FOR RENT.HOUSES. FOR RENT.HOUSES. FOB RENT.HOUSES. FOR SALE.HOtrSES. FOR SALE.LOTS. PIANOS AND ORGANS. HOTELS. IXKIRMSHED. FLKMSHKD OR IKFlHSilSHEU. FIRMSHED OR I'XFl'RXISHEP. FOR 8AI«E.AT A BARGAIN IF PURCHASED IM- FOil SALE-FINE) COUXEU PKOPEIITY IN" MT. UFTON COURT, CAMDEN, S. C. near cornet* R street and Pleasant; 280x117; very available for subdivisioa FOB RENT. UNFURNISHEB. KOK fiENT.BULLETIN OF EIGHT mediately.Residence and Situated 240 feet above pea level, In the sand hillg FOR KENT.FURNISHED.1725 21ST ST.; 38 feet hall In Improvement. Price reasonable. and belt of South has a most de¬ 1412 I Ht. 18r. 2o.. 1117 12th ne. 8r&b.25.00 WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO., rooms, bath and furnace; $100. Connecticut ave., fronjtage; n!0-36t* TYLER & 1307 F n.w. pine (Carolina, i: 1 L st. I2r 337 I' iir&b 25.00 2 rooms, room, RUTHERFORD, lightful and salubrious climate, which Is $7.".00 ne, 1407 F ST. N.W. FOR KENT.Unfurnished.11*22 Sunderland Place, center, library, drawing dining FOR without the heat of 015 E st, 20r .75.00 2409 M, 6r 23.00 '* hare nil kiinlx of furulshtil liouses; a fine list corner; light and airy; 9 rooms, bath and rur- scullery, larder, 8 SALE.IX DENISON & LEIGHTON'S SUBDI¬ enervating Florida, 2oo5 1 12r&b.. .05.00 av to select kitchen, pantry, laun«|ry, VISION, 4 NICE LOTS AT A SPECULATIVE and yet mild enough to admit of out¬ st, Mass ne,6r,b.23.50 from, our new bulletin, Avith a fresh list, nace; $00. DULANY, FLEMING & LEE, 1«»20 excellent 2 w. bath 5 bed 1'i.J l'tli st. 13r&b.50 <*» 302 13th sw, 8r&b..21.50 now iu press. Will be ready for distribution within F Bt. d!4-bt closets, c.'s, room, PRICE. Come in and you'll say so. door exercise every day through the winter 213',-i E nw, l0rjicb.45.00 227 It st ne, 7r&b. .20.«K> 24 hours. rooms, stabling for 2, carriage house, &c. d!9 AUGUST DONATH. 611 7TH ST. months. Incipient cases of lung disease are mnially 1411.V »t, lOr 12.05 2120 E. Or 18.00 furnished houses. $7,500 cash, $10,000 to remain ut 6 per cent That we have line of arrested, if not cured, by a prolonged residence in 1738 t.. ~ to secure j FOR SALE.60 FEET ON STAUGHTON ST.; SAME the handsomest and even more serious cases ben¬ Corcoran.Sr&b. 40.50 1 Erie at, 8r....15.00 IOWA CIRCLE. Mwr CIRCLE. EDUCATIONAL. per annum. An excellent opportunity on Florida ave. 200 feet Camden, greatly 11_ _.">th st, or&b.fto.oo 12 Patterson ne, 5r. 12.50 1TIOMAS CIRCLE one of the most complete and residences by deep; 12,000 sq. feet; efited. The house is an old southern mansion with ^ ^ reject half block from 14th st. cable fine oak 23 N Y uv nw,6r&b.2S.<wi K ST., *250. i ST., $150. 18TH ST., $300. IN WASHi.-VUTOJf. of this size in Washington, yi very best cars; large rooms, comfortably furnished. The table is . {the trees and wide view over city and river; price liberal and STORES. 1" ST. NEAR DUPOXT CIRCLE, $125. locality. Owner going abroad. moderate and terms easy. homelike. Ufton Court is almut a mile 715 13th st. n.w., store. 30x80 $110.00 Very tine corner bouse, comaiamls view of Mass. COMPETENT AND EXPEHIEXCED TEACHE11S Address, until Jan. 15, 1 '. from the station, and aliout half a mile-a pleas¬ 1235 11th no23-2m* G. A. SAWYER. 1100 X. H. ave. ant the ct. s.e. (store and dwelling) 40.00 .ok;* onn- uve-» X. II. ave. and Dupont Circle, will give lessons on plr.no or guitar at own or OWNER, "Box 1G3, In the of the finest walk.from p*t offlce and stores. Several OFFICE R< )OMS. $i»0 ]>er mo. residence; classes in French and painting It*Washington Tost Office. OCEAN CITY, MD., ON THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. city, makes, eminent physicians reside in Camden, which is the 1008 F st $30.00( 711 G st |5 to 15.00 Two owners wishing to go south for winter will Supils'an. 1; best methods. Terms moderate. Miss The Sinnepuxent Beach Co. offers special induce¬ county scat, with the usual advantages of such 1224 F st. ..$10 to 65 <m r»i nt their 15-iooin splendidly furnished houses for B., 120 B st. n.e. de21-tf FOIt SALE- J~f ments to purchasers of lots who desire to build. towns. For rates, etc., apply to C. J. PERKINS, FLATS- $2.>o and $20o per iuo., respectively. Both iu the A very cheap and good propwty, fronting on Thp demand for cottages to rent is greater than Proprietor, Ufton Court, Camden, S.C. 100H F St., 4 rooms center of fashionable residences. DAVID C. BANGS, New Jersey ave. near M st. n.W.-,fwith a 7-room $18.00 *' tUe supply, and rents pay from 10 to 15 per cent $300 to de21.24^6,28,30&Jal Elocution and Dramatic ex¬ frame for I'rice has been $6oo. l'joo 11:ka st. 2d floor. 5r. and l>ath.... 17.00 .FL'l.MSHED HOUSES.. Art; deep breathing, house renting $20.30. n.w., $100.. .$125.. .$150. .$175 naturalness. on the money invested. UEI.SKEI± McLERAN, loll KENT.Furnished houses at $00, $75, $N>, pression, Studio, 1329 10th st. n.w., reduced to $20.50. There can be found no seaside resort within five NATIONAL HOTEL; 350 ROOMS; SIX dt 14-eotf 1008 F st. $!I0 anil $1(10. after 4 p.m. Send for circular. ocl9-om ItEDW. T. KAISER. $1*> F st. n.w. Less than The stuirways to ground floor, fire escapes on $¦¦>5 hours of Washington where lots 50x140 feet can be factory prices. nil Just tluteU and keys delivered to us, a fine $100 MR. FRANK GEBEST, LATE OF THE LI- and built at so small a cost. The sides; modern improvements; strictly first- FOR KENT.Oil II ST. N.W.; 4-STORY BRICK; hcuse. BERLIN, FOR SALE.210 A~~ST. S.E.; NfiAR NEW bought cottages class in all its rates to 11 lIHit.MS AND BATH; 2-STORY BRICK STA¬ newly engaged organist of Calvary Baptist brary building; 11 rooms, besides cellar and bath beach is absolutely healthful, free from malaria, Easy payments, $7, $8, $10 per mo. appointments. Special f'OIt nKNT-FfltNISHED-TN ADDITION' TO has ooei a at F and the comfort families or members of Congress spending the BLE IN REAR. o i: kij;i which invm lik many Church, ed studio 934 st. n.w., for room: furnace; excellent plumbirtf; condition good absence of mosquitoes add to its winter in ALSO list, instruction in piano, organ and theory. Best testi¬ throughout; close to two principal lines of cars, as a summer resort. For informatiou and charts Handsome stool and scarf with Washington. Ot THE MOST ATTRACTIVE HOUSES IN WASH¬ monials and most dell)-3in CROSBY, BURTON & CO., Props. 224 13TII ST. S.W.; 14 IUX)MS; BAT!!. AP¬ INGTON. WE HAVE SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL thorough instruction, dlhtojall yet retired ami genteel; most convenient and de¬ of lots apply to DEBORAH L. HILTON, with PLY TO OWNER, CHAS. C. DUNCANSON*. J»TH Hot SE.S T11\T WE AltE NOT I'lttVII.EUKD TO FRAULEIN JACOBI, WHO HAS STUDIED sirable location for residei;ce on Capitol Iliil. JOHN F. WAGGAMAN, 14th and G, n.w. corner. each and for and AND I» 8TS. dcUM c TO AC- Music at and and has had Price, $8,500. Iu-.iuire on premises. de21-2t* no23-3ml6 piano guarantees 5 THE RALEIGH, ADVERTISE BUT WILL KENT Leipzig Berlin, several Cor. Penna. ave. Full "UK.NT l:,11 13T1I ST. COLCMIilA CWJl .'.L""TAltlJJ TENANTS. years of experience in teaching both German and FOR rSITIVELY A BARGAIN.ON 4TH 10 and 12th st. N.W., WITH music in has SALE-It years. EUROPEAN PLAN. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. ilcigfts; new; modern; 12 rooms; steam heat; r-I!I , !'CT,N AN" A SHORT TALK America, made her home in Wasli- st. near II st. n.e..3-story, 8 rooms and bath; PIANOS AND ORGANS. An elegant restaurant for gentlemen and Indies. 0|H-n fireplaces: cabinet mantels; electric light¬ Cs WILL RELIEVE OUK CUSTOMERS OF MUCH irgtou and will be glad to receive pupils. Ad¬ new and in order. Trice, lir dress 1355 Corcoran perfect .$3,500. Take as as want to Also a luxu-ious cafe for gentlemen. Private ing; handsomely papered; instantaneous LABOR IN SEARCHING FOR HOUSES. st. de!4-s£tu3t* It* PITTMAN & BLACKWOOD, 607 13th n.w. long you pay rooms and halls. alarms; awnings ami screens; neighborhood un¬ Our office Is convenient to the principal hotels, E^Open evenings. dining banquet Prompt eervice, all PRIVATE LESSt >\S-EI£MENTARY OR A D- FOR ST. ~N. W., 2-STORY AND CELLAR, first-class cuisine. Special attention given excelled; open dav; rent. $70 per month. and special facilities furnished strangers desiring vanced studios; attention to SALE-It for a with us. to after the theater. OWNER. 1301 Clifton -t.. or 35 B st. n.w. M*tf to examine property. especial backward, 7 rooms and bath; parlor, reception hall, dining Small Musical Instruments piano parties unwilling and adult pupils. University graduate. on 1st 3. bed rooms and de2-lm,10 T. J.
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