T.C. ANKARA YILDIRIM BEYAZIT UNIVERSITY THE INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES CONCEPTUALIZATION OF UMMAH IN CONTEMPORARY ISLAMIC POLITICAL THOUGHT: THE EXAMPLE OF İKTİBAS PhD THESIS AYŞE AYTEN BAKACAK THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Ayşe Ayten BAKACAK 2020 Ayten PhD THESIS Ayşe Ankara, 2020 T.C. ANKARA YILDIRIM BEYAZIT UNIVERSITY THE INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES CONCEPTUALIZATION OF UMMAH IN CONTEMPORARY ISLAMIC POLITICAL THOUGHT: THE EXAMPLE OF İKTİBAS PhD THESIS AYŞE AYTEN BAKACAK THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PROF. DR. ADEM ÇAYLAK SUPERVISOR ANKARA, 2020 ONAY SAYFASI Ayşe Ayten BAKACAK tarafından hazırlanan Conceptualization of Ummah in Contemporary Islamic Political Thought: The Example Of İktibas adlı tez çalışması aşağıdaki jüri tarafından oy birliği ile Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Siyaset Bilimi Anabilim Dalı’nda Doktora tezi olarak kabul edilmiştir. Ünvan Adı Soyadı Kurumu İmza Prof. Dr. Adem ÇAYLAK Kocaeli Üniversitesi Prof. Dr. M. Hayri KIRBAŞOĞLU Ankara Üniversitesi Prof. Dr. Alev ÇINAR Bilkent Üniversitesi Doç. Dr. Aytaç YILDIZ AYBU Dr. Öğr. Üy. Güliz DİNÇ AYBU Tez Savunma Tarihi: Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Siyaset Bilimi Anabilim Dalı’nda Doktora tezi olması için şartları yerine getirdiğini onaylıyorum. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Müdürü Ünvan Ad Soyad ………………… PLAGIARISM PAGE I hereby declare that all information in this thesis has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work; otherwise I accept all legal responsibility. Date: 01.04.2020 Signature: Ayşe Ayten BAKACAK i To Erkam ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof. Dr. Adem Çaylak for his support of my Ph.D. study and for his motivation. His guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis. He has also supported me throughout my thesis with his patience and knowledge whilst allowing me space to work in my own way. Beside my advisor, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Alev Çınar for her efforts by reading and criticizing my study. Her contributions to my academic career are invaluable. She has supported and guided me from the very beginning, and she has always been very nice and helpful. I would also like to thank to my thesis committee: Prof. Dr. M. Hayri Kırbaşoğlu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aytaç Yıldız and Assist. Prof. Dr. Güliz Dinç for their time and suggestions. I am thankful to İktibas journal crew for their technical help. I would like especially to thank Süleyman Arslantaş, Memduh Kars and Kürşad Atalar for their pathfinder and insightful advices. I am also grateful to Islamic Journals Project (IDP) of ILEM for providing online access to nearly all Islamic journals published since 1908 including İktibas. Without the support of the products of this project, it would be very hard to conduct this research. I want to thank to my colleagues Başak Akar, Hilal Barın, Esin Kıvrak Köroğlu, Özge Öz Döm and Pınar Duran; they were always by my side, not only as scholars but also as friends. I would also like to thank to Rukiye Karabacak for being there when I needed and for opening me many windows through her words. Besides I want to extend my special thanks to all the members of my reading group, Kitap Kokusu for the fertile times we share together. Last but not the least, I cannot express enough how I’m thankful and grateful to my family: my parents Osman and Nurdane Güler, my sister Emine Güler, my brother and his wife Salih and Kübra Güler, my parents-in-law Ahmet and Türkan Bakacak, my daughters Hâlenur and Feride and especially my husband Muhammet Erkam for their outstanding encouragement for supporting me in so many ways. I benefited from their physical support and felt their iii prayers all the time in my heart throughout past six years until the last day and the last page of this work. ABSTRACT UMMAH IN İKTİBAS BAKACAK, Ayşe Ayten Ph.D., Political Science and Public Administration Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Adem ÇAYLAK November 2019, 252 pages This study focuses on the community project in İktibas journal, which defines itself as radical Islamist. It would be a proper choice to examine this community project under the headline of ummahism. Just like the most similar community project of nationalism, ummahism arises from the need and search for a new community in the modern world. Again like nationalism, ummahism has three main goals: defining the community, distinguishing the other, and describing the state. Therefore, this study will examine how the concept of the ummah as a community is perceived, how the other of ummah is determined, and what kind of a state this ummahist community project was developed to constitute a ground for. İktibas is chosen as the core of this study; because, its founder Ercümend Özkan is the first radical Islamist throughout the Turkish Republican history who carried out a series of actions that aimed at overthrowing the regime and reestablishing the caliphate. For the same reason, only the issues of the journal published when Özkan was alive (1-193) were included in the scope of the study. Key Words: İktibas, Ummah, Nation, Us versus Other, Islamic State, Democracy, Laicism, Contemporary Islamic Political Thought. iv ÖZ İKTİBAS DERGİSİNDE ÜMMET BAKACAK, Ayşe Ayten Doktora, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Adem ÇAYLAK Kasım 2019, 252 Sayfa Bu çalışma, kendisini radikal İslamcı olarak tanımlayan İktibas dergisindeki toplum projesine odaklanmaktadır. Bu toplum projesini ümmetçilik üst başlığı altında incelemek yerinde bir tercih olacaktır. Tıpkı benzeri bir proje olan milliyetçilik gibi, ümmetçilik de modern dünyada yeni bir toplum tanımlama ihtiyacından ve arayışından doğar. Yine milliyetçilik gibi ümmetçiliğin de üç ana amacı vardır: Toplumu tanımlamak, ötekini tanımlamak ve devleti tanımlamak. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmada İktibas dergisi özelinde bir toplum olarak ümmet kavramının nasıl algılandığı, ümmetin ötekisinin nasıl ve hangi kriterlere göre belirlendiği ve bu ümmet toplumu projesinin nasıl bir devlete zemin teşkil etmesi için geliştirildiği incelenecektir. İktibas dergisinin çalışmanın birincil materyali olarak seçilmesinin nedeni, kurucusu Ercümend Özkan’ın Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nde ilk defa açık ve net bir biçimde rejimi devirerek halifeliği yeniden tesis etmeyi amaçlayan bir dizi radikal eyleme imza atmış olmasıdır. Aynı nedenle derginin sadece Özkan'ın hayatta olduğu sayıları (1-193) çalışma kapsamına dahil edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: İktibas, Ümmet, Ulus, Biz ve Öteki, İslam Devleti, Demokrasi, Laiklik, Çağdaş İslam Siyasi Düşüncesi. v TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM PAGE i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii ABSTRACT iv ÖZ v 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background 3 1.2. Theoretical Framework 15 1.3. Similar Studies 18 1.4. Methodology 19 2. CHAPTER I: İKTİBAS 22 2.1. Who is Ercümend Özkan? 22 2.2. What is İktibas? 34 2.2.1. The Features and The Publication Line of İktibas 34 2.2.2. The Conjuncture When İktibas Began to be Published 43 2.2.3. The Position of İktibas in Islamic Publishing 53 3. CHAPTER II: THE UMMAH IN İKTİBAS 59 3.1. Nation 60 3.2. Ummah 67 3.3. The Contemporary Idea of Ummah against Nation 74 3.4. Discussions on The Charter of Medina and Pluralist Ummah in 1990s 79 3.5. The Concepts of Nation, Ummah and the Charter of Medina in İktibas 94 4. CHAPTER III: THE OTHER IN İKTİBAS 107 4.1. Other 107 vi 4.2. Turkish National Identity and Its Other 115 4.3. The Other in İktibas 121 4.3.1. The External Other in İktibas 122 4.3.2. The Internal Other in İktibas 134 5. CHAPTER IV: THE ISLAMIC STATE IN İKTİBAS 153 5.1. The Islamic State in The Classical Islamic Political Thought 153 5.2. The Social Contract Theories versus A Religion-Based Regime 157 5.3. State and Caliphate in Contemporary Islamic Political Thought (CIPT) 165 5.4. The Islamic State in İktibas 182 5.4.1. ADDITION: The Islamic Republic of Iran in İktibas 202 6. CONCLUSION 207 BIBLIOGRAPHY 212 APPENDIX 229 vii 1. INTRODUCTION İktibas (Quotation) is a journal of citations which scans periodicals and newspapers. It was established and intellectually leaded by Ercümend Özkan, who was the first radical Islamist activist in Turkey. The journal consists of quotations and compilations from agenda- oriented periodicals published both domestically and abroad. In this respect it is the first and only of its kind in Turkey. There is a wide range of quotations in İktibas, from Cumhuriyet (Republic)1 to Milli Gazete (National Newspaper)2 or from Mavera (Beyond the Visible World)3 to Saklambaç (Hide and Seek)4 in domestic press, and from Newsweek5 to Mirror of Jehad6 in foreign press. Despite all the criticisms, the journal has insisted on the diversity of ideas and has been determined not to disrupt this diversity. İktibas continues its publication life that started in January 1981, except for minor interruptions. This study focuses on the community project in İktibas journal, which has been published by an Islamist group of people who define themselves as radical Islamists. It would be a proper choice to examine this community project under the headline of ummahism; because, ummahism is of the brandmarks of radical Islamism. Nationalism has been the community project of modernism since 19th century. Ummahism was set forth against nationalism for opposing the nationalist project. So, it is obvious that ummahism arises from the need and search for a new community definition in the modern world. Like nationalism, ummahism has three main goals: defining the society, distinguishing the other, and describing the state. Therefore, in examining the ummahist community project of İktibas, this study will investigate first how the concept of the ummah as a community is perceived in the journal.
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