Edito7-ia[[J cSjuakin9 STRANGE LAND The eyes of the world have been fo- cused this past week on Eniwetok, Bi- kini Atol, where hydrogen bomb expe- riments may change the course of his- tory. Just as important in another sense is the temporarily forgotten "Expedi- tion Deepfreeze", in the land down un- der known as "The Third World" or Delivery & Launch the Antarctic. It is a strange world, according to NBC television films taken during Of Two LSDs Set logistic operations by Task Force 43, under Admiral Dufek. Consistent low temperatures, expansive ice waste The commissioning OJ~D-32, USS +:===============::::; lands fun of treacherous crevasses are SPIEGEL GROVE, and launching of Governor Frank Clement of Ten- a constant menace to tractor trains LSD-34, USS HERMITAGE, both nam- nessee will deliver the main ad- and movements on foot. ed for former President's estates, will dress at the launching of the USS Seabees On The Expedition take place June 8 and 12. HERMIT AGE. which is named for Our Navy and Seabees, making up Captain Saveric Filippone, USN> win the estate of ANDREW JACKSON. the Task Force, are establishing a per- '{ssume official command of the USS seventh President of the United manent air base in Little America, SPIEGEL GROVE in colorful ceremon- States. The LSD is ironieally the where scientists may conduct studies ies aboard the ship, at 3 p.m., June 8. seventh of her ty~ to be launched of weather and natural resources in the The Landing Ship Dock is the fifth ship by Ingalls. She is the second NAVY Antarctic. Film taken aboard the ice- to be completed by Ingalls, scheduled vessel named for the estate located breakers EDISTO and Ingalls-built for Navy amphibious service. She suc- near Nashville. Tenn. GLACIER, show the treacherous ice cessfully completed preliminary ac- Radm. G. C. Crawford. Comman- formations and extremely high winds ceptance trials May 23 in the Gulf. dant. Sixth Naval District is expect- common in the area. LSD-34, named for the estate of An- ed to attend the ceremonies also. The film shows two tractor trains (See Launching, Page 4) which meet disaster when hidden crev- asses swallow them and their drivers into a grave of 600 fathoms of sub- freezing slush and ocean. The extreme hardships of getting fuel from tankers to shore storage tanks are seen in the TV film as Sea bees with bleeding and frost bit hands load the supplies. Remain Over Winter The wintering over force of 165 men will remain in the area during the six months of darkness, subsisting in their pre-fabricated shelters and hibernating. The GLACIER, last ship to leave the Antarctic before night closed down, performed excellently while assisting in charting and establishing auxiliary bases for aircraft. Supplies for downed airmen were cached for use in the fu- ture. In the Antarctic there are no dangers of erosion, food spoilage or contamination. Sub-zero weather pre- - Official U. S. Navy Photo vents even cold germs from existing. COMPLETES TRIALS ... LSD·32. USS SPIEGEL GROVE. fifth of eight Valuable uranium and other mineral landing ship doeks being built by Ingalls for the Navy. sails homeward fol- deposits needed to supplement the lowing completion of preliminary acceptance trials. She will be commissioned world supply might be found in the June 8. marking the fifth ship of her type delivered by Ingalls. (See Editorial, Page 5) PAGE TWO INGALLS--NEWS FRIDAY, JUNE I, 1956 Published Bi-Weekly For the workers of The Ingalls Shipbuilding Corporation, Pascagoula, Mississippi Ingalls News is a member of the Society of Associated Industrial Editors and the International Council of In- dustrf»t Editors. JAMES CREAMER, Editor Hammett Named Convenfion Speaker ~ Photo by Jim Creamer E. R. Hammett, Executive Vcie Pres- TOUR YARD . Sixty-eight students from Walthall County 4-H Clubs. ident, Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., will toured Ingalls facilities last month. Guard Ashley points out build~ng of address the Eighth Annual Southern super-tanker. USNS YUKON. Gulf Coast's largest ship. S tat e s Apprenticeship Conference, scheduled in Biloxi, July 5th, 6th and Jth. Selected as a representative of man- agement, Hammett has been connected with shipbuilding since the late 30's when he came with Ingalls at the new- ly opened Pascagoula yard. 1200 Expected Some 1200 delegates are expected at the three-day meeting of apprentice- ship principals from 10 Southern states. Lige 'Williams, prominent in Louisiana labor union history, will represen.t La- bor as the other main speaker during the Biloxi conference. He is now Direc- tor of the AFL-CIO organizations in Louisiana and Mississippi. The state-wide host committee met in Biloxi Thursday night, for the final meeting to coordinate planning activi- ties prior to the conference. Outstand- ing Apprenticeship awards and special entertainment are on tap at the con- vention. The theme for this year's convention is "The Apprentice In Today's Chang- ing World", Words cannot adequately express our gratitude to those who expressed their - Photo by Jim Creamer sympathy and helpfulness to us so OIL RIG STRUCTURE •.. A corner of the main barge of :the new Kerr- beautifully at the time of our recent McGee Rig 46. mobile drilling plaiform under construction here. dwarves the sorrow. truck. The huge structure will be lifted in place on the building ways and May God bless you all. welded to the integrated unit. The Family of Byron Morehead. PAGE THREE FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1956--------- INGALLS._----------NEWS - Staff Photos SECOND SIAMESE LAUNCHING Two mobile platform off-shore supply boats. the CARGO SERVICE and COAS- TAL SERVICE, are seen prior to launching. Third and fourth of their type built for Sea Service Inc. the boats were christened and launched simultaneously from the same cradle. Miss Waynell Crisman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Crisman. Gulf Oil Co.. christened the CARGO SERVICE. Miss Francille Newman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Newman, of Magnolia Petroleum Co., christened the COASTAL SERVICE. PAGE FOUR INGALLS NEWS FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1956 _ ..~. MRS. A. M. PRIDE MATRON OF HONOR ... Mrs. Lee Ship's, Spenser ... Wilson Mather will be Matron of ~ .. Honor at the launching of the USS CAPT. F. W. SLAVEN HERMITAGE. LSD-32, named lor Mrs. A. M. Pride To Visit Here ... Andrew Jackson's Tennessee estate. Mrs. Mather is the wife of Com- To Sponsor LSD mander L. W. Mather. who is per- Capt. F. W. Slaven sonnel officer on the staff of Naval Mrs. A. M. Pride, wife of VADM Air Training, Naval Air Station. Alfred M. Pride, USN, Commander, To Visit Shipyard Pensacola, Fla. Air Force, Pacific Fleet, will sponsor the USS .HERMITAGE, LSD-34.~. Capt. F. W. Slaven, former Super- Launching Born Helen Nickerson Burrell in visor of Shipbuilding and Naval In- (Continued From Page 1) Quincy, Mass., Mrs. Pride was educated spector of Ordnance here, will repre- drew Jackson, seventh President of the in Massachusetts schools and married sent the Bureau of Ships at the launch- United States, will be christened by in 1921, in Somerville, Mass. ing of LSD-34, USS HERMITAGE. Mrs. A. M. Pride, wife of VADM Al- Vadm. Pride is an ex-white hat who Captain Slaven was in charge of the fred F, Pride, USN, Commander, Air gained his three-star rank without go- Navy office here at the beginning of Force, Pacific Fleet. Mrs. Lee Wilson ing through the Naval Academy. Fol- the Landing Ship program and through Mather, wife of CMDR. L. W. Mather, lowing his enlistment in the Navy dur- able guidance by him and his staff, Personnel Officer on the staff of Chief ing World War I, he gained promotion Ingalls gained a reputation in install- of Naval Air Training, NAS, Pensacola, to CPO, and then went through flight ing complicated fire control and ord- F'la. is Matron of Honor. school to win his wings and commis- nance equipment. Slaven Returns sion. This took place within a year and Distinguished Engineer Capt. F. W. Slaven, USN, former Su- a half after his first enlistment, which Since his graduation from the Naval pervisor of Shipbuilding, here in Pas- mayor may not be a record. Academy in 1925, Capt. Slaven has led cagoula, and now Senior Assistant to Served On First Carrier a distinguished engineering career. He Director of Planning, Bureal of Ships, The commissioning of the first car- served as Signal Officer and later engi- will represent the Bureau, at the cere- rier, USS LANGLEY, (CV I), saw noering officer aboard the USS CAL- monies, scheduled to begin at 10:45 a.m. pioneer Admiral Pride take part in the IFORNIA and USS CHAUMONT fol- The USS HERMITAGE, seventh of first experimental take-offs and land- lowed by a year in the U. S. Naval eight Landing Ship Docks being built ings aboard that ship. Post Graduate School. He received his by Ingalls for the U. S, Navy, is of the Following extensive aviation assign- M. S. degree at Columbia University LSD-28 THOMASTON class of new fast ments with the Navy the Admiral and returned to the Academy as Pro- and versatile amphibious marine weap- assumed command of the USS BEL- fessor of Thermodynamics and Naval ons, designed for assault support oper- LEAU WOOD (CV ·24) at her ccmmis- machinery, following a tour as Chief ations. sioning in 1943. He commanded her in Engineer on the USS CHANDLER. Most unique feature of the vessel is a great deal of the war in the Pacific He assumed command of the USS her ability to flood down her stern" until his promotion as Rear Admiral (See Slaven, Page 5) open her rear gates and discharge or when he moved up to take command of take on smaller craft, equipment or the Naval Air Center and Base in the men during beachhead invasions.
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