VOL. X , NO. 38 , KENDALL PARK, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1968 Newsstand 10$ per copy m ittee A 4 to 0 vote, with one ab­ ment was approved by a 7 to 0 had received copies of the agree­ stention, ended township consid­ vote, with Mayor Chrlnko^ again ment at their homes earlior Tues eration of the South Brunswick abstaining. day evening, and these without Acres subdivision Tuesday eve­ According to Mr. Chrlnko, In his latest corrections. ning. review of events since the Planning ' l l the men feel they’ve had With Mayor Frank Chrlnko Board meeting, the once-agalnre- enough time to poruso the materl abstaining from the voting, Com­ vlsed and corrected agreement was al," ho remarked as his review mitteemen Joseph Spa taro, Dr. handed over to the township Mon-' came to an end, "it is their Richard Hnlckl, Edward Visinskl day, to go before the Committee to consider the matter." and Dr. John Freda accepted tho the following day. (| Mayor Chrlnko also reviewed, final draft of a building agree­ South Brunswick's administra­ for tho record, his telephone con­ ment between the developers and tion code, the' mayor stated, re­ versation Tuesday afternqon with tho township, as well as monies to quires that a matter bo submitted tho Rev. John J. Reilly, pastor of cover the development on Hender­ for Inclusion on the agenda four St. Augustine's. Refuting accusa- son Road. days prior to the meeting. (See COMMITTEE, Page 4) Not on tho Committee agenda Committeemen, he continued, at the meeting's start, considera­ tion of tho long-standing matter was unanimously thought to be Pastor Gives His Side timely and Important" enough for inclusion undor miscellaneous ac­ tion. A group of 35 parishioners from Of Final Confrontation St. Augustine's Catholic. Church on Henderson Road, admittedly at "Delighted that this matter came our right to let our feelings be tho meeting to "Inquire why this to a final vote, after six years of known. matter wasn't on tho agenda; noth­ waiting on cu r part," the Rev. John "Thoy owed it to us," he con­ ing m ore," were in complete J, Reilly, pastor of St. Augustine's tinued, "to have this matter on agreement with tho motion to add Catholic Church, reviewed yester­ the agenda for consideration, and tho subdivision consideration. day his parishioners' part In we wanted to find out why it Thoy were oven more receptive to final consideration of the South wasn't included In tho evening's Dr. Freda's report that the Brunswick Acres subdivision business." developers had indicated through Tuesday. Affirming that he considered The Transco Matter Gets Deeper their attorney, Irwin L Kimmel- The development site Is across Mayor Chrlnko "the prime force Hard at work on Transcontin­ spective cases against each oth­ Middlesex County Superior man, that sewer lines would be In Henderson Road from the parish, In delaying the development mat ental Pipe Lino Company's sec­ er. Transco Is suing the town­ stalled to St. Augustine's "In tho and St. Augustine's plans to hook Court. Naming Edward Webster ter, through lawsuits, walking out ond gas line through South ship for issuance of permits of New Brunswick as Transco's very near future, prior to the build­ into sewer lines for the plot. of meetings and rescinding subdl. Brunswick, running parallel to under the former street open­ ing erf any homes." Upon hearing that consideration lawyer of record, and observ­ vision approval this summer," the the first, welders set the new ing ordinance, which was in ef­ ing that State Senator John The group exited from the meet­ of the development had not been pastor added that he had not ac­ 40-lnch line in place near Route fect when they first made ap­ Lynch from the county has ing after tho Committee had dls Included on the Committeemen's cused the mayor of this "as such." 27. According to township attor­ plication for the permits. The named himself an "associate of pensed with the subdivision with agenda, the pastor had phoned Ladies Begin Book Drive ney AndreGruber, South Bruns­ township's wish to provide the gas line," Attorney Gruber an affirmative vote, leaving a word municipal administrator for fur­ The Rev. Reilly imagined that wick and Transco are scheduled greater safety .by means of the of thanks for the governing officials ther Information. Not satisfied with work on the parish's long-awaited saw the township "up against the to appear in court tomorrow to new ordinance, passed at the big league" In Its court fight. A book-shaped container In­ been set for the Food Fair drop- for their approval action. answers given as to why the matter sewers would begin "after a cus argue the merits of their re- first Committee meeting-, this However, ho thought South side the Food Fair Supermarket o tl. Any books not acceptable St, Augustine's parishioners wouldn't be discussed, the Rev. tomary 45-day waiting period," to month, will be heard as well be­ In the Kendall Park Shopping for the library will be sold In have monitored actions of both the Reilly Informed Mr. Hayward that assure the banks covering the de­ Brunswick's legal position "a fore Judge David Fuhrman in very solid one." Center Is prepared by South an auction Oct. 19 In front of Planning Board and the Township a group from St. Augustine's would velopment that no lawsuits were Brunswick Welcome Wagon the food store, with all pro­ Committee related toSouth Bruns­ be present to protest the situation. forthcoming, and that the system Weather members as adrop-off for their ceeds directed to buying new; wick Acres since the early part of A "good heated discussion" fol­ would be "ready for service about township library bookdrive, be-’ books. Further sales will take the year, In hopes of speeding up lowed when Mayor Frank Chrlnko February. Outlook ginning Saturday. From left,i place In the library during the arrangements for a sewer sys­ called the Rev. Reilly to voice his "The legality of the builders de­ Jeanette Searfoss, Pat Harris, following week. Residents may tem tie-in with the development's disapproval of parishioners at­ veloping their subdivision has been Thursday's weather will be Judy Keller, Arlene Dalessan- contact Mrs. Edward McDonald, lines. tending the meeting to harrass proved repeatedly In court," he cloudy with temperatures In the up­ 4 Bedford Road, Kendall Park, Expected to come for approval township officials by "arguing a ended. "I can't accept as good per 70's. Tho five day forecast dro and Lois Werner stand by; -to have large quantities picked' before the Township Committee point they know little about," the logic the mayor's argument that does not predict any rainfall. Tem­ while Barbara McDonald, up during the drive. Club mem­ merely as a procedural matter, pastor recalled. he does what he thinks is right, peratures for the five day period kneeling, deposits the first book bers will be assisting with pos­ Thus my comment that a good 'the builder's agreement was de­ "We are not happy to have our will average above the normal of of the drive. A goal of 500 books; ters, phone calls and book pick­ cayed in transit from last week's representatives lobbying for us,” many infamous people in history 66 degrees. during the two-week drive has ups during the two weeks.' Planning Board meeting. The docu^ the Rev. Reilly stated, "but it Is .also thought they were right.' THE CENTRAL POST . .is• moving• . vanetwo Guests Term Industry Dinner | Set All Day At High School Best'Soft-Sell ’ Campaign Yet | Blood Bank Looks To Township Terming last week's annual In­ undertaking; the fact that quite a one his union has in mind for I For Success Of Drive Saturday dustrial Dinner "more beneficial lot of new people had the opportu­ South Brunswick. than you could ever Imagine," nity to take a look at our town­ To be located on Deans Rhode Robert Anderson of a’Newark real ship will benefit South Brunswick Hall Road, the site Is due for a A' command performance In the at least 200. blood donors -- to be ward Visinskl saw to the address­ estate firm paid tribute "to one of Immensely." security fence first, due "within making at South Brunswick High termed a smashing success. ing of more than 3,000 let­ the best low pressure, soft-sell Commission member George a week," he said. Construction of ters, mailed to township residents School this weekend now requires Scheduled for the high school functions In the state.” Clark pointed out the benefits of buildings would begin by the end to remind them of the forthcom­ only the arrival of its "stars" — cafeteria Saturday from 10 a.m. The Newark firm owns more "meeting township officials in such of the year, according to plan. ing drive. to 3:30 p.m., the Community Blood than 200 acres of undeveloped an easy atmosphere at such a Plans originally formulated sev­ The Blood Bank committee ac­ Bank has set a goal of 200 pints land on Dayton-Monmouth Junction pleasant location. eral years ago for the training knowledged as well as the help, of Kendall Park for their fall drive. A Red Cross 'Road. Featured speakers at the din­ facility have had to be expanded, Explorer Post 90 of Kendall Park- Bloodmoblle crew hopes tobebusy Mr. Anderson was one of ap­ ner were representative-of busi­ Mr. Brach related, with Increased Stephen Wurmbrand, Pamela and throughout the day processing proximately-110 guests of the South ness and labor and the'future of Interest In the program, by the Job Robbie Dickson, Bob Larsen, Tad Firemen Start donors from the area.
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