North American Falconers Association ~ April 2017 HawkChalk 1 N O R T H A M E R I C A N F A L C O N E R S A S S O C I A T I O N Our Mission and Purpose: Is to improve, aid, and encourage competency in the art and practice of MOREMORE Value, Performance falconry among interested persons; to provide communication among and to disseminate information to interested Members; to promote scientific study of the raptorial species, their care, welfare and training; to promote conservation of the birds of prey and an appreciation of their value in nature and in wildlife and Peace of Mind – ForFor LESS.LESS. conservation programs; to urge recognition of falconry as a legal field sport; and, to establish traditions INTRODUCING THE NEW R-600A RECEIVER – which will aid, perpetuate, and further the welfare of falconry and the raptors it employs. THE PINPOINT ACCURATE AND AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE. Identification Statement Publication name and frequency: “HawkChalk” (ISSN 0441-6503) is published three times a year, in April, August and December, by the North American Falconers Association (NAFA) at 15 NE 151st Ave, Portland, OR 97230 Issue Number: ONLY Vol. LVl No.1, April 2017 For complete specs visit : Subscription included in NAFA dues. $499.95 WWW.COM-SPEC.COM Postage paid in Connecticut and at other offices. Mailing Address For Change Of Address Orders POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: NEW R-600A HawkChalk, c/o Brandi Nickerson Telemetry Receiver Features: Standard Features 7828 Hood St., Fort Worth, TX 76135 You’ve Come To Trust: n Quick and accurate frequency selection in 1kHz steps that works with any transmitter in n Full 2 year warranty, Editor, Layout & Design: Dan Milner / Copy Editor: Kathleen Cokas the 216, 217, 218, 219, 220 & 221 MHz 30 day no questions Disclaimer: The views and opinions contained in material submitted for publication herein do not frequency bands for the ultimate coverage. asked return policy. necessarily reflect the policy of NAFA. NAFA takes no responsibility for the factual accuracy of n Smaller compact design with n Holster style carrying case the information contained in material submitted for publication, and readers are hereby advised new detachable folding antenna: with belt loop included. to independently confirm any information published herein. In addition, nothing published 20.25”x11.25” with antenna extended. n Fast same day shipping. herein is intended as professional advice or counsel on any subject, and should not be relied on n 4 position RF gain switch for as such. Readers are hereby advised to seek the advice and counsel of their own professionals pinpoint close-in position accuracy. regarding any topic or subject matter contained herein. NAFA does not assume, and hereby n Super selective crystal filter for greater range COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALISTS, INC. disclaims, any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or 426 WEST TAFT AVENUE • ORANGE, CA 92865-4296 omissions contained herein, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, in highly congested RF environments. 714.998.3021 • FAX 714.974.3420 n Superior frequency stability under US & CANADA 800.854.0547 • FAX 800.850.0547 or any other cause. NAFA publications are not scientific, peer-reviewed publications. www.com-spec.com e-mail: [email protected] all temperature conditions. Front Cover: Tanner Schaub Back Cover Photo: Rob English n Lighted meter. n External DC power jack. 2 HawkChalk April 2017 ~ North American Falconers Association North American Falconers Association ~ April 2017 HawkChalk 3 CS_R600A_HawkChalk_FullPgClr_ad1_press.indd 1 1/3/17 10:24 AM NAFA Webmaster Northeastern Director Fred Fogg (CT, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT) Winston-Salem, NC Joe Kosakowski [email protected] 38 Longview Road TABLE OF CONTENTS Lebanon, NJ 08833 IAF Representative - Canada 908.566.8822 Martin Geleynse [email protected] Officers & Directors 4 [email protected] North Pacific Director Presidents Message 6 IAF Representative - Mexico (AK, OR, WA) Mountain Director / Domski 8 NAFA Officers / Staff Juan Carlos Rojo Clifford Kellogg [email protected] P.O. Box 42/n North Bend, WA 98045 South Pacific Director / Boberg 10 President IAF Representative - USA 425.888.9598 Scott McNeff Dan Cecchini, Jr. [email protected] Central Director / Roeber 12 64 High Street [email protected] Deanna Curtis - Making Her Mark 14 Kennebunk, ME 0403 [email protected] Southeastern Director 207.604.6283 (AL, DE, DC, FL, GA, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, Talons To The Table 22 [email protected] SC, PR, TN, VA, WV) NAFA Board of Directors Richard Shores Northeastern Director / Kosakowski 24 Vice-President 7605 Hazelhurst Circle Sheldon Nicolle Apex, NC 27502 Southeastern Director / Shores 26 300 Luby Drive Director At-Large [email protected] Tom Bean, TX 75489 Greg Thomas Director-At Large / Chavez 28 214.288.0670 5125 E. 161st Street South Pacific Director [email protected] Noblesville, IN 46062 (CA, HI, NV) 2017 Alberta Falconry Association 30 [email protected] Gary Boberg Corresponding Secretary 616 W. 3rd Ave. Arkansas Hawking Asscoiation 32 Donna Vorce Director At-Large Escondido, CA 92025 NAFA FIELD MEET North Pacific Director / Kellogg 34 601 East 6th St Adam Chavez 760.535.3272 Davenport, NE 68335 31251 Paseo Monevideo [email protected] [email protected] San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Soaring Eagles & Fast Dogs / Atkinson 36 949.481.1511 NAFA Office of the General Membership Secretary [email protected] David LaMure Jr. - Artist 42 Brandi Nickerson Legal Counsel KEARNEY Canadian Director / Geleynse 46 7828 Hood St. Canadian Director Fort Worth, TX 76135 Martin Geleynse General Counsel Saskatchewan Falconers Club 48 480.788.6232 Ayr, Ontario Canada James H. Maynard, Esq. N E B R A S K A [email protected] 519.501.8611 [email protected] Jim Enderson - The Loss of a Legend 50 [email protected] Treasurer Associate General Counsel Colorado Hawking Club 56 April Davenport-Rice Central Director Ryan N. English, Esq. November 17 – November 24 207 Stockwood Drive (AR, IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD, OK, TX, MEXICO) [email protected] Supreme Sight, Vision in Raptors / Major 58 Stanley, NC 28164 Don Roeber 704.763.6730 9115 Bentwater Parkway Associate General Counsel Great Lakes Director / Borquist 64 [email protected] Cedar Hill, TX 75104 Brian F. Clayton, Esq. Kearney Holiday Inn [email protected] [email protected] Massachusetts Falconry & Hawk Trust 65 110 S 2nd Ave NAFA Journal Editor / HawkChalk Editor The Golden Saker 66 Dan Milner Great Lakes Director Kearney, Nebraska 68847 [email protected] (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI) CALL (308) 237-5971 Director-At-Large / Thomas 70 Rich Borquist Identify yourself as NAFA Meet participant Public Information Officer 1844 State Route 17 to receive the group discount rate. A Brush With Wildlife / Theissen 72 Deanna Curtis Varna, IL 61375 [email protected] 309.369.4293 Florida Hawking Fraternity 74 [email protected] Contact: Ralph Rogers - Meet Chair NAFA Foreign Liaison [email protected] Return to Kingman / The Coulsons 76 Mike Hope Mountain Director 406-350-5487 [email protected] (AZ, CO, ID, MT, NM, UT, WY) Texas Hawking Association 82 Paul Domski NAFA Sales Representative 36 Brendan Lane See all Details on the 2017 Meet Website: My Personal Thanks to everyone involved with this publi- Cathy B. Tintinger Tijeras, NM 87059 http://www.n-a-f-a.com/event/2017NAFAMeet cation: The Editorial Committee, the authors, the photogra- [email protected] 505.281.7124 phers, and ALL of our wonderful ADVERTISERS! Thanks [email protected] NAFA Medical Editor DON'T WAIT ~ SIGN UP TODAY! to April Davenport-Rice, our Treasurer, and also to Dianna Patrick T. Redig DVM McKinsey, our printer! I appreciate the time, effort, and the [email protected] contributions all of you made to bring this publication to fruition. Until next issue, be well, and support NAFA. Dan Milner ~ Editor 4 HawkChalk April 2017 ~ North American Falconers Association North American Falconers Association ~ April 2017 HawkChalk 5 On to the peregrine issue: As I write this, it has been less than 24 hours since the At- lantic Flyway Council meeting adjourned. Due to a lot of work by various members of NAFA, the issue of passage peregrine permits for falconry was on the agenda. In- creased access to peregrines is an issue that I’ve been working very hard on for sev- eral years, and with help from Dr. Alastair Franke, Brian Millsap, Martin Geleynse, Andrew Bullen, Dwight Lasure, Ralph Rogers, Sheldon Nicolle, Lynn Oliphant, and past President Bob Welle, we have finally succeeded in getting the flyway councils to approve and recommend an increase from 36 permits every autumn, to 144. Each of the 3 participating flyways are slated to receive 48 permits. I’ve been keeping my foot firmly on the proverbial gas but this is a very big step in the right direction, and it’s pedal of this issue and pushing it along as quickly as one that I am very proud to have been a part of. This is possible, and the perfect storm of variables and individ- really cause for celebration. uals finally came together to make it happen. A pivotal part of the process was the development of a relation- Finally, we are pressing forward with the ongoing issue ship with Florida biologist, Craig Faulhaber, who serves of access to golden eagles.
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