KNOWLEDGE All W~l ks Lead To • One 'never truly possesses any­ thing one has not earned. To possess money, you must have Gym.Today- Hear A earned money, or you do not know its worth nor how to spend Magnetic Speaker it aright. To :pos~>ess Jmowledge, you must have earned Jmowledge. VOL IX. HONOLULU, HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1930. NO. 11. 1okyo Orators ~ Reid, Scholar And To Debate Aga·inst Stanford Team Oregon Prexy Speaker UDebaters Are Athlete, Passes Away At 11:30 Convocation --+- -+- Are To Compete Raymond Franklin ·Reid, sopho- Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, presi­ Chosen To Meet · more at the University of Hawaii, dent of the University of Oregon, and one of the Roaring Rainbow will be the main speaker at the Here In April centers, died on Tuesday in the Thanksgiving convocation of the .Stanford Team Queen's hospital after a long ill­ University of HawaU. The convoca­ ness. He wa.s eighteen years old and tion will be held in the gymnasium 'Twelve Members on Invading the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. w. Reid at 11:30 today. R. Coke Wood and Isamu . Team; Will Enter U-H of 2037 Kamehameha avenue. Dr. Hall is one of the most mag­ Ray Reid, as he was popularly Sato to Debate on Chain As Students netic ~peakers on the Pacific . coast known, was born in Sydney, Aus­ and it is a great privilege to hear Store Topic BECK BEHIND PROJECT tralia, on December 13, 1911, com­ him talk. He is in Hawaii for a ing here with his parents in 1924. vacation, and this is t;he only talk INVADERS HERE" IN JAN.. Preliminary Arrangements He entered McKinley High and he will give while in the islands. graduated with honors in 1929. At The University of Oregon has al­ Completed by Adachi, this University he was a member ways treated the Hawaii boys royal­ D. Layman and Chun to Meet Hawaii Grad of the football and volleyball teams. ly, especially the Hawaii debaters Malihinis on Question Otto Klum picked him as one of that went there last year. of Democracy Some of the leading student orators the centers to make the trip to the The program will also consist of mainland for the U. S. C. game but 'Of Tokyo 'universities will compete with an 'invocation, reading of the With the selection of Richard Coke the Univ,ersity of Hawaii speakers in he was too ill to go. Reid was a Thanksgiving proclamations, and Wood and Isamu Sato at the debate member of the Hui Lokahi and be­ :an international contest to be held songs by the Glee club. tryouts last Wednesday, two full teams longed to Company "M" in the in Honolu1u in April, 19311, according Above are the speakers who will represent the University of Since there are no 11:30 classes, have been chosen to represent the to a statement today by N. S. Beck, University R. 0. T. C. Hawaii in a series of two debates with a team from; the Stanford all students are requested to be a1 University against Stanford debaters, university public speaking instructor. the convocation. who are coming here next January. Masayuki Adachi, a University of University early in J a~uary. They were selected from a score of students who tried out at the two' debate preliminaries held recently; Wood and Sato will debate the Hawaii graduate who returne~ last Stanford team o:q. the question,' "Re­ week from a visit to Japan, made the Reading from left· to right, the Varsity debaters are_: Top­ solved, that the chain store has done preliminary arrangements for the con­ Donald Layman and Kenneth Chun; below-Isamu Sato and R. more harm than good to the commu­ test with Prof. Kentaro Omiya of Ni­ Coke Wood. nity." The other team, composed of hon university, who is president of the Donald Layman and Kenneth Chtm, Intercollegiate Federa,tion of English will debate on the question, "Resolved, Speaking Societies of Japan. That democracy has been tried and The federation plans to send twelve Yearbook Photos To Team To Be Honored i found wanting." students chosen for their speaking abi­ At · the t ryouts five persons present­ litY. and leadership from the English ed their arguments for t he negative of society members of Waseda, Meiji, St. Be Shot Downtown By Luau and Dance this question, the three others being Paul, Hosei, Meiji Gakuin and Nihon Theodore Chinen, Jack Wakayama and universities. Toese students will re­ Ramon Paguia. The tryouts were gister as special students at the Uni­ Stu dents Urged To Take Boys Will be Feted With Big .iudged by Prof. T. M. Livesay and versity of Hawaii, attend classes, and Pictures At The Entertainment on Cam­ Prof·. N. B. Beck. tour the islands. They will arrive in Richard Coke Wood is an exchange ,Honolulu April 2, 1931. Studio pus Saturday st udent enrolled in the junior class Oratorical contests are now being and hails from the College of the held in Tokyo to determine the speak­ Yesterday being the la.st day for pic­ . What promises to be the "biggest Pacific of Stockton, California. He ers to make the trfp. The federation tures to be taken in the A. W. S. room, hit': in the social life of the University was the captain of t he junior inter­ gave a benefit concert, featuring To­ Mr. On Char, the photographer, has of Hawaii students is the coming luau class debate team. Isamu Sato is a shiko Sekiya, leading Japanese soprano, transferred his camera to his studio, and dance in honor of our football freshman who has had considerable the City Photo, on Hotel, near Nuuanu November 3, raising more than $500 boys who returned Saturday from Los public speaking experience at Mid­ street. Hereafter, all pictures will be of the expense of the trip. Angeles. The luau will be held this Pacific Institute having represented This will be the second oratorical taken there. Saturday evening, in the gym. that school in the Prohibition Orato­ "All seniors and juniors wlio want contest between students from Japan rical contest. He was the captain of McKinley To Make· to have their pictures in the annual, The Aggie club, Ke Anuenue, and and local speakers to be held in Ho­ the freshman debate team which took must take them during the extended the Hawaiian Boys' club are the-tbree Probation For nolulu. Last April four orators from campus organizations who have taken the interclass debate· championship. Doshisha university engaged in a con­ time," said Wilfred Hussey, editor. "Only 100 faculty members, and up­ the initiative to welcome the boys by These two men will debate stan­ test here. Record Of Alumni providing such an all-around entertain­ ... _ per cla.ssmen have taken ipctures so ford on January 9 on the chain store ment. The presidents of these clubs, AWS Room Ends fax. Every senior and junior is urged questio:g. The team which was chos­ namely Francis Yap, Dora Namahoe, Blanks to Be Given Out Today to make and keep his appointment en two weeks ago, composed of Ken­ New Lecture Hall To and Charles Kenn, want this affair to Only; Information Wanted with the photographer. Students' Cooperation Asked neth Chun and Donald Layman, will Unifo,'rmity Desired be a student body project instead of clash with the Stanford team on Jan­ Be Dedicated· Soon of "Wanderers" just a club affair, and therefore, ask .During Taking of Photos "Many students have a.sked ni.e uary 12 on the question of demo-­ the coopez·ation of all ~iversity stu­ The first attempt to ma~e a com­ whether they can take their photo­ for Yearbook cracy. ~comedy Will be Feature dents. a't plete and accurate record of the gra­ graplis in other studios. In order to Formal Opening On duates of the various schools will be­ have goodlooking panels of pictures in Tickets Going Fast The second probation period of the University Students. " .December 12 gin today. First will be McKinley high the book, it is necessary to have a uni­ Tic)!:ets are selling fa.st at· the rea­ A. W. S. room ended Saturday, No­ school. According to plans of the De­ form background for every pictures. sonable price of a dollar apiece. Al­ vember 22, according to Dean Bilger. Cast In · F ootli~hts Dedication of the new lecture hall partment of Public Instruction, other To avoid delay of time and trouble, though outsiders are alowed to make Unless other legislation is made nec­ at the University of Hawaii will take public schools will make a like check­ every one should take his picture at the­ reservations, the students of the Uni­ essary by circumstances, all student s Program For Dec. S place December 12: "Holiday," a three ·up at a later date. City Photo." versity of Hawaii . will be given first are now granted the use of, the room. act comedy by Philip .BaiTy, directed At the doorway of Hawaii hall, for­ Arrangements for the taking of pic­ choice. Leia Miller, Howard Haysel­ A few months ago this room was in "The Peacemaker," a one-act play by Arthllf Wyman, will be presented mer students of McKinley will be given tures for ·the sophomores and fresh- a disgraceful condition due to disor­ will be pr~ented by t he Wakaba Kai: tJ.t the formal opening. don, and David Akana are in charge blanks Ito fill. A duplicate of that men will be made later. · of the tickets, while Hortense Moss­ derliness of a dozen or more university and the university unit of the J.
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