INGENIERÍA MECÁNICA TECNOLOGÍA Y DESARROLLO Fecha de recepción: 02-12-08 Vol. 3 No. 2 (2009) 55 - 59 Fecha de aceptación: 10-02-09 Tungsten Carbide and Tantalum Carbide Coatings on Machining Tools 1 Palomar F.E. , 1 Zambrano P. , 2 Gómez M. I. , 1 Colás R., 1 Castillo A. 1Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica 2Facultad de Ciencias Químicas Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Ave. Universidad S/N, Cd. Universitaria, Monterrey, N.L. México, C.P.66450 pzambran@gama.fi me.uanl.mx Abstract High speed steel tools for machining were coated with WC and TaC by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), and were used in a high speed milling machine. The physical integrity of the tools coatings were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy at the end of the trials and materials surface roughness were compare in order to predict best behaviour too. These analyses indicate that the deposits form heterogeneous fi lms. The results indicate that the coating made from TaC resist higher attrition than made of WC. Keywords. Coatings, WC, TaC, Machining Tools. Resumen Herramientas de acero rápido fueron recubiertas con carburo de tungsteno y carburo de tántalo por medio de deposición química vía vapor (CVD), las mismas fueron utilizadas en un centro de maquinado de alta velocidad. Se analizó la integridad física de los recubrimientos en las herramientas en un microscopio electrónico de barrido y la rugosidad superfi cial dejada por las mismas en las piezas maquinadas al fi nal de las pruebas. Este análisis arrojó que los recubrimientos formaron capas heterogéneas. Los resultados indican que los recubrimientos hechos de TaC resisten de mejor manera al maquinado que los hechos con WC. Palabras clave. Recubrimientos, WC, TaC, Herramientas de maquinado. Introduction Improvements in production techniques are the prime trend of Tungsten carbide thin fi lms have been used as protective hard the technical progress at the present state of industrial deve- coatings, due to their high hardness and corrosion resistance lopment. The cost effi ciency of production, and high perfor- and low wear, that are sustained up to 4000 oC (Sundgren mance of products depend on the technological approaches and Hentzell, 1989, Quinto and Willd, 1998). Interest in this used. The requirements for higher machining rate, lower ener- material has increased recently to produce WC-C composite gy consumption with more rigid criteria of workpiece accu- coatings (Quinto and Willd, 1998, Hoffman, Evans, Choen racy and quality become critical. Materials used in the pro- and Paterson, 1992, Harry, Rouzaud, Juliet and Pauleau, duction of commercial goods have increased their hardness, 1999 and Zambrano, Prieto and Perez 1998). wear and mechanical resistance, causing more diffi culties in Processes such as plasma spraying, physical vapor deposition their machining. In these conditions, the need for new cutting (PVD) and chemical vapour deposition (CVD) have been used tool materials increases sharply (Katz, 1987). for depositing WC coatings. CVD is carried out at tempera- Carbides of the transition metals in Groups IV – VI have tures above 500ºC, affecting the mechanical properties of extremely high melting points and are referred collectively the sustrate (Quinto and Willd, 1998, Hoffman, Evans, Choen as refractory carbides. In addition to their stability at high and Paterson, 1992, Harry, Rouzaud, Juliet and Pauleau, temperatures, these compounds are extremely hard, fi nding 1999 and Zambrano, Prieto and Perez 1998). Sputtering industrial use in cutting tools and wear-resistant parts. Their deposition, which is a PVD process, is used in industrial hard- hardness is retained at very high temperatures, and they have coatings because it is carried out at a low temperature and it low chemical reactivity when attacked by concentrated acids uses unpolluting products (Coleman, 1989). or bases, retaining good corrosion resistance and hardness at Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a versatile process, which high temperatures. Tungsten carbide, WC, is commonly used is often used to procedure coatings and thin fi lms. A variety of in cemented carbides tools used to machining cutting steel. materials can be produced with this technique as metals, ni- The carbide is bonded in these tools to a ceramic matrix, SiC. trides, carbides and carbon can be deposited. CVD is widely Ingeniería Mecánica Tungsten Carbide and Tantalum Carbide Coatings on Machining Tools 55 INGENIERÍA MECÁNICA TECNOLOGÍA Y DESARROLLO Vol.3 No.2 (2009) 55 - 59 used in tooling, electronic and corrosion industries. In general, The temperature of ceramic cutting-tools increase as machi- CVD can be defi ned as a process in which a solid material is ning progresses and the tip of tools bears both mechanical deposited onto an activated or heated surface by the chemi- and thermal stresses which wear the tip by fatigue microcrac- cal reaction of a vapor phase (Yang and Zhao 1988). king. The type of cutting tool is selected mainly by its hard- ness. The structural unit of Si N is a tetrahedron with a strong Tantalum Carbide (TaC), can be used to increase the resis- 3 4 covalent bond between Si and N, therefore, the hardness and tance to high temperature deformation and control of grain wear-resistance of Si N are very high. The coatings obtained growth, tantalum can be used as an additive in cemented car- 3 4 were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The bides tool steels. Tantalum carbide has a metallic lustre, but workpieces tested were from a type A319 Al-Si-Cu castings may also be found as a dark to light brown powder. It burns which have the characteristic of being composed by a mixture in air with a bright fl ash and is slightly soluble in acids. of soft aluminium and hard silicon particles (Yang and Zhao This carbide is often added to tungsten carbide/cobalt (WC/ 1988). From the point of view of surface quality it is impor- Co) powders to enhance the physical properties of the sinte- tant that the hard particles are fi ne and uniformly dispersed red structure. It also acts as a grain growth inhibitors preven- within the soft matrix (Grum and Kisin, 2006). Quality of coa- ting the formation of large grains, thus producing a material tings are evaluate from hardness and thickness measures. of optimal hardness. It is also used for coating steel moulds The machining trials were carried out in a computer numeri- for die casting of aluminium alloys, as it provides a hard, cally controlled (CNC) high speed milling machine. The spe- wear resistant surface, which results in a low friction mould cimens machined were 75 mm wide by 130 mm long and 25 surface. Tantalum carbide is also used in the production of mm in thickness, the material was removed 1 mm per pass sharp instruments with extreme mechanical resistance and with a feed rate of 12000 RPM and a cutting speed of 500 hardness. mm/min; all the trials were refrigerated with water and oil The combination of high forming pressures and surface fric- emulsions. Each mill bit was used to machine 52 slots in diffe- tion in machining results in signifi cantly higher tool wear rates rent aluminium pieces. The material was removed in two pas- than those in tools used to deform carbon steels. This causes ses, each of one mm in depth. Figure 1 show a pieces on which a signifi cant increase in tool maintenance, downtime and pro- 13 slots were machined. Surface roughness of the workpieces duction costs. As a result, PVD and CVD coatings often are was measured with a profi lometer using the Ra parameter applied to improve tool performance and increase tool life to evaluate the performance of the tools. Ra represents the (Yang and Zhao 1988). average arithmetic deviation of the surface from the mean line (Mitutoyo, 2004). Since one coating cannot be used to solve every problem, a number of factors must be assessed before selecting a coating for a particular application. This work, describes the work conducted to assess coatings made by CVD on milling tools used to machine aluminium. Experimetal Procedure Tools for coating were millings bits that were cleaned and degreased before immersing in different carbide solutions mixed with Si(OCH2CH3)4, tetraetoxiorto silicateos (TeOS). Deposition was carried out for one hour in a reduced pres- sure chamber installed within a tubular furnace to allow for Si from the TeOS to react at high temperatures and promote the adherence of the carbide to the substrate. Table 1 shows the experimental conditions used to obtain the different coa- tings. Figure 1. Pieces of A319 Al-Si-Cu castings, machined by conditions Table 1 Experimental conditions for the different trials described above Trial Coating Type Protective Temperature Figures 2 and 3 present the profi les that were measured after Atmosphere (oC) either 26 or 52 slots were machined with the different mills. A WC Nitrogen 800 These plots show the characteristic repetitive trend obtained by a rotating tool, as the height removed is affected by the B TaC Nitrogen 550 wear produced to the tool. It is observed that the profi les can C WC Argon 550 be used to identify the individual tools, although the mills co- D TaC Argon 550 rresponding to conditions B and D look similar. Figure 4 shows E TaC-WC Nitrogen 550 the variation of Ra, obtained from the analysis of profi les such as those shown in Figures 2 and 3, as a function of the The product obtained is SiC, which is a hard ceramic material. number of slots machined. It is worth observing that the varia- Marzo 2009, Vol.3 56 Palomar F.E., Zambrano P. , Gómez M. I. , Colás R., Castillo A. INGENIERÍA MECÁNICA TECNOLOGÍA Y DESARROLLO Vol.3 No.2 (2009) 55 - 59 tion of Ra remains relatively constant for each tool, with the The best conditions obtained correspond to Trial E, as it has exception to the one corresponding to condition A, in which a the lowest average and standard deviation (Table 2).
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