "However1 the sublease LIANA COLE/ CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Interfraternity councils last agreemel_lt stipulates that, AT LEAST 168 DEAD NBC News c~rrespondent Lisa Myers spoke Myers, who was the threats frorrr'nuclear prolifer- at the Lou Frey lnstitute's Fall Symposium on keynote speaker for the week to announce an update Monday about politics the Middle East. that UCF is proposing an offer PLEASES EE ON • AFTER STAMPEDE in evening portion of the Lou PLEASE S.EE MYERS ON AS GREEKS A6 AT HINDU TEMPLE Thousands of pilgrims panicked by false rumors of a bomb stampeded at a Hindu temple in India on Tuesday, killing at least 168 people. The disaster occurred as the doors ·were being · opened for worship at dawn . • INDEX TODAY'S • Around Campus 2 WEATHER • Weather 2' Local & State 2 Nation & World. 4 Sports 7 Opinions 9 Momv Classifieds 11 SUNNY Sudoku 11 Crossword 11 90° 67° IIGH lDW ) I I rt: abt - 12 N D' ·- 17 - 15 z- ' Rfilfll?JkZ? G2 >«? - ea -~~- - .. __._ __c- ........ ' I A2 www. Centra/FloridaFuture. com October 1, 2008 • (enttal jfmla 1uture • AROUND CAMPUS (rottal New.sand notices for •• the UCF community . 11oiiba Use auction to clarify choices Participate in an auction Thursday in Ferrell Commons • Room 185-C from 4 p.m. to 5 1utuie p.m. that will help clarify val­ The Student Newspaper iit UCF since 1968 ues related to career and major • decision-making. Identify your October 1, 2008 personal and work values and .Vol 40, Issue 84 • 12 Pages learn how those match up to The Centwl Florida Future is the independent, nudent· career choice.
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