THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 Dec. 16, 2009 • vol 25 no 11 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com Lesbian Is Houston Mayor page 9 Gay Latino BY Lisa KEEN ton, was pummeled by an anti-gay campaign KEEN NEWS SERVICE against her in the month-long run-off election. Group’s Grant One effort tried to portray Parker as part of a gay Annise Parker, an openly gay public official, takeover of the city government. Her opponent won the final mayoral election race in Houston was more subtle, saying he was “not running Dec. 12, becoming the first openly gay person to be a role model” but to be mayor, but news to be elected as mayor of one of the top five emerged late in the campaign that members of most populated cities in the United States. The his finance committee had made sizeable dona- victory makes Parker head of the fourth largest tions to the campaigns opposing Parker because populated city in the country. she is gay. “Tonight the voters of Houston have opened Two other openly gay candidates were seek- the doors to history,” said Parker in her accep- ing election in the Dec. 12 runoff: council in- tance speech at George Brown Convention Center cumbent Sue Lovell and council challenger Lane Saturday night. “I acknowledge that. I embrace Lewis. Lovell won her seat with 54 percent of that. I know what this win means to many of us the vote; Lewis failed, with only 43 percent. who thought we could never achieve high office. According to the Houston Chronicle, Parker page 18 I know what it means. I understand, because I won with 53 percent of the vote to opponent feel it, too. But now, from this moment, let us Gene Locke’s 47 percent. The paper noted that join as one community. We are united in one she was not only the “first openly gay person to Addams Family goal in making this city the city that it can be, lead a major U.S. city” but also the first candi- Review should be, might be, will be.” date in Houston in a generation to beat the can- Parker, 53, who has been openly gay during all Annise Parker. 12 years of her time in elected office in Hous- Turn to page 4 Paul Rudnick page 21 Guide to the Gays December 9, 2009 #1007 nightspotsn pick it up Gettin’ Serviced You just got served... at Cocktail for geNo’s birthday party. take it home inSIDE page 16 Berlin anniversary faces. Tabatha’s takin’ over! page 21 page 14 At least 10 openly gay and lesbian candidates are running for various political offices Feb. 2. Get more insight into these individuals in our guide. See page 12. Brought to you by the combined efforts of page 22 windy 1118 pass:Layout 1 11/12/09 4:07 PM Page 1 2 Dec. 16, 2009 GIVE THE GIFT YOU’D WANT YOURSELF THE 2009-10 STEPPENWOLF PASS Treat those on your holiday list this year to the Steppenwolf Pass— World Class Theatre that fits into their schedule. Get 3 tickets to one show or 1 ticket to three shows, the Pass is the most flexible way to experience our season. With quantities limited, don’t miss out on the easiest way to enjoy any of these exciting plays. Tickets are subject to availability. American Buffalo December 3, 2009 – February 7, 2010 The Brother/Sister Plays January 21 – May 23, 2010 Endgame April 1 – June 6, 2010 A Parallelogram July 1 – August 29, 2010 Order online at steppenwolf.org or call 312-335-1650. steppenwolf Dec. 16, 2009 3 index A NEW HORIZON NEWS in improving bodily appearance Feldblum passes hurdle 4 Parker makes history 4 • Hair Removal Mercado resolution adopted 7 • Botox LGBT violence forum 8 Gay Latino group’s grant 9 • Fillers Quotelines 9 Views: Monroe, Mahany 10 • Zerona Immigration measure 11 (for simple body contour improvement) Andersonville confrontation 11 • SmartLipo GUIDE TO THE GAYS (for a more enduring contour) Gay/lesbian candidates 12 Fehn, Pauel interviews 13 A rather bizarre confrontation took place last week between openly gay state ENTERTAINMENT Senate candidate Jim Madigan and Leo Over 40? Feeling tired? Scottish Play Scott 17 Smith (above), husband of incumbent Can’t keep up at work? Theater 18 state Sen. Heather Steans. See page 11. Jackie Hoffman 19 Photo by Lauren Peters Call Dr. Evans to change your life! Knight at the Movies 20 DVD review: Shank 20 Age-management Paul Rudnick talks 21 Book review: My Diva 21 medicine for Billy Masters 23 upper-level health Pop Making Sense 25 evaluation and OUTLINES individualized care Calendar Q 22 packages. ENFUSE Real estate; classifieds 24 A NEW HORIZON Sports: Nils Sundin 26 The Addams Family (starring Bebe Dr. William B. Evans Cover photos and credits (from top): Photo of Edwin Corbin-Gutierrez, Julio Rodriguez and Ruben Feliciano by Neuwirth and Nathan Lane) is review on 1645 W. North Ave. • 773-904-8310 Sam Worley; Addams Family photo by Joan Marcus; Paul page 18. 2457 N. Halsted St. • 773-904-8191 Rudnick PR photo Photo by Joan Marcus enfusemedspas.com C\jY`Xe@j ?fljkfeDXpfi >XpCXk`ef ;FNECF8;K?@J >iflgËj>iXek >fkfnnn%N`e[p:`kpD\[`X>iflg%Zfdkf[fnecfX[Zfdgc\k\`jjl\jf] 8[[Xdj=Xd`cp I\m`\n N`e[p:`kpK`d\jXe[E`^_kjgfkj% >l`[\kfk_\>Xpj GXlc Il[e`Zb Polo Café’s n K_\eZc`ZbfeXepX[Xe[Y\kXb\e[`i\Zkcpkfk_\X[m\ik`j\iËjN\Yj`k\ Quarter-Century Christmas www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 nightspotsn ONLINE INDEX Christmas Carols, Candles and Figgy Pudd’n! GETTIN; ASSETS TO ASSETS PMFOR Geoff Duffy & Polo Café Staff SERvICED PM #ATHERINE/#ONNELL &IRE0OINT-USIC#OMPANYS Aperture ANDTHE3T*AMES#ATHOLIC#HURCH#HOIR December 9, 2009 #1007 Tom Franklin (right) has Photo by w/Geoff Duffy Anthony Meade written another useful article about money—this SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 Gettin’ Serviced time about sharing You just got served... at Cocktail for geNo’s birthday party. inSIDE page 16 Berlin anniversary faces. Tabatha’s takin’ over! page 21 page 14 property when you can’t ‘Twas the BRUNCH Four Days Before the marry. Night Before Christmas! THE MULTI- TALENTED AM PM 3TEVE3MITHPLAYING0OLO#AFÏSMAGNIlCENT Photo courtesy of Franklin CHARLES Rogers 360 Theater Organ BUSCH WHAT’S THEIR ‘LINE?’ SHOW# 342 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31 WCT’s Jerry Nunn talks Polo Café’s 1st Annual “New Year’s Eve Party 2010” with several people PM -IDNIGHT &IRE0OINT-USIC#OMPANYSAperture and connected with the before 12/25, The Tony Alvarez Band www.WindyCity new Bravo reality show after 12/25 Queercast.com Launch My Line. Make your reservations TODAY space is limited and parking is complimentary Photo courtesy of Bravo MOvIE kIND OF lovE Give Polo Café and TVN Bridgeport Bed and Breakfast QueerTVNetwork.com Disc and That is back, with more DVD recom- GIFT CERTIFICATES mendations, including Place your order in advance in any amount. Check OUT OUR Extract (right). video CHANNEL for “Something different ... something wonderful!” new videos WEEkly sPOLOCAFECOMs3-ORGAN3T www.QueerTv Network.com "RIDGEPORT"ED!ND"REAKFASTCOM 4 Dec. 16, 2009 Feldblum passes Pelosi lauds lift of ONLINE AT needle-funding ban WINDYCITYMEDIAGROUP.COM committee hurdle U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has NATIONAL NEWS BY Lisa KEEN issued a statement praising the inclusion of lan- KEEN NEWS SERVICE guage in the fiscal year 2010 Consolidated Ap- propriations Act that lifted the ban on federal A Senate committee approved the nomination funding for syringe-exchange programs that help of openly gay law professor Chai Feldblum Dec. limit the spread of HIV. 10 to serve as a member of the U.S. Equal Em- “Sound science is an essential component of ployment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The good public health policy, and science must nomination now goes to the full Senate, where come first in our public health policy decisions,” —Gay man to it could still face opposition. Pelosi said. “The language lifting the ban on the run Right-wing groups turned up the volume on use of federal funds for syringe exchange ap- as mayor their opposition to the nomination in recent propriately allows local public health and law in Kentucky days. enforcement officials to determine where ex- Focus on the Family, the Traditional Values Co- changes should operate in their communities. —John Perez alition, the Liberty Counsel, the American Family (left) Chai Feldblum. Photo by Rex Wockner “Injection drug use is linked to 12 percent of Association and a number of other ultraconser- new HIV infections, as well as most Hepatitis C to be first gay vative groups signed onto a Dec. 8 letter to the Her nomination has also been endorsed by the infections. Lifting the ban on federal funding for Calif. U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pen- U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Society of syringe exchange is a big victory for science and Assembly sions Committee, saying they “strongly oppose” Resource Management. for public health.” speaker Feldblum’s nomination. They cited a number of Clearing the committee vote, while important, concerns, the biggest of which appeared to be does not guarantee Feldblum’s nomination clear that Feldblum believes that religious institu- sailing on the Senate floor, and Republicans HOUSTON from cover chael Mitchell said Parker’s victory is “another tions that engage in commercial activities in the have, in fact, held up action on a number of reminder to people across America that being public realm must adhere to anti-discrimination Obama nominees this year by using a Senate rule didate favored by the business establishment.
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