Information on credit institutions operating in the Republic of Tajikistan (25.02.2014) Name of the Governors of Address and number of № Name on credit institution credit institution telephone Dushanbe city, Aven.S.Sherozi, Chairman: Rustamov 21 Suyunkhon Shodmonovich Rec. Phone: (+992 44) 600-53- 1 OJSC “Agroinvestbank” 06; (+992 44) 600-53-07; Acting Chief Accountant: Phone: (+992 37) 236-51-66; Kahhorov Farruh (+992 37) 236-51-70 Furkatovich e-mail: [email protected] Dushanbe city, Aven. Rudaki, Chairman:Hasan 95/1 Rec. Phone:(+992 37) 221- Asadullozoda 11-09; (+992 44) 600-37-03 2 OJSC “Oriyonbank” Phone:(+992 37) 221-10-19; Chief Accountant:Baqoev (+992 44) 600-37-13 Dilshod Tojidinovich e-mail:[email protected] Chairman: Norinov Dushanbe city, Lohuti Street, 24 Jamshed Rec. Phone: (+992 37) 221-70- Nurmukhamedovich 81; (+992 44) 600-90-20 3 SSB of RT “Amonatbank” Fax: (+992 44) 600-90-60 Chief Accountant: Qodirov e-mail: [email protected] Shohimardon Alimardonovich Dushanbe city, Behzod Street, 47 Chairman: Pirzoda Tojidin Gov. Phone: (+992 44) 600-40- 04 4 OJSC “Tojiksodirotbank” Chief Accountant: Rec. Phone: (+992 44) 600-40- Rashidbekov Sarbaland 10; fax: (+992 37) 221-76-69 Tashrifovich Phone: (+992 44) 600-40-05 e-mail: [email protected] Dushanbe city, Aven. Rudaki, 22 Gov. Phone: (+992 37) 221-57- Chairman: Ziyoev Jamshed 57 Azizovich CJSC TJSC IBRR Rec. Phone: (+992 37) 221-27- 5 “Tajprombank” 20 Chief Accountant: Obidov Phone: (+992 37) 221-72-38, Sohibjon Ibrohimovich fax: (+992 37) 221-25-85 e-mail: [email protected] Khujand town, Gagarin Street, 135 Chairman: Nosirov Gov. Phone: (+992 3422) 6-59- Khurshed Dilovarovich 17 6 OJSC “Eskhata bank” Rec. Phone: (+992 3422) 4-39- Chief Accountant: Isroilov 45; Fax. (+992 3422) 6-74-10 Tolibjon Foziljonovich Phone: (+992 3422) 6-46-77;6- 69-99 e-mail: [email protected] Dushanbe city, N.Muhammad 7 OJSC “Sohibkorbank Chairman: Kabirov Street 10/17 Odilsho Olimovich Rec. Phone: (+992 37)227-42- 69; Chief Accountant: Phone: (+992 37) 227-92-31; Ahmedova Granata 227-48-61; Askarovna Fax: (+992 37) 224-42- 69;www.sohibcorbank.com e-mail: [email protected] Dushanbe city, Aven. Rudaki, Chairman: Yenten 105 Gyamtsho Lama Rec. Phone: (+992 37) 251-02- CJSC "First 26 8 microfinancing bank" Chief Accountant: Phone: (+992 37) 228-93-11; Rajabova Gulandom 228-93-14, Ibragimovna Fax: (+992 37) 251-01-41 e-mail: [email protected] Dushanbe city, Aven.Rudaki, 88 Chairman: Amir Kori Rec. Phone: (+992 44) 600-05- 21; “Tijorat” Bank Brunch IRI 9 Chief Accountant: Fax: (+992 37) 251-01-41 in Dushanbe Azizmurodov Shokirjon Phone: (+992 44) 600-05-25 Hotamovich e-mail: [email protected] Dushanbe city, A. Pushkin street, 20 Chairman: Nazarshoeva Gov. Phone: (+992 44) 600-55- Natalya Moenshoevna 65 CJSC “Bonki rushdi 10 Rec. Phone: (+992 44) 600-55- Tojikiston Chief Accountant: 60 Nаzimov Dilshod Phone: (+992 44) 600-55-62, Mahmadshoevich Fax: (+992 44) 600-55-64 e-mail: [email protected] Dushanbe city, M. Tursunzoda Street 17 Chairman: Qurbonov Gov. Phone: (+992 44) 600-80- Samikhon Hisaynovich 10; (+992) 907 70 57 36 11 CJSC “Fononbonk” Rec. Phone: (+992 44) 600-80- Chief Accountant: Safarov 13 Farruh Izatulloevich Phone: (+992 44) 600-80-09 e-mail: [email protected] Dushanbe city, M. Ayni street 24 “a” Chairman: Hudoiev Gov. Phone: (+992 44) 601-40- Ramesh Qurbonasenovich 67 CJSC “Kazkommertsbank 12 Rec. Phone: (+992 44) 601-40- Tajikistan" Chief Accountant: Juraeva 42 Zarina Sarabekovna Phone: (+992 44) 601-40-57; Fax: (+992 44) 601-40-44 e-mail: [email protected] Chairman: Pairovdinnabi Dushanbe city, Academics 13 CJSC “ Kafolatbank” Amir Ahmad Rajabovs Street, Appart. 4/1 Rec. Phone: (+992 44) 600-88- Chief Accountant: 37 Burhonov Sunatullo Phone: (+992 44) 640-22-66 Murtazoevich e-mail: [email protected] Dushanbe city, Firdavsi Street, Chairman: Katharina 61/1 Sсhaсhtner Rec. Phone: (+992 37) 231-98- CJSC “AccessBank 14 72 Tajikistan” Chief Accountant: Phone: (+992 37) 231-98-58 Kasimova Dilovar fax: (+992 37) 231-98-07 Qurbonalievna e-mail: [email protected] Acting Chairman: Boboev Dushanbe city, Bukhara Street, Abdukarim Mirzonaimovich Appart. 43 15 CJSC IB “Kont” Phone: (+992 44) 620-99-11 Chief Accountant: Sherov Fax: (+992 44) 600-62-44 Maruf Namozovich e-mail: [email protected] Chairman: Moin Uddin Dushanbe city, Ayni Street, 48 Khan CJSC "NBP Pakistan Rec.Phone; (+992 44) 610-44- 16 Subsidiary Bank in 12, 610-44-15 Chief Accountant: Tajikistani" e-mail: [email protected] Ahmadjonova Gulchehra www.nbp.tj Malikovna Board Director: Toshev Dushanbe city, Shamsi Street 4. Otabek Matlubovich phonе: (+992 44) 600-22-60; 17 CJSC «Spitamen Bank» 600-22-62; 600-22-52 Chief Accountant: e-mail: [email protected] Khikoyatov Alovudin www.spitamencapital.tj Ahmadovich II Non-banking credit organizations Chairman: Alimardonov Hissor town, B. Hiloli Street, 29 Ulugbek Mahmadalievich Rec. Phone: .(+992 3139) 26-4- CS "Finansirovaniye 1 51 Torgovli" LLC Acting Chief Accountant: Phone: .(+992 3139) 26-4-58 Yusupov Habibullo e-mail: [email protected] Dushanbe city, I. Somoni Street, 72/1 Special Administrator: Rec. Phone: (+992 44) 600-53- CJSCS "Renaissance- 2 Sharifov Taqdir 71 Capital" Abdulmajidovich Phone: (+992 44) 600-53-75; Fax: (+992 44) 600-53-73 e-mail: [email protected] III Micro Credit Deposit Organizations Sogdian Region, Khudjand city, General Director: Sharipova micro-district 17 apt. Sanavbar Marufovna CJS MDO “Imon phonе: (+992 3422) 4-23-53; 4-00- 1 International ” 56; Chief Accountant: Ibragimov e-mail: [email protected] Gayrat Gaybulloevich [email protected] Director: Sodikova Shoira Sogdian Region, Khudjand city , Y. LLC MCDO 2 Muzafarovna Gagarin Street 135 a «ARVAND» phonе: (+992 3422) 4-00-79; 927- Chief Accountant: 95-00-03 Aminjonov Bakhtiyor e-mail: [email protected] Nasrulloevich Dushanbe city, Abdullo Komandir General Director: Vaisova Street 7 Mavsuda Sarievna LLC MCDO phonе: 239-19-56; 239-19-58; 239- 3 “Humo” 16-60 Chief Accountant: Hikmatov e-mail: [email protected] Rajab www.humo.tj Dushanbe city, Muhammad Street 37 Director: Smelcer Jerold phone/fax: (+992 37) 221-44-76, LLC MCDO 4 221-44-86 “FINKA” Chief Accountant: Jobirova e-mail: [email protected]; Sanavbar Boboevna [email protected] Sogdian Region, Khudjand city, Director: Boturov Rustam K. Khudjandy Street 157 Azizovich LLC MCDO phone: (+992 3422) 6-12-61; 6-31-31 5 «MATIN» (+992 44) 630-25-80; Chief Accountant:Kurbonov 927-77-48-30; 927-78-55-77 Davron Abdumalikovich e-mail: [email protected] Board Director: Majonov Dushanbe city, Tolstoy Street 55, Davron Safialloevich phone: (+992 44) 600-54-64; 600-54- CJSC MDO “Capital 6 66;600-54-67; 600-54-65 plus” Chief Accountant: Hakimov e-mail: [email protected] Murodjon Mahmudjonovich Dushanbe city, Sino District, General Director: Aliboev J.Rasulov Street 9 Dilshod Valijonovich phone: (+992 44) 640-50-00; 640- LLC MCDO 7 50-03; (+992) 909-55–09-09, 918-46- «Barakat» Chief Accountant: Kholov 61-00 Abumutalib Abduganievich e-mail: [email protected] www.finbaracat.com General Director: Оdinaev Dushanbe city, Lohuti Street 9 apt. 9 Jalol Sulaimonovich phone: (+992 37) 221-12-50; 221- CJSC MCDO 25-28; 918-62-08-83; 934-08-58-58 8 “Daftari moliyavi” Chief Accountant:: e-mail: [email protected] Mahmadaliev Sulaimon Mahbudovich General Director: Rustamova Dushanbe city, Tashkentskaya Street CJSC MCDO Nuriniso Sanginovna 5. 9 «Bovari va phonе: (+992 37) 224-84-73; Hamkori» Chief Accountant: Nosirova 600-42-45; 600-42-47 Mavzuna e-mail: [email protected] General Director: Dodov Dushanbe city, Sino District, Mehrat Izatovich Bakhoudinov Street 13/5 LLC MDO 10 phone: (+992 37) 232-38-12; “Sarmoyai Hikmat” Chief Accountant: Huseynov (+992 48) 701-75-08, 93-567-44-41 Latif Avgonovich e-mail: [email protected] Sogdian Region, Khujand city, Sir 11 LLC MCDO “Avfar” General Director:Niyozov Daryo Street, Building№5/1 Dilshod Dadojonovich phone: (+992 3422) 5-75-77; 5-54- 97; 5-77-99, 985-65-00-00; 927-77- Chief Accountant: Barotov 70-82 fax: (+992 3422) 5-41-43 Khayrullo Narzulloevich e-mail: [email protected] Board Director: Dushanbe city, I. Somoni District ., Abdurahmonov Odinashoh 172/2 Rudaki ave., home 29 CJSC MCDO Safaralievich phone: (+992 37) 224-25-90 12 «Hamrov» 918-62-04-51 Chief Accountant: Rustamova e-mail: [email protected] Mahpurat Ulmasovna Director: Muruvatova Firuza Dushanbe city, Ispechak Street 13 Abdulvaseevna phone: (+992 37) 226-00-40; LLC MCDO 13 904-04-99-66 «Dastras» Chief Accountant: Saidova e-mail: [email protected] Musalama Alijanovna General Director: Dushanbe city, M.Tursunzoda Street, Mamadnazarova Safiyamoh alley 1, apt.3 LLC MCDO Mamadakimovna 14 “CREDIT phone: (+992 44) 600-64-64; 600- EXPRESS” Chief Accountant: Astanova 67-67; 918-79-54-54; 918-79-64-64 Dilorom Mahmudjonovna e-mail: [email protected] Director: Rahmatova Director: Rahmatova Mukhbira Mukhbira Mavlonkhojaevna Mavlonkhojaevna LLC MCDO 15 «Argun» Chief Accountant: Olimova Chief Accountant: Olimova Maysara Ruziboevna Maysara Ruziboevna Director: Mirzoev Saydullo Dushanbe city, District I. Somoni, Amonovich Rudaki Avenue 55/1, room 28 CJSC MCDO «Nisor 16 phonе: (+992 44) 600-89-90; Fom» Acting Chief Accountant: 600-89-92; 600-89-93. Zakhidova Zarina Shodievna e-mail: [email protected] Executive Director: Umarov Sogdiyan Region, Hujand city, K. Khurshed Hakimovich. Hujandi Street 166 LLC MCDO phone: (+992 3422) 6-05-96; 17 «MUZAFFARIYAT» Chief Accountant: 918-80-50-30; 928-41-00-84 Saydulloev Farhod e-mail: [email protected] Abduazizovich Director: Naibov Muso Dushanbe city, Firdavsi District, Rahmonovich N.Karaboev Street 92/1. CJSC MCDO 18 phonе: (+992 37) 234-16-04; 234- «AMLOK» Chief Accountant: Murodov 16-08; 935-89-41-87 Zuurbek Jumahmadovich e-mail: [email protected] Sogdian Region, Khujand city, General Director: Ashurov Kh.
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