--NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD, SATURDAY? JUNE 6, 1925. I,, gawell, 0 S 1 I Twa baa Hevlnsj. Tlira the makeup of both combination I FALCONS VS. HERRUPS 0 t 1ID0 stoma run Baseball at a Glance Kpurgaon. is .,,,... I bass bits J. tfssall, Boons, The of the. will ba .utaks, lb Karr. kairlfli M Nulty, IjuuIiIs pi" y lineup Rangers M. Kair, p 4 111100 Itufflna tn to Totjt, on liaat-- as fnlolwa: Haven? c! Adamltlt Brief Sketches of t.'lavsland I.laHostuii I. Pasa on tialla MCAGUfci 1110 or Chant, p: Jack Argosy, Ibr AMERICA Local Team Has Good Attraction Totals n off out I'Spealuirg Karr 1, uff HufTlni. itiurlt hy pratton, b: Mllo Argosy. Ho; omton llultlitf J. Wild .ll. RACE TIGHTENING Liuplias ss; If; . Oaiuoa YiMlurday Famous Stars Booked for Tomorrow at St, a. a ft. h HO. A. It (islssl. MrGoan and Connelly. Tinta Kully, Hlmon, eft of Wllllama. cf , 4 1 1 4 0 II 5:05. Hiijmi. rf; und resurve, Yankaakas, , . Philadelphia Detroit 1 ttti in iiitumiuwutiHnKttummitaSports' NMsr's Elcld. t ' Utsall, Jb ,,,, ..4 ) I Belfela, E, Huyea and Wit ham. The Washington , Chicago S. Boons, rf , . , , ..4 0 From Kufnlr will line as fol- New York 10, Bt. I.ouls 1. (Continued preceding Page) Vuuha, If .... ,.4 Dragons up The are nil set for their , EPPA J. The Falcons A. C baseball team to Cross Bats pirates RIXEY, m. Todt, lb ..4 Rangers lows.' Miller, c: Gerlander, p; Ken-ur- e, In Waur-egu- n' Ponton 6, Cleveland 4. HeuN game, tomorrow (tternoon Cincinnati will engage a sweet team tomorrow ClOUM. c o u o o u U mli)', 3ti , . ..: as; I.lpeti. lb; Keehner, 2b;' or .3 0 0 0 as 1 With Dragons Tomorrow because Ins fact that Pitcher afternoon at St. Mary's hold In the I'vnligrrt, p i ..4 "t,ce, ..,',11 0 0 0 0 !., c . ... Werdelln, Sb; Elton, Aldrlch, palmer h o far recover- The Standing Born Culpeper. Vu May 3, 1891. nine of Hartford. The visit, Itlankstishlp, p Having, ,.3 The Hangers, A C. baseball nine "Lefty" Herrups 0. Harris, 1 1 1 0 9 0 (.'arlyla, i ..0 Pepin and O'Uilen. outfielders ed' fiunv a bad uttsck of rheuma- Woo Lost P.C. League Career team no Introduction to will cross bat wlib. the Dragons, a Major Joined lug needs Klaislead, It ..1 ' U'Nell, c. and Anderson, p. Manager !x to ill 13 .Tut :;l 3 24 11 rtna-all- combination of Kafnlr on tism thai lit able one again Philadelphia Phillies In 1113, coming direct from the fans of. New Britain because of Totals t I Ki ,, ..0 players, Aldrlch's choice for tomorrow'i lilv on (ha mound. Washington f- 17 .830 University of Traded In their numerous In pant WASHINGTON lluftllif, V , , . ..9 the Pioneer diamond tomorrow occupy position Virginia. showings A.U. It. H. I'O. A. kJ. game will be Gerlander I ' 24 .533 1920 look' The will start Thing loolteil prwtty black for ha Chicago l! fall of for JJuale and tng to years. In 1923, the Herrups f 6 0 I S' d 1 33 l 37 . S 3 afternoon. game M.Neely. ' Totals I fit. 24 28 Bcssu-Lelun- 3 for time, but with Pal- Louis .480 the Reds.. ailiu d H. Jb 3 1 3 -- One out when run promptly at o'clock sav- Corsairs a team, piloted by Hjrrls, 11 winning daylight L'nited la 1 0 The States the secoa4 mer doing hla atuff, the Corsairs Cleveland 21 2S ,477 Outatandng 22 guinea Flunk McCoun, Into camp for two like, rf I 5 yi Butlrd for Having In till. ing time and should be one of the If 1 I 0 u x Battad for In (111, or in a ffilr to turn In another Detroit 20 .417 and lost, 10 In 1916. Haa beun 'In last Ooilln, ...I Hurting best games of the year. Both teams gold producing country In the worlit, way straight games and year ludso, II I 7 0 0 Ran (or CarlUIr In ttli. - New York 18 27. .400 ...,4 4 have entered the Cant-d- a win. , . one world series. Allowed only 1.85 down to break' even with the locals lllucKH, 31 3 1 t 3 3 0 ("laialand mn inn 1i city league and the Transvaal being first and lloston 1 17 29 .870 earned rum per game also In 1916. In a lwoganie match. 1't.i klnpauifh, ks'....3 Boaton 101 000 1035 fans will ba able to get a line on third. 2 13It 1 One the fiun don't want to The. Kalvons will have their strong- llual, u 1101 game 0 0 n 0 la the rtangeri-Kafn- lr Dragon Games Today est In the Meld and word 'el(.dkte, ......3 ,mlaa WACFARLANE CHAMPION lineup Mnrberry. pl. 0 0 0 0 1 t contest to ba pluyed tomorrow alter-noo- n HI, Louis at Now York. from Hartford Is that the visitors atartlng at '2:3(1 o'clock on the Detroit at Philadelphia. will conici well prepared to tuck the Totals - 31 1" 27 t 1 Pioneer diamond. .Tommy Aldrlch, Cleveland at Boston. game away with a nasty full out of Hatud for Cier.gros 111 tni. National Golf Till lis I'Menav loft ooo n:o a at Wins, Open . manager of thu Dragons, haa hla Chicago Washington. ,lhe Kaleoiy. Waxhlnnion .i... 010 Ono 4(r- x- to Into the The will line up Two l.ona litis BleugB, McNeely. Tliraa , team Just Itching get Gruelling Tie Contest With bobby visiting Herrups will have to (iaincs Tomorrow tomorgow as follows: Welch, c; l.naa lilt re.'klniisugh. Stolen bases tame und thu Hangers Hwrlflcea Uoveln-Ul- hla ftt. Louis New York. Jones. Webb, ss; Pavla, Uoslln. Judite. trael some to take nohorti at Parrel, lbr Parker,, 2b; Rhftaly, Collins, It. Harris. Doubls Into Chicago at Washington. Malr, 3b: TlbbOls, If; Charron, cf; lilny Kanim to Collins to Wheiily. l,aft cump , June 6. Kan-ell- tv 13. (Other teams not scheduled.) Worcester, Mass., (AP) Bausle, rf; Cleary, If and V. oft bHaea Chicago S, Hfchlngtnn Base Willie n , 1, of the Landers JlacKarlanc, professional of 3b balls ofr t'vengroa Blankanslilp The old timers t'oveleskla t. Marhnrry 1. Struck out liy the Glen Oaks club at Tuckahoe, N. follow- High "tret plant gave the baseball The Falcon will put the Cveiigios 5. Covelenkls 2. Slarharry I. lilts Y., Is the national cham- R team of the a few pointers on NATIONAL LEAGUE open golf ing men 4i the field: Jervls, If; off Cvenirros i In 7, ofr .Coveleskle In plant of the United 7 3 0 to national pion States und Budnlck. 3b: Sheehun. Blaiikenalilp I" ) Marljerry how play the pastime Kreader, cf; 1 hardly. leas than (hut, he Is the con- in Hit by nltoher by Cvsnstros The old timers Games Yesterday rf; Klalka, lb: Kania, 2b; Wojak. Coveleskle. Los Thursday night. queror of Hobby Jones. l.ludKr.) Winning pltrher to thu one mfter New York 11, tit. Louis 6. ' ss; Sulllck, c; Kania, p; Jakalaski, Cvengros. Umpires Owens stepping up plate The one developed from the other Inp' with for 7, Chicago 6. p. and Zlgler, 3b. and noKlnnd. Time I:on. another becoming modesty Brooklyn on the links of the Worcester Coun- on the diamond. Philadelphia . Pittsburgh 5. (11 SH,,, past exploits try club yesterday on the 36th hole, ST. LOUIS W a 14 to 2 win. -- awVtted the ill for innings). the last In two off matches A.B. R. H. PO. A. B. 'trg "TMiia)aMiaMMaiBaiiii.aH-jBn3j- a7 0. in- play nix and O'Uoy were the stars for Cincinnati 1, Boston (10 to decide LEADING HITTERS Robertson, 3b 5 2 0 necessary the champion- 0 0 the winners and Manager Squires nings). left Rr. rf 5 112 ship unoccupied temporarily by 5 1124 the for the losing Plsler, lb 10 played points the tie at the end of the tournament Williams, If I 3123 3 0 0 I club. The Standing . 2b 3 0 2 2 3 0 I siO Wedaesday. ' IN M.'Manua, i $S Won Lost P.C. BOJUEAGUES 3 0 1 3 0 0 All the sensations of the annual test Ja'obKon, rf I "TTji- --us-- 3 sa 2 0 1, 2 0 0 IWBrCo: Landers Interdepart'ment fac- New Yorl? 30 13 .698 90 Dixon, f The in which professionals and four 1 0 0 0 0 0 '. 25 19 T"Wn. I starts on the second ...... .588 1 0 0 1 1 0 tory league Brooklyn amateurs participated, seemed to (Continued From Preceding Page) Rego, r round of the schedule next Tues- Pittsburgh 22 19 .537 center about this double terraced Lnmotte, ss 4 0 10 1 13 on Landers Recreation .... 21 21 .50 home ("iaston, r 0 0 day night Philadelphia green. Hagen approached It Bob Meusel of the Yankees Is 5 0 0 1100 2 0 2 r.lard, p fiedl The two teams tied .477 1 0 0 diamond. Cincinnati .21 Thursday, needing a three to tie, and taking care of the home runs until Bennett, x for first place, the and Chicago .19 2 422 hla second went to a trap, Babe Ruth begins making them 110 38 7 13 14 U 0 the Trade Shoppers, will step It Boston IS 25 .419 Ouimet had the same opportunity, again. Meusel, by cracking out a Totals 27 .3S6 NEW YORK sgalnst one another and the sparks St.
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