September 28, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1397 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL areas of American life such as the military, Baderinwa, Yves Bollanga, Lola Ogunnaike, DEBT health-care, arts, education, community serv- Pamela Anchang, Celestin Ngoa, Omoyele ice and public policy; and Sowore; HON. MIKE COFFMAN Whereas, raising awareness about African Whereas, there have been many achieve- ments of Americans of recent African immi- OF COLORADO immigrant heritage is crucial to effectively fighting disparities within the greater Black grant descent in fashion, which include: Imam, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES population in the American narrative and is es- Kibonen Nfi, Oluchi, Bertini Wandja Heumegni, Saturday, September 28, 2013 sential to building a stronger community and a Liya Kebede, BeBe Zahara Benet, and Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January stronger America; and Betrand Fote; 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- Whereas, during the 17th, 18th, and 19th Whereas, there have been many achieve- fice, the national debt was centuries, a significant number of slaves from ments of Americans of recent African immi- $10,626,877,048,913. Africa region were brought to the United grant descent who are successful entre- Today, it is $16,738,443,175,473.97. We’ve States; preneurs, which include: Jessica Matthews, added $6,111,566,126,560.89 to our debt in 5 Whereas, African immigrants from Cape Kase Lukman Lawal, Christopher Che, Elon years. This is $6.1 trillion in debt our Nation, Verde first came to the United States in the Musk, and Noah A. Samara; our economy, and our children could have 1790s, The Cape Verdean immigrants arrived Whereas, there have been many achieve- avoided with a balanced budget amendment. aboard New England whaling ships, which ments of Americans of recent African immi- grant descent in government, such as Mem- f would often pick up crewmen off the coast of Cape Verde in Africa and their descendants bers of the Montgomery County Executive’s EXPRESSING THE SENSE THAT include the legendary Lena Home and sailors African Advisory Group (MD), Washington, DC THERE SHOULD BE ESTAB- who fought in the Union Navy; Mayor’s Commission of African Affairs, the LISHED A NATIONAL AMERICANS Whereas, In 1922, the US government re- Newark Mayor’s African Commission (NJ the OF AFRICAN IMMIGRANT HERIT- stricted the immigration of peoples of color, Philadelphia Mayor’s African and Caribbean AGE MONTH (AFRICAN IMMI- greatly reducing Cape Verdean immigration. Commission (PA), the Bronx Borough Presi- GRANT HERITGE MONTH) The new regulations also prevented Cape dent’s African Advisory Council (NY), Council Verdean Americans from visiting Africa for fear Member Edoaurd Haba, and Judge Nina HON. YVETTE D. CLARKE of being denied reentry into the United States; Ashenafi Richardson; Whereas, there have been many achieve- OF NEW YORK Whereas, In the 1960s to 1970s, due to the ments of Americans of recent African immi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES more racially inclusive regulations of the Immi- gration and Nationality Act of 1965, more Afri- grant descent as African immigrant activists, Saturday, September 28, 2013 can immigrants from across the continent which include: Tsehaye Teferra of Ethiopian Ms. CLARKE. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to came to the US primarily as students; Community and Development Center and recognize September as National Americans Whereas, In the 1980s and 1990s, Africans Sylvie Bello of Cameroon American Council; of African Immigrant Heritage Month and to in the US were primarily refugees, who were Whereas, the 44th President of the United celebrate the significant contributions of Amer- fleeing hardships from countries such as Ethi- States, Barack Hussein Obama, is of Kenyan icans of African Immigrant Heritage who have opia, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan; descent; Whereas, Americans of recent African immi- enriched the history of the United States: Whereas, In the 2000s Africans in the US grant heritage have played an active role in Whereas, people of recent African immi- were primarily beneficiaries of the highly pop- the civil rights movement and other social and grant heritage are found in every State of the ular State Department program known as the political movements in the United States; Union; Diversity Visa lottery program; Whereas, Americans of recent African immi- Whereas, the history of Americans of Afri- Whereas, much like the United States, the grant heritage have contributed greatly to edu- can Immigrant Heritage in the United States is countries in Africa faced obstacles of in coun- cation, fine arts, business, literature, jour- inextricably tied to the story of the United try-slavery and colonialism and struggled for nalism, sports, fashion, politics, government, States; independence; the military, music, science, technology, and Whereas, the community of Americans of Whereas, the independence movements in other areas in the United States; African immigrant heritage is an inherently di- many countries in Africa during the 1960s and Whereas, Americans of recent African immi- verse population comprised of more than 45 the consequential establishment of inde- grant heritage share their culture through art, distinct ethnicities and more than 500 lan- pendent democratic countries in Africa fashion, festivals, music, dance, film, and lit- guage dialects; strengthened ties between the region and the erature that enrich the cultural landscape of Whereas, Americans of African immigrant United States; the United States; heritage in the United States come from all re- Whereas, there have been many influential Whereas, the countries in Africa are impor- gions in Africa and do not constitute a homo- Americans of recent African immigrant herit- tant economic partners of the United States; geneous group, including people from different age in the history of the United States, includ- Whereas, the people of Africa share the national, linguistic, ethnic, racial, cultural and ing in Academia: Jem Spectar, Elfatih A.B. hopes and aspirations of the people of the social backgrounds; Eltahir, Ahmed Zewail; United States for peace and prosperity Whereas, Americans of African immigrant Whereas, there have been many achieve- throughout the world; heritage came to the United States voluntarily, ments of Americans of recent African immi- Whereas, there remains much to be done to and are distinct from African Americans, the grant descent in sports, which include: Betty ensure that Americans of recent African immi- latter of whom are descendants of mostly Okino, Yoakim Noah, Hakeem Olajuwon, grant heritage have access to resources and West and Central Africans who were involun- Ndamukong Suh, Luc Mbah a Mboute, Freddy a voice in the Government of the United tarily brought to the United States by means of Adu, Alfred Aboya; States and continue to advance in the political, the historic Atlantic slave trade; Whereas, there have been many achieve- social, and economic landscape of the United Whereas, the month of September has been ments of Americans of recent African immi- States; celebrated by the Africans of Montgomery grant descent in the arts, which include: Akon, Whereas, celebrating African Immigrant Her- County, Maryland since 2008, because, Afri- Charlize Theron, Dave Matthews, Djimon itage Month provides the people of the United can Union Day is on September 9th; Hounsou, Karine Plantadit, Idris Elba, Wale, States with an opportunity to recognize the Whereas, recent African immigrants have and Anika Noni Ross; achievements, contributions, and history of made significant contributions to American cul- Whereas, there have been many achieve- and to appreciate the challenges faced by ture such as having high educational and in- ments of Americans of recent African immi- Americans of recent African immigrant herit- come levels, as well as contributing to many grant descent in media, which include: Sade age; and ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:46 Sep 29, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28SE8.001 E28SEPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1398 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 28, 2013 Whereas, September is an appropriate and Mrs. Emmaline G. Trimble. She was the Clarkson and Company, CPAs. He was award- month to establish an African Immigrant Herit- fourth born of nine children, five girls and four ed C.P.A. certification in 1948. In 1952 Mr. Clarkson was recalled by the age Month: chosen because African Union boys. Mrs. Knight has lived in Alabama, Indi- Navy during the Korean Emergency and or- Day is September 9. ana, Tennessee and Florida during her life- dered as Executive Officer of the USS Cony I am firmly resolved that a National Ameri- time. (DDE 508). Upon returning to Columbia, Mr. cans of African Immigrant Heritage Month Throughout her life, Mary Ann has taught Clarkson entered USC School of Law—at- should be established to celebrate the signifi- everyone she meets the importance of hard tending class and working as an accountant cant contributions of Americans of recent Afri- work. She has continued to work around her by day while studying law at night. He was can Immigrant Heritage to the history of the house and church, the St. James A.M.E. graduated in 1955 and admitted to the S.C. United States, and believe the people of the Church in Goodwater, Alabama. Bar and the Federal Bar including ulti- mately the United States Supreme Court. In United States should observe the month with On October the 6th, St. James A.M.E. 1979 Mr. Clarkson retired from the Navy as appropriate ceremonies, celebrations, and ac- Church Family will be holding a celebration for Captain USNR. tivities. Mrs. Knight during their church service.
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