ITOFfWICH-- BULLETIN, STGRIVY, JUNE 9, 1917 0 -- boro and Shelton, returned home on UNCVILLE Wednesday.' Albert and Jesse Crary, Mr. W. E. ONE9 CORRESPONDENTS Old. Folk' Concert Statement of Me Crary and Mr. Charles Crary attend- NEWS FROM HOTRED LIVE morial Day Expenditure Show Bal- - ed the funeral of Deacon N. A. Brown Thursday. NOW . Canvass for Red Cr Young in Xorth Stonington JOIN Once Children's Day will be observed in Patriot Enlist. the churches with Sunday. Clean up with the RHODE ISLAND from her recent illneas. though not.se The old folks concert Friday even- EASTERN CONNECTICUT ANMESTERN yet able to ait up much. ing in the Methodist church to raise MILLS The church bell wae rang on June money for the sum pledged to the Y. CAMPBELL'S 1 7. were aix in 6th at 7, and There age M. C, A. fund u largely attended. Closing Exerei at Wyll Sohool U.S. community between the of $20 room this ; About was realized. The Vho Is ' Going and! Coming Incidents, Accidents and 31 and. SI. were decorated and a very entertain- , Pupil Reeelv Spelling Prizes NORTH STONINGTON An inspiring sermon on ervfce was ing program of musical selections was Teocher - preached by Rev. E. P. Marthewson' given. Colonial costumes were worn Building in "Three Counties , Sunday morning.- - by those taking part in the chorus. Wylie school was not opened Friday, MARIN Five Join Baptist . Church Maine-- Sheffield Douglass had his leg badly Among those who had solo parts were June 1, owing to the illness of the ; Spafford Wedding Funeral of Dea-- . bruised this week, so he is unable to Misa Huggard, Miss Louise Long. Mrs. teacher, Mis (Marion Blakedee, and Fight except with crutches. E, Libby. First to Saturday) with a. picnic for the eon Nelson A. Brown Red Cross work Charles Tibbetts, John D. Part of . th pupils with German today Mrs. Annie Cook and son Morton Miss Alice Ramage, Mrs. William The' term waa to close New London County children. Meeting. of nnclei measles. due on Land O. spent Wednesday attended the funeral their Cousins. Charles Carlyle. The success June 6. and the closing exercises were Elmer Burdiek Coek, Jurt week. was- - with his brother at the Norwich. State - Rev. Lucian Drury occupied the pul- Hiram to Norwich of Ji affair was largely due to Mis given Chat day and school held AIp hospital. i- pit of Third Baptist church Sun- Lone. tne next day to make the require a Sea the Memorial Day Expense. number . following pro- LEBANON , Dan MeCrackan left Tuesday for day morning. In connection with the OLD MYSTIC ' of day. The New York where he will visit relatives. communion service he gave the hand John Lynch, chairman of fhe Memo- gram was pre ented Wednesday after- : noon: Song, The Spangled .Ban- Grange Inspected by Miss Hafrel Burdiek was a Sunday of fellowship to five" new members Flaj) rial day observance committee, has etar - Neiohborina lo guest of Mr. and Mrs. Krnest Luther who had come into the church by bap- B. Y. P. U. Musical Plan for mad the following report of expense: ner, school, the teacher belna- at th ca! Men Motor Trip Mr. Louia in Preston. tism. Raising Annual Eleotion of Epwortn Balance from last year, $26.20; collec- organ: . The tand of Story Books. John U. - - S. I was- year, $94.10; total, Miaurai My Shadow, Bert9ta Hall; My A be! and Children Move from Frederick Tutnosr of Norwich a Rev. 'H. S. Foster of Noank spoke League Funeral of Joseph Mitchell. tions made this wny recent guest of : hts aunt, Mrs. Harriet in the Third Baptist church Sunday 21 16. SO; Memorial day expense .were Three inch Grin. FTed cxmgdon; . There Is a little monogram five-ye- ar the Dog's1 tfose Always Cold, Susan we so ; E. Palmer. evening on the program Sunday - morning at the Baptist for special cans for militiamen and is We see where'er Hartford Dwight Batholomew leaves Sunday adopted by the Baptist denomination. piano were mad tor the 6ton coast guard, automobSe for G. A. Gardner; song, Flag of the Freet It effera as protection Ir. CnartiM Wetmort of grand- church flags, bunting, etc., school; The 'Bird's Bath, Lloyd Bar- - Against a foreign foe. ba been spending tovr days at the to spend the summer with his He was assisted in the services by ington . Union association meeting band, It stands for hunt and i parents, Mr. and Mra. John Richmond Capt. E. Mystic by June 107 : balance. 21J.S0. per; raotner oriole's west pong, Eaiin ore! borne of Deacon 'Wetmore. F. Wilcox of and which the church will entertain Some Dav. Julia. euHlvanu In everv f tin dime. been spending of North Stonington. the local clergymen. 20 and 21. Aiaa Annie Hooper, after several Hall:' Other And its snory and lis srestnoa Mrs. II. W. Sweet has Will- mpcot Mrav Henry-- A Secret, Viola Cole; The Buttercups, Are the themes ef many a tryma. past week with relative tn Nor- John F. McOovern and son and j Gave Moalealsw weeKa wroi her sister. i the Maine Spafford. Dart, Mary Misnra; song, iButterroup . were Oeeuffl Sunday, vis- left Friday to spend few and folk, Conn. ? - - ard Murrel la The Baptist Toung People' union a But few hare trrcr really knows Stephen Carpenter of Hartford spent iting relatives. Lenial F. Maine of this town and gave muslcale Friday evening; In the day with friend in Rockville previ- jjawnes, sonooi; AuiKinsr itme, Mil- And few would ever guess - Ben- Charlas Benjamin 'of Preston City M. a ous to going to her home in Arlington, dred WVcox; Kissed His Mother, Al- What our country meant by maddng the week end with- hi father. Miss Anna Spafford of Taunton, The following program S. ; was recent business caller in South auditorium. ; . bert Dawley: The Gingham Dog and Jl her chattels with U. jamin Carpenter. a Mass., were married (Monday evening waa admirably rendered: Pla.no solo Mao. Congdon t may stand for United States, A. O. Kneeland spent Griswold. George C. Brown sVllemand, Loav for Fort Slooum. the Calico Cat, Helen The Sara ; Judge and Mrs. return- at the residence of Fantasle, Stie Un Theme J. 'armyara Bong, Roy congdon; .flay- Or yet for Uncle Sunday and Monday in Hartforfi, Miss Mabel I. Gustafson has by Rev. Lucian Drury. Many guests Leybach, Mre. Fred Eugene Coburn; Henry Lavole and (Bennl Botrrrtle ing But there's still another meaning guests of their eons, William and War ed home ofter spending three weeks in were present. The wedding gifts in- All Americano; reci- have enlisted in the field artillery, Robmson Cruao. Marion Brown: To this simple monogram. chorus, Let's Be The Kitten Falling . - t Jersey City, N. J, with Miss Emma. eow, but these Ken- Wednesday. They wKl and the Leaves. ' cluded a horse and Boy, leaving town We see on bonds and bfila. ren Kneaond. "--. tation. The Little Master it ear Nevenger. " were, not on exhibition. wedding go yort B lor, Joel Barber; song, Hall Columbia, ind on our postal cards ; Mov from Boston. A' neth Williams; song, I Have a Little to . locum, n. i., train- School Supervisor A. C .Burdiek has supper waa cerved and dancing was Austin; recita- ing. school; Old Jronaldes, Clifford Cong- t decorates oar Capitol, Mrs. Louis Abell and child from Bos- been visiting schools in this vicinity enjoyed. Shadow, Miss Mildred Comstock, don; The Charge at Valley CAalory. Shadowed by Stripes and Stan. ton moved here and are to live tion with chorus. It's Great to Be a Mr. and 'Mrs. James E. Gladys Young; The Violet, Howard In all our barracks, poats, and tort have recently. Funeral of Deacon Brown. Co-bur- ; who spending with Mrs. Joseph Abell for the pres- Soldier, Charles vocal duet. have been the winter at Gardner; The Sandman; Oiiv Code; It plays a leading part. Nel- What Makes the World Go Round, their cottage In Florida, have returned And Uie ioiry sailor loveo It ent. FITCHV1LLE The funeral services of Deacon S. home. Our Defenders, Ellery Pratt; The And enshrines it in his beart. Mrs. Erwin Hewitt has ret urned . from son A. Brown were held in '.the Third Mm. J. Hamilton Smith, Horace Three (Bells, Congdon; song. song, Eloise, Decern Club Dthel - Pittsfleld.-Mass.- ; after making: a leng- Baptist church Thursday afternoon Williams: Bonnie Frank Win. America, school; Folk dancing, by Now havn voa aueased tho tne Rodney, Wage increase at Palmer Bros. Co. Williams; vocal duet, Alola Ol, final game in Che -- man pool Which these mystic letters bsax? thy visit with her son who has and were conducted by Rev, Lucian Earl The two school, with selections on th Vlctrola, good 111. : Olive Croucher, Mis Minnie Or recognized the untold been , ,. Mill County Agent and Red Cross Drury. Mr. Drury spoke from the Miss tournament was played off and result- Prices for best speaking were awarded They're spreading everywhere? L. p. was in Providence Mon-da- v. words TBut hath now been manifested Lamb: song. Firelight Face,. Mrs. ed in a score of S00 to 434 for the Gladys Young Echo the joyful tidings. Smith Nurse Address Meeting. - receiving the girl's prize by the appearing of our Saviour Christ Maurice B. Caswell- recitation, That Decern club. and Roy Congdon prize for boye. And let the people know Baby Mine, Johnson; vo- - the the U. S. oi our nation mrsnas Mrs. Frederick Manning: of Ttntic A of an wages Jesus, who abolished death and of Theodore Surprise Party.
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