The Water Wheel July/August 2019 1 CONTENTS 04 UPFRONT WATER AND THE ENVIRONMENT 12 On the hunt for the elusive riverine rabbit WATER INFRASTRUCTURE 16 Mzimvubu Water Project – bane or boon for the Wild Coast? WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 21 Crossing borders – Achieving successful transboundary river management in Central Asia WATER AND AGRICULTURE 26 Satellite imagery employed to help conserve irreplaceable agricultural lands WATER AND AGRICULTURE 30 Best management practices boosts yield in smallholder irrigation schemes THE WATER WHEEL is a two-monthly WOMEN IN SCIENCE magazine on water and water research 34 Celebrating the National Biodiversity Assessment’s women of published by the South African Water science Research Commission (WRC), a statutory organisation established in 1971 by ESTUARIES Act of Parliament. Subscription is 40 Plight of estuarine fishes in the spotlight free. Material in this publication does not necessarily reflect the considered WATER AND SANITATION SERVICES opinions of the members of the WRC, 42 Water remains a moving target in South Africa and may be copied with acknow- ledgement of source. WATER KIDZ 44 What’s up with the climate? Editorial Committee: Dr Sylvester Mpandeli (Chair), Ms Khosi AT A GLANCE Vaal Dam – A strategic water resource Jonas, Ms Manjusha Sunil, Mr Bonani 46 Madikizela, Dr Mamohloding Tlhagale and Sudhir Pillay. Editorial offices: Water Research Commission, Private Bag X03, Gezina, 0031, Republic of South Africa. Tel (012) 761 9300. Fax (012) 331-2565. WRC Internet address: http://www.wrc.org.za Follow us on Twitter: @WaterWheelmag Editor: Lani van Vuuren, E-mail: [email protected]; Editorial Secretary: Dikeledi Molutsi, The elusive riverine rabbit E-mail: [email protected]; remains one of South Africa’s Layout: Anja van der Merwe, E-mail: [email protected] least understood creatures. Now Printing: Oshiang Printers its habitat is threatened. See Email: [email protected] story on page 12. The Water Wheel July/August 2019 3 Upfront FLUID THOUGHTS An integration decision of note WRC CEO, Dhesigen Naidoo At the heart of South Africa’s water woes lies our continued of human settlement from single developments, such as the inability to utilise the water we already have innovatively, appropriately lauded Cornubia and Cosmo City to city and effectively, efficiently and with the right levels of efficacy. region-wide planning represents the theatre of change. We need to bring to bear the now considerable repository of new water This is not in any way discounting the vagaries of climate change knowledge and incredible water and sanitation innovations into and the increased frequency of extreme weather events. The designing all new development on the basis of water sensitive extended El Niño cycles, including the frequent low impact ones, design (WSD). have certainly had an accumulative effect – especially in our ability to timeously recover sufficiently between dry spells. These It is an area of strength for the highly productive South African are real, and represent the new boundary conditions for our water science and technology community of practice, steered water planning, and perhaps this is where we have been wanting. and supported by the Water Research Commission, which is It should, of course, be informing not only water planning, but rated by the ISI (International scientific indexing) as being in overall development and economic planning. the top twenty globally. WSD, combined with game-changing technology, will not only ensure a water secure future for The promise in the new Cabinet portfolio in the form of Human South Africa, but also set us on a pathway toward a low carbon Settlements, Water and Sanitation under the stewardship of economy and a sustainable development future. Minister Lindiwe Sisulu may hold the key. The reconceptualisation ,5:DWHU 0DQDJHPHQW :DWHU4XDOLW\ :DWHU,QQRYDWLRQ (QYLURQPHQW LPSURYLQJ+XPDQ 6HWWOHPHQWV 1HZ 6DQLWDWLRQ 6XVWDLQDEOH +XPDQ 6HWWOHPHQWV 1HZ:DWHU7DSV XUEDQDQGUXUDO 6XSSO\GLYHUVL¿FDWLRQ :() 6PDUW:DVWHZDWHU 7UHDWPHQW :DWHU6HQVLWLYH'HVLJQ :6' 4 The Water Wheel July/August 2019 Upfront These interventions include direct contribution areas of crises have far-reaching implications. If we don’t accelerate research and innovation toward realising sustainable human the adoption of these new solutions, we have the unwelcome settlements, interventions to enhance both water access as well prospect of living out the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2019 as resource (water and financial) efficiency. They include New Global Risk Perception Survey’s connectivity analysis. It first Sanitation, innovations in water quality and the environmentally reminds us that water has been consistently in the top 5 global sensitive water development, a fundamental diversification risks in terms of impact from 2012 to 2019, having been the of water-supply options, smart – beneficiation oriented and number one risk in 2015. It further connects the water crisis risk decentralized (localised) wastewater treatment, innovative WSD, not only to natural disasters, biodiversity loss and ecosystem embracing the water-energy-food nexus and fully implementing collapse and our collective Climate Change inaction; but is also a 4th Industrial Revolution approach to water and sanitation a critical factor in the failure of global and regional governance, management. interstate conflict, the fiscal crisis and unemployment. Taking advantage of our water science and technology asset We need to bring to bear the now will not only significantly enhance our water security. If done correctly, the net result will also be in increased energy and considerable repository of new water nutritional security, with concomitant improved health security. In addition, and if the correct investments are made, we can knowledge and incredible water and industrialise our water and sanitation innovations and produce sanitation innovations into designing all for a global market as envisaged in the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP). This, in turn, significantly changes the risk profile new development on the basis of water of water financing and investment as more private sector sensitive design (WSD). participation – through large corporates as well as start-ups and co-operatives – are enabled. The possibilities are compelling. We stand at a turning point for the South African development narrative – one that has the dual There is a significant convergence in all global analyses and mutually reinforcing opportunity to simultaneously improve that from an economic, social, environmental, political and the quality of life for the poorest of the poor while creating fertile security viewpoint the increase of water scarcity on the back ground for industrialisation and entrepreneur development in of decreased availability as well as deteriorating water quality South Africa, Africa and the developing world. It will announce a is a crowning global crisis. These solutions, therefore, promise step change in water management for the 21st century. to mitigate and eventually solve the local and global water WATER DIARY Water governance Research and development Emerging contaminants 27-39 August 11-13 September 4-8 November The Water Institute of Southern Africa The Water Research Commission will be The second African Conference on Health is hosting a training course on water hosting its fourth biennial Symposium at Effects of Endocrine Disruptors will be governance, in the Western Cape. the Sandton Convention Centre. hosted by the University of Pretoria at its For more information, For more information, Future Africa Campus. Visit: www.wisa.org.za Visit: www.wrc.org.za For more information, Visit: www.up.ac.za World Water Groundwater Large dams 25-30 August 20-23 October 6-8 November Hosted by the Stockholm International The 16th Groundwater Division Conference The annual conference of the South Water Institute, World Water Week will and Exhibition will be held in Port African National Committee on Large be held in Stockholm, Sweden, with the Elizabeth under the theme ‘Conservation, Dams (SANCOLD) will take place at theme ‘Water for society – including all’. demand and surety’. For more Kopanong Hotel and Conference Centre, For more information, information, Visit: www.gwd.org.za Benoni. Visit: www.worldwaterweek.org Visit: sancold.org.za The Water Wheel July/August 2019 5 Upfront NEWS Scientists draw attention to environmental risks of nanomaterials Some of the most common household a case of contaminants of emerging Production and use of nano-enabled products, including sunscreens, hair concern because their environmental products are increasing, and experts are relaxers, lotions and cleaning detergents, behaviour differs from their larger- concerned about the increased likelihood contain engineered nanomaterial sized counterparts and, thus, their risk of environmental release across the ingredients that, when released into the management does not fit well into the product lifecycle, predominantly during environment, have the potential to cause existing environmental risk assessment use and disposal, especially in light of the nanopollution. frameworks,” explains CSIR senior current information gaps with respect to researcher and study leader, Dr Melusi the implications of nanopollution. This is according to scientists from Thwala. the CSIR who, along with colleagues Overall, the current findings indicate that from the University of Johannesburg, The studies were conducted to improve most identified nano-enabled products, the Nelson Mandela
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