51 LOUISIANA AVE. WASHINGTON, D.C. 1/4/2005 I ,,' - II' .. - - ·- f ..... 'i !! .. •' . I l _rl;;.~\~ ·/~' ' -;L~~' IJJ;i 1,1; ''· . J' ':.f_;_t;:-~).l;.l ~\.;,., ~\S.'j~~: I • '-"'".(->!. ' I l r II '• I .. .:.: - - I• ,, - .. ~- - --- r__ _, ~·"'- _ .. _ •- - -·-. ' . - . <' - - " - - -·· . - -~- 1 ·-~ ' ZONED C-3-C HEIGHT 90' ( 110' W/TDR) 130' VAR IANCE REQUEST 6.5, MAX. 591,636 SF F.A.A. 544,583 SF (9.0 MAX. 819,189 SF W ffDR) LOT OCCUPANCY 100% 76.70% SIDE YARD NONE REQUIRED NONE REQUIRED REAR YARD 27'-8" VARIES, 61'·2" MIN. RECREATION SPACE PARKING SPACE 302 403 LOADING SPACES 3@ 12' X 30', 1 @ 10' X 20' 3 @ 12' X 30' I 1 @ 1 0' X 20' ZONING COMMISSION District of Columbia Case No. 05-13 ZONING COMMISSION District of Columbia CASE NO.05-13 DeletedEXHIBIT NO.1B DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA GOVERNMENT OFFICE OF THE SURVEYOR ,......,_., __ ....,. _...._,_...,.... ... ... Wwi·Gb~ D.C.. NIMimberS. 2004 _ --~-----_,.._, __._ ............................................... ~·.-,:t:h-*=-= .. Pt1t fDr ~ Pwm1 d SQUARE 831 LOT 17 .................................... _............................. -....... --. .. ... ~- ............. ._ ................_1111. Reclordld In 8oct 157 ,.. 170 ......................_ ....................ZIIIelll ................ -~ .......................... _... ...... ___ 15418 .................................R1g1i1111111, _, --.. ill-._.._....._._.._...... ., ......... .... -- ,...._.. .............. --- ................ .,._ ....... ZIIM!I Ill .............................~ ............ ..., ............... _.,111'1'_ Si'$1:':-··.... ... _.~ .................... en-.-.... ~ --........w~ .................. ,~- ................... ...... ~------------------- NOTW: Dolll"-b'~-,......I.I*OI',......._In ____.. _.., .. ~ol ..... - ......... ~Mi*olloa-•INiclonot,__. ....................... D STREET, N.W. rzu;a ~R~~\t:-STQRY 8Uil.D1NG z~-4 ~~~~--~------------~--~~ T.O ltOOF' 1~50' C STREET 80-15418(2004) D d ( 0 0 0 0 L 0 N 0 1122CSTREET NOTE: 81-.g height -.tng Point o.tLm ol eev.t1on 25.08' It token !rom-- ol curb-""''' L.o<-.. A- • CZA PrC'o;entatlon SJte Plan I I I I 01 51 Louosoana Avenue, Washongton D.C •• The JBG Companies RAP Archotccls I woe Architecture 0 ;n, ~0 100 1 . = 11100' L..__ _jl lf i ~ "( \.______' _..~..-....__ _ _____,/ :<? ? u ~~ G j=" 0'---~~~--1--\..:~-.lo...~-l...,L-.l,..l.ll-'-"' ~- Q~ 0 CD o(CJ Q_Q_ _,.Q,..~-ao__ lCD a;;m rr-------fo""o'-------------rn~-, . 1\llllll\\\\l\ll~ ~ \. ~~ \, \ CIO» C STREET, N. W. ~ NOTE: 8uldlng height ..-ring Point D8Wm of__, 25.08' lo-from- lne of CUlt> elong &.o<-.. A- BZA P rP ~t_·nt a twn Ground Floor Plan I -I I I 02 51 Louosoana Avenue, Wash~nglon D.C. - The JOG Companoes RRP Architects 1 woe Archotccturc () 1() 3:' (,-1 1 :c 1/04' 'Y\L__'--_- _--~----~-.' I ________ / G 0 ~:----'Q'ie'·'=(Il!ii=---"C;,.:,.·1L_ am_1,0.;;;.·(CJ~O._.· c_..~,Q.,..~-· _____..lO._~.· ----=co=-­ ac - () (:) (:) ac (CJ OlJII C STREET. N. W. !) r/~., M~,/~ ~ ' N BZA Prt>scn1,1110n Second Floor Plan I 1 1 1 03 51 LoUismna Avenue, Washongton D.C.- TI1c J BG Companocs RRP Architect> 1 woe Archotccturr 0 H 3:' 6~ 1' - 1/64 'Y '-==~' ---1--1 ____,/ 0 \____o o .o o o o~ 0 (f) i I ~ I C STREET. N.W. ...--.... ........ ) ~~ /-\ \ /. \ · ' ~.'f A • U1Af'lr!HIIIIIo('lll TYPICaJ floor Plan I I I I 04 51 Lou1s1ana Avenue, W.1sh1ngton o.c · TI~<• JDQ Can•J>·In'"' nnP A.chll~c•' 1 woe Archll~cluro (! lt_ 't,' ,,. 1' tlh-1 .... e•lsting Jev&ls .....t»..,....... Ot' _____" _____ }Z _ __ __, U'1t/Z" 1214$ !0" 11. Jt"fVl"' ·-1W1 ts•cr U';J\17' I ·-II'~ ,.,,~ ·-II/IS 17'0" i ,,., ,,.. ,_76114' ~ ,~ . e· tt';tVZ" ~ ~¢ .,U'2 tiT - Proposed Section AA (l;'lr. P11 • • nl I loCI•, Section I I I I 05 ::0 1 lows•ana Av,•nue. w.• ~h tn !JIOII 0 c . Ttw JBG Compamos ARP Artlllt~tt' /I'JOC Archltrctur~ ( " , , '!;' , -- 1'3:' e e i I lg ~ ~ • ~ i m~ ~ ~ ~ ~Fl 8 Baa a ~-- DB 8 8 New Jersey Avenue Elevation Oli'l Prr".t-nt.JI•o•, East Elevation I I I I 06 51 lOUISiana Av.,nue, wa ~htnglon D.C.- Tile JBG Companies RRP Archttcctr./ \'lOG Arclutcclurc (I I 11 "1.' 1 ~ :: 1/J:" 173.58' ' 17358" - ___._ ~ l .O.PEH'nfOI.JSE proposed levels ~ 1$608' 1=::::+==-·---.----,----,,- - -~ 156.08' ~ T.O,ROOF ~ --.- ' <= ....... ~ 13$.06' 1<3.811' At.LOWAOlE --4---1--'' - _.: ----- ---"--·t---t---!---+ ALlOWADU! s:t(: --- ---- Si'------ --- -- ----- ---- ll:-~-~M·.IOo:I'"' F:;.:-;1=--:;.;- -· i-- 'w --- ----- -- -- ~ -- ---~- r.:;;.- =- - :;;.- :;;.- -r:--;;;;;- ;;;-;;;- ;;;-F -;;;-;;;-;;;"''"_F _..;;-..;;-..;;-..;;-;R ___)l _ . -f'o 13Ua' "":(: _,.. --121.48' ­ .l · ·-!~ _Jb.. --·-+---+--""'ru..._l"'"".._-t---'-""f">-·~-~---<~ ~<= 1 _,.. ---110.2'7' ·,, 1r '?' 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D Street Elevation filA Pr<'5f'nl-'tlon North Elevation I I I I 07 51 LoUisiana Avenue, Washmgton D.C.· The JBG Companies RAP Architects/ WDG Architecture 0 ll 1( 37 1 ::c t/J? ..... ~----~~~~-------------------~~- 2!! I I 1st Street Elevation Ill A Po ·~t·niiiHJil West Elevation 1 1 1 1 08 51 Lou1siana Avenu~. Wa>hmglon D.C.· nw JBG Compam~s nRP Archiloct' 1 woe Architecture (1 ll 1! :1" 1' = tfJ:=' Birds eye view of Proposed Building CZA Prf'r,c'l1t.ltlon Model Photo Perspective 02 09 51Lou•saana Avenue, Washington D.C.-1lw JBG Companocs RRP Architects 1 woo Arcl11tocturo View of entrance at New Jersey Avenue BZA Prc ~cnt<~hon ModeI Photo Perspective 01 10 51 LOUISiana Avenu e, Washmgton D.C.-Tho JBG CompaMIOS RRP Architects I WDG Architecture GZA fir<" ~n1."ltiOn Existing Condition PhotOS 11 51 LoUtsiana Avenue, w.oslungton D.C.- The JBG Companies RRP Archotects 1 woe Archotccture +s 07/1 Pte • • nllhOr1 Existing Condition Photos 12 51 Lou~>•ana Avenue. wa~h•ngton o c.· n,,. JOG comP·'"""' nAP Mchll,•cts 1 woo Arch•tccturr ~ ----er 07."• Ptrt.llllollor1 Existing Condition Photos 13 !;1Louo5oana Av""""· w."""'Hton o c.· n"' JOG Companot'> RRP Archot<•cb 1 woe Archotecturo ni"A "" • "'•lmn Exi sting Condition Photos 14 ti l Lowso~na AvL•nuP. w,o,..tmutton o c -llw JOG Comp.onoo·~ RAP Arc'"'"',.. 1 woe Archotccturc o~/04/04 11:32 FAX 2~23421569 SHALOM BARANES !g) 002 sa 111.1 !:leN< Febnary 5, 1~93 ]lY 'Q1IP ~rQes P- Roqers, Esquire l,at.h,aja &: Watkins l001 Pennsylvani~ Avenue, N.W. 14th Floor Wasbd~qton, o.e. 20004-2!05 Jaeque1irae. v. Prior f Esquire Executive Director D. c. PrQS&~t:ion 14ague 1511 K Street, N.W • .suite 739 ~qaabinqton, ~.c. 2D005 Re~ Aqreatnent Relatinq to the status of the Acacia Group 1{ea<i<msrters site. in SCVJare 63l. wa;;lliragtgn. o.c . .. Dear Jacki~ ~nd Jim; The Aca~ia Group owns the 1&nd anq buildings in $quare 631 (Subject Sit~), tn the northwest quadran~ o~ Wasnington, o.c. lt is tha intent Qf the Acacia C~up (OWne~) ~o explore alternatives fo• redevelopment~ includinq appropriate preservation, of the site.. '!'he D. c. PreseJ:Vation LQa~e (DCPL) is a non-profit corpo:r;ation o~anized to ..._at in tbe public interl:lst to protect and enhance the physical and social environment of the city Qf Washington, D.C., and to further the qoa1s and policies of prese~ing, ~osto~ingr and ~aintaining the oharact~r of hi8tQ~ieally an~ architec~lly significant buildings, noiqhborhood~, and districts. tt i• the intent Qf this lette• a.vree:ment to preserve the st:atus quo of the site, for the purpose o~ f~erinq joint aiacussions a~out the f~ture ot the site. The owner and DCPL (Parties) a~ ~nterasted in ~or~inq toqether to ~fine a p1an for the proservation an4 redeve1opment of the subject Site. It i• anticipated tbat anrin9 the periocl of this aqre~ant the Pa~ieg shaLl enter in~o ~ngoing discu$&ions and ultimately an aqreement toward thia end. · For these purposes and upon the oxecution of t9is A~reement 1 the owner agreos to the following tor the interim t~rm of this letter Aqreamant: the Owner wi11 maintain its p~operty in Square 631 in a manner oonsistent wit~ its pa&t treatment: 0'5/04/04 11: 32 FAX 2023421569 SHALOM BARANES ~003 !>allY berk ~amee F. Roqers, Esquire \l'acqueline V. Px:ior, ~:squiJ"e P'abruary 5, 1993 Paqe 2 the owner will not &eek any pe~it5 for al~erations, ·new construction, or demolition for aaid property tor th4 tertll of t;his agre.E!llant, other than thase permits which ~ay be roquire4 for routine maintenance work or inte~ior al~e~ations n~ssary for operational needs. Should the owner seek such pe~its, the owner will consult with DCPL prior to applyinq to~ sudb permit$. ll'h~ paraqraph sba'l.l not apply if the need for such a. per.mit arises for reasons beyond tha eontrol of the Owner (e.~., casualty damaqe cau~ed by fire). Toward the stated qoal, and·upon execution of this lettor Agreement, tlcPta agr41u~s to tha fo:Llawing~ DCPL ahall not, directly or indirec-tl.y, file or pursuo. any applicat:.1C)n, no~ ta}te a.ny st,~p O:t' action, or aid or cooperate in any action,.
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