• • L, F, DUPAROU ET & HUOT, 24 and 26 Waaster Street, NJln~ '(Q tt~ . • L. F. DUPARQUET. P. HUOT. MANUFAC TURERS OF T HE IMPERIAL Patented July 7lh, 186S and December 29lh, lS8a. ALSO. COFFEE AND TEA URNS, OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE R ANGES, nOT WATER CARVING TADLES, • COPPER AND CAST - IRON STEAM- K E TTLES, CAST-IRON, TIN AND COPPER COOKIl\G UTENSILS ~ , INTRODUCTION . ...... We beg to call yow' attention to the com plete desffription give7. on the f ollowinJ! pages of all the cUjferent al'ticks ni,anlbfactlH'ed and sold lnj us. FRENCH RANGES. We are of the first finn to introcllbce this style of Range into this cOlbntry, WbCZ daillb for ow' OWlb 7Ibake originality ancl Olbperi07iiy over Why other manzbfcbcture ilb many respects. COOKING UTENSILS. <1.l1b~ng 71b%nlf of the artiCles ilb this lilhe, namecZin our Oatalogue, we are the ori,ginal inve'btors, /Ib(bkers (bIul importers, and would ask you to /001,; over care/lIltllf ow' list as hereinafter (Zescl'ibecl . FAMILY RANGES . .Il new and novel feature among ow' nbany patents ancl improve­ ments is this now cf7,I,ite celebratecl JlIcubhattafb Range which combines zdilii:1J, and economy, fol' fmnily use. THE BRIGHTON AND OTHER COFFEE AND TEA URNS . We wou-lel ask YOlb to e,uanbine ow' daillb8 0/ snpel'iority LIb these cbrticles ooer othe7' mannfcwtlM'ers a fuLL descl'ipti07~ of which you wilL find on PACES 40 It 42 of this Oatalogne, REFERENCES. The large alblnber of references gioen in the back of this book, 7nukes it slbperjlnolbs fol' IbS to SCbY anything !w·ther in nference to our gooels, bIbb WOlaCZ respectflilly ask YOlb to give IbS an oppol'tlmity to fill your or­ ders, for which Estinbcbtes 01' Oatalognes ancl Price Lists will be cheer­ fully flbrnished lbpon application to ns at ow' JlIarbnfactory, $4 and ftC Wooster Street. Yours, ~5"c., • L . F. DUPARQUET & HUOT. J(/fW York Feb., 1888. DESCRIPTION OF RANGES . • These Ranges are made under the supervision of Mr. L. r. Du­ PARQUET, whose long experience in Paris and New York of over forty years in the manufacturing of the same, enables us to place before the public one of the most durable Ranges made, claiming that our, improyements which are continually adding to them makes them the most economical in fuel, while the work they' per­ form in cooking cannot be excelled. They are made mostly of wrought and sheet iron, the only casting being the top part.. The manner in which these Ranges are constructed saves at least thirty per cent over any other range, and the many refer­ ences given herein, will we think satisfy anyone upon investiga- . tion of their superiority over others in construction and durability, together with good cooking qualities and economy. NOTICE. Our responsibility ceases as soon as goods are delivered ill good order and condilion at Railroad Depot or 'vVharf in this City, and receipt taken for same. Boxing, when required, charged at cost. No goods insured, unless so ordered. Orders promptly and carefully filled. INDEX APPARATUS, For Coffee, Tea and Cake. .. .. .... .. .. 34 BOILERS, Copper and Galvanized Iron, Hot:Water............... 29 .. Stock and Vegetable.... .... .."."... .. ........ "... 44 & 45 BROILERS, Charcoal, Hardeoal or Coke. 30 & 31 " Combination Roaster, nnd. .......... .................. 1 CLOSETS, Warming.. .. ................. .................. .. 33 CLEANER, Knife. ............. ... ....................... ... 41 CANS, Ash.. .. .... .... ........... ............. 41 CARRIERS, Water ........ .. 70 CANISTERS, Groc~rs nnd Family ........... 70 DISTIES, Cbuflng .... ... - ............. 52 JACKS, ROlU)tillg . .. ............ .. 6 &71 OVENS, Portable, Pn.:;try Illld Bakers . ........ .. ... .. .. 32 " Steam Ro ting............. .. ....... ..... 46 PAILS, Chamber. .. ... ..... ..... ... .. 52 PLATES, Chafing Dish.. .. .... ... ........... ........ ..... .. .. 52 RANGES, Impedal ..................... , ... 7 to 19 .. Brighton. ... .. .......... 8 .. Manhattan ............ ' .................... .. .... 9 ,. Double Fllce ..•....................................... 20 .. 'Vaffie .............................................. 21 " Buckwheat ....... ....... ...... 21 " Pullman's Uotel Cllr. .. ................ ........... 22 ,. Pennsylvania R. R. Diuing Car.................. .. .... 23 " Steamship or Galley. .. .. .......... , 24 Port&ble, with Steamer. .. • . .. .. 24 " Description aud Sizes of.... .. .. .. ... ... .... ... 25 " Oyster and Chop House. .. ... ............ 26 to 28 STOVES, Lauudry. .. .., 29 " Confectionery. .. ......................... 41 STEA.MERS, Dumpling aud Egg.. .. ....... " . 46 SKEWERS, Fancy French ....................................... 49 to 51 SHELLS, German Sil ver, Plated.... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 48 TABLES, Carving ......................... ............. ....... 35 to 31 TUREENS, Soup...... ...................... ..................... 52 URNS, Automatic. .. .. .. .. ... .. ............. ~ ...... • 42 " Self·feeding, ior Institutions. .. ... ... .. ... 38 " Brighton. .. .. .. .. .. ............... S9 & 40 " Bar ...... ... .. ..................... ' .................. 41 & 43 UTENSILS, Kitchell. .... .......................................... 53 to 72 .. Ice Cream, Pastry &0.. .. ...... " ........ " ........... 74 to 86 ROASTING J AOI{:. ~ The above Cut represents a ROASTING JACK, the spits bein\i turned by steam or smoke. They can be lieen in operation in a good many Hotels in the city and cOWltry. The following are some of them: Union Club... ......... ' " ... Glty IVictoria HoteL ... ... ...... ...... Clty IUnited States Hotel ...... Saratoga Buoklngham Hotel.... ... .. .. ...•• !..Inde" HoteL . ..... ......... St. Louis Orand Pacific Hotel. ......... Chlcago Orand Union HoteL ......... Saratoga And many others. FRENCH IMPERIAL DOUBLE-FACED COOKING RANGE, PATENTED DECEMBER, 1868. We Manufacture this Range according Lo the disposilion of the KItchen and Dining-Room, so as to facilitate the work of t.he House. THE PRESENT FIGURE REPRESENTS THE ASTOR HOUSE RANGE, PLACED IN THE MIDDLE 0.' THE K rrc BEN, AND IS 24 FEET IN LENG'£H. 7 This Cu(represents a Broiler nod Roaster combined for family use, the spita being turned by a "Touroe Broche." They fire in use by a grent mnny families. T~EIREE FOO'l' RANGE. • • With One Fire, One Oven. with or without \Vaterback and • \Varmer. 8 THE BRIGHTON RANGE. A FAMILY RANGE, WITH BROILER COMBINED, Patented Feb. 11, 1879. , r ~ " < ., ( -- The above cut represents our combined FAMILY RANGE with OVEN for Broiling and Baking at the same time, the open oven showing the Broiler in use. The same oven can be used for Baking, by sliding back the blower (which closes the lIue used for carry­ ing off the smoke while Broiling), taking out the Gridiron, and placing over the space a cast-iron lid. The advantages which this offers over all others are: FmsT-Its combination of Broiler and Range, without additional space. SECOND-It can be used for Broiling and Baking at the same time. TmRo-There is no smoke or smell arising from it, as in the old style of Broiling over the !Ire. Clill and sea it before purchasing. 9 '1'HE _llAXHA1'l'AN RANGE. Palenled September 12, 1882. I 1 • 1 'Ve offer our Manhattan Raog~ as the most perfect range for Roasting, Broiling, and Baking. The above represents the fire ready £01' broiling 01' roasting. By opening the back damper and lowering the front blower all the S1l1oke or smell arising is carried away into the chimney. The old style of Ranges the broiling is done on top or front of fire, or on a special charooal fire; first, the smell and smoke arising fills the honse, second, an extra char""al fire haa to be made when using an extra broiler. In our Manhattan Range we avoid all that by sliding the cast iron partition dividing the oven with fire, the oven is ready for Broiling or Roasting. It can also be nsed for Baking by pulling forward the parti· tion. This range is made of same material as our French raoges, the water back being very large, it will supply all the hot water needed in a family. Call and examine it before purchasing, 10 FOUR-FOOl' I J.1IPEBIAL FRENCH • • Vvith One Fire, Two Ovens, Two Warming Places and Water-Back. 11 FOUR ANI) ONE-HALF FOOl' RANGE, With 19 Inch Broiler attached. • I: 'rhe aboye cnt represents onr Imperial French Range, with Broiler for famHies. They are made of the same material and equal ill every resPect to our larger Ranges, baving addi­ tional advantages for family use, viz : the Sbelf, for keeping plates warm, the Hood, .."er Range, set against the chimney-brest to carry ofi the smoke and smell arising from cooking through tbe chhnney. They can be fitted to any size fire·place with a Water back. The Broiler can be set on either side, having a separate charcoal tire and connected by pipe to the fiue. These Ranges have no equal for Baking, Stewing and Roasting, the Fire-box is made in proportion to size so as to save coal and give sufficient heat. The Ovens are deep and high enough to oook a large piece of meat, the Vrarmelil under the Ovens are for baking lIIeringu"", <>r light Pastry. The front of Fire being open, Steaks and Ohops can be broiled if necessary. 12 POUR AND ONE-HALP FOOT RANGE And 19 inch Broiler. With One t'in, Two OYen< allil Two Warll"'''', "ilh 0" "ithout Water Uark 01' n .... il,., .. SaD3.e S1.ze as a bO"Ve With One }'ire and Two Large Ovrlls, with or without Wotrr noek or BroUrr. 1.," 1".1 VE-FOO~r .1-{A NG J1J And 2 I inch Broiler, Wilh One Fire, '1'11'0 Ovens and Two WIll'Dle"s, with or "illiollt 'fater Baek'or BroUer. SaJ:D.e S1ze as aoo'V'e. With One }'ire lind 'fwo I.urge OYens, wiU. 01' wiUlOllt Water Back or Broiler. 14 SIX-FOOT RANG~~ And 24 Inch Broiler. I' With One Fire, Two Orell', ADel Twt) W.rlll.... , wltlt or without Water Back or Broiler. aaD1e a1.me aa a 'bove. With Olle FI ..... Two Large Ov~n... with or wlthollt '(a~ Baek or Brorer. SEVEN AND A HALF FOOT RANGE AND BROILER. , -:.. ~ . --- --~--- -- = tli/i7 .'\V~- . \Vith Two Fires and Two Large a·/ens. with or without "Vater Back or Broiler. EIGHT AND A :I--IALF FOOT RANGE AND BROILER. '" , - ~ \Vith Two Fires. Two Large and One Medium Oven. with One 'Varmer. with or without \Vater Back or Broiler. 17 . l­ -V .-2 :::l J o'""' Vi C v o:> I ~ Z H Z • 18 ..
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