>AO e SnXTEEK iS(atuI;rBtpr Ewitltig HwalD FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,194f Your Bond Purchases • Give. Odr Heroes Their Fighting Needs About Town Observe Gobleii Wefliling Siinrlav Average Daily Circulation - The Weather For the Month of Angust, 1043 Forecast of IJ. 8. Weather Bureau S. J. 8c**phow»W <rf 8*. John'! church on Gotway SCHOOL DAYS ARE "JUST AROUND roquMtii all children <rf the parien, 7,530 retumlni; to the public schoola Continued root tonight. next week, to meet with him to­ Member of the Audit morrow afternoon between nre Bureau of Circulation* and- eix o’clock in Uie perieh halu THE CORNER” NO\V > - ^ Manchester— A City of Village Charm ’ i MiM Sarah W. M ac Alpine, teacher for aeveral yeare at the (ClaaaUled Advertising on Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Lincoln echool, and laet aeason at VOL. LXL, NO. 288 the Hollieter atreet echool, will Here Are More Suggestions For Students ’ Wardrobes be married next week to Everett R. Yatee of Middletown. Mies Mac- Alpine while teaching in town Back in the Scrap— as Scrap her home with the family of Junior Mishea Cliildren'a and Misses' har brother, Sydney W. MacAl- Whipsaw Assault Russian Army Halts plne of 10* Henry etrcet. The cou­ CORDUROY ple will live In Middletowhu Plaid Cotton lllae Madge Hewitt of High atreet left Tuesday for a week’s ANKLETS JACKETS Made Upon. Reich yacatlon at Old Orchard Beach. R ed green, br^wn. Siaea 10 ^ to 16. Stalingrad Advance; Edward Noatrom of Glaston­ Si/.en 9 In' bury, and Jesse Davis, director of By Allied Airmen canter church choir, will fumiah " the music Sunday at the morning worship hour. Mr. Davis is direc­ $ 5 .9 8 City Vast Fortress tor of the choir and Warren Wood, British Attack Kindles organist:- This will be the final $ 2 .2 9 Army Curbs union service of the three Big Fires in Bremen.^ churches, St. Mary s Episcopal, .................. ’"'I........ Russians Drop Bonihs^ Nazis Assert Russians Reds Shake Off Trip­ the Sbatb Methodist snd Center Plane Plant church. Mr. and Mr*. AUeo M. Burret* Spun Rayon SWEATERS Over Eastern Germany Fighting fo Make Sta- No Herald hammer Blows by Gep- .Mr. and .Mrs. Allen -M, Barrett of 93 St John 'street will iiigrad ’Red Verdun' The last of the' union eervicea kevp” open house” Sunday in celebration of their 50lh weiltiiiig an­ Boxy Slip-ons that puH well And Oecupietl Poland; Help Signing Monday man Forces; Soviets o f the Second Congregational and niversary. The reception hours’ will be in the afternoon from two down over the hip*. Long and C ity ^ ill Not Be North Methodiel churche* will be to five o’clock, and in the evening from .seven to ten/)’rlock. in their Cotton Plaids *lrevea that may be shoi-ed. iip. Budapest Also Is Hit. Also Checking Nazis' Pine leaf green. Bloaeom blue,' held Sunday at 10:45 at the latter own home. ' / Easy 4o Take; Infantry Progress in Caucasus; church. TTie pastor. Rev. Dr. Elarl red. natural, maize, brown. Must Get Clearance to No issue of The Herald London, Sept. 5.— (IP)— I t Furgeaon will take for hi# ser­ -Z- and Checks Sizes 34 to 40. Storms Several O f Only Enemy Advance ■- /. British and Russian airmen Enlist From Local will he published on mon topic. "Authority and Free­ surplus commoditice will be for­ Sizes 10 to 16 Modern Forts in One Monday, Labor Day. dom in Religion. ’ Mra. Richard warded to the other Manchester administered a punishing Draft Boanlsy Patter­ Recortled in Area IfcLagaa will sing h solo. Siirpliis Foods schools which maintain school whipsaw assault upon Ger­ Belt About (' i t y. (]lose to Novorossisk. cafeterias supplying luncheons to many from west and east son Advises Bosses. Chairman John V. Copeland will pupils. iMvid a mertin£ of hia general oom- Are Available $ 2 .9 8 last night, a strong R.A.F. Berlin (F'roiri German M iK Elisabeth Bennet. principal Fine quality mercerized Los Angeles. Sept. 5—(A*)—Men Mo.scow. Sej)!. 5.— that la planning a farewell of the Barnard School, la supervis­ kindling big tires in Bremen Broadcasts), Sept. 5.—^/P)— p a r^ for tha inductees from the Anklets in solid colors or who can make greater contribu­ Big Delegation Showing an amazing |jower or 6f the school lunch prograih. and the Russians scattering The Russians are fighting to Borth and who laave for service on Loral Srhoolii to Get it ripe*. Turn-back or Laa- tion to the war effort by remain­ of recujieration, the Red Saptamber 1 1 . ’Tbe oommlttce has $ 3 .9 8 tex cuffs. Size* 8 to 11. bombs over eastern Germany make Stalingrad a "Red Ver­ Army was reported today to / and occupied Poland while un- ing in vital aircraft industries will a tm m details to iron out for the .Allotment th« Same dun” and the V'olga city has From Town As have shaken off triphammer affair which will be held at Pu- > idenUfted Allied raiders made not be permitted voluntary Army As Last Year. their first attack on Budapest enlistments without clearance been converted into a vast blows at Stalingrad and stop­ laaki Hall on North street Wednea- r.ALL CED.\R8 Little Sister These guns, part of the Smithsonian Institution’s collection o f'W orld W ar 7 artillery, are going -to eee day svaning, Septamber *, at 7:30 The German war bulletih which from their local Selective Service fortress which will not be ped the German advance up­ service in the piisont conflict. They have been tut ned^oVer to the goveniioent as "sciap metal, to.b e Bridge Opens Resumption of last year's allot- ' reported the raid* on eastern boards. W ar Undersecretary Rob-' easy to take, Nazi military on that Volga river indus­ JD Germany failed to name the cities ert P. Patterson has notified the melted down and fa.«ihloned into modern weapons. M ajr Gen. M. Reckferd. above left, o f the Third Ser­ ment of government surplus foods ' TOSIGHT informants said toda.v. “ The trial center. In the Caucasus 8:1.5 O’Cloek DRESSES fC PAir .attacked, but the British radio A ^ r a f t W ar Production Council. vice Command. Baltimore, thanks Dr. C. G. Abbot, Institution secretary, as a group of soldfers prepares and commodities was indicated to­ V / i BLOUSES quoted Scandinavian dlspatcheyi This includes registrants with to start ^tdvage operations. — N E A Telephoto. Soviets are fighting with their New Span Over Connec- also, military advices said, the Police Court day by .tha receipt of an initial al- | CHecks. Plaids. backs t6 the wall; they are faced Russians were checking the Ger­ from Berlin a* saying that the 2A, 2B and 3B classifications. tirut Opened to Public lot ment of commoditle# to St. 1 Orange Htdl 1 BroadclotH and Long sleeve rayon blousea. target* ■ included Vienna in Aus­ Patterson’s statement was con­ with the atlernate of either ca­ man progress, and In the central Deputy Judge Qeorgc C L«ss- James’s Parochial School. ’The list ' Spun Rayon Sizes 32 to 40. White, pink, tria, Koenlgsburg. a city of east tained in a telegram to the coun­ pitulating or fighting to the last Following East Hart* and eastern sectors were counter­ ner continued for one ndonth the of foods, canned vegetables, fruits 20 Reg. Gamen At blue. Pruasia; and Brc.slau, in German cil, which represent* eight of the man,” said one high military attacking. The only enemy ad­ Sizes 7 to 14 IVatioii’s W ar man. ‘Th ey will certainly not vance recorded • in today’s dis­ case of the breach, of tha peace and dt;ied vegetables, cereals and *S*'{ a Game for 2*5c Children's and Misses' Silesia country’s largest aircraft plants. British Holding Firmly ford Ceremony Today. case brought against Mrs. David flours Includes the following: FI Vi- BudapcNt Hit by Bom lw It followed a council statement capitulate,” he added. patches was in ' the single sector Butter, S3 pounds: pea beans. 30 that workers, left the plants to of the western Caucasus above Morrison of 177 Maple atreet by 2 Free GamesI .Berlin broadcast "Aij official Repulse Relieve Attacks The Charter Oak Bridge was Mis . Arnold C. ’Ihompson of 179 pounds; wheat cereal, 30 pound.s: Hiutgarlan announcement that enlist last week at a rate which, Plants Busy In the savage fighting about the Black Sea naval station at C! if continued, would cost the com­ opened this morning officially at Novorossisk. , Maple street, tenaat of the Morri- white flour, SI pounds; prunes. 2.’'> $1.98 to $3.98 Budapest and points in northern the city the high command said 7 Specials! panies nearly 1,500,000 production To New-Won Positions liaonj. pounds; pork snd beans. 72 cans; - $ 2 .2 9 'Hungary wer? hi. by bombs drop­ German infantry had stormed 11 o'clock preceded by a service Reds Push Own Offensive evaporated milk, 144 cans; grape­ Rayon man hours monthly. The Red Army meanwhile con­ ’The attack was atlagad to hs'va ped during a two-hour alarm” by Over Holiday several of the modern forts in one of dedication in which Governor Sweepstake! Defer Certain Categoriee tinued to push its own offensive ] been committed on Mra. Thomp­ fruit Juice, 60 cans; canned toma- I high-flying raiders. The Budapest belt of Stalingrad’s fortifications, Robert Hurley of Connecticut, toes, 72 cans; cheese. 40 pounds; . A "Deferment from induction at Rzhev, northwest of Moscow, son on August’’ 37 and tha arrest S.'i Door Prize! announcement failed to give, their •,ia,h Three Heav> .4x1, Order tO Curb but said the Russians had launch­ through the Selective Sen'ice sys­ State Highway Commissioner Wil­ on a smaller scale than the gi> was made by Offleer W alter R.
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