Currean Kirkham. In klown as Hunter's Cullege. She If appeariag "Eartb- TONIGHT at sN Uolduya's pictuastito of "Mile- now playlng in liai King's Sr Gilbert Parker to Write o ALL WEEE lived In large cite all over the uniforu,- AND Tom to collecting world. hAiSh. spent much of . Moore SHIBERT-GARRICK Me ime* in Nwitserland. where her he wears so many of em in his Pic- For Screen i lives, and where a liceman'.a white Suos grandrmother she tures. Me it" a and am way My 61 3ANINI naCoast cap- learned the art of skiing &ad snow- will. a fire Par- shoing. tia IL &ad is lookin f~ or more. Twenty-Sve years age Gilbert ker, before he became a baroffst had nUn a o Prior to to OBAO. ete.WIP. Kae Le4ter. who has become (a- CulleD IsAdis. thq youth who ban a wonderful 3.ea. leading roles in idea for 0 story. CLEVELAND. Oct. 24.- illar to 'fans for her interpretation risen so rapidly to When be it later to "Aphrodite," the Comstock & aNow York -Appema Of grande dame roeas a 04oldwyn pictures. was born, and told E4drewi. sU1END AWD LAW!T WUM or ol@Wyn pic- Nash- the the premier least estravagease that save tures. wae Is auidhoams, Mag- spent his early chUdbood. Is pianist who became thirsea shows at Keith's new land, and aduastd at ahe Not- ville. Tean. Ne I #illheipinsis of Poland, the great mueisan do- Hippodrae. broke all inancial W Coleg In New York Cty, now Iouthera osat. toared hin story would be ae to It- records for this city when It at- New Musical Comedy fluence hesse. trasted $103.1". One "special Sparking every civilized 10 HAMP.DEN Sir Gilbert Parker ban been think- breakfast matinee" at o'elock WALTER.the d&o=&Ud $or seaia in the morning bad to tuea away for "Haet"Dwe.tq rthapdeAs.~mwill no thr lag over that idea for a quarter of a would-be speetators. k Meant of century and saving it for the elimaa That Cleveland is in a healthy Thra1;wo-oo'b acco rdo4 is w - W of his A few theateriaal condition indicated Venie Asnr~arka,.4)wTb.q re09p'9'u mr~1 literary productions. by the fact that, while eharactersation of eyiock will furnish a pew at d r so- incident came to his "Aphro- fo the ftre." The otbor pa Mrse eqUnitvliahi asoathe ago dite" was setting all tongues a-- In their prakm of this and all the tr ridtetions. ittention rhlih rounded out the wagging. "Always You." with Virtue them. he had been 4herishing. Irene Franklin. was to ncess for the Pr -e .p. 6s.- playing e.pl.. r.pert.lre by a Story of LOW$* Wh~t) Monday. "Hamlet;" Tuh i Romo and JlletI' Wed- Bs big ad vital dpe it mm to him $15,000 in eight performances. ndaY. "Taming of tea?ew ;' Thursday., Itper that he is not going to entrust It, as A. BrowNe, B. C. Hiun and Gits Rie Paido, "Mt rchg fle he has ether novels, to the printed By Saturdayorniances,matinee."Hamlet;""The' Me fhant of Venice;" baturday NINTH AT D STREET N. W. page. The distinguished author is get the serial rights and the advanee night, Ta ing of the iPhr*w." miat FRoM TWELVE o-CLOCK to write' Ms for book rights in addition to what the - coNwYxWOeS DAILY going story directly Musical Entertainment in Town Xo! the motion picture screes. film would earm for me. Oct. 2 On his recent viett to England. "Without seeming philanthropie, I NOTICE--Special Madie. FrMay, HIONDAY AND ALL WEEK Jesse L Lasky, vice president of the want to do right by this study of a Diet ished Company of Fifty Unusual Revival et Charle. M. Kennedy's Beaplfal yanbeliog Pay Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. great theme. I would like my brother had eonvinced Sir Gilbert. along with authors also to f I their own per- Artists and Favorites Including THE SERVANT IN THE HOUSE Sir James M. Uarrie. Arnold Bease.t sonal responsibilitfi their works Edward Knoblock, and other British are going to reach the screen. WALTER HAMPDEN ER LAST men ef letters, that they could sot "Personally I think that the phete- Eis Gergely Part. PICTIiE Cajoly 'homnson Harrison Brockbamk As Manses. Mio Original afford to write for a few hundred play Is one, of the met vital lanu- Mine Mable Moore (Mrn. Hampdmn) An Mary. Her Original Part. thousand readate whom enoes in the world. I want to have a Kirkbride S Edwrds 8leir mossage Part in the of ew Richie ing Jass..BradfordJordan might be brought to many millions progress this great NEXT WEEK--SATS 'TURSDAY "OWING CONTINUED through the me4J8m of the screen. ferce. Pad Patterson Dial Paul Draper in New "It is the biggest weapon for tem- England MARC KLAW. Ine. When Sir Gilbert arrived perance in Praotes the Nowoet European Sensation BY PUBLIC DEMAND York tfie othor day he arranged with the world. In England Mr. Lasky to write his photoplay In the working man goes to a public AND A REAL SINGING AND DANCING CHORUS the California studios with the-advice house for entertainment. He drinks and co-operation of directors. con- for excitement. At the cinema he cap tinuity writers and specialties at get the excitement without taking "SONYA" Hollywood. alcohol and he can take his wife with him. Ninety-two Hickson Creations $rtra WITU He is on his way to Hollywood now VIOLET to spend three months in the Lasky "One of the most drunken places- I OTTO studio. There he will write and super- knpw was an industrial district in LIVE HOMAS vise the production of his original England. Two cinemas have ceee KRUGER HEMING photoplay. there during the past seven years. THE PLAY BY GAERVELA ZAPOLIKA "I want to take the best story I've Now it is a moderately sober coss- Adopted by Zdilth 111111a. staged by Emtanuel Belabor S Ix0 over thought of and do it myself into munity. a photoplay." he said. "It would be "I look upon the cinema also as a MATNE folly for me to produce a film like great international ambassador ter "EVERYIOIY'S SwEETHEARr' everybody else's film. If I'm going to good. No one who has lived through VOaA do pictures at all I want them to be the great war and watched it progress NIGUT~ 1211 big and original and true to life. can be unaware of the tremendous "Thq case of my 'The Right of Way' power of the firm. V.4 UDEVILLE FEA TURES WASMINGTON-SAtlaPLAYOSE Is an example of why J, or any other "In time of peace it makes the ordi- Aasa * CHANGE OF BiLL author, should take a direct interest nary British working man understand fiTII 6MPLTE in his own stories. 'The Right of that the cow puncher and wild' In- FTg: of Today A a ay oF LEE SHUBER Magnetic 0medleaae 09foehi Com Way' was pirated by a great firm. dian are not roaring as such in the DIRKIlON of and produced a miserable failure. streets of New York. He learns the Art won Corcoran LOU" When I filed them I customs The suit of NANCY BOYER In "MARY against this and the Gallery e - country WILLIAM Assisted by Msen" Teeita arry Hlamilton judgment in the New York courts. American learns the customs of Eng- Then the same firm produced it again, land from the screen. So It goes all is VICTORIA & DUPREE I HARVEY & STIFTER and it is now a tromendous financial the world round. Speetaculer do "Wee oite of Vaudveille" success. "A sculptor produces a great mas- NouIbih8ts "I would rather see my stories terpiece. It can be seen in only one A M~ama .£mbu agce through to the screen than have them place. So with the painter. A com- NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC handled unsympathetically by others. poser writes a great opera. It can o=-- KENN$$5 All COMPANY Il'u"..n In order to do this'I think it my duty be heard in a few places only. But to study the technique of this new the great film goes to every village of AVER~tlRSMHAKN0 DAVE MANLEY medium and to prepare my stories the smallest sise in every country after been closed for RAND & GOULD | HON. with the photoplay in mind." &tdSA Cl/LMAP AROC7K f having, temporarily In Nonseunicalities In "Leave the Hall" throughout the woruld. It teaches "Will this new story of yours be art, furniture, custom. character-thg the of the made over later into a novel?" he was best in art and furniture and custom purpose redecorating galleries. Added Attretiens Late attne. Performaanee Only asked. MULTIPLE REEL COMEDY-SCENIC--NEWS WEEKLY and the truest in character. The reply came with much firmness. "That is I believe that HOURS: "Impossible. That would be manu- why every TODAY-David Hall & Co.g De Lea A Ormang Chryetie & Ryans Etc. facturing. I cannot manufacture important author should write for stories in that fashion. would the screen. it is an art by itself. It from 12:00 M. to 4:30 P. M. Money 'has come to It will TWAINYp Mondays, not Induce me to do It. stay. prevail." York Sir Gil- 9:00 A. M. to "It would pay ne better to write On his arrival in New Other week days, from would bert saw a print of the George Melford 4:30 M. it first as a novel.
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