Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 112 / Monday, June 11, 2012 / Proposed Rules 34281 in multifamily residential housing support structure, and if necessary, Comments Invited financed by mortgages purchased by installing an inspection panel kit in the that Enterprise, and for Freddie Mac, at aft fuselage assembly, and installing We invite you to participate in this least 32,000 such dwelling units. doublers in the stabilizer support rulemaking by submitting written (2) For the year 2013, the subgoal for brackets. The actions specified by the comments, data, or views. We also each Enterprise’s purchases of proposed AD are intended to prevent invite comments relating to the mortgages on multifamily residential separation of the horizontal stabilizer economic, environmental, energy, or housing affordable to very low-income from the helicopter and subsequent loss federalism impacts that might result families shall be, for Fannie Mae, at of control of the helicopter. from adopting the proposals in this least 59,000 dwelling units affordable to document. The most helpful comments DATES: We must receive comments on reference a specific portion of the very low-income families in multifamily this proposed AD by August 10, 2012. residential housing financed by proposal, explain the reason for any ADDRESSES: You may send comments by mortgages purchased by that Enterprise, recommended change, and include any of the following methods: supporting data. To ensure the docket and for Freddie Mac, at least 31,000 • such dwelling units. Federal eRulemaking Docket: Go to does not contain duplicate comments, (3) For the year 2014, the subgoal for http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the commenters should send only one copy each Enterprise’s purchases of online instructions for sending your of written comments, or if comments are mortgages on multifamily residential comments electronically. filed electronically, commenters should • housing affordable to very low-income Fax: 202–493–2251. submit only one time. • families shall be, for Fannie Mae, at Mail: Send comments to the U.S. We will file in the docket all least 53,000 dwelling units affordable to Department of Transportation, Docket comments that we receive, as well as a very low-income families in multifamily Operations, M–30, West Building report summarizing each substantive residential housing financed by Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 public contact with FAA personnel mortgages purchased by that Enterprise, New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, concerning this proposed rulemaking. and for Freddie Mac, at least 27,000 DC 20590–0001. Before acting on this proposal, we will • such dwelling units. Hand Delivery: Deliver to the consider all comments we receive on or ‘‘Mail’’ address between 9 a.m. and before the closing date for comments. Dated: June 5, 2012. 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Edward J. DeMarco, We will consider comments filed after Federal holidays. the comment period has closed if it is Acting Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency. Examining the AD Docket possible to do so without incurring expense or delay. We may change this [FR Doc. 2012–14105 Filed 6–8–12; 8:45 am] You may examine the AD docket on proposal in light of the comments we BILLING CODE 8070–01–P the Internet at http:// receive. www.regulations.gov or in person at the Docket Operations Office between Discussion DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through This document proposes adopting a Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD new AD for the Schweizer Model 269D Federal Aviation Administration docket contains this proposed AD, the and Model 269D Configuration A economic evaluation, any comments helicopters, serial numbers 0001 to 14 CFR Part 39 received, and other information. The 0062A, with aft fuselage assembly part street address for the Docket Operations [Docket No. FAA–2012–0602; Directorate number (P/N) 269D3300–1 installed. Office (telephone 800–647–5527) is in Identifier 2009–SW–061–AD] This proposal is prompted by reports of the ADDRESSES section. Comments will RIN 2120–AA64 loose horizontal stabilizers and cracks be available in the AD docket shortly in the support structure for the extruded Airworthiness Directives; Schweizer after receipt. tailboom. The actions specified by the Aircraft Corporation For service information identified in proposed AD are intended to prevent this proposed AD, contact Sikorsky separation of the horizontal stabilizer AGENCY: Federal Aviation Aircraft Corporation, Attn: Manager, from the helicopter and subsequent loss Administration (FAA), DOT. Commercial Technical Support, of control of the helicopter. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking mailstop s581a, 6900 Main Street, (NPRM). Stratford, CT 06614; telephone (800) FAA’s Determination 562–4409; email We are proposing this AD because we SUMMARY: This document proposes to [email protected]; or at http:// evaluated all known relevant adopt a new airworthiness directive www.sikorsky.com. You may review information and determined that an (AD) for Schweizer Aircraft Corporation copies of the referenced service unsafe condition exists and is likely to (Schweizer) Model 269D and Model information at the FAA, Office of the exist or develop on other products of the 269D Configuration A helicopters. The Regional Counsel, Southwest Region, same type design. type certificate for these models is 2601 Meacham Blvd., Room 663, Fort currently held by Sikorsky Aircraft Worth, Texas 76137. Related Service Information Corporation (Sikorsky). This proposal is FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: prompted by reports of loose horizontal We have reviewed Schweizer Service stabilizers and cracks in the stabilizer- Stephen Kowalski, Aviation Safety Bulletin DB–018.3, dated December 13, support structure for the extruded Engineer, New York Aircraft 2007 (SB), which specifies inspecting tailboom. The AD would require Certification Office, Engine & Propeller for cracks in the fuselage assemblies and inspecting the aft fuselage assembly in Directorate, 1600 Stewart Ave. suite installing an inspection panel kit and the area around the attachment point of 410, Westbury, NY 11590; telephone stabilizer mount doublers. The Type the horizontal stabilizer, including the (516) 228–7327; email Certificate for these helicopters paint, for a crack. This AD also would [email protected]. transferred from Schweizer to Sikorsky require inspecting the tailboom interior SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: on September 26, 2011. VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:06 Jun 08, 2012 Jkt 226001 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\11JNP1.SGM 11JNP1 mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS 34282 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 112 / Monday, June 11, 2012 / Proposed Rules Proposed AD Requirements per year, the annual labor cost per 1. Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory This proposed AD would require: helicopter would be about $3,285. The action’’ under Executive Order 12866; • Before the first flight of each day, annual cost for the U.S. fleet would total 2. Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under the $59,130. DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures visually inspecting the aft fuselage • assembly in the area around the Internal inspection. This would (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); attachment point of the horizontal take two work-hours for a labor cost of 3. Will not affect intrastate aviation in stabilizer for a crack. $170. Assuming 10 inspections a year, Alaska to the extent that it justifies • If there is a crack in the aft fuselage the annual labor cost per helicopter making a regulatory distinction; and assembly clip, aft bulkhead, or adjacent would be $1,700. • Install inspection panel. This would 4. Will not have a significant skins, repairing the crack and either economic impact, positive or negative, performing a repetitive inspection at take 16 work-hours for a labor cost of $1,360. Parts would cost $150 for a cost on a substantial number of small entities intervals not to exceed 200 hours time- under the criteria of the Regulatory in-service (TIS) or replacing the aft per helicopter of $1,510. • Flexibility Act. fuselage assembly. Repair damaged longerons, We prepared an economic evaluation • If there is a crack in a longeron, tailboom tube collars, or forward of the estimated costs to comply with tailboom tube collar or a forward stabilizer bulkhead as needed. This this proposed AD and placed it in the stabilizer bulkhead, replacing the aft would take 24 work-hours for a labor AD docket. fuselage assembly. cost of $2,040. Parts would cost $38,000 • Within 100 hours TIS or three for a cost per helicopter of $40,040. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39 months, whichever occurs first: • Repair a crack in the aft fuselage Æ Removing the horizontal stabilizer, assembly clip, aft bulkhead, or adjacent Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation cleaning the horizontal stabilizer skins. This would take 24 work-hours safety, Incorporation by reference, mounting brackets, inspecting the for a labor cost of $2,040. Parts would Safety. mounting brackets for wear greater than cost $120 for a cost per helicopter of The Proposed Amendment 0.002-inch deep, and replacing the $2,160. mounting bracket if the bracket wear • Repair interference between the Accordingly, under the authority exceeds 0.002-inch deep. rivet heads and skin . This would take delegated to me by the Administrator, Æ Modifying the aft fuselage assembly 10 work-hours for a labor cost of $850. the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part by installing Inspection Panel kit P/N No parts would be needed. 39 as follows: SA–269DK–035, installing doublers on Authority for This Rulemaking PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS the forward side of each mounting DIRECTIVES bracket, inspecting the horizontal Title 49 of the United States Code stabilizer forward and aft spars for wear specifies the FAA’s authority to issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, 1. The authority citation for part 39 in the mounting attachment areas, and continues to read as follows: replacing the spar if the wear exceeds section 106, describes the authority of 0.002-inch deep.
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