Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC December 1985 Daily Egyptian 1985 12-3-1985 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 03, 1985 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_December1985 Volume 71, Issue 71 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, December 03, 1985." (Dec 1985). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1985 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1985 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Ill in o i ~ Uni\"(:, ,,it\ at Carbnndaic Tuesday. December 3, 1985. Vol. 71, No. 71 Lack of union blamed for low salaries By Paula Buckner Staff Writer Lack of un ioniza tion of SIU faculty a no staff could be the reason for salary inequiti es. ~ai d Barbara \ 'an Bla ke during a presentation fuesday on colJecti\'l' ba rgaini ng a nd a ffi rmatiyc attion. Van Bla ke. di rector of the Human HighlS a nd Com · munity Relations Depar tment of the :\!TIer ican Federation of Tea chE'rs. spoke to 15 faculty and stafr members about choosing the AFT to represent them as ;t bargalnmg unit. Ilt~C\l' SE Sll' employees ar e nol un io lzed Ihe market value which t)ft ~n u te rm ines pay scales is underestimated. "An English l('acher t""aches clCC lril:al enJai necr;ng st u~ e l1 t s how to re<:ld.·· \ '<1 11 Blake said " If the\" don', teac h Iha l. {hen the electr ic,a) f'ngll1('t'rs can 't doa Ih in g \\ Jlhlhem " Van Blake \\as latc'r joined b\' Ca rol E lder. excl:uti\ e \'icc president of thc AFT local union at E a~ t c r n ll1inois Uni\·c r sity. in audr "" ssing other tOPICS. i nc luding dh;c r imination. Hair raising show S ..tf Photo by J8me. Quig g COI.LECTIno UA HGi\I:\· Thompson Twins' founder an d lesd :singe, Tom Salley gi".s the formed their h ••wily synthesized brand of music on Nov. 21 at the 1;\,(; guar CJntces affirmative crowd an energetic display as he sings. The English group per· SIU-C A rena. See Reyiew. Page 6. See SALARIES. Page 5 Cold wave sends tempatures plummeting open them. All schools In the Upper An a rctic cold wa\'e gripped Peninsula from i\ewberryand much of the nation !\londa\' Warmer weather expected later inweekl Iron Ri \'er were closed a long and sent tempera tu res ByS. Viji with a ll other offi ces and I business. police said. plummeting from l\'l onta!13 to StatfWfller ward. brought with it cold the Midwes t were impa ired Geor g ia . wh il e a new temperatures. chilly winds b\' a snowstorm on its wav to Another s torm o\'er the snows torm moved into the A la r ge Arc ti c h igh a nd the first s now flurries to C·a nada which caused' 15 Pacific Northwest prompted Nor theast with b!iuard-like pressure fron t moving from Souther n Illinoi s thi s season. inches of snow a nd wind blizzard warning:; for pariS of conditions that closed schouls the nor th has ca used the Karo l Abra m s. c hi ef chills of 50 below. Oregon, Winter storm war · and r oa ds. abnormal cold that greeted wea ther obser\'er at the sru The front has mo\'ed on to nings were posted for the Mt. In the Midwest. residents hoth students a nd resident weather s tation. sa id it wa s the Atlantic Ocean a nd Shasta-Siskiyou r egion of began digging out of their fi rs t 011 their fi rs t d3\' back at the firs t bi g tas te of cold to temperatures should rise in northern California. Heavy major snowstvrm of the season school a rl d work a fter residentS in the a rea this the next few dav a nd s now a lso \Va falling over the thai stranrled tra\'cler with 15 Tha nskgi\'ing break. season. moderate b\' mid·week . higher elevativns in Uta h a nd inches of snow and wind chills The fr onl pu s hin ~ east - According to UP I. pa rts of Abrams aid, ' Wyoming. of 50 below before moving into The new arctic air mass that Canada. moved down from Ca nada sent The !\'lidwestern storm was weather that has c ung 10 the Sheriff's office near Dululh thern h .. lf of Ihe Lowe" temperatures plummeting as the first to cover the Plains nation's norlher n reaches sa id . " The te mpera ture's Pe ninsula dumped more than 2 far south as Georgia where through the Grea t Lakes. said since Nov. 24 . about zero, wind's about 30 feet of s now on the ground. freeze warnings were posted, Jim Ha ll . National Weather 1\l ost 5 nO\\' removal road mph a nd we have 10 inches of forcing many highways a nd Record low temperatures were Ser vice spokesman in Chicago. crews in Iowa a nd easlern a nd snow : ' schO<lls to close. set in Texas. Montana. " Earlier storms hit fh e 4.. outhern Minr.esota had quit Blizzard conditions pers isted State poli ce at the Negaunee Wyoming, Ka nsas. Missouri. northern Plains ana Wisconsin for Ihe ni ght but began Monday in Mi chigan's nor­ post said visibil ity on a ll roads Oklahoma. i\rkansas. Ken­ but none was as widespread" working agai n by early thern a nd western regions, was near zero due to winds lucky. nregon. Washington. as Sunday's blast that created Monday. which caughl the ta il end of the gusting close to 60 mph. Some and North a nd South Dakota. blizzard conditi ons. Ha ll s aid. " Irs about a m onth early for Midwest storm. north·south main r oads were Temperatures were conditions. Ha ll said. this kind of weather but it's not The storm in the Upper drifting s hut and most east· reported falling into the teens i\t least 48 deaths have been really a wful." Tom WitWer. a Peninsula and a long the s hores west roads wer e filling with in upstate New York a nd into a ttributed to the wintry dispatcher in the Lake County of Lake Michiean in the nor· snow as fast as plows cou ld the lOs in the nation's capital. This Moming SIU-C meets teacher education standards -- ------ By Paula Buckner Body Language Staff Writer Educati onal Reform" which Every Classr oom ." was spoken at fair offe red pract ical recom· released in Seplem ber by the According 10 r e p orlS mendat ions for educational Na tiona l Educa ti o n - "age ' released by federa l and stale improvements in the United Association. The booklet orga nizations. including the States. outHnes four steps to en· Men cagers fall tJlinois Gencr al A3scmbh and Other siudies fo ll owed which courage outsta nding teachi ng. the C .S. D e p artJllt:fi'~ cf e\'aluated not onl\' the content ;rlc1 ud ing regula r eva luations Education. the field of of educ<:i tion but -its tcach e r ~ of teachers and the ma in· educHtion needs some maj.)J· a nd tcacher {' due,alion tcmwce of rigorous adrnissions toWKentu cestky ern ae . programs thr oug hout the a nd gl;lduations standa rds for -p <-:J o\'crtla u ls. T he :\"a I IOna I COlllmiss lon on country {(~ ac hcr education progra ms. Gus says teaching will alwayJ be I::x ccll cncc in Education, in Donald Beggs. dean of the one of the jobs that everybody Cold, high In the mid 305 198:1. published " A :\a tion at Til E )108T recent report. thinks they can do better than Ri sk : The Impera ti\'e for "i\n Exce ll ent Teacher in See SfANOAROS . Page 5 people doing It. I . ! CAN'f" ~tL. ltv'E" I.IEU., tAu. RO""I"G I MAOt " ,~ROlA(yH i71Al,..-A - NIAR~E:! Newswrap My W,>"E1-h I ft~L. 1"~fe ~ CAN C>1'If: )"0'" TITES& AWFIJ.L\\ MfeD 'CAL. ADvl(.t "Nil nation/world ANf.' r HE. HEALTH MA I<,f AtJ At'PO INTrl\t.N'f SfiF-TEE Democrats more alarmed YESTS& than Reagan at Ver verdict POLY PRO WASHINGTON CU PI ) - The administra ti on reacted cool\' ~Iond ay to the acquitta l of the Philippines armed forces chi ef of staff in the 1983 assassination of opposition leader Benigno O"DERWEfiR Aquino. But congressiona l Democrats called the acquittt: 1 ~~ Gen. Fabia n Ver a setback for 1emocracy in the former U.S . colony. saY;II15 it will only help cvmmunist in.urger.ts fighting I the IJ. S.·backed government of President Ferdinanrl Marcos. NIX IIndians hold vigil for Carbide leak victims BHOPAL. India fO PIl - Police guarded the Union Ca rbide ~CYCI€S plant as thousa nds of survivors of a gas leak that killed more than 1.700 people held torchli ght marches Monday to ma rk the fi rst anniversary of history's worst industrial accident. Hun­ Idr eds of riot police carr) ing cl ubs and shi elds " atched a; I five separate processIOns that Included :no nu of the 200.000 p!'opl c Injured In the gas leak" ould down H.e na rrow streets of the iakt:!)ide city.
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