THE LONDON GAZETTE, 11 OCTOBER, 1949 4875 Williams renounced and abandoned the name of NOTICE is hereby given that by deed poll bearing Daisy Emily 'Nora May Williams and has assumed date the 19th day of September 1949 and duly and intends henceforth on all occasions whatsoever enrolled in the College of Arms on the 4th day and at all times to sign and use. and to be called of October 1949 GEORGE ZYGMIJNT and known by the name of Daisy Emily Nora May FIJALKOWSKI-BEREDAY of 44, Rose Hill, Iffley MacKellar in lieu of and in substitution for her in the county of Oxford, a naturalised British sub- former name of Daisy Emily Nora May Williams. ject, formerly known as Jerzy Zygmunt Bereda- And further notice is hereby given tht such change Fijalkowski has assumed the surname of Fijalkowski- pf name is formally declared -and., evidenced by a Bereday in lieu of and in substitution for his former deed poll under her hand and seal. dated the 20th surname of Bereda-Fijalkowski and intends to be day of September, .1949,' duly executed and attested, known and called jjy the name of George, being the and that such deed poll was enrolled in the Central anglicized equivalent of the name Jerzy and at ali Office .of the Supreme Court of Judicature on the times-to sigh and use and be called and known by 3rd day of October, 1949.—Dated this 6th day of the names .of George Zygmunt Fijalkowski-Bereday October, 1949. in lieu of and in substitution for his former names HENDERSON and HALLMARK, 19, Trinity of Jerzy Zygmunt Bereda-Fijalkowski. Square, Llandudno, Solicitors for the said HON. GEORGE 'BELLEW, M.V.O., Somerset (190) Daisy Emily Nora May MacKellar. (241) Herald, College of Arms, London, E.C.4; I hereby give notice that by a deed poll dated the 20th day of August 1949, and duly enrolled in the Supreme Court of Judicature on the 28th day of September 1949, I, iETTY ELLIS, of 106, (H.M. LAND REGISTRY. Amhurst Road, Hackney, London, Widow, a citizen freehold Title No. (BM2231. of the United Kingdom and Colonies by naturalisa- Land adjoining Mumford's Farm, Chalfont St. tion, renounced and abandoned the surname of Peter, Buckinghamshire. Pishnoff.—Oated the 6th day of October 1949. IT is proposed to issue a new Land Certificate to (059) ETTY ELLIS, formerly Etty Pishnoff. Messrs. Slaughter & May of 18, Austin Friars, London,' E.C.2, in place of one stated to have been NOTICE is hereby given that by deed poll dated lost. thfe 5th day of October, 1949, and duly enrolled in Any person possessing the missing certificate or the Supreme Court of Judicature on the 5th day of objecting to the issue 'of a new one should at once October, 1949, IRENE FLORENCE ASHFORD notify "H.M. Land Registry, Lincoln's Inn Fields, CONDRON of 149, Ashley Gardens, in the city of London, WjC.2." Westminster Spinster a natural born British subject renounced and abandoned the surname of Taylor.— Dated the 5th day of October, 1949. EVAiN DAVIES and CO., of 56, Buckingham In the Matter of the Trusts of the Marriage Settle- Gate, London, S.W.I, Solicitors for the said ment dated H6th December, 1886, made on the (117) Irene Florence Ashford Condron. Marriage of MARY ELIZABETH BARNWELL and HENRY LOFTUS TOTTENHAM. •NOTICE is hereby given that YVONNE LILIAN NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having COVE WEBIB of 84 Lyndhurst Gardens, Church End, claims to any part of the Trust Funds now subject Finchley, London, 'N.3, Spinster, a natural born to the Trusts of the above mentioned Settlement of British subject heretofore called and known by the which the present Trustees are James Smith and name of Yvonne Lilian Cove Jones on the 29th Thomas Murray Mills both of 8 New Square Lincoln's day of August, 1949, renounced and abandoned the Inn, London, Solicitors - should give notice thereof use of her said surname of Jones and assumed in in writing to the undersigned Solicitors not later lieu thereof the surname of Webb and further that than the 22nd day of December, 1949, after which such change of name is evidenced by a deed dated time the beforementioned Trustees intend to distri- 29th August, 1949, duly executed and attested and bute the said Trust Funds among the parties entitled enrolled in the Enrolment Department of the Central thereto, having regard only to the claims of which Office of the Ro.yal Courts of Justice on the 7th notice has been received by the Solicitors.—Dated October, 1949.—-Dated the 7th day of October, 1949. this 7th day of October, 1949. (DAWSON and CO., 2, New Square, Lincoln's RIDER HEATON, MEREDITH and 'MILLS, Inn, W.C.2, Solicitors for the said Yvonne 8, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C.2^ (211) Lilian Cove Webb. (232) Solicitors for the said Trustees. NOTICE is hereby given that GUS JEROME of 76 Langford Court Abbey Road London N.W.8., a naturalized British subject lately called Gustav In the High Court of Justice. Jellinek has assumed and intends henceforth upon In Bankruptcy. No. 466 of 1949. all occasions- and at all times to sign arid use and In the 'Matter of a Bankruptcy Petition filed to be called and known by the name of Gus Jerome the 5th day of September, 1949. in lieu of and in substitution for Ms former name To JAMES WARD, Yacht Broker, of 10, Chandos pf Gustav Jellinek and that such change of name Street, London, W.I. is formally declared and evidenced by a deed under TAKE notice, that a Bankruptcy Petition 'has been his hand and seal dated the 14th day of February, presented against you to this Court by Western 1949, duly executed and attested and enrolled in die Credit Services Limited whose registered office is Central Office of the Supreme Court of Judicature situate at 70, Mutly Plain, Plymouth Devon In- on the 5th day of October, 1949.—Dated this 6th dustrial iFinanoiers'and the Court has ordered that day of October, 1949. the publication of this notice in the London Gazette (DAVID 'MORRIS and CO., 2, Ludgate Hill, and in the Daily Telegraph and (Morning Post News- (209) E.C.4, Solicitors for the said Gus Jerome. paper shall be deemed to be service of the Petition upon you; and further take notice, that the said I, MARGARBTE LILLI COX Spinster of 76 Petition will be heard at this Court on the 3rd day Princes Gate Mews S.W.7, in the county of London, of 'November 1949 at ll'Vclock in the forenoon on naturalised British subject, heretofore called and which day you are required to appear, and if you kfnown by the, name of Margarete. Lilli Gorbing, do not appear the Court may make a Receiving hereby given notice that I have renounced and aban- Order against you in your absence. The Petition doned the name of Gorbing. and that I have assumed can be inspected by you on application at this Court an'd intend henceforth on all occasions whatsoever —Dated this 28th day pf September 1949. and at all times to sign and use and to be called <039) C. J. PARTON, Registrar. and known by the name of Margarete Lilli Cox in lieu of and in substitution for my former name of In the High Court of Justice—In Bankruptcy Margarete Lilli Gorbing.. And I also hereby give . In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Notice issued on notice that such change of name is formally declared r the 6th day of. September, 1949. •' ' and evidenced by a deed poll under my hand and To POWELL & OLIVER (a firm) of 5 Station Road, seal dated the 27th day of September, 1949, and duly Manor Park 'E.12 in the county of Essex, Estate executed and attested, and that such deed poll was Agents .and-Surveyors. «. : " ' •'•• • enrolled in the Central Office of the .Supreme Court TAKE Notice, that a Bankruptcy -Notice has been of Judicature .o'n. trie 3rd day of £>ctpber, 1949".—. ; issued ragainst you in this Court by "Spelman Bros. Dated "this 27th day of ''Septem&irV 1949. ' (a nrm). of 125 Eastern Avenue, Ilfofd in the county MARGARETS flLIlO COX, formerly .Margarete : ; of; Essex. Builders and Contractors and the Court (210). Lilli Go'nbirig: ••?••.' ' - ." '.."y" " . has ordered that the publication of this 'notice in.
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