Gerald R. Ford Administration White House Press Releases October 11, 1975 - November 12, 1975 Date Issued Title Type Digital Link 10/11/1975 Remarks of the Vice President at the Ceremony Launching of the Speeches by Others whpr19751011-001 Dwight D. Eisenhower Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier, Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, Virginia 10/11/1975 Remarks of the Vice President at the Annual Columbus Day Dinner, Speeches by Others whpr19751011-002 The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, New York 10/11/1975 Remarks of the Vice President at the Ceremony Launching of the Speeches by Others whpr19751011-003 Dwight D. Eisenhower Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier, Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, Virginia 10/11/1975 Remarks of the Vice President at the Annual Columbus Day Dinner, Speeches by Others whpr19751011-004 The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, New York 10/13/1975 Thomson, Paul, R., Jr. Biography whpr19751013-001 10/13/1975 Participants in the Meeting with Soviet Cosmonauts and American Meeting Attendee List whpr19751013-002 Astronauts and their families 10/13/1975 President's Schedule, Monday, October 13, 1975 Schedule whpr19751013-003 10/13/1975 Pool for Monday, October 13, 1975 (1:55 PM) Pool Assignments whpr19751013-004 10/13/1975 Pool for Monday, October 13, 1975 (5:15 PM) Pool Assignments whpr19751013-005 10/13/1975 President has signed H.R. 9600, Budget Authority Rescission which Signing Statements and whpr19751013-006 rescinds $47.5 million for purchase of helium by the Department Announcements of the Interior 10/13/1975 John F. Grady, Blair A. Griffith, Arthur J. Wilson Jr. Biography whpr19751013-007 10/13/1975 United Nations Day, 1975 Proclamation whpr19751013-008 10/13/1975 Exchange of Remarks Between the President and the Soviet Ford Speech or Statement whpr19751013-009 Cosmonauts and United States Astronauts, The Rose Garden 10/13/1975 Remarks of the President Upon Signing H.J. Res. 683 Signing Statements and whpr19751013-010 Announcements 10/14/1975 President's Schedule, Tuesday, October 14, 1975 Schedule whpr19751014-001 10/14/1975 Memorandum for the Heads of Departments and Agencies Memorandum whpr19751014-002 regarding the appointment of Rogers C.B. Morton as Chairman of the Interdepartmental Savings Bond Committee by the President 10/14/1975 President has issued a Memorandum announcing the appointment Position Appointments and whpr19751014-003 of Secretary of Commerce Rogers C.B. Morton as Chairman of the Resignations Interdepartmental Savings Bond Committee 10/14/1975 Trip of the President to Hartford, Connecticut, October 14, 1975, Pool Assignments whpr19751014-004 Press Pools 10/14/1975 Pool Report - en route from Hartford Pool Report whpr19751014-005 10/14/1975 Trip of the President to Hartford, Connecticut (with information Schedule whpr19751014-006 for the Press) Friday, May 25, 2012 Page 1 of 11 Date Issued Title Type Digital Link 10/14/1975 During the last six months the Domestic Council Drug Abuse Task Statement whpr19751014-007 Force has conducted an intensive review of the drug abuse problem in the United States 10/14/1975 Remarks of the President to the Connecticut Association of Ford Speech or Statement whpr19751014-008 Realtors 10/14/1975 White Paper on Drug Abuse Fact Sheet whpr19751014-009 10/14/1975 Excerpts of Remarks to Be Delivered by the President at the Ford Speech or Statement whpr19751014-010 Connecticut GOP Fund Raiser 10/14/1975 Remarks of the President to the Connecticut Association of Ford Speech or Statement whpr19751014-011 Realtors 10/14/1975 Briefing by the President; William E. Simon, Secretary of the Ford Speech or Statement whpr19751014-012 Department of the Treasury; Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers; and James T. Lynn, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, for 18 Newspaper Columnists 10/14/1975 Remarks of the President at the Connecticut GOP Fund Raising Ford Speech or Statement whpr19751014-013 Dinner 10/15/1975 Travel Pool for Reception of the National Association of Food Pool Assignments whpr19751015-001 Chains 10/15/1975 President's Schedule, Wednesday, October 15, 1975 Schedule whpr19751015-002 10/15/1975 Amending Executive Order No. 11861, As Amended, Placing Executive Order whpr19751015-003 Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule 10/15/1975 Remarks of the President to the National Association of Food Ford Speech or Statement whpr19751015-004 Chains 10/15/1975 Press Conference of the Vice President at Columbus Sheraton, Taft Press Conference whpr19751015-005 Room 10/15/1975 Remarks of the President at VIP Reception, Columbus Sheraton Speeches by Others whpr19751015-006 Hotel 10/16/1975 President Signs H. R. 5952, Amends Water Resources Planning Act Signing Statements and whpr19751016-001 of 1965 Announcements 10/16/1975 President Will Greet Members of the World Peace Through Law Notice to Press whpr19751016-002 Conference 10/16/1975 Press Conference of the Vice President at West Virginia State Press Conference whpr19751016-003 House, Governor's Conference Room 10/16/1975 Remarks of the Vice President at GOP Reception, Charleston Speeches by Others whpr19751016-004 House, Charleston, West Virginia 10/16/1975 Remarks of the President to the World Peace through Law Ford Speech or Statement whpr19751016-005 Conference Attendees 10/16/1975 Press Conference of the Vice President at Hotel Roanoke Pine Press Conference whpr19751016-006 Room 10/16/1975 Remarks of the Vice President at General GOP Reception, Hotel Speeches by Others whpr19751016-007 Roanoke, Shenandoah Room 10/17/1975 President's Schedule, Friday, October 17, 1975 Schedule whpr19751017-001 10/17/1975 Travel Pool, Friday, October 17, 1975 Pool Assignments whpr19751017-002 10/17/1975 President Signs S. 1549, To amend the Federal Rules of Evidence Signing Statements and whpr19751017-003 and for other purposes Announcements Friday, May 25, 2012 Page 2 of 11 Date Issued Title Type Digital Link 10/17/1975 President Signs S. 557, Land transfer, Pueblo of Laguna; and S. Signing Statements and whpr19751017-004 1327, Submarginal land trust for Indians Announcements 10/17/1975 President Signs H. R. 5708, Authorization to strike medals Signing Statements and whpr19751017-005 commemorating bicentennials of the United States Army, Navy Announcements and Marine Corps; and H. R. 8070, Department of Housing and Urban Development-Independent Agencies Appropriation Act for 1976 10/17/1975 President Appoints Henry J. Osinski, Marc E. Leland, and Francis Position Appointments and whpr19751017-006 "Lefty" Scumaci as members of the National Voluntary Service Resignations Advisory Council 10/17/1975 Exchange of Remarks between the President and Thomas S. Ford Speech or Statement whpr19751017-007 Kleppe upon Being Sworn-in as Secretary of the Interior 10/18/1975 President's Schedule, Saturday, October 18, 1975 Schedule whpr19751018-001 10/18/1975 Abolishing the Culebra Island Naval Defensive Sea Area Established Executive Order whpr19751018-002 by Executive Order No. 8684 10/20/1975 Statement by the President concerning grain sales agreement with Ford Speech or Statement whpr19751020-001 the Soviet Union 10/20/1975 McLucas, John L. Biography whpr19751020-002 10/20/1975 Butler, Michael F. Biography whpr19751020-003 10/20/1975 Halleck, Charles W. Biography whpr19751020-004 10/20/1975 Nominations Sent to the Senate on October 20, 1975: Eleven Position Appointments and whpr19751020-005 nominations for various positions Resignations 10/20/1975 President's Letter to Congress Submitting the National Food Stamp Letter whpr19751020-006 Reform Act of 1975 10/20/1975 National Food Stamp Reform Act of 1975 Fact Sheet whpr19751020-007 10/20/1975 Drug Abuse Prevention Week, 1975 Proclamation whpr19751020-008 10/20/1975 Grain and Oil Trade Agreements with the USSR Fact Sheet whpr19751020-009 10/20/1975 President's Letter to Congress Reporting eight new and two Letter whpr19751020-010 supplementary deferrals 10/20/1975 Press Conference of Earl Butz, Secretary of the Department of Press Conference whpr19751020-011 Agriculture, and Royal P. Shipp, Deputy Administrator of the Department of Agriculture 10/20/1975 Press Conference of Earl Butz, Secretary of Agriculture; L. William Press Conference whpr19751020-012 Seidman, Assistant to the President, Economic Affairs; Frank Zarb, Administrator, FEA; Deane R. Hinton, Deputy Under Secretary of State; and Robert Blackwell, the Maritime Administrator 10/21/1975 Nomination Sent to the Senate on October 21, 1975: John Stiles Position Appointments and whpr19751021-001 Irving, Jr., General Counsel of the National labor Relations Board Resignations 10/21/1975 Eckerd, Jack M. Biography whpr19751021-002 10/21/1975 Irving, John Stiles, Jr. Biography whpr19751021-003 10/21/1975 Nomination Sent to the Senate on October 21, 1975: Jack M. Position Appointments and whpr19751021-004 Eckerd, Administrator of General Services Resignations 10/21/1975 Statement by the President on Japan-United States Friendship Act Ford Speech or Statement whpr19751021-005 Friday, May 25, 2012 Page 3 of 11 Date Issued Title Type Digital Link 10/21/1975 Remarks of the Vice President at the Public Forum on Domestic Speeches by Others whpr19751021-006 Policy, Grand Ballroom, Denver-Hilton Hotel 10/21/1975 Press Conference of the Vice President, Junior Ballroom, Denver Press Conference whpr19751021-007 Hilton Hotel 10/22/1975 Statement by the President on National Epilepsy Month Ford Speech or Statement whpr19751022-001 10/22/1975 Spain, James W. Biography whpr19751022-002
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