•IH - THE HERALD. Fri.. Nov. 27. 1981 Pope's portraitist visits town...page 13 Vyindy and cold Manchester, Conn. today and Sunday Sat., Nov. 28, 1981 — See page 2 HOLIDW FE/miRES 25 Cents Thenew _ 1981 yardstick. CLEARAN 2 O u r 1982 Honda Accord new interior and plenlv ol thoughllul Hatchback could be the new yaril- finishing touches. hit squads stick («jr commonscMisc luxun- and Like a maintenance reminder/ engineering. Inside and out. electronic watTiipg system, tachom­ COUNTDO A t!e\v aerodynamic l(K>k com­ eter. quart/ electric clock and a head- bines (unction w ith stvIe Todeliver light.s-on wanting chime. snuH)ther, quieter, mote luel-efficieni Once again, our Accot d Hatchback peHumiance. is the measure lo r the rest. Complete with front-wheel drive, new \enlilated Ironi disc brakes. in U.S.? 4- w'heel independent .sirspensiun and • B H O E 3 E 3 5- speed lransmis.sion. Plus a siv lish We make H simple. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Lights Caspar Weinberger, drovd through flashing, four cars loaded with the Pentagon grounds with a convoy police and Secret Service agents ac­ of police and Secret Service cars, companied Secretary of State before and after his limousine. ’5999 Alexander Haig to the Pentagon The network said the FBI, the Friday, part of an apparent increase Secret Service and State Depart­ in protection for U.S, officials. ment security experts were in­ The heavy security was observed BRAND NEW 1981 210 HATCHBACK, 5-speed. 1.5 Liter Engine. vestigating reports of Libyan hit amid warnings that Libyan leader squads with FBI Director William Rear Defroster, Rusty Jones Rustproofing, Bucket Seats and Moammar Khadafy had issued Webster as the coordinator. more. Ail Freight and Dealer Prep Charges Included. Bronze. orders to assassinate high-ranking “ Were not making any com­ Stock 3217. U S. officials and ambassadors ment,' an FBI spokesman said. abroad. "We re skirting it all the way," “The Reagan administration has said a Secret Service spokesman. increased security protection of "I just can't say anything about senior officials to an all-time high potential threats, ".. said a White 24 ADAMS ST. because of new intelligence war­ House official.. But a presidential DeCormler DATSU nings of Libyan assassination aide said. ‘You can never be sure ... Herald photos by Pinto plots,” ABC News reported. There are threats every day.” MANCHESTER “Suspected Ubyan agents are ABC said, "Additional manpower Eddy RosOow, a 14-year-old from Ellington, wheels was born with one leg and malformed hands, but over­ reported 'to have crossed from and security devices have been ■ Canada into the United States in re­ Motor Sales toward the finish line at the Manchester Five-Mile Road came his disabilities to complete the five-mile course In 76 ordered for President Reagan and 646-3515 cent weeks, while known Libyan 285 Broad St., Manchester Race as the crowds lining Main Street cheer him on. Eddy minutes. top-level Cabinet officials. 643-4165 assassination teams have been ■‘Other officials report that detected moving about in Western special jamming equipment has N Europe.” been installed in presidential planes He finished the Manchester race Most U.S. spokesmen declined to ward off any SAM-7 missiles comment. But one senior official,/ which Libyan assassins are reported asked, about the possibility of hit to carry. squads operating in the United “In Washington, Secretary Haig ' states, said earlier this week, “With and even Mrs. Reagan have been ■ 'i all the stories going around about it, assigned additional agents for lead The victory of Eddy Rossow there is bound to be some fire behind and backup cars which enable the smoke.” motorcades to pass through traffic S1,000®® Reporters said Haig, en route for lights without stopping anywhere 0 By Scot French during Thursday’s race that he concedes. Running for the first "When I saw the finish line, I one of his regular breakfast where they might be sniper IMMEDIATE DELIVERY didn’t think he would have a time himself, the 44-year-old meetings with Defense Secretary targets" Herald Reporter knew I’d done it,” Eddy recalls. finishing time to beat. Rossow told Eddy before the The crowd, which had at first The statistics won't list EMdy Those moments of doubt came race th a f ’he was on his own, and overwhelmed him, helped bring ExccHcnt Selection Here Mow! Rossow among the top finishers early, he says, as he saw hill that if I dropped dead along the him through, their cheers and in the Five Mile RoacJ Race held after hill rise before him. ' ‘I just way, he could pick me up.” waves giving him the stamina to ''Couticcticul's Oldest LimiihiuMcrcurs Mu^da Dealer” Thanksgiving Day, but his per­ kept saying to myself, ‘I know I Starting at the tail of the pack, finish. formance Thursday had the can,' I know I can,’ and the people the father and son -team ran White House V crowd of 30,000 cheering and his kept cheering me on." together for about a mile before THE DECISION to race had mother crying tears of joy. come only the night before, when m o r i a r t y b r o t h e r s THE N.A.D.A. OFFICIAL With encouragement from the Carl Rossow pulled ahead for Just two fully-formed fingers crowd and the slow runners good. He finished the race in a a friend visiting the Rossows for on one hand, none on the other behind him, he pushed on, hum­ respectable 41:38, then began to Thanksgiving inquired about the USED CAR GUIDE VALUE ON Eddy pushed his wheelchair ming a song to himself that look for his son to come into •Manchester race. denies bid 315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CONN.* Phone 643-5135 across the finish line in the time seemed to epitomize his view, but began to worry when he "We were discussing it at the of 76 minutes, the only “wheelie” challenge —“ Running Against did not appear. table,” says Rachel Rossow. to complete the grueling five- the Wind.” Then word came from a "The next thing we knew, Eddy mile course; Even his adoptive father, Carl policeman that his son was was in his wheelchair flying up Despite red and puffy hands, Rossow, had doubts that his son and down the hall practicing.” to oust Allen alright and still in the race, 1981 the 14-year-old freshman from could conquer the hilly terrain Rossow waited until he saw Eddy While he had only halfheartedly, Ellington High School has vowed that, marks the course. round the corner from East considered racing in the past, to better his time next year. Yet “Frankly, I didn’t think Ed was Center Street and ran to join him Eddy was in prime shape. His By Helen Thomas , the proper authorities, but forgot he admits there were times going to make it up that hill,” he in the finish line sprint. physical education teacher at DPI White House Reporter about it until it was found in Ellington High School had started September. NO STICKER SHOCK HERE! ZEPHYR him on a training program to WASHINGTON (UPI) - National The Justice Departm ent is make the 95-pound, 5-foot 3-inch security adyisdr Richard Allen did expected to recommend by mid- freshman "the second Incredible not have a key to the government of­ December whether a special NEW 1981 FAIRMONT WAGON Hulk.” fice or the combination to the safe prosecutor should be appointed in The training included neck where he left $1,000 given him by a the case. 4-DOORS rotations, toe-touching, side Japanese magazine for an interview The Japanese newspaper Mainichi stretches, trunk rotations and with Nancy Reagan, White House reported in its Saturday editions the arm circles. “As each day went sources said Friday. magazine, Shufu No To mo All equipped with AIR CONDITIONING, on, I felt better and better,” And both presidential counselor (Housewife's Friend), also gave lb . Automatic Transmission, AM/FM stereo Eddy says, Edwin M ind deputy press Allen a mysterious “big present " Eddy jokes that the first time secretary i Speakes denied, a for setting up the interview. radio, rear window defroster, radial tires, etc. he tried an exercise in wjiich the report by the Wall Street Journal “1 have no comment. I don't know weights are lifted by pulling the White House has begun looking what they're talking about,” Allen down on a bar, “Instead of going for a replacement for Allen as said. national security adviser. 2 down, I went up.” Now, he proud­ • Mainichi said Japanese police un­ RETAIL VALUE NOV. NADA.................. ......................$0495 ly boasts that he can do 80 “We’re just waiting for the results covered information Tanotsu repetitions. of the Justice Department review, " Takase, a longtime friend and While he played basketball at Meese told UPI. “I will also deny business associate of Allen's, FORD MOTOR CO. 1 YEAR EXTENDED WARRANTY .... 2 0 0 it,” Speakes told reporters in A/T. P/S, P/B, WSW, 3.3L 6 cyl. engine, tinted glass, rear window defroster, metallic glow the YMCA in the fifth grade, delivered the present to Allen Jan. Eddy had not taken part in California, where President Reagan paint, ’81 wagon package. LIST $7866. Ji 18— three days before the interview *6 6 9 5 organized athletics for several is spending the holiday weekend. and two days before he moved into SALE PRICE $6800 years. But his interest remained Allen is under investigafion for his White House office.
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