u1 TOPOGRAPHICAL VIEW OF MALLAPUR{M ROUGH STONE OUARRY LEASE APPLIED AREA LOCATION DETAILS Narne and Address of the Applicant V.Anbarasi, Wo.K.Velu, Main Road, Devapandalam Village, S ankarapuram Taluk, Viluppuram District. S.F.No.of the quarry applied lease area 395/1 (North Part) Extent ofthe quarry applied lease area 3.00.OHa Name of the village Mallapuram Taluk Sankarapuram District Viluppuram State Tamilnadu Attestation of the Signature of the Applicant ?ffiffiffi v, ol&s8 2o. rDriryrtrtb ctfiralmft etJb Bwr)r*l d1v&' dqarY'-D>d atYqtoi )lorrrr; g4gti' eo6'Yl; Y'raa"!u& ga;fsynYga:' v" 8erryt d-6w bwe'vo'n'tr er{&>' $ru *e7" *"g*r*A 'o6'tw[ ewSr'arro-|, lsrtornryYi larredrf , g";*W"'fr %$t-i' ' ffi*;i7;a 9"-fiv€* Hwqi i-zqtfr *s,@@ -"kry4am*-*7 i.tp er^u )-*Z ,6*# ,- ir) c"*-; sog+v-z:?, :;*Ao#"& wP1*t,paTso - **r* ry-&fr7 ^';A' ' /-,rat#)Q'v-e 9r")%% 9**;SW7*; */t AlttD @ri .' *riava ryfi Wrtnu' Avri: 4,e 'I' tt M/S. SANKAGINNAR, GSTIN33COLPP3895H{ZA Sankagiriyar Explosives t: Oalsl -220895 TIN No. : 33154781236 Contractor New LIC No. EECTTN/,12r94{EI 0305) KATTUKOTTAI THACHUR(P.O), KALLAKURICHI.TK., VILLUPURAM.Dt, V.POONKOTHAY Prop: putJ :.?.9J.9. I:.'! -0. lo. V.ANBARASI, WO.K.Velu, Mani Road, devepandalam Village, Sankarapuram Taluk, Villupuram District - 606402. Ref : Yout Letter Dated. Sub : Regarding blasting work using explosives in your proposed quarry. Sir, We are having explosives licence in From 22 holding No. (E/SC/TN/22I91(E1O3O5) situated in survey S.F.No.21114,Ogaiyur Village, Kallakurichi Tatuk,Our office functions at Address:M/s sankagiriyar Explosives, Kattukottai,Tachur post, Kallakurichi raluk, Villupuram District . We are enacting 2 explosives vans for transporting detonators and class 2 separately for our Magazine to our work site and well experienced and licenced blasters and shot firer for safe Blasting work since 2 years without untoward incident. we are willing to undertake work on contract basis at your s.F.No.395/1 (North part) in Mallapuram Village, Sankarapuram Taluk, Villupuram District. Thanking you For SAtll0GlRlYAR EXPt0SfirES Enclosure: y.p.oon2otkj l.Licence Copy ProPtlctor,ll.nrtrr. 2.Shot Firer Licence Copy I Ii.cncwai Covering Letter Page I ol I q(d{r4r. Go\(fnnlcnl of Indi1 ,liid,ri 1:n1di{, Nlinlsrry ofColnmcrce & Industry ndirar?,nGao'izayr.qdn(ilqi) l'.lroleufr & Extrlosivcs S*fcry Orgn,isrtidn (l'lisol q;i !- tuqi/a ra, { I rrotrne,l}- Dcpatnrenr oI Fr1plo!vcs ,\]kl)- ar.a:+ r{.<Brii $1,di A&l)-Wing-Block l-8,lltrdrloo.. Shas Rh.van 26 -:ar!tig iin#\ti.:l 26I'laddous Ro^d, NuDganbakkiil Chcnnai 600006 hi{rl'honel. r828l02r q< (l ax): 282 84848 .'. l.d iL.ccl'r, .',ncr-.onr-!J. 'i fr,ia (D c): 28/01120 L rDr, ( \o ): r:/SClrh\/10/636(E.lrJsr) A SI-IBR.\\'IA\Ir\M. \.)Rttlltt,i\,1 '!llla'r']:],i;ltlr"t)t )it pa K,)1.).lKtiit!r'ttt 1\\1 ) tlltts! - lj tt:rtu t.1:it ttl,t'tl1rt,\1 Snt( lihti Nol l't"rnlr ji ,raE iruq 2008;rind!-l-Li-10n Shol li re, s Ccl1i fi cale ]rq EISC,TNT3O/616( [4 2i59) ; ai4{q iar n ,'.-!,1"r;$uqi{r'nniln{d28/O2r20l7a!rn:DEai,1(w1ll/l/2022.6lipir:ln.a(i.{!r;{zi!fli.rli Conditions: 1)lliasting work in conncclion with wcll Sinking/Road Constructior/Agricultral work e1c. ., -!,,....F +b Jt,l,)n)l J lintudhcr'$rlrdatonofccnrllcarc.plcasc{rlnnitthciollos!nrrd6.ur.ntssoasrorcichrhisoffic.onorbelorcll/3/2022 . rtsu ad- l :i Gf,n ai !a i*nqt.}r:ra Atlpl'car'on $ fonn Ril-l duly fillcd rn and siSnoi. ai*vfl LI:- l0 i n,F rrirtr OILrinal Shol Iircr's Ccnificaru in Ir. n l-ll l0 . /;H,r*,. 1004r;r4s,r4,i4!ef4'rrnir.{,r+r;q;rrEiinr.ffi6EqliFrz6fi,i,a,+d+qcJi'i{gii{rir Scrrnny lee Rs i00r DDslrrLI bcd,i{n rn lalorrol Jt.Chi.fConiroll.rofExllosiycs.Chcnnii payahleal Chcnnii jnrn inratuddFAd.a'arlrB!;rrr,6zifr6 !i, (ii4iza iia 2008.,r8F2(lr) +rialnryqtu{in?) S" at*iqFrzFir (qr.lRnrSGfr44Eli' c,[qi lqi+.r: ffn4 s ra,rlfta a,-- ,8.8, \ fht" rdlf,nc.. -u..r,r-i'.lr.j r Rc.,r.rc'c. 'r' ''cx ,r.rrri.n.' tt-- - i. ta--r---r' i I7../.,.ird n?rn. qr a- "-rh r". .. o.J . i !",u a- f, sa, f 'n,c SLor Firc/s Cnificatc l,olier his ro Plcscnr hnnscllfhysicaily befo, c ,lvicwit,srcvaliddting Auftoity ri,qtzdfiza.2008 t !an{q!da{ { .ia 4r Fm GFi 'Fs "0n{.r l*'i ii. A?{,}i<c,mrailG/ aRilt{qqr , D i!Lri:.ur,t50/ j,,r,,ri jifl2riliidriaa ir, "rft(nqI:i{!!+-a,.is.,-r,:,,.Ja(+ \'t idu l .l'Rs.850/- baLxr.c r in yoti .rcdrr $hrch mat, D! uill,.d tb, lnrnc transaclron try quotnr! rtis,€tbcnce nn{{d:qHz+r€,6I For loint africl alorrollcr ol L\plorvcs zl@n. r:r Sonth CIcl.. ( hcn i' ,i,riii,i&, Copy Fo'a'ardcd to: I PolceSIaron. K I-l.AKL]ttlclll PS. Vll,UPPllR lvl. IanrilNadu with rcfcrcncc to hisNoc No xx Dfled:2?/02/2017 (lhiclConlrollc. ,''rqrs t@ EFi.6lic,- i |or Jo'm ol |\plosrlcs ?flsi6- +i Sonrh Circlc (hcn i (rnr4 ji4rt.iusi.+r*ilsl,r, T*+fa+f.( rnirsizhrtp:/pcso.gov itr id ) ifor Nor. inl.nn.ridr !c1xr.(h 8sln$s.Iccsandodrerdcmilsplc.scvisrlom wcbsnc hi$r/pcso.so\ rn) hrtp:// l 0.0.1 .13/lntlixp/l{NCovcringlcttcrl lindi.asp?l.c1tcr(icneratcdYN Y 1128/201',7 \, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRYOF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY P ETROL EUM AND WP LOSIVES SA F ETY O RGANISATI ON (P ES O) (Formerly D ep ar tment of Explosiv e s) A & D - Iling, Block 1-8, IInd Floor, Shasrri Bhavan 26 Haddous Road. Nungambakkam Chennai 600006 Tele: 28281023 Fax: 28284848 Email : jtc'Cechennai@explosives. gov. in 10305) Dated 27/0312015 to, /. Smt. P o o n goth ai. W O S hr i. l/ aiy apur i., Sqnkagiriyat Explos ives,Kattukottqi,Thotchur -post, Kall akurichi taluk Distt. VILUPPUMM, Stdte. Tqmil Nqdu, pincode-606202 Possession for Use of Explosives from magazine at Survey No(s).:2lll4, Village/Town. OGAryUR Subject: . Village,Kallakurichi taluk, Distt. VILUPPURAM, State Tamil Nadu Licence No.: E/SCfiN/221g4 (E10305) granted in Form LE-3 of Explosives Rules, 2008 - Renewal regarding SirG). Reference to your letterNo.: x daLed: - ?5102D015, the subject licence duly renewed upto 3l/3/2020 and issued in Form LE- 3 of Explosives Rules, 2008 is forwarded herewith. For funher renewal of ljcence, please submit the following documents so as to reach this office on or before 3l/3/2020. Application in Form RE-l duly filled in and signed. Licence fees for one to five years in the form of demand draft dra.,vn on any Nationalized Bank in favour ofJt. Chief Controller ofExplosives, Chennai payable at Chennai. o Original licence with approved plan. In this connection, please also refer to Rule I I 2 of Explosives Rules. 200g. for purchase of explosives shall be placed in RE- I wjth ' . -Indent I the supplier and copy of Lhe same shall be sent to this office.(Not applicable for fireorks store house) { o Please submit quarterly retums of explosives in RE-7 at the end of every quarter so as to reach this office by 1oth ofthe succeeding quarter.Q.{ot applicable for fireorks store house) 'rA'll blasting operations shatl be carried out by a competent person holding a valid shot.firer,s permit granted under above rule-s.' However, blasting operations in mines coming mder ihe purview of the Mines Act tSsZ, th! blaster shall have qualifications prescribed in rhe regulations framed undJr the said Aci. An amount of Rs' 5310/- balance is in your credit, which may be utilized for fuhrre ransaction by quoring this reference. Enclosures: Your;[aithtully, 5(l$^B.- (Dr. P. K Rana) Controller of Explosives For Joint ChielController of Explosives South Circle, Chemai Copy Forwarded to: . 1 . District Magistrate, VILUPPURAM (Tamil Narlu) for information. For Joint Chief Controller of Explosives Circle' Chennai or more information regarding status, fees and otherdctails, pleasevisit our weo,lt trttp,zp"ro.gor.isnluth FORMuxrYr LrcENCrlLICENCE -LE-3 expto'iv"s nules' 2008) (d) otPart I ofS' t?oi (See article 3(a) to 7 in class 1' 2'3'4'5'6 or (c) for use'expltisives of ^^H, Licence to possess : 94(E10305) Licence No. : E/SC/TN/22i Annual Fee Rs:6000/- losrv,s i'J'l5iiXrooNGorHAr) 1. #S*r::lf+mftlitiiffi's'rerluKKorrAl'*Hll'SitYf":Hi'XftK',1^1f Pincode - 606202 KALLAKKURrcHrr"t.-, "*f,.t1ff;r[ffi11?i state-ramu Na.ru, Detonating Fuse' Detonators' of licensee : Individual for use of Safety Fuse' 2. Status ' : possess i. iil;*; t. only for the following PurPose tr'.anlosives,'"tiu of SlurrY .^r:, r^r rhe followmg Kmq!4I 4. ( Llcenge 15 va" ubdivision -Quantrty Class & Division (If anY) and DescnPuon Sr. No. Name 0 # 2,0 - Mns 1 0 -- t- | 10000 Mtrs g : 2. 6,2 -rnooo Nos' ,t 0 44000 orJ 4. afticle 3(b) and (c) "ffi;;chasedinaca1endarmonth[appiicabldforlicenceundeIaIt1ci"d,i"". "l 'u*i' drawing(s): - fonn to the following s rtre ricenseaulll;ffiot#'o'o', dated : 1s/0s/lee6 . Ii.jffft+},,'ffi fl""ifr11i,1#l"J'3xTF,1*'iii'1tmpg5$"'*- s,a1e:rami,Nadu policesrarion:s.ognut*Jnon". E-tuluit, facilities : NA premises consist of following 7 . The licensed il1T"#"iil'"',Tll:ffir'* 'ffi ,::iH{,',,J$it;t'#:";::T:H:H:fJli::Tlxt'"*ilffi 'Tilff 3f;1;:l*,*"-1".,.:::: iipfrlllifutrttt1t"'" :fi fl ;'H:i;;Xli3:'#'i'.'il"J,I::'ll':;,?,"* izi Condifons and Addthonat oe'z il j uistance rorm day of March 1998 remain valid- ti11 31st 9.
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