They suit me 'I'O TI] STATE CAPITAL LIFE ‘ INSURANCE COMPANY Raleigh, North Carolina Compliments W. E.‘Cooper Furniture Co. 121 East Martin St. Raleigh, N. C. ORDINARY INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT Industrial and Mill Supplies BEST WISHES Farm Machinery and Equipment DR. PEPPER BOTTLING co. '1 DILLON SUPPLY COMPANY ' Raleigh, N. C. Raleigh Durham Rocky Mount 'Goldsboro There’s a 9‘”de in SANDERS MOTOR CO. DAVIE and BLOUNT RALEIGH, N. C. “SANDERS SERVICE SATISFIES” ‘ Tm: WOLFPACK Gammon N. C. State - Virginia Published for each N. C. State College home loathe]! came by the Sport- Publicity Bureau of North Carolina State 0011629. 81.00 per year. 85:: per copy. National Advertising Representative: Don Spencer Company. Inc. 211 Medilon Avenue, New York. N. Y. Volume XVI RIDDICK STADIUM, RALEIGH, N. 0., NOVEMBER 16, 1946 Number 3 NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE ATHLETIC COUNCIL Paar. H. A. FISHER, Chaiman D. W. Semen Fm WAGONER Du. A. J. WILsON, Secretary W. H. SUIJJVAN C. W. DOAK Dn. I. O. Scuwn A. G. FLOYD J. F. Fxsmn DR. J. L. S'rucxmr DAVID CLARK R. H. REYNOLDS Dn. J. W. PA'n‘ON G. C. LASSITER FOOTBALL STAFF BEA'I‘TIE FEATHERS, Head Coach J. L. VONGLAHN, Graduate Manager of Athletics LYLD M. Rxcn, Asst. Coach DR. G. B. POWELL and ALBERT CRAWFORD, Trainers R. L. Summon, Asst. Coach CHAS. W. DANIEL, Publicity W. A. WOOD, Ant. Coach ALLAN NELMS, Program Manager C. H. ANDERSON, Asst. Coach N. C. STATE'S 1946 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Date Opponent Time Piece 0! Gem Sept. 28—DUKE ......................... 3 :00 pm. RALEIGH Oct. 5—-—Clemson ........................ 3:00 pm. Clemson ‘Oct. 12—-—DAVIDSON .................... 8:00 pm. RALEIGH Oct. 19—-——Wake Forest .................... 2:30 pm. Wake Forest Oct. 26—V. P. I. ......................... 2:30 pm. Blacksburg Nov. 2—-V. M. I. ......................... 2:30 pm. Roanoke Nov. 9—Vanderbilt ...................... 2:00 pm. Nashville Nov. 16-—-—VIRGINIA ...................... 2:00 pm. RALEIGH Nov. 23—Florida ......................... :00 pm. Tampa Nov. 30—-—MARYLAND ....................2:00 pm. RALEIGH ‘ Night game. ‘ Represented for National Advertising by DON Snucm COMPANY, INc., 271 Madison Ave., New York City. JOHNSON-’LAMBE co. Sporting Goods -:- Electric Appliances * * Leading Distributors In Eastern North Carolina ...for... The Famous RAWLINGS Athletic Equipment 116-118 8. Salisbury St. Phone 8848 WILSON UZZLE Incorporaled 421 Fayetteville St. Compliments of CADILLAC - OLDSMOBILE BROGDEN PRODUCE C0. RALEIGH, N. 0.. Dial 4475 Yes, electricity is one of the cheapest items in your household budget. It has not gone up in price in recent years like almost all other household neces- sities. In fact, if you are an average residential customer of Carolina Power and Light Company you are actually getting three times as much elec- tricity for your money as you got twenty years ago. (CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT cOMPAND . CAUDLE'S SHOE SHOP SAY— 216 S. SALISBURY ST. BAMBY BREAD Phone 5636 Raleigh’s Flowers by FALLON'S Are Distinctive Royal Baking Co. Phone 8347 205 FAYETTEVILLE STREET RALEIGH, N. C. Best Wishes from Your Authorized [<é‘"é“}3m§‘"aike DEALER BRAWLEY’S 235 FAYETTEVILLE —— RALEIGH Aldredge & Company, Inc. J. Marshal Barber, SR. mo * Insurance Counsellor Wholesale Grocers Life Insurance, Annuities, and * Retirement Income Plans 708 Odd Fellows Bldg. Raleigh, N. C. Dunn, N. C. 2-3268 : Phones : 2-3796 0 O 0 ID ' Bland Soda Shop 106 W. Martin St. HEATER WELL C0. - A Good Place to Meet Your Friends RALEIGH, N. C. For a Snack and Soda After the Game A. S. Harrell, Mgr. STATE- VIRGINIA FOOTBALL GAME ogflgm/ % Wall/05 WI7%13071/1/ %fl% Ml/Z/Ml‘ 12///WI/I/d/fl/l//////M’ J(/M/IIM/flfl/ ”110’”MM Mil/)2”) ”111/ 27/9” 11/21/ 0‘ [If [Elli/111m (MV/I/I/y.é/xy/IMI////7//////// ///M"/ State College Rolls Along! ** The North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engi- neering, having a physical plant of 47 buildings, reached ap- proximately 11,000 persons annually in the pre-war years through its regular residence courses, extension classes, cor- respondence courses, and special short courses. More than 23,000 men and women were trained here for war work during World War II. The plant now has expanded to embrace 54 buildings, including two new dormitories under construction. State College is one of the Land-Grant colleges established under the provisions of the Morrill Act, passed by Congress on June 2, 1892. The first session of the College was that of 1889- 1890. The name, the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, was used in the establishment of the institu- tion, but the name was changed by the General Assembly in 1917 to its present form. In its session of 1931, the General Assembly passed an act of which the following is the first section: “That the Univer- sity of North Carolina, the North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering, and the North Carolina College for Women are hereby consolidated and merged into ‘the University of North Carolina’.” The State College Campus, embracing 125 acres, lies within the limits of Raleigh, the State Capital. The College is located a mile and a quarter west of the Capitol on Hillsboro Street and U. S. Highway No. 1. Adjoining the campus to the west are 456 additional acres including the College orchards, gardens, poultry plant and farms, and the Central State Agricultural Experi- ment Station. The institution has acquired 1,387 more acres about one mile west of the campus. This tract of land is maintained as livestock farms by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying. State College has as its main purposes resident teaching, extension teaching, and research. Regarded as one of the leading technological institutions in the nation, State College is advanc- ing the economic development and increasing the living standards of the people of North Carolina through technical education and research. The College’s main divisions include the School of Agriculture and Forestry, the School of Engineering, the School of Textiles, the Division of Teacher Education, the Graduate Division, the Basic Division, and the Summer School. The Department of Military Science and Tactics, providing ROTC training for the students, consistently has received an annual rating of “excell- ent” from the War Department. The pre-war enrollment was 2,600. It now has sky-rocketed to 4,902, an all time record. The birthplace of Andrew Johnson, 17th president of the United States, is located on the campus. Colonel John W. Harrelson, pictured at the left, has been chancellor since 1934. W47 542:57644415«my Holding. (Penalty— mud. or violation of kick- / by “an", 15 ”rd“ ond"iormauon.~ (Penalty. 5 , 73'3““:men! inr- by delenee. 5 yerda.) 5 yarda.) touchdown.Score—- fluid goal, ‘ ‘ Penaltyluaed, incom-re- mnvenion.or ' plate pan. 7 goalminedorfieldcon- . venion.amide.both Unneceuaryclipping. or roughingroughneu.the Q etc."d“ kicker.and ponible(Penalty.dis ualmca-15 yard- Player ille- tion.) Run‘ningsntoliick;al I. ”Ll;largo“; H" (Pm ’ ahmorhud-die.( ai lam lime- !nlerlerence with iorward pan. (1! onallyof down.on olieme.Interference15 yardsby andde- [outlenae.anball(inttodown.)offense on too: of WHEN IT COMES TO LIFE INSURANCE Peter Pan Restaurant THE ATLANTIC LINE 1207 HILLSBORO STREET IS TOPS * Fred Dixon, Agency Director Choice Western Steak (A State College Mam) Atlantic Life Insurance Co. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT PETER PAN Security Bank Bldg., Raleigh, N. C. Phone 8866 BERNHARD'S Iynn's Service Station Where BETTER LIVING Begins 515 Hillsboro St., Raleigh, N. C. DIAL 4841 Morgan and Dawson Streets Modern Lighting Electric Appliances Distributors of Built-In Steel Cabinets Attic Ventilation Lee Tires and Atlantic Products GREGORY 8. POOLE, INC. STATE DISTRIBUTING CORP. * Raleigh, N. C. GENERAL CONTRACTORS * Member Distributors of Associated General Contractors Carolina Road Builders Association Garrett’s Virginia Dare Wines * Cook’s Imperial Champagne 405 Capital Club Bldg. Telephone And Raleigh, North Carolina 8921 Drewry’s Old Stock Ale J. G. Poole, Mgr. KeepUpWiIh Sporls — - Tune lo WPTF 680 On Your Dial Jim Reid and Phil Ellis are in constant touch with all sporting events in the Carolinas. They know what’s going on. So, for up-to-the-minute sports, hear Jim at 6:05 pm. every weekday on the BC SPORTS REVIEW. Tune in FOOTBALL SCOREBOARD every Saturday at 11:05 pm. for scores and comment. Listen each Sunday at 12:30 pm. for PIGSKIN POST MORTEM, where outstanding coaches and sports writers discuss the previous day’s play. Hear Bill Stern each Friday at 10:30 pm. in SPORTS NEWSREEL. JIM REED If you can’t go to a game, tune in WPTF each WPTF’s Sports Director Saturday to hear the best game of the day. WPTE's 1946 Football Schedule Sept. 28 Duke —— State Oct. 5 Tennessee Duke Oct. 12 Maryland — Carolina Oct. 12 Davidson — State (Night Last Half) Oct. 26 Florida — Carolina Nov. 2 Georgia Tech — Duke Nov. 9 Wake Forest — Duke Nov. 16 Wake Forest — Carolina Nov. 23 Duke — Carolina Nov. 30 Carolina —- Virginia Jan. 1 Rose Bowl (Exclusive) GREATEST SHOWS IN RADIO THE PHIL ELLIS WPTF’s Special Events ARE ON WPTF, YOUR NBC STATION Director N. C. STATE WOLFPACK‘ COACHES The 1946 State College Wolfpack’s well rounded coaching staff. Reading from left to right: Lyle Rich, South Dakota, tackles and ends, second year with school. Bob Suffridge, Tennessee, guards and centers, first year with school. Beattie Feathers, Tennessee, head coach, third year with school. Carl H. (Butter) Anderson, Southern California, assistant line coach and “B” squad. First year with school. Walter (Babe) Wood, Tennessee, back- field, fourth year with school. For a while we were having to say “no.” Then, as things gradually improved, it became “may- be.” But now, on most all of our fine men’s cloth- ing, we’re beginning to say “yes.” Come in now.
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