J57 JOURNALS OF THE Legislative Assembly OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO From April 6, 1992 to July 23, 1992 and from September 28, 1992 to December 10, 1992 BEING THE Second Session of the Thirty-fifth Parliament of Ontario SESSION 1992 IN THE FORTY-FIRST YEAR OF THE REIGN OF OUR SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN ELIZABETH II VOL. CXXIV INDEX Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario 41 ELIZABETH II, 1992 - Second Session Thirty-fifth Parliament ADJOURNMENT DEBATES April 9; May 7, 14; June 30; July 7, 21, 23; October 6, 15, 20, 22, 29; November 19, 24, 1992. ADMINISTRATOR OF THE GOVERNMENT Assents to Bills - See ROYAL ASSENT Transmits Estimates (1992-93) - November 30, 1992. ALLAN, JAMES N. Member for the Electoral District of Haldimand-Norfolk from November 22, 1951 to August 11, 1975, condolence on the death of - May 11, 1992. ALLOCATION OF TIME MOTIONS May 28; July 14, 21, 1992. APPEAL Of a ruling by Chair of the Committee of the Whole House - October 28; December 2, 1992. 1992 INDEX B BLUNDY, PAUL Member for the Electoral District of Sarnia from June 9, 1977 to February 2, 1981, condolence on the death of - May 13, 1992. BUDGET DEBATE Budget and Budget papers, 1992 tabled - April 30, 1992. - Dates considered April 30; May 4, 5, 1992. Motion for approval - April 30, 1992. - Amendments to motion for approval May 4, 5, 1992. BY-ELECTION - Certificate of, Electoral District of Brant-Haldimand April 7, 1992. CALLFAS, DAVID G. Clerk Assistant of the Legislative Assembly from 1968 to 1986, tribute paid and condolence on the death of - May 12, 1992. CASTING VOTE Given by Acting Speaker (Mr Villeneuve) - June 25, 1992. CLERK ASSISTANT - Smirle Forsyth, announcement of resignation due to ill health October 6, 1992. CLOSURE - On motion for Third Reading (not allowed) May 6, 1992. - On motion to adjourn the House until September 28, 1992 (carried on division) July 23, 1992. On motion for Second Reading (not allowed) - December 3, 1992. - On motion for Second Reading (carried on division) December 8, 1992. 4 INDEX 1992 COMMISSION ON CONFLICT OF INTEREST - Report for period April 1, 1991 to March 31, 1992 June 23, 1992. COMMISSION ON ELECTION FINANCES Fifteenth Report (Indemnities and Allowances) - April 7, 1992. Seventeenth Annual Report for the year 1991/Dix-septieme rapport annuel pour 1'annee 1991 - June 25, 1992. COMMISSIONERS OF ESTATE BILLS Bills referred and reports thereon: Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital Act, 1992 (Bill Pr21), referred June 16, 1992; reported November 25, 1992. Toronto Atmospheric Fund Act, 1992 (Bill Pr45), referred June 30, 1992; Order referring Bill to the Commissioners of Estate Bills discharged November 19, 1992. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HOUSE Appeal of a ruling by the Chair requested and upheld - October 28; December 2, 1992. Bills referred and reports presented: Advocacy Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 sur 1'intervention (Bill 74), referred October 6, 1992; reported as amended December 2, 1992. Agnes Macphail Day Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 sur la journee Agnes-Macphail (Bill 35), referred June 25, 1992. Consent and Capacity Statute Law Amendment Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne le consentement et la capacite (Bill 110), referred October 6, 1992; reported as amended December 2, 1992. Consent to Treatment Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 sur le consentement au traitement (Bill 109), referred October 6, 1992; reported as amended December 2, 1992. Consumer and Business Practices Code, 1992/Code de 1992 de la consommation et des pratiques de commerce (Bill 98), referred December 10, 1992. Co-operative Corporations Statute Law Amendment Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les societes cooperatives (Bill 166), referred June 23, 1992; reported as amended June 23, 1992. Earth Day Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 sur la journee de la Terre (Bill 155), referred December 5, 1991. 1992 INDEX 5 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Statute Law Amendment Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 modifiant des lois concernant 1'acces a I'information et la protection de la vie privee (Bill 136), referred November 28, 1991; reported as amended June 2, 1992. Gaming Services Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 sur les services relatifs au jeu (Bill 26), referred November 16, 1992; Order for Committee of the Whole House discharged November 17, 1992. Labour Relations and Employment Statute Law Amendment Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 modifiant des lois en ce qui a trait aux relations de travail et a 1'emploi (Bill 40), referred October 20, 1992; reported as amended October 28, 1992. Parking Infractions Statute Law Amendment Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les infractions de stationnement (Bill 25), referred October 19, 1992; reported as amended October 19, 1992. Motor Boat Operators' Licensing Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 sur les permis d'utilisateurs de bateaux a moteur (Bill 17), referred July 9, 1992. Provincial Public Consultation Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 sur la consultation populaire a 1'echelle provinciale (Bill 30), referred June 25, 1992. Rent Control Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 sur le controle des loyers (Bill 121), referred April 7, 1992; reported as amended June 1, 1992. Representation Amendment Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 modifiant la Loi sur la representation electorate (Bill 9), referred May 28, 1992. Substitute Decisions Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 sur la prise de decisions au nom d'autrui (Bill 108), referred October 6, 1992; reported as amended December 2, 1992. Waste Management Act, 1992/Loi de 1992 sur la gestion des dechets (Bill 143), referred April 7, 1992; reported without amendment April 21, 1992. COMPENDIA See Sessional Paper Index (green section) - "Compendia" CONCURRENCE IN SUPPLY Debated - November 30; December 10, 1992. Concurred in - December 10, 1992. D DEPUTY CHAIR OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HOUSE Appointment of Mr Drainville as First Deputy Chair - April 29, 1992. Vacancy in the office of First Deputy Chair by reason of the resignation of Mr Farnan, announced - April 28, 1992. 6 INDEX 1992 DIVISIONS - Also see RECORDED VOTES Deferred under Standing Order 27(g) - May 11; June 4, 23, 24, 25, 1992. Deferred under Standing Order 28(g) - October 8, 20; November 18, 30; December 3, 8, 9, 1992. Deferred with unanimous consent - June 2, 1992. E ESTIMATES Also see STANDING COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES and Sessional Paper Index (green section) - "Expenditure Estimates" Main Estimates (1992-93) tabled - April 30; November 30, 1992. Referred and/or deemed to be referred to Standing Committee on Estimates - April 30; November 30, 1992. - Reported May 7; November 19, 23; December 1, 1992. FARQUHAR, STANLEY W. Member for the Electoral District of Algoma-Manitoulin from September 25, 1963 - to September 13, 1971, condolence on the death of June 3, 1992. INFORMATION AND PRIVACY COMMISSIONER Annual Report for period covering January 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 December 7, 1992. INTERIM SUPPLY See SUPPLY LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Adjourned until next Sessional day for want of a quorum, pursuant to Standing Order ll(b) - June 18, 1992. Adjourned until 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 30, 1992 - September 28, 1992. Adjourned until 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27, 1992 - October 22, 1992. 1992 INDEX 7 Adjournment of the House until September 28, 1992 - July 23, 1992. Condolence expressed - May 11, 12, 13; June 3, 1992. Continuation of business remaining on the Orders and Notices Paper, - notwithstanding prorogation of the Second Session, Thirty-fifth Parliament December 10, 1992. - Disposition of business continued from First Session, Thirty-fifth Parliament April 6, 1992. Meeting extended for the Spring period - June 25, 1992. Routine Motions: - -Adjournment of the House (defeated) April 29; June 17, 22; December 2, 3, 1992. -Amending the Order of the House referring the matter of the appointment of the Provincial Auditor to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts - June 9, 1992. -Appointment of Erik Peters as Provincial Auditor - October 15, 1992. -Discharging the Order for referral of a Private Bill to the Commissioners of Estate Bills and Ordering the Bill referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills - November 19, 1992. - -Discharging Orders for Second Reading and withdrawing Bills April 15, 1992. - -House do now proceed to the Orders of the Day June 4, 17, 22, 1992. -House to meet at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 15, 1992 to consider government business - October 8, 1992. - -Order of precedence for private members' public business changed 1992. April 21, 22, 27, 28; July 13, 14; September 30; October 1, -Permitting introduction of a Private Bill and consideration by the Standing - Committee on Regulations and Private Bills December 7, 1992. -Private members' public business not to be considered until Thursday, April 23, 1992 - April 7, 1992. -Private members' public business not to be considered on Thursday morning, - October 1, 1992 September 28, 1992. items - -Requirement for notice waived with respect to private members' ballot April 7, 28; July 13, 14; September 28, 1992. -Sit beyond 6:00 p.m. - June 4, 1992. - -Sitting times April 7; June 30, 1992. - -Sitting times extended June 22; July 13, 1992. for -Standing Order 85 respecting notice of committee hearings suspended consideration of Private Bills - June 24, 1992. for -Standing Order 87 respecting notice of committee hearings suspended consideration of Private Bills - July 7, 14; October 22, 27; December 7, 1992. -Substitutions to the membership of committees - April 27, 1992. INDEX 1992 Silence observed: -in remembrance of Worker Memorial Day - April 28, 1992. - -in respect of Remembrance Day November 5, 1992. Sitting: -suspended pursuant to Standing Order 16 - April 22; May 6; June 10, 16; October 6; December 3, 1992. -suspended until 4:00 p.m.
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